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爱美,是女人的天性。要做到关爱自己首先得关注自己的饮食,正所谓“吃出健康、吃出美丽。”懂得自我调理的女人才是真正关爱自己的女人。想让自己时刻保持旺盛的精力、优美的体态和红润的容颜吗?  相似文献   

作为一种新型保健方式,"洗肠"正在各大城市中流行开来。据接受过这种"水疗"的人说,洗完后最大的感觉就是舒服,可以起到减肥美容的效果。  相似文献   

她将欧洲的香氛文化带到中国,引领人们进入香薰文化世界、倡导时尚生活新理念。她就是玛坤丝国际香氛连锁机构总裁叶宏。让我们一起走进她的"香薰王国",品味她的"玫瑰人生"……  相似文献   

落玉盘 《女性大世界》2004,(10):158-159
又逢数码产品频繁出招的季节,手机、相机、笔记本,用数码武装起来的都市女人,又有轻巧、漂亮、实用的产品可供更新了。本期《W·W》特选最炫最酷的数码产品,为时尚动感的你解决“机”“本”问题。  相似文献   

2008年10月11日。深夜。河北邯郸。一名男子,开着车,风驰电掣般地驶进丛台区大海花园里某栋居民楼。他仔细核对了门牌号,走上6楼,停在了602室前。正抬手准备敲门时,发现门上贴了公安局封条,正当男子吃惊不已时,对面邻居的门开了,一位太婆探出头来,悄声对他说:"年轻人,你来这里干吗?这里住的人已经死了!警察今天下午刚贴了封条。"男子闻言,吓得魂飞魄散,拔腿就跑。是有人恶作剧,还是另有蹊跷?这个深夜来访的男人跟屋内死者是什么关系?  相似文献   

2008年8月8日,举世瞩目的第29届奥运会在北京举行,来自世界各地的女运动员与男性一样在赛场上拼搏、竞争并展示她们的风采。联合国秘书长潘基文在今年国际妇女节的讲话中指出:"妇女的进步就是全人类的进步,在社会性别平等问题上,体育发挥着重要作用"。  相似文献   

欣欣 《伴侣(A版)》2011,(8):58-58
正夫妻性生活跟饮食有着密切联系。性功能在很大程度上依靠于心血管系统和神经系统的传送。健康食物让它们保持畅通,而垃圾食品则让线路堵塞。所以,选择食物要上下兼顾。  相似文献   

“她是那个在童话里说‘皇帝没穿衣服’的孩子,一句真话险些给她惹来杀身之祸。她对社会的关爱与坚持真理的风骨,体现了知识分子的本分、独立、良知与韧性,”这是在CCTV2002年中国经年度人物颁奖典礼上对她的颁奖词。  相似文献   

当下最流行的是什么?博客?闪客?播客?不不不,这些都已经老掉牙了。现在,崇尚"省钱"和"交友"的拼客们登场了!拼车、拼房、拼卡、拼饭、拼购……这些都是拼客们的发明创造。一群人拼凑在一起做这些事,会比一个人单独做省不少钱。拼客的活动是大家共同去做一件事,并共同负担原本一个人负担的消费,类似AA制。"拼"既可以节约生活成本,又能广交朋友,何乐而不为?本文将为您展现拼客一族的多彩生活,讲述一些乐事和尴尬事。  相似文献   

“唐古拉”在藏语中的意思是“雄鹰飞不过的高山”。这里平均海拔5000多米,空气稀薄,气压低,含氧量仅为海平面的47%,千百年来荒无人烟,是名副其实的“生命禁区”。今年7月1日通车的青藏铁路正从这片无人区穿过,并达到了铁路全线的最高点,海拔5072米。除了海拔高,从西藏境内安多至唐古拉山越岭地段也是自然环境最恶劣,施工条件最为艰苦的一段工程,修建过程可谓一场“没有硝烟的战争”。有一句名言,“战争让女人走开”。然而有这样一群女人,她们非但没有走开,反而成了建设中的一支重要力量。无论是作为工程技术人员还是医务工作者,她们都用自己的毅力和智慧战胜了高原恶劣的自然环境,克服了家庭分离的痛苦,把自己的青春和激情洒在这雪域高原,在唐古拉山上奏响了一曲曲无私奉献之歌。  相似文献   

张景华  刘娟 《职业时空》2005,(10):34-35
完美公司,政府信任的标杆企业 完美公司是在国家工商局注册的合法企业,一直以来秉承永续经营的创业目标,成为第一家拿五项认证的直销公司.1996年国家整顿市场,严厉打击非法传销,当时取缔了许多公司,完美却没有被叫停,而是成为41家合法企业当中的佼佼者;1998年,这41家公司又经过严格考核,选出10家企业合法转型,完美又名列其中.经过两次艰难过渡,不难看出完美的综合实力已达到中国政府的要求.  相似文献   

Social Work educators can help students to develop greater sensitivity to the themes and issues arising in their practice with clients from other cultures through reflective examination of the stories people tell about themselves and others. Narrative analysis is based on the theory of social constructivism and provides a framework for understanding patterns of meaning as seen in life histories, case studies, and biographical materials. Its use in teaching social work practice stimulates greater awareness of shared values and strengthens students’ preparation for professional practice in multicultural communities.  相似文献   

Research has revealed many detrimental effects of divorce upon children often related to ongoing conflict between biological parents. A therapeutic model, demonstrated by a case example, is presented which targets the conflict between divorced parents. This therapeutic approach is based upon negotiating cooperation among custodial and nonastodial parents. This is accomplished by clarifying the changed relationships resulting from divorce between the adults and children allowing all members of the divorced families to grieve the loss of predivorce relationships. Distinct new relationships are defined between all family members which reduce the need for adults to compete in relationships with the children.  相似文献   

Whether it's a particular Indian spice or a German Wurste Beijing has a great deal to offer expats who crave for their home cuisine.  相似文献   

谭锦绣  邹莉 《职业时空》2012,(4):137-138,141
为了增强大学新生班级凝聚力,促进学生合作意识的培养,以马斯洛的需要层次理论、人际关系理论、社会心理学理论和团体心理咨询理论为指导,设计了大学新生班级凝聚力团体心理辅导方案,包括理念、目标、设置、具体方案设计、活动效果评价反馈和活动亮点展示几部分。  相似文献   

A recent post on Weibo (the Chinese equivalent of Twitter) caught the attention of countless netizens, and was especially popular with young Chinese. The post said that if netizens were asked to write down five characteristics of a male/female that would attract them to the person, the five characteristics would be: Being attractive, attractive, attractive, attractive and attractive. If netizens were also asked to write down five characteristics of a male/female that would make them feel uncomfortable, they would be: Being ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly and ugly.  相似文献   

This month,each writer details an impressive place,or scenic area, encountered while living abroad.身处异乡,喜欢去的一个地方……It was a sunny morning when I headed for Pisa.I knew I would definitely visit Torre pendente di Pisa(the Leaning Tower of Pisa).To me,it is the soul of the city,in which lies its glory and vigor.Compared with the surroundings,where low buildings stand  相似文献   


In New York State, all college students who were born on or after January 1, 1957, are required to show proof of immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) before the 1st day of classes. Colleges have established immunization programs so that those students who do not have the required proof can be given the necessary injections. Often, our health service office does not have enough staff to administer the MMR shots during the registration period, resulting in long lines of students waiting to be immunized. In this article, the authors describe how one college used nursing students to assist with and enhance its immunization program. The 45 nursing students who participated in this project administered 694 injections over a 5-day period, They received credit from the nursing department for clinical time and all of the participants agree that the project was a success.  相似文献   

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