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马克思主义的文化理论是马克思主义理论的重要组成部分。全面探讨马克思主义的文化理论,正确认识马克思主义关于文化的本质、地位、作用及目标等思想内容,对当代中国的社会主义文化建设具有重大的指导价值。  相似文献   

毛泽东对马克思主义史学的理论贡献叶建华在中国马克思主义史学发展史上,毛泽东曾起到过举足轻重的作用。他一生阅读和研究过大量的历史典籍,他更对马克思主义史学的理论和方法论作出过深刻的阐述,并运用马克思主义史学理论,对中国古代近代社会历史、革命史和中共党史...  相似文献   

自 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,西方发达国家出现的后马克思主义思潮对当代西方阶级和社会结构的变迁作出了各种理论界说。后马克思主义的阶级和社会结构变迁理论由于各国文化传统的差别而显示出丰富的多样性。但是 ,与 70年代以前西方新马克思主义各流派强调工人阶级异化论不同 ,后马克思主义诸流派强调新技术革命条件下传统工人阶级的衰落、新中间阶级的崛起和资产阶级的内部分化 ,并以权力抗争取代阶级斗争 ,形成了异质于马克思主义的、反阶级政治的多元社会结构理论。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来西方发达国家出现的后马克思主义思潮对当代西方阶级和社会结构的变迁作出了各种理论界说。后马克思主义的阶级和社会结构变迁理论由于各国文化传统的差别,显示出丰富的多样性。但是,与70年代以前西方新马克思主义各流派强调工人阶级异化论不同,后马克思主义诸流派强调新技术革命条件下传统工人阶级的衰落、新中间阶级的崛起和资产阶级的内部分化,并以权力抗争取代阶级斗争,形成了异质于马克思主义的、反阶级政治的多元社会结构理论。  相似文献   

让-雅克·勒赛克尔在马克思主义哲学发展史上第一次尝试建构一种系统化的马克思主义语言哲学,这一探索具有重大的理论意义和现实价值。在继承和发展马克思主义实践论语言观的基础上,勒赛克尔也对德勒兹语言哲学进行了研究和分析。德勒兹独特的解域化语言哲学思想虽然是一种类马克思主义理论,但其坚持集体主义、唯物主义立场,强调政治语用学的语言哲学思想预示了一种新的、不同于主流语言哲学的可能性,为马克思主义语言哲学体系的构建增添了理论活力,提供了借鉴作用。  相似文献   

感性世界理论——马克思主义哲学的理论基石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康渝生 《求是学刊》2000,1(5):35-39
马克思主义哲学对传统哲学的超越,集中表现为对单纯思辨传统的扬弃。感性世界理论的明确阐释,冲破了理性世界的束缚,实现了哲学向现实生活世界的回归,从而为新唯物主义奠定了坚实的基础。本文立足于对感性世界理论的理论内涵的分析,揭示其在马克思主义哲学生成与发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

十六大以来,胡锦涛同志坚持理论与实践、马克思主义基本理论和当代中国的具体实际相结合,在继承和发展毛泽东、邓小平和江泽民同志思想政治教育理论的基础上,对思想政治教育的理论基础及指导思想、目标及任务、内容、原则、方法、载体等做了全新的探索,开拓了马克思主义思想政治教育理论中国化的新境界.  相似文献   

罗志佳 《社科纵横》2014,(7):148-152
经济全球化已然成为影响全世界的一个重要时代因素,在此背景下,对马克思主义理论教育研究进行归纳、述评及展望是应对意识形态领域的挑战、建设中国特色社会主义的应有之义。理论界对马克思主义理论教育研究不在少数,总体分析,大体是三个角度:一是马克思主义理论教育的必要性;二是马克思主义理论教育的体系;三是马克思主义理论教育的实践路径。在这些研究的基础上,分析其研究利弊,对马克思主义理论教育的研究趋势进行展望有利于我们把握马克思主义学科发展规律,为中国特色社会主义建设贡献一己之力。  相似文献   

何锋  唐玉蛟 《学术交流》2004,18(9):19-23
马克思主义在中国革命和建设的不同历史阶段产生了不同的理论成果,世纪之交我们党又提出了"三个代表"重要思想作为我们建设小康社会的行动指南。这一理论发展轨迹既展示着真理及其发展的辩证本性,也展示着实践发展对理论发展的决定作用。我们有必要从分析真理的本性及其辩证发展的规律入手,揭示马克思主义在中国革命和建设的不同历史阶段产生不同理论成果的客观性、历史必然性,以加强对"三个代表"重要思想的深入学习和认真贯彻。  相似文献   

西方马克思主义是在20世纪欧洲兴起的理论学派。经过一个世纪的发展,产生了社会民主主义、法兰克福学派、新马克思主义、生态马克思主义等有影响力的学派,以及卢卡奇、霍克海默、马尔库斯、哈贝马斯等著名学者。西方马克思主义理论的发展与世界历史发展、个人价值兴起以及马克思主义理论的历史局限,具有不可分割的关系。回顾其发展的整体脉络,有利于在现代历史背景下,推动马克思主义理论的新发展。  相似文献   

Implementation of passive remote monitoring is advancing faster than our knowledge base about appropriate and ethical use. For all the media and research attention these technologies are getting, there has been very little discussion about how they are positioned to be integrated into health plans, yet their integration is key to how they will be incorporated into social work practice. As coverage of passive remote monitoring technologies expands in Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS), new policies that support informed decision-making, consenting processes, and regulations for ethical, appropriate use are urgently needed. Research translation often trails policy, but the rapid development and implementation of technologies that passively collect and transmit new information about older adults call for a more responsive approach. In this commentary, I describe passive remote monitoring technologies, their implementation in Medicaid HCBS, and ethical issues. I conclude with specific suggestions for policy and practice to start addressing these issues.  相似文献   

王克西  李超 《唐都学刊》2013,29(2):69-73
果业发展的关键在于技术和品种的更新,而引入新技术需要投入较多资金,更新品种也要几年后才有收益,这制约了广大果农对果业升级换代的积极性,影响了果业的发展。因此,政府应对果业提供产出补贴与品种更新补贴,以此来激励果农采用新技术及新优果树品种,提高果业的竞争力。政府的具体补贴数额可通过补贴激励机制模型计算得出。  相似文献   

Access to television programs in Russia has been increasing in recent years, and is now virtually universal. But the development of different modes of access (cable, pay-per-view, etc.) is stratifying audiences, and this is a trend that is likely to continue as new delivery technologies become available.  相似文献   

The articles in this issue illuminate psychosocial issues raised by the development and delivery of new medical technologies. Five kinds of questions surface repeatedly: questions about a technology's purpose(s), the value judgments it presumes, the locus of its control, the external forces that drive it, and its long-term social risks. These questions take the discussion of new technologies beyond the challenge of improving access to their benefits. They also raise issues that will become increasingly important as the capabilities of medical technology expand. For example, they suggest research questions for three other emerging medical technologies: use of biosynthetic growth hormone to treat short stature in hormonally normal children, genetic tests on fetal cells from the circulating maternal blood, and development of clinically reliable biomarkers of the aging process. Part Three of this issue provides a theoretical basis for encouraging psychosocial perspectives in this area, by illustrating the central role that "robust," multifaceted analysis has come to play within the methods of bioethics.  相似文献   

Information technologies have been important in the emergence of new forms of control and surveillance of welfare recipients and of those who administer labour market programmes. These technologies have often appeared at the margins of accounts of welfare reform, for example as means of increasing the efficiency or consistency of services, or as constraining frontline discretion. Henman has argued, however, that information technologies need to be analysed not just as administrative tools, but as “non-human actors,” shaping policy development and implementation in ways beyond the intentions of their human creators (Henman, Governing Electronically: E-government and the Reconfiguration of Public Administration, Policy and Power, Palgrave MacMillan). This paper explores the way that the use of government information systems has shaped employment services in remote Australia where over 80 per cent of those included are Indigenous people. The article describes how the production and use of administrative data within employment services have supported and extended the framing of Indigenous people in remote communities as non-compliant and as needing external direction.  相似文献   

It is argued that the introduction of new communication technologies such as communication satellites and Teletext provide important opportunities for the delivery of educational, health and other social services in Australia. But because there is no co-ordinated communication policy development the social costs, benefits and social service applications are not systematically considered. Following a discussion of the Galbally Report and overseas experience it is suggested that there be a move away from technology oriented planning to a problem centred approach. This would lead to a better understanding of the social costs, benefits and opportunities inherent in various communication policy options.  相似文献   

In the past three decades, there has been an explosion in research to understand the mechanisms of brain function. Recent advances in psychophysiology and neuroscience, while still limited, have sparked great interest in developing technologies that could peer into the brain and be used to identify or indicate certain behaviors. The polygraph (lie detector) represents an old technology used for discerning clues to the human brain; functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) represents one of the newest efforts. The use of these technologies in intelligence and counterintelligence in the field without validation represents a major concern about its usefulness. Both research on this new technology and subsequent use on public raise ethical challenges. This article will address the overall ethical issues associated with these new technologies. The report identifies the ethical and cultural challenges in conducting research on these new tools, explores the possibility of using current U.S. regulatory requirements regarding drugs and devices as a model for regulating these new technologies, and suggests approaches for the future.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids, the molecules responsible for the storage and transmission of genetic information, can disclose the beguiling history of the evolution of life on the Earth. In this paper, the molecular mechanisms underlying the evolutionary processes are illustrated together with the methods for the recollection of their history. The impact of molecular data on the evolutionary studies is stressed together with the importance of suitable mathematical models for the treatment of sequence data.

Possible future scenarios are conceived for the evolutionary process in relation to environmental phenomena, on account of the new technologies and the development of genetic engineering.  相似文献   

In the present phase of internationalisation, processes of social construction of product markets are under stress. On one hand, the internationalisation of production processes gives more room for manoeuvre to the producers. On the other hand, the development of scientific technologies, embedded with new risks and uncertainties, makes it difficult to control the quality of products and production processes. The drive for competitiveness in a world where only free trade arguments seem to be heard limits the willingness of individual countries to take action. International institutions have been unable to launch the international co-ordination that could have helped countries to get out of this deadlock, though they need to fight climate change and pollution as well as the pressing new environmental hazards, which are illustrated with the case of the agro-food product markets in Europe. They should foster international processes of social construction of product markets to learn how to strike a better balance between free trade and safe trade principles before it is too late.  相似文献   

While attention has focused on the promise of new reproductive technologies to provide cures for infertility, efforts aimed at preventing infertility have languished, and the major cause of infant morbidity and morality--lack of prenatal care--has worsened. This article explores the social and ethical issues arising out of the uses of three new reproductive technologies: surrogacy, in vitro fertilization, and prenatal screening. In addition, coerced medical interventions during pregnancy are described. Examination of the social circumstances surrounding the use of these medical technologies supports the conclusion that new reproductive technologies have increased, rather than decreased, inequities in access to and allocation of health care resources.  相似文献   

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