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In this paper, we investigate the k-nearest neighbours (kNN) estimation of nonparametric regression model for strong mixing functional time series data. More precisely, we establish the uniform almost complete convergence rate of the kNN estimator under some mild conditions. Furthermore, a simulation study and an empirical application to the real data analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) are carried out to illustrate the finite sample performances and the usefulness of the kNN approach.  相似文献   

We show that sup, completely as, where f is a uniformly continuous density on are independent random vectors with common density f, and fn is the variable kernel estimate Here Hni is the distance between Xi and its kth nearest neighbour, K is a given density satisfying some regularity conditions, and k is a sequence of integers with the property that log asn  相似文献   

In this article, a semiparametric time‐varying nonlinear vector autoregressive (NVAR) model is proposed to model nonlinear vector time series data. We consider a combination of parametric and nonparametric estimation approaches to estimate the NVAR function for both independent and dependent errors. We use the multivariate Taylor series expansion of the link function up to the second order which has a parametric framework as a representation of the nonlinear vector regression function. After the unknown parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood estimation procedure, the obtained NVAR function is adjusted by a nonparametric diagonal matrix, where the proposed adjusted matrix is estimated by the nonparametric kernel estimator. The asymptotic consistency properties of the proposed estimators are established. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed semiparametric method. A real data example on short‐run interest rates and long‐run interest rates of United States Treasury securities is analyzed to demonstrate the application of the proposed approach. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 668–687; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

It is well known that the inverse-square-root rule of Abramson (1982) for the bandwidth h of a variable-kernel density estimator achieves a reduction in bias from the fixed-bandwidth estimator, even when a nonnegative kernel is used. Without some form of “clipping” device similar to that of Abramson, the asymptotic bias can be much greater than O(h4) for target densities like the normal (Terrell and Scott 1992) or even compactly supported densities. However, Abramson used a nonsmooth clipping procedure intended for pointwise estimation. Instead, we propose a smoothly clipped estimator and establish a globally valid, uniformly convergent bias expansion for densities with uniformly continuous fourth derivatives. The main result extends Hall's (1990) formula (see also Terrell and Scott 1992) to several dimensions, and actually to a very general class of estimators. By allowing a clipping parameter to vary with the bandwidth, the usual O(h4) bias expression holds uniformly on any set where the target density is bounded away from zero.  相似文献   

Let f be an unknown possibly multimodal density on Rd and let X1, X2, … be a sequence of independent random vectors with density f. Several recursive estimates of the mode of f are proposed, and sufficient conditions ensuring their weak and strong consistency are established.  相似文献   

In this we consider the problem of model selection for infinite variance time series. We introduce a group of model selection critera based on a general loss function Ψ. This family includes various generalizations of predictive least square and AIC Parameter estimation is carried out using Ψ. We use two loss functions commonly used in robust estimation and show that certain criteria out perform the conventional approach based on least squares or Yule-Walker estima­tion for heavy tailed innovations. Our conclusions are based on a comprehensive study of the performance of competing criteria for a wide selection of AR(2) models. We also consider the performance of these techniques when the ‘true’ model is not contained in the family of candidate models.  相似文献   

We apply the stochastic approximation method to construct a large class of recursive kernel estimators of a probability density, including the one introduced by Hall and Patil [1994. On the efficiency of on-line density estimators. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 40, 1504–1512]. We study the properties of these estimators and compare them with Rosenblatt's nonrecursive estimator. It turns out that, for pointwise estimation, it is preferable to use the nonrecursive Rosenblatt's kernel estimator rather than any recursive estimator. A contrario, for estimation by confidence intervals, it is better to use a recursive estimator rather than Rosenblatt's estimator.  相似文献   

We propose a modification of local polynomial estimation which improves the efficiency of the conventional method when the observation errors are correlated. The procedure is based on a pre-transformation of the data as a generalization of the pre-whitening procedure introduced by Xiao et al. [(2003), ‘More Efficient Local Polynomial Estimation in Nonparametric Regression with Autocorrelated Errors’, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 98, 980–992]. While these authors assumed a linear process representation for the error process, we avoid any structural assumption. We further allow the regressors and the errors to be dependent. More importantly, we show that the inclusion of both leading and lagged variables in the approximation of the error terms outperforms the best approximation based on lagged variables only. Establishing its asymptotic distribution, we show that the proposed estimator is more efficient than the standard local polynomial estimator. As a by-product we prove a suitable version of a central limit theorem which allows us to improve the asymptotic normality result for local polynomial estimators by Masry and Fan [(1997), ‘Local Polynomial Estimation of Regression Functions for Mixing Processes’, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 24, 165–179]. A simulation study confirms the efficiency of our estimator on finite samples. An application to climate data also shows that our new method leads to an estimator with decreased variability.  相似文献   

We consider nonparametric estimation of the density function and its derivatives for multivariate linear processes with long-range dependence. In a first step, the asymptotic distribution of the multivariate empirical process is derived. In a second step, the asymptotic distribution of kernel density estimators and their derivatives is obtained.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the large sample behaviour of a varying kernel density estimator of the marginal density of a non-negative stationary and ergodic time series that is also strongly mixing. In particular we obtain an approximation for bias, mean square error and establish asymptotic normality of this density estimator. We also derive an almost sure uniform consistency rate over bounded intervals of this estimator. A finite sample simulation shows some superiority of the proposed density estimator over the one based on a symmetric kernel.  相似文献   

Time series data observed at unequal time intervals (irregular data) occur quite often and this usually poses problems in its analysis. A recursive form of the exponentially smoothed estimated is here proposed for a nonlinear model with irregularly observed data and its asymptotic properties are discussed An alternative smoother to that of Wright (1985) is also derived. Numerical comparison is made between the resulting estimates and other smoothed estimates.  相似文献   


We will establish the local asymptotic normality (LAN) for fractional autoregressive long memory model in the case of strong mixing noises. This opens the way in future work to construct an adaptive estimator and construct optimal tests for the parameters. To check the feasibility and validity of our theoretical results a simulations study is considered.  相似文献   

Jiri Andel 《Statistics》2013,47(4):615-632
The paper is a review of nonlinear processes used in time series analysis and presents some new original results about stationary distribution of a nonlinear autoregres-sive process of the first order. The following models are considered: nonlinear autoregessive processes, threshold AR processes, threshold MA processes, bilinear models, auto-regressive models with random parameters including double stochastic models, exponential AR models, generalized threshold models and smooth transition autoregressive models, Some tests for linearity of processes are also presented.  相似文献   

There are many time series applications where an experi­menter observes the simultaneous responses of several sub­systems over time. In these instances one is often not interested in the parameters of individual subsystems, but rather in an overall characterization of the system in question. Under the assumption that subsystems are independent and first order autoregressive, the present paper presents two methods for estimating the distribution of the subsystem coefficients.  相似文献   

A problem involving non-stationary, discrete-time series of counts from a Poisson process with a varying but smooth intensity function is studied. A smoothness prior for the underlying intensity process is modelled using the hierarchical Bayesian approach, which is shown to provide an AR(1) representation for the intensity process. Since conjugate priors are not assumed, analytic derivation of estimates and predictions of the Poisson series are not available. Some reasonably good approximations are given and illustrated using data on British road casualties before and after the introduction of the seatbelt law.  相似文献   

The results of a Monte Carlo study of the sensitivity of Rosenblatt density estimates to the scale factor are presented.  相似文献   

Histogram density estimator is very intuitive and easy to compute and has been widely adopted. Especially in today's big data environment, people pay more attention to the computational cost and are more willing to choose estimators with less to compute. And so, many scholars have been interested in the various estimates based on the histogram technique. Under strong mixing process, this article studies the uniform strong consistency of histogram density estimator and the convergence rate. Our conditions on the mixing coefficient and the bin width are very mild.  相似文献   

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