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时代在变。开放的社会.快节奏的工作.数字化的生存.工作与生存环境的改变.使人们更多了彼此接近的机会。寻求理解与渴望渲泄,盼望着能交上桃花好运便也成了一些人藏匿在心底的美梦。当情感在婚姻与道德的夹缝中游离的时候.有的人在频繁的交友,联谊、网络和娱乐等等各种机会和场合还真的就和那“桃花女神”不期而遇美梦成真了。可人们期待的桃花运到底是什么?不乏有交了桃花好运的——一位出租车司机朋友曾非常得意地告诉过我.他说一天晚上他将一位女士拉到了目的地.可是那女士就是不下车.说是要请他吃饭。司机有点手足无措,可那女士坚持要请并说只要他肯答应.她会给司机一定的报酬.以赔偿司机的时间损失。司机何乐而不为?吃饭过程中2人海阔天空聊得很融洽.原来那女士的丈夫去国外工作已半年多了.女士寂寞难耐.看着司机英  相似文献   

据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,在北京市西城区的文昌胡同深处,一间小小的、不起眼的、甚至杂草丛生,可以说有点破败的房子,刚刚卖出了相当于20公斤黄金的价格。这处仅仅11.4平米的房产,卖出了530万元人民币的天价,每平米房价达到46万元人民币。卖出如此高价的原因,就因为它是北京最著名的小学之一实验二小的学区房。46万的单价,也创造了北京最贵学区房的记录。  相似文献   

不堪家暴省城闯天下,打工妹靠自学摇身变律师 1989年12月的一天,北国重镇哈尔滨街头,冷风如刀,呵气成冰.一个面容憔悴的女子走出车站,看着来去匆匆的人流,一时有些茫然. 这位女子便是李亚兰,时年26岁,来自黑龙江东部的一个小山村.因为兄妹多,家里穷,她读到初二便辍了学,跟着父母在田里劳作.李亚兰骨子里有股不屈从命运的犟劲儿,虽然不得不在家务农,却总不忘看书学习.有一次,李亚兰又在劳动间隙看起了书,一个邻居讥笑她:庄稼人就得有庄稼人的样子,干着活儿还看闲书,难道丑小鸭将来还能变成白天鹅?李亚兰看了邻居一眼,未作辩解,心里却暗暗发誓:“谁说庄稼人一辈子就只能是庄稼人,我就是要跟命运斗一斗!”  相似文献   

胡海鹏  崔志伟 《职业》2016,(16):70-70
残疾工匠赵书贤正在编织柳编花篮,十多年来,依靠编织的柳编的手艺,她不仅解决了家里两个大学生的读书费用问题,还盖起了的新楼房。近日,“2016首届湖北(程河)柳编工匠技能大赛决赛”在湖北柳编之乡襄阳市襄州区程河镇举办,现场96名柳编工匠同台展示柳编技能,比拼编织实力和创意工艺。  相似文献   

近日在德胜门附近出现一个巨大的平面路牌,路牌上把整个室内的平面都立体化,家具,沙发,电视机成为垂直的装置,成为京城一道亮丽的风景,这咱实物路牌广告也是亚洲首创,成为人们意义的焦点.细看,原来是位于工体西路的工体3号项目,其诉求卖点是首付16万即可拥有朝外五在商圈财富生活首席居所.  相似文献   

埃及是中东最重要的国家之一,优越的地缘位置使埃及在国际舞台异常活跃.本文分别对纳赛尔、萨达特和穆巴拉克时期埃及的外交政策作一回顾,对埃及外交的目标和主要大国关系进行了梳理,最后分析了制约埃及未来外交发展的三个重要因素.  相似文献   

我们大概进入了一个充满情怀的时代。《美人鱼》借助“我们都欠周星驰一张电影票”的宣传促使观众走进电影院去怀念那个不一样的“至尊宝”,最终该影片刷新了华语影坛的多项票房纪录;NBA则是借助“科比将退役,每一场球赛都是谢幕演出”的话题促使观众走进球场去观看那个曾经无所不能的“黑曼巴”,其最终门票售价更是屡创新高。  相似文献   

地质,即地壳的成分和结构.根据生物的发展和地层形成的顺序,按地壳的发展历史划分为若干自然阶段,叫做地质年代."宙"、"代"、"纪"、"世"分指地质年代分期的第一级、第二级、第三级、第四级.地质年代分期的第一级是宙,分为隐生宙(现已改称太古宙和元古宙)和显生宙.本刊将按照太古宙--元古宙--显生宙(古生代、中生代、新生代)的顺序进行连载解释.  相似文献   

王健任 《中国扶贫》2016,(20):56-57
2016年10月16日,中国残联与国务院扶贫办在北京会议中心共同主办"2016扶贫日减贫发展论坛——残疾人精准扶贫平行论坛".本次论坛主题为"激发信心,凝聚力量",阐释了当前国家精准扶贫精准脱贫的工作形势和当前残疾人精准脱贫的有关工作进展情况.中国残联副理事长程凯和国务院扶贫办党组成员、行政人事司司长夏更生出席论坛并讲话.  相似文献   

“中央提出到2020年确保我国现行标准下农村贫困人口实现脱贫,贫困县全部摘帽,解决区域性贫困问题。打赢脱贫攻坚战,必须加强水利扶贫工作,充分发挥水利的基础性、先导性、保障性作用,加快补齐补强贫困地区水利短板。”3月7日,省部级领导干部打赢脱贫攻坚战专题研讨班上,在介绍水利扶贫工作时,水利部副部长、党组副书记矫勇的发言令人振奋。  相似文献   

"丢,丢,丢手绢,轻轻地放在小朋友的后边,大家不要告诉他,快点儿快点儿抓住他,快点儿快点儿抓住他……"这是一首传唱了几代人的儿歌,它陪伴我们度过了一个个美好而快乐的童年……在北京东城区灯市口社区的一栋老式住宅楼里有一位老人,她是原延安保育院幼儿教师、现已93岁高龄的全国妇联离休干部鲍侃;她将自己的一生献给了天真烂漫的孩子们,也正为此,她写就了这首经久不衰的儿歌——《丢手绢》。老人家如今已是儿孙满堂,尽享天伦之乐。虽然双目失明多年,但她的世界依然绚丽多彩!  相似文献   


This article focuses on SASA!, a community mobilisation approach that was developed in Uganda by Raising Voices, with the aim of preventing violence against women. SASA! proved effective in reducing intimate partner violence against women, and has since been used in over 25 countries worldwide. In this article, we draw on recent research into the International Refugee Committee’s implementation of SASA! in Dadaab, Kenya. In particular, we focus on how the refugee camp setting shapes the adaptation and delivery of the SASA! programme and explore the balance to be struck between fidelity to the SASA! methodology, and adaptations to make it suitable for use in this specific humanitarian context.  相似文献   

This study further extends agenda-building theory into the corporate sphere. This investigation tested for agenda-building relationships between the issues emphasized in corporate candidate-controlled information subsidies and financial news media coverage during the 2008 Yahoo! Inc.-Carl Icahn proxy contest for control of Yahoo!’s board of directors. Solid support was found for issue agenda-building associations. Cross-lagged correlation analyses revealed that both Yahoo!’s and Icahn's information subsidies enjoyed some success in shaping media coverage during the proxy fight. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


This article presents a comparative analysis of patriarchy and incest in the work of William Faulkner and Juan Rulfo. Focusing primarily on Absalom! Absalom! and Pedro Páramo, I argue that Rulfo adopts and, at the same time, interrogates Faulkner's patriarchal model of the family: the incestuous relationships that characterize Absalom! Absalom! reappear, under different disguises, in the Mexican writer's novel. My analysis also suggests that both Faulkner and Rulfo were intrigued by the symbolic implications of incest, and exploited these implications in order to talk about the collapse of the patriarchal and cultural order in the post-Civil War South and early 20th century Mexico respectively. The conclusion maintains that, despite Rulfo's reluctance to acknowledge Faulkner's impact on his artistic consciousness, the intertextual dialogue between the two writers should be read both as a form of incest, and as a quest for a new social structure.  相似文献   

It is argued that dramaturgical sociology/social psychology must be examined as a continuation of the methods and practices of dramatism. Such an examination will reveal answers to the persistent questions regarding the work of Erving Goffman: Is he using a metaphor, simile, analogy, etc.! Is he a symbolic interactionist! Is his work a form of structuralism! What is the relationship between the sociologist and the drama of human relations! What is the relationship between interactionism and structuralism! The answers to these questions, it appears, are that drama is not used as a simple analogy in the study of human relations and that the separation of structuralism and interactionism is yet another essay in the confrontation between Heraclitus' flux and Zeno's paradox. You cannot step twice into the same river; for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you. Heraclitus In which case, you cannot step even once into the river: there will in fact be no river. after Parmenides, Zeno etc.  相似文献   

By the late fifteenth century, the debate over the role of reason and the constitution of the human subject freed public discourse from its reliance on God and placed the rational individual at the centre of social and political thought. The emphasis on rationality necessitated a parallel discourse on its opposite—‘reason’s Other'. In this period, representations of disabled people change in response to this new paradigm. Late medieval cultural documents, such as those of Brant and Bosch, employ folly as a metaphorical device, associated with the qualities of Everyman. However, with the rise of renaissance humanism, the benign metaphors of folly associated with the abstract everyman quickly become inscribed on the bodies of those people who would be constructed as reason's ‘Other’—people with intellectual and physical disabilities—and the abstract discourse of folly is transformed into a much more direct representational association of disability with depravity.
What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! … the paragon of animals! Hamlet II.ii  相似文献   

“红娘我,笑哈哈,说成一对心开花,我是快乐的小燕子(老蜜蜂),忙忙碌碌不在家,东奔西跑我不累,我把爱情的种子撒……”这是刘国英老人自编自唱的一段话,也是她27年来每一天的真实写照。从当年的“小燕子”到如今的“老蜜蜂”,刘国英老人以一颗善良、无私的心为3148对单身男女牵上了姻缘线,被人们誉为“超级红娘”。  相似文献   

One in three women globally will experience intimate partner violence (IPV) with devastating consequences for individual survivors, their families and communities. While prevalence remains high, violence against women is not inevitable and community mobilization approaches have emerged as particularly promising for transforming the gender inequitable norms and practices that underlie violence. The SASA! Activist Kit to Prevent Violence Against Women (SASA!), developed by Raising Voices in 2008, provides a theory-based approach for mobilizing communities to transform power imbalances between women and men through critical discussion and positive action. In this article, we provide the rational for revising SASA! after ten years of program learning and formal research. We aim to contribute to the knowledge base around what works to prevent IPV by describing the core enhancements in the revised version--called SASA! Together—and linking these changes to Raising Voices’ program learning and broader advancements in the field. In addition, we reflect on how current debates—such as how best to “scale up” violence prevention programs—were considered and resolved in SASA! Together. The paper concludes by sharing lessons learned that may provide guidance for future revisions development and revisions of evidenced-based programs.  相似文献   

In a hurry to understand that piece of research? Can't remember your undergraduate statistics lectures? Don't worry! Refer to this handy‐dandy quick reference for making sense of research design! Seriously. Too often when I am reading a research paper, terms are used which are either unfamiliar or ring only faint bells of recognition. I would like to have the capacity to remember everything I was taught, but apart from having a very bad memory, I am also beginning to suspect that it is actually better practice to check terms out even if I think that I remember what they mean.  相似文献   

I investigate the relationship between labor-management climate and perceptions of productivity, product!service quality, and customer!client satisfaction using a regional and national sample of Canadian organizations and a regional sample of local unions. Overall, the ordered probit results reveal a strong relationship between labor-management climate and measures of organizational performance with a more positive labor-management climate associated with more favorable scores on the performance variables. This study was funded by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada/Saint Mary’s University Matching Grants Fund.  相似文献   

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