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"Headdress marriage in Zhangfang" is also referred to as "erecting poles of a tent" by local people. "Zhangfang," a tent inhabited by Yugur herdsmen, refers specifically here to a small tent set up for a girl's daitou. Daitou refers to a girl wearing a toumian  相似文献   

Samuel P. Huntington published his new book Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity in 2004. This may be called a miniature version of his "Clash of Civilizations," i.e., the "clash of cultures" in America. The earlier work tries to answer the question of "who are we" and how we should respond to challenges against the background of Western civilization,  相似文献   

Comfort woman" (ianfu in Japanese) is an expression peculiar tothe Japanese language. According to the Japanese dictionary Kojien, acomfort woman "is a woman who went with the army to the front andgave solicitude to the officers and men. " But what is the real meaning of"solicitude?" Did they go with the army voluntarily or were they forcedto do so? Obviously the dictionary obscured the true meaning of the termand failed to reflect the atrocities inflicted on these women.The jurist Ms. Radh…  相似文献   

I. Did Chen Duxiu Really Want a"Second Revolution" ?In October 1923, the Soviet adviser Mikhail Markovich Borodin arrived in Guangzhou and Dr. Sun Yat-sen began to reorganize theGuomindang. A group of Guomindang veterans took this opportunity tolaunch another round of attacks on Chen Duxiu for his attempt to"reincarnate the soul of communism into the body of the Guomindang, "1giving rise to new controversies. Under such circumstances, the CentralCommittee of the Communist Party of Ch…  相似文献   

The Khmus, a small ethnic group of about 2, 700 people, arescattering across the two counties of Mengla and Jinghong which lie onthe Chinese-Laotian border. Research reports on this community beganto appear in China in the 1980s. The author conducted seveninvestigations in Mengla County over a span of three years, from August1995 to August 1998. The results of these investigations are presentedbelow. I. The Khmus"Khmu," meaning"man" or" people," is the term used by theKhmu to refer to th…  相似文献   

In order to resist the measures taken by the Wuhan government to weaken their power, the Nationalists in Nanjing represented by Jiang Jieshi began in the spring of 1927 to use underworld forces to indirectly seize party and administrative power in the areas under their control. After repeated consultations with some of the founding members of the Guomindang, Jiang Jieshi, motivated by the desire to establish a separate central organ and to legitimize his own position, launched the so-called "purge" marked by the April Twelfth Massacre. After realizing  相似文献   

ChenYinqueoccupiesaprominentpositioninthe20th-centuryacademictraditioninChina,notonlybecauseofhisoutstandingworkinthestudyofhistoryand,inparticular,culturalhistory,butforhisnewapproachto"culturalhistoricism."Chenstoodatthemeetingpointofancientandmodern,ChineseandWesterncultures.HegrewupinanexcellentenvironmentoftraditionalscholarshipandalsobegantoreceiveaWesterneducationinhisearlyyears.HewenttoJapanin1906,studiedatBerlinUniversityfrom1909to1913,andagainlivedinBerlinfrom1921to1926.Atthattim…  相似文献   

A scholar with little or even no ability to speak a foreign language is hardly qualified for international studies in this so-called "globalization" era. Translated works may be helpful, but it is absolutely necessary to be good at the relevant foreign language. On the  相似文献   

It should be said that the issue of how to measure transaction cost has existed ever since the day the idea of transaction cost came into being, although the concept was only formally put forward as late as 1960 by Kenneth J. Arrow. According to Ronald Coase, "The main reason why profitable to establish a firm would seem to be that there is a cost of using the price mechanism." "The explanation for the existence of enterprises that allocate resources through internal managerial decisions lies in the avoidance of the cost that would be incurred if the transaction was carried out through the market." Obviously, what needs to be done next is to quantify the "cost of making use of the price mechanism."  相似文献   

Aninternationalsymposiumon"ReflectionsontheHistoryofChineseLiterature"washeldfrom13to15October1995inHongKongandhostedbytheDepartmentofHumanities,HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology.AmongthosewhoattendedthesymposiumwerescholarsfromthemainlandofChina,t…  相似文献   

The most important task of a well-organized society is to cultivate in its people a spirit of rational cooperation and organic fellowship. Chinese society has always been known to scholars as an "ethics-based"  相似文献   

ICritics use" conflict between civilization and the savage,"discovery and recasting of the national soul," anti-faudalism,"humanism," etc., to describe the main literary currents of the firstdecade of the New Period. By these labels they refer to such trends as"Scars," "Introspection," "Reform" and" Roots." We can actually putthem all under one single heading, "Enlightenment," considering theprevalence of the enlightenment ethos in the 1980s. In fact, all the fourfictional trends from" …  相似文献   

The essence and forms of expression of things in the world are oftennot consistent, and in some cases even run counter to each other. Forexample, mirages in the natural world, and the distorted reflection offorms in the economic, political and cultural life of human society. It isprecisely because of this that all types of sciences have reason to exist. AsKarl Marx said, "All science would be superfluous if the outwardappearance and the essence of things directly coincided. "1Of late, "econo…  相似文献   

Since China began to adopt the fertilitypolicy of "one couple, one child" in the1970s, many demographers have warned thatwe need to be concerned about the aging ofpopulation brought about by this policy andthe accompanying issue of social securityfor the aged. Now more than quarter of a  相似文献   

"Human literature" and "free literature" are two basic ideas advocated repeatedly by liberal Chinese writers from Hu Shi to Zhu Guangqian. They are also two key propositions in Chinese liberal literature. In the chaotic and complex environment of the 1930s and 1940s, in joint efforts with Hu Shi and Zhou Zuoren from the 1920s on, with the Crescent School, the Beijing School and the Analects School in this period, and with Zhu Guangqian and Xiao Qian in the 1940s, Liang Shiqiu spared no efforts to defend and deepen these two basic propositions.  相似文献   

During the May 4th literary revolution, poetry triumphed, althoughthe new literature warriors had once believed that it was the mostdifficult fortress to capture. Most Chinese poets abandoned the oldpoetic formula and became "new poets" who wrote in plain or vernacularlanguage that was not subject to the restrictions of rhyme and meter.Nearly one hundred years have passed since this time and innumerablenew types of poems have been created, read and criticized. We have nowreached the point at …  相似文献   

IThe Class Monitor (Banzhuren ) marked a new era in Chineseliterature, and is significant as the first indicator of the intellectualawakening of writers as the creative subject. As the nation denounced the"Gang of Four" who plotted to seize the highest authority, writersreflected in their works of fiction that the worst disaster was the loss ofindividuality and creativity. This sober, reasonable judgement madefiction appear to shine with rationality amidst the emotional upheavals ofthe time.…  相似文献   

Post-Cold War realities indicate that the "identity crisis" poses a new challenge to national security. It is against this background that Huntington's new book Who Are We? brings to light the relationship between national security and the "subnational" and "transnational" identities brought about by immigration from the perspective of identity and an examination of the realities of "national identity crisis." Huntington is convinced that the present era is one of "global identity crisis" and that the dual identity, dual loyalty and dual citizenship that come with the American social mosaic created by immigrants intensify the weakening of the sense of "national identity" among America's citizens.  相似文献   

It has been two decades since the Third Plenary Session of theEleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Twosignificant events occurred during this period: a shift in emphasis from"class struggle" to economic development; and a shift in the economicsystem from a planned to a market economy. These events have had aprofound influence on China's socio-economic development, and led tospeculation on the relationship between the state and society, public lawsand private laws.The…  相似文献   

The West" originally referred to the whole or part of a regionalcultural entity. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the1920s most Chinese scholars saw it as a whole, every "ism" from the Westwas seen as an integral part of this whole, and a specific new and goodwhole at that. 1 It was not until World War I when the Western nationsfought one another that something went wrong with the beautiful blueprint the Chinese had found: the West was dividing, going bankrupt, andwas no…  相似文献   

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