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Hare-Mustin, R. T. A feminist approach to family therapy.
Krasner, J.D. (Editor). Special Issue: Psychotherapy with elder and dying persons.
Orten, J. D. Organizing concepts in family therapy.
Robinson, D. O. The medical-school spouse syndrome: Grief reaction to the clinical years.
Westbrook, M. T. The reactions to child-bearing and early maternal experience of women with differing marital relationships.  相似文献   

Professional Books: Minuchin, S., & Nichols, M. P. (1993). Family healing: Tales of hope and renewal from family therapy.
Professional Books: Small, R. F. (1990). Maximizing third-party reimbursement in your mental health practice.
Professional Books: Shenson, H. L. (1990). The contract and fee-setting guide for consultants and professionals.
Professional Books: Lachkar, J. (1992). The narcissistic/borderling couple: A psychoanalytic perspective on marital treatment.
Professional Books: Charny, I. (1992). Existential/dialectical marital therapy: Breaking the secret code of marriage.
Professional Books: Brothers, B. J. (Ed.). (1991). Virginia Satir: Foundational ideas.
Professional Books: Kaufman, E., & Kaufmann, P. (1992). Family therapy of drug and alcohol abuse (2nd ed.).
Professional Books: O'Hanlon, W. H., & Martin, M. (1992). Solution-oriented hypnosis.
Professional Books: Bryant, D., Kessler, J., & Shirar, L. (1992). The family inside: Working with the multiple.
General Interest Books: Wolin, S. J., & Wolin, S. (1993). The resilient self: How survivors of troubled families rise above adversity.
General Interest Books: Baber, K. M., & Allen, K. R. (1992). Women and families: Feminist reconstructions.
General Interest Books: Thorne, B., with Yalom, M. (1992). Rethinking the family: Some faminist questions (rev. ed.).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Laird, J., & Green, R. (Eds.). (1996). Lesbians and gays in couples and families: A handbook for therapists.
Levant, R., & Pollack, W. (Eds.). (1995). A new psychology of men.
Combrinkc-Graham, L. (Ed.) (1995). Children in Families at risk: Maintaining the connections.
Dishion, T. J., & Ptterson, S. G. (1996). Preventive Parenting with love, Encouragement, and limits: The preschool years.
Quick, E. E. (1996). Doing what works in brief therapy: A strategic solution focused approach.
Chevalier, A. J. (1995). On the client's path: A manual for the practice o solution-focused therapy.
Carlson, J., Sperry, L., & Lewis, J. A. (1997). family Therapy: Ensuring treatment eficacy.
Rosen, R., & Leiblum, S. (Eds.) (1995). Case studies in sex therapy.
Fenell, D., & Weinhold, B. (1997). Counseling families; An introduction to marriage and family therapy
Hofman, S., Gafni, S., & Laub, B. (Eds.). (1995). Cotherapy with individuals, amilies, and groups.
Bloomquist, M. L. (1996). Skills training for children with behavior disorders: A parent and therapist guidebook.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Weakland, J. H., & Ray, W. A. (Eds.). (1995). Propagations: Theirty years o inluence from the Mental Research Institute.
GENERAL INTEREST BOOKS: Anderson, C., & Stewart, S., With Dimidjian, S. (1995). Flying solo: single women in midlife.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Carter, B. and McGoldrick, M. (Eds.). The changing family life cycle: A framework for family therapy
Falicov, C. J. (Ed.). Family transitions: Continuity and change over the life cycle.
Walters, M., Carter, E., Papp, P. and Silverstein, O. The invisible web: Gender patterns in family relationships.
Luepnitz, D. A. The family interpreted: Feminist theory in clinical practice.
Jacob, Theodore. Family interaction and psychopathology: Theories, methods, and findings.
Napier, Augustus Y. The fragile bond: In search of an equal, intimate and enduring marriage.
Solomon, Marion F. Narcissism and intimacy: Love and marriage in an age of confusion.
Fishman, H. Charles & Rosman, Bernice L. (Eds.). Evolving models for family change: A volume in honor of Salvador Minuchin.
Toman, W Family therapy and sibling position.
Hoopes, M. M. & Harper, J. M. Birth order roles and sibling patterns in individual and family therapy.
Kahn, M. D. & Lewis, K. G. (Eds.) Siblings in therapy.
Liddle, H. A., Breunlin, D. C. & Schwartz, R. C. (Eds.). Handbook of family therapy training and supervision.
Weeks, Gerald R., & Hof, Larry (Eds.). Integrating sex and marital therapy.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Fanning, P., & McKay, M. (Eds.). Family guide to emotional wellness: Proven self-help techniques and exercises for dealing with common problems and building crucial life skills.
Leiblum, S., & Rosen, R. (2000) (Eds.). Principles and practice of sex therapy (3rd ed.).
Sturkie, K., & Bergen, L.P. (2001). Professional regulation in marital and family therapy.
Kaslow, F. (Ed.). (2000). Handbook of couple and family forensics: A sourcebook for mental health and legal professionals.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
McGoldrick, Monica, Pearce, John K. & Giordano, Joseph (Eds.). Ethnicity and family therapy .
Framo, James L. Explorations in marital and family therapy: Selected papers of James L. Framo .
Walsh, Froma (Ed.). Normal family processes .
Haley, Jay. Reflections on therapy and other essays .
Huygen, F. J. A. Family medicine: The medical life history of families .
Bank, Stephen P. & Kahn, Michael D. The sibling bond .
Glick, Ira D. & Kessler, David R. Marital and family therapy (2nd ed.).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Slipp, S. Technique and practice of object relations family therapy.
Lubin, B., Lubin, A. W., Whiteford, M. G. & Whitlock, R. V. Family therapy: A bibliography, 1937–1986. .
O'Leary, K. Daniel (Ed.). Assessment of marital discord: An integration for research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Walsh, F. (Ed). (1999). Spiritual resources in family therapy .
Flores, M. T., & Carey, G. (Eds.). (2000). Family therapy with Hispanics: Toward appreciating divesity .
Gerson, M. J. (1996). The embedded self: A psychoanalyitic guide to family therapy .
Madsen, W. C. (1999) Collaborative therapies with multi-stressed clients: From old problems to new futures .
Lerner, H. (1998). The mother dance: How children change your life .
Gottman, J. M. (1999). The marriage clinic: A scientifically based marital therapy .  相似文献   

Friedman, P. H. Outline (alphabet) of 26 techniques of marital and family therapy: A through Z.
Fuchs, K., Abramovici, H., Hoch, Z., Timor-Tritsch, I. & Kleinhaus, M. Vaginismus—the hypno-therapeutic approach.
Goldberg, M. The uses of dreams in conjoint marital therapy.
Grunebaum, H. & Abernethy, V. Marital decision making as applied to family planning.
Hadley, T. R., Jacob, T., Milliones, J., Caplan, J., & Spitz, D. The relationship between family developmental crises and the appearance of symptoms in a family member.
Jacobs, M. & Whiteley, J. M. (Eds.). Sex counseling.
Leichter, E. & Schulman, G. L. Multi-family group therapy: a multidimensional approach.
McPherson, S. R., Brackelmanns, W. E., & Newman, L. E. Stages in the family therapy of adolescents.
Slipp, S., Ellis, S., & Kressel, K. Factors associated with engagement in family therapy.
Spark, G. Grandparents and intergenerational family therapy.
Weakland, J.H., Fisch, R., Watzlawick, P., & Bodin, A. M. Brief therapy: focused problems resolution.
Wilson, W. C. The distribution of selected sexual attitudes and behaviors among the adult population of the United States.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Boszormenyi-Nagy, I. and Krasner, B. R. Between give and take: A clinical guide to contextual therapy.
Bepko, Claudia with Krestan, JoAnn. The responsibility trap: A blueprint for treating the alcoholic family.
Jacobson, Neil S. and Gurman, Alan S. Clinical handbook of marital therapy.
Wilkins, Robert and Loudon, Penny. (1987). The therapist's thesaurus: A cartoon guide.
Campbell, David and Draper, Rosalind (Eds.). Applications of systemic family therapy: The Milan approach.
Strean, Herbert S. Resolving marital conflicts: A psychodynamic perspective.  相似文献   

Beal, E. W. Current trends in the training of family therapists.
Bryson, R. B., Bryson, J. B., Licht, M. H., & Licht, B. G. The professional pair.
Cromwell, R. E., Olson, D. H. L., & Founier, D. G. Tools and techniques for diagnosis and evaluation in marital and family therapy.
Hartley, D., Roback, H. B., & Abramowitz, S. I. Deterioration effects in encounter groups.
Jones, W. P. Some implications of the sixteen personality factor questionnaire for marital guidance.
Kelly, G. F. The counselor and human sexuality.
Mace, D., & Mace, V. The selection, training, and certification of facilitators for marriage enrichment programs.
Masters, W. H. & Johnson, V. E. Principles of the new sex therapy.
McConnell, L. G. An examination of the counselor's skills when counseling with sexual problems.
Meyer, J. K. Training and accreditation for the treatment of sexual disorders.
Robertielle, R. C. The decline and fall of sex.
Rubin, Z., & Mitchell, C. Couples research as couples counseling.
Sager, C. J. The role of sex therapy in marital therapy.
Whittaker, J. K. Causes of childhood disorders: New findings.  相似文献   

Arnold, J. E., Levine, A. G., & Patterson, G. R. Changes in sibling behavior following family interventon.
Bairel, E., & Redfering, D. Behavior modification in marriage counseling.
Bullough, V. L. Sex and the medical model.
Codner, R. R., & Gustafson, D. A. Sexual dysfunction—a four approach treatment utilizing peer pressure.
Feldman, L. B. Effect of anger and resentment on sexual expression.
Firestone, E., & Moschetta, P. Behavioral contracting in family therapy.
Meltzer, M. L. Insurance reimbursement: A mixed blessing.
Pavlin, S., & Rabkin, R. Family therapy: Some questions and answers.
Peck, B. B. Therapeutic handling of marital infidelity.
Renshaw, D. C. Sexual problems in stroke patients.
Stolz, S. B., Wienckowski, L. A., & B. S. Brown Behavior modification: A perspective on critical issues.
Sussman, M. B. (Special Guest Editor). The second experience: Variant family forms and life styles.  相似文献   

McGoldrick, M., (Ed.). (1998). Re-visioning family therapy: Race, culture, and gender in clinical practice .
Minuchin, P., Colapinto, J., & Minuchin, S. (1998). Working with families of the poor .
Tasker. F. L., & Golombok, S. (1997). Grouping up in a lesbian family: Effects on child developement .
Marsh, D., & Magee, R. (1998). Etbical and legal issues in professional practice with families .
Freeman, J., Epston, D., & Lobovitz, D. (1997). Playful approaches to serious problems .  相似文献   

Andolfi, M. Redefinition in family therapy. American Journal of Family Therapy ,
Clance, P. R. & Imes, S. A. The imposter phenomenon in high achieving women: dynamics and therapeutic intervention. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice ,
Feinstein, A. D. Personal mythology as a paradigm for a holistic public psychology. American Journal of Orthapsychiatry ,
Hatfield, A. B. The family as partner in the treatment of mental illness. Hospital and Community Psychiatry ,
McGuire, J. M. & Borowy, T. D. Attitudes toward mental health professionals. Professional Psychology ,
Olson, D. H., Sprenkle, D. H. & Russell, C. S. Circumplex model of marital and family systems: I. Cohesion and adaptability dimensions, family types, and clinical applications. Family Process ,
Perr, M. Social and cultural influences on the doctor's family. American Journal of Psychoanalysis ,
Russell, C. S. Circumplex model of marital and family systems: III. Empirical evaluation with families. Family Process ,  相似文献   

Alkire, A. A., & Brunse, A. J. Impact and possible casualty from videotape feedback in marital therapy.
Chassin, L., Perelman, M., & Weinberger, G. Reducing parental resistance to examining family relationships: the therapeutic use of a child management task.
de Shazer, S. Brief therapy: two's company.
Field, M., & Field, H. Marital violence and criminal process: neither justice nor peace.
Horowitz, L. Treatment of the family with a dying member.
Kaplan, D.M., Smith, A., Grobstein, R., & Fischman, S. E. Family mediation of stress.
Knight, M. F., & McKenzie, H. S. Elimination of bedtime thumbsucking in home settings through contingent reading.
Leader, A. Family therapy for divorced fathers and others out of home.
Peck, B. B. Psychotherapy, with disrupted families.
Miller, E Treatment of a communal family.
Rekers, G. A., & Lovaas, O. I. Behavioral treatment of deviant sex-role behaviors in a male child.
Sluzki, C. E. The coalitionary process in initiating family therapy.
Wills, T. A., Weiss, R. L., & Patterson, G. R. A behavioral analysis of the determinants of marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

Bernstein, B. E. Lawyer and counselor as an interdisciplinary team: one lawyer's suggestions.
Brandwein, R. A., Brown, C. A. & Fox, E. M. Women and children last: the social situation of divorced women and their families.
Cookerly, J. R. The reduction of psychopathology as measured by the MMPI clinical scales in three forms of marriage counseling.
Denfeld, D. Dropouts from swinging.
Fulton, W. C. Counseling as an insured benefit: perspectives from the insurance industry.
Hurvitz, N. The family therapist as intermediary.
Raths, O. N., Bellville, T. P., Bellville, C. J. & Garetz, F. K. The counter-phobic mechanism as a force in mate selection and marital stability.
Rolfe, D. J. The financial priorities inventory.
Solomon, M. A. Resistance in family therapy: some conceptual and technical considerations.
Sonne, J. C. On the question of compulsory marriage counseling as a part of divorce proceedings.
Strauss, M. Leveling, civility, and violence in the family.
Weiss, R. L., Birchler, G. R., & Vincent, J. P. Contractual models for negotiation training in marital dyads.  相似文献   

Many techniques derived from various family therapies such as filial therapy (Stover & Guerney, 1967), conjugal therapy (Ely, 1970), conjoint parent/child therapy (Wertheim, 1959), conjoint marital therapy (Haley, 1963; Satir, 1964, 1965), and conjoint family therapy (Satir, 1964, 1965) have recently been incorporated into the practice skills repertory of clinical social workers. Of all of these approaches the behavioral view has a substantial pool of accumulated data to support its wide use in practice (Jacobson & Martin, 1976). However, virtually no detailed explanation of the behavioral view appears in the social work literature, thus hindering its application. To alleviate this deficiency this article reviews the following topics: basic philosophy; behavioral exchange and marital satisfaction; development of marital conflict; clinical implications; clinical assessment; tools for intervention; and procedural guidelines for the treatment process.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Figley, Charles R., Bride, E., & Mazza, N.(Eds). (1997). Death and trauma: The traumatology of grieving .
Butt, M.S., & Burt, R. B. (1996). Stepfamilies: The step by step model of brief therapy .
Fron, J.B., & Lund, T.W. (1996). Narrative solutions in brief therapy .
Buchanan, C. M., Maccoby, E. E., & Dornbusch, S. M. (1996). Adolescents after divorce .
Smith, C., & Nyland, D.(Eds.) (1997). Narrative therapies with children and adolescents .
Miller, J.B., & Stiver, I.P.(1997). The bealing connection: How women form relation-ships in therapy and in life .  相似文献   

PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Goldenberg, I., & Goldenberg, H. (1991). Family therapy: An overview
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Horne, A. N., & Passmore, J. L. (Eds.). (1991). Family counseling and therapy
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Nichols, M. P., & Schwartz, R. C. (1991). Family therapy: Concepts and methods
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hurvitz, N., & Straus, R. A. (1991). Marriage and family therapy: A sociocognitive approach.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Ducan B. L., solovey, A. D., & Rusk, G. S. (1992) Changing the rules: A client-directed approach to therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Geller, J. (1992). Breaking destructive pattersn: Multiple strategies for treating partner abuse.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Cirillo, S., & DiBlasio, P. (1992). Families that abuse: Diagnosis and therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Shenson, H. L. (1990). How to develop and promote successful seminars and workshops: The definitive guide to creating and marketing seminars, workshops, classes, and conferences.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Hudson, P. O. & O'Hanlon, W. H. (1991). Rewriting love stories: Brief marital therapy.
PROFESSIONAL BOOKS: Loriedo, C., & Vella, G. (1992). Paradox and the family system.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Anton, L. H. (1992). Never to be a mother.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: West, M. G. (1992). If only were a better mother.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Burton, L. A. (Ed.). (1992). Religion and the family: When God helps.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Hare-Mustin, R. T., & Marecek, J. (Eds.). (1990). Marking a difference: Psychology and the construction of gender.
SELF-HELP BOOKS: Gilligan, C., Rogers, A., & Tolman, D. (Eds.). (1991). Women, girls, and psychotherapy: Reframing resistance.
SOFTWARE: What a Family , 1.0. (1991). (Family-exploration software.)Ecola Design, P.O. Box 13402, Portland, OR, 97213, IBM, $29.00.  相似文献   

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