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This paper is the second paper in a three-part article series presenting an integrative theory of problem solving in groups on the basis of theory and research on group processes, problem solving and decision making. In the first paper of the series (Stempfle, 2004) basic recommendations for structuring problem solving processes in groups were established taking into account situational constraints. The focus was on aspects of group organization. Goal of the present paper is to discuss problem solving strategies in the work task area. A problem typology for work task sub-problems is proposed, wherein routine tasks, problems, puzzles and crisis situations are differentiated. It is hypothesized that the problem solving process of groups concerning arbitrary types of sub-problems can be described in terms of a complex sequence of five basic cognitive operations, namely information gathering, solution seeking, analysis, evaluation and decision. For the various sub-problems proposed, ideal problem solving strategies are proposed taking into account the need for action with regard to the sub-problem at hand and the resources available to the group. Problem solving strategies are stated in terms of sequences of the proposed basic cognitive operations.  相似文献   

Despite the increased attention the subject of child sexual abuse has received in recent years, rarely has much consideration been given to the boys and adolescent males who are the victims of such abuse. That young girls are consistently the clear majority of sexual abuse victims is not disputed, however the extent to which they are the majority is in question. A review of existing literature has indicated that one of the leading factors for this inadvertent negligence in presenting a truer picture of the magnitude of the problem for male victims concerns the area of under-reporting of the incidence of abuse of young males. Under-reporting has served to give a false sense of the scope of child sexual abuse, particularly for male children. Many societal and methodological factors contribute to under-reporting. Reasons for the discrepancy in reporting abuse will be presented and implications for practice will be discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is the first paper in a three-part article series presenting an integrative theory of problem solving in groups on the basis of theory and research on group processes, problem solving and decision making. Group problem solving is differentiated into three main focuses of action, namely taskwork, group organisation and socio-emotional regulation. The present paper focuses on aspects of group organization. A theory of the structure of group mental models is developed. The mental model of problem solving groups is differentiated into a short-term and a long-term memory system. Under each memory system, several memory units are proposed containing declarative and procedural knowledge on aspects of the problem at hand and aspects of the group. Based on the assumption that success in problem solving results from the group’s success in solving various subproblems, recommendations for structuring the problem solving process are being drafted. It is suggested that during an initial orientation stage all occurring subproblems be rated according to their need for action and stored in the short term memory system. In the following action stage, the various subproblems stored in the short term memory system should be worked off in the order of their respective need for action. Based on characteristics of the subproblems at hand and on situative constraints, propositions concerning the resources needed for belabouring the various subproblems are established. Consequences with regard to the working mode of the group are derived.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology aims at designing biological systems, at building ‘living machines’. The emergence of synthetic biology has reignited the cycle of public debate. The old biotechnology debate is being reiterated and the controversies are deepened. The societal debate follows the technological hype cycle. A new technology with a high visibility and high expectations also raises high controversies. For synthetic biology, this hype is currently near its peak and the first signs of disillusionment are getting visible. In policy development, on the other hand, synthetic biology is in the early stages. Governments examine the need for adaptations to existing regulatory frameworks. There is a gap between the visibility of the technological developments and policy formulation. This gap is crucial for technology assessment: while the hype in public attention is over, essential policy steps are taken. In order to close this gap, technology assessment needs to facilitate the societal–ethical debate when media attention, and thus the visibility of the technological developments, declines.  相似文献   

Positive practice, a brief integative approach to consultation with families, is described in this paper. A clear distinction is made between the stages of planning, assessment, therapy, and disengagement. Guideliness for progression from one stage to the next are provided. Frameworks for deciding who to invite to preliminary sessions and methods for planning and organizing lines of inquiry are incorporated into this approach to practice. A three-column model is used to construct formulations. The model allows therapists and clients to map information about the pattern of interaction around the presenting problem, beliefs that constrain family members from altering their roles in these problem-maintaining patterns, and factors that have predisposed family members to hold these beliefs. Positive practice offers methods for evolving new behavioral patterns and belief systems within sessions and for arranging homework tasks for clients between sessions. It also incorporates methods for dealing with resistnace, for managing therapeutic crises, for convening indivudial sessions and borader network meetings, for disengaging from the consultation process, and for recontracting for further episodes of therapy. This evolving approach to practice draws on ideas from many traditions within the family therapy field and takes account of recent research relevent to the practice of family therapy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to predict therapy dropouts using data gathered at marital therpay intake. Intake data included standardized assessments and demographic information. The sample consisted of 474 couples who were seeking marital therapy and who attended at least one therapy session. Seventy-two couples met the dropout criteria, and a random sample of equal size was drawn from the rest of the couples for the analyses. Data from these two groups of couples were analyzed with multiple regression and discriminant analysis formulas. Three variables-having less than two children, having a male intake clinician, and a presenting problem relating only to one spouse-were significant predictors in accounting for couples who would drop out of therapy. In the best model, high phobic anxiety scores for husbands and a presenting problem relating to parenting, along with the other three variables, produced a model that accurately classified 82% of the couples who dropped out of therapy.  相似文献   


Human service organizations are beginning to utilize computerized information systems for a variety of purposes. This new information technology is expected to have a major impact on human service organizations. However, work to date has explored the impact of information systems designed for administrative and managerial tasks while clinical information systems focusing on direct practice have yet to be studied systematically. In this paper, is described the impact of a clinical information system on the work of line workers and the HSO as a whole. Five stages in the problem solving process are identified: Information collection, information processing, professional judgment, decision making, and action. They are viewed as stages in a feedback loop such that die action sequence of one cycle leads to an information collection stage in the subsequent cycle and so on. The possible impact of a CIS on practitioners at all levels from line worker to HSO clinical leadership is analyzed at each of these five stages. A case example of the CIS developed for the foster care service in Israel is utilized as an illustrative example.  相似文献   

This article explores how the scope of solutions to complex problems is determined by the way in which the problem is formulated. We inquire into this by means of a theory-driven case study of the reform in the Norwegian drug rehabilitation sector and the Tyrili facility. We analyze divergent approaches to drug rehabilitation by means of a problem formulation framework, which distinguishes between (1) the value dimensions of given problems, and (2) the phases of problem solving activities. Based on this inquiry, we arrive at a set of propositions, in which we propose that the two approaches differ in their inclusion of various value dimensions. Moreover, we suggest that the reform pursued increased efficiency as a solution to a reductionist formulation of the problem, which challenged Tyrili's opportunity to solve the problem in the multidimensional manner they conceive of it. This is an argument against a one-dimensional maximization of efficiency as a pursuit of quality in social services.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a theoretical model for presenting diagnoses to parents of autistic children. The model is based on crisis theory. Actual professional practice, as determined by interviews with the parents of 22 autistic children of various ages, is compared with the theoretical model. This, study demonstrated that professional practice did not seem to have given adequate recognition to mourning reactions but did show a tendency toward increased involvement of parents in treatment. The failure to recognize or encourage adaptive mourning is seen as fostering denial which might impair the ability of the parents to cope effectively with the problem.  相似文献   

This study examines NLRB bargaining orders that have gone to appeals courts and ascertains what factors influence whether or not the order is enforced and to what degree these factors influence the likelihood of enforcement. Substantial information has been collected from each reported appellate decision that reviewed NLRB bargaining orders issued over a four-year period. A probit regression model is employed to examine whether factors related to an employer’s unfair labor practice campaign are involved in the circuit court’s enforcement decisions or if more weight is given to unrelated factors, such as the circuit in which the appeal is heard or the amount of judicial delay involved in the appeals process. Funding for this research was supported by NSF Grant SES-86-18517.  相似文献   


The University Counseling Center at the State University of New York at Stony Brook has developed a psychodynamic model for brief therapy in order to meet increased demands for service with limited staff resources. Because the center has both a multidisciplinary staff and graduate student training program, the aim of the model was to translate already existing theories of time-limited psychotherapy into practical, usable, teachable techniques. A major issue addressed was the reluctance to accept brief therapy because of its perception of being superficial and amenable only to symptom relief as opposed to “preferred” long-term treatment, seen as providing in-depth change and personality reorganization.

The model developed is based on one or two assessment sessions followed by eight sessions of treatment. The major distinguishing characteristic of the model consists of the explicit setting of two goals with the patient. Goal I is based on an assessment of the presenting problem and is directed toward symptom relief. Goal II is based on a characterological-thematic assessment of the patient and is directed toward major theme-process issues in which the presenting problem is imbedded. The eight treatment sessions are seen as a dynamic whole. Both goals I and II are explicitly contracted for, and each session number is announced by the therapist.

Experience with the model to date has shown that eight sessions produce characteristic initial, middle, and late sessions, with planned termination, a powerful, dynamic feature not usually utilized with many psychotherapies in which natural or calendar events tend to provide motivation for termination. In addition, major characterological changes can begin when the patient participates in the ego-synthesizing function of understanding the thematic issues within which specific behaviors and emotional reactions are a part.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the problem of modeling rights using extensive game forms with perfect information. Three dimensions of rights – protocol, autonomy and power – are identified and it is shown, that under a certain condition, the effectivity function captures completely all rights relevant aspects of a game form. The condition under which this is possible is interpretable both as a particular formulation of individual liberty and as a rejection of consequentialism. I wish to express my debt to Professor A.K. Sen and P.K. Pattanaik for several helpful discussions on rights as game forms. I also wish to thank professors N. Balke, M. Dasgupta, M. Davis, J. Hadar, A. Sengupta, and W.M. Thomson for their comments.  相似文献   

In this paper I want to describe the use of a technique which I have termed the ‘Time Sphere’. The combination of a life cycle model with the chronological mapping of closeness–distance has allowed for useful consideration of various relational events not previously explored by the family or therapist. By sharing the information visually with the client family we are able to explore context, family of origin influences and life cycle transitions within an extended family model. Ultimately my hope is to develop this model further as a creative means of exploring how family patterns and relationships are repeated, and how context is ultimately the key to understanding. To preserve confidentiality, my ‘case’ is an amalgam of several real client families.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case in which family therapy was one of the approaches attempting to resolve an eating disorder in the second-born of twins, the youngest in an intact family of four children. The case is described in its referral, agency and chronological contexts. The initial referral suggested that there was no physical cause for the presenting problem, and advocated an investigation of family dynamics. Some evidence which seemed to support the dysfunctional family formulation was provided, and various hypotheses regarding family disturbance were pursued in therapy. These hypotheses were, on the surface, supported by systemic observations. When a rare pancreatic tumour which was underlying the eating disorder was diagnosed many months after the brief and unsuccessful interventions, ‘confirmation bias’, resistance and neutrality became important issues for the therapists to consider. The role of these processes in this case is discussed.  相似文献   

In this discussion of population growth, inequality, and poverty, the type of relationships that can be observed in intercountry comparisons are explored, reviewing the findings of several other authors, presenting some new estimates using an International Labor Office data bank, considering some basic conceptual problems, and examining some of the theoretical and empirical issues that call for investigation at the national level. Intercountry comparisons, despite their limitations, appear to be the easiest starting point for empirical analysis. The approach adopted by most researchers has been to select 1 or more population indicators and a measure of national income inequality and to explain intercountry differences in 1 or both of these variables in terms of each other and of other indicators of economic and social development. Underlying this methodology is the assumption that there are aspects of demographic and economic change that are common to all countries included in the study, so that differences between countries give some guide to the likely evolution over time within any 1 country. This can be accepted at best with reservations, but given the scarcity of data on the evolution of inequality over time, a working hypothesis of this type appears unavoidable. But, as many of the factors likely to cause population growth and inequality operate over extended periods of time, a dynamic model is indicated. A simpler model, which pays particular attention to lags and variations over time, may generate new insights. A summary of the results of a new international cross-section analysis set up on these lines is presented. Results suggest that contrary to expectations, reducing population growth does not seem to generate longterm benefits for the poor in this model, though some short term gains are found. Increasing equality does appear to generate some decline in population growth, as well as persistent gains in incomes among the poor, but the reductions in population growth look small when set against the substantial reduction in inequality assumed. The central problem is that inequality and poverty are complex variables conceptually and empirically. 3 major sets of issues are particularly relevant: the nature of the unit of analysis; the reference period; and the conceptualization and measurement of welfare in relation to inequality and demographic change. In interpreting empirical findings, it is necessary to be aware of the different aspects of inequality and the correspondingly varied links with demographic change. The issues raised by the effects of inequality on population growth are distinct from those of population growth on the generation of inequality, and these are separated. Future research possibly will be most productive if it concentrates on the multiple roles of population growth in the transformation of systems of production.  相似文献   

In a previous work, a spatial shift-share model was proposed. That model took into account both the activity information of the territory and the legal status of the enterprises working inside it. The model presented, which had a twofold form, developed and came together into a unique formulation. The present proposal is able to suitably catch the neighborhood’s effect on the variation of an economical variable measured on the examined territory. This paper does not intend to repropose the aspects regarding the theoretical evolution of the first model. Instead, the principal goal is to make a comparison ceteris paribus between the results obtained with the new model and those reached through the application of the previous one, so to highlight the role of the association between the two factors included inside the decomposition. Italian industrial districts represent the economical context for this application since each model proposed is applicable to each district case without modifying the theoretical structure which is related, to the neighborhood definition. The application proposed here focuses on data on the chair industrial district located in the border region Friuli Venezia Giulia, with reference to the entire period 2000–2004.  相似文献   

This study examined factors that influence family therapists to include children in or exclude them from therapy sessions. We hypothesized that therapist comfort, child problem type (internalizing vs. externalizing), family composition (one- vs two-parent families), and presenting problem (child-oriented problem vs. adult-oriented problem) affect therapists' inclusion of children. A survey of clinical members of AAMFT found that half of the therapists excluded children on the basis of their comfort and that those who felt more comfortable were more likely to include children in sessions. Therapists included children more frequently in cases of an internalizing vs. an externalizing child, more with single-parent than two- parent families, and more often when the presenting problem focused on a child than on an adult. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In this work, we study graph clustering problems associated with structural balance. One of these problems is known in computer science literature as the correlation-clustering (CC) problem and another (RCC) can be viewed as its relaxed version. The solution of CC and RCC problems has been previously used in the literature as tools for the evaluation of structural balance in a social network. Our aim is to solve these problems to optimality. We describe integer linear programming formulations for these problems which includes the first mathematical formulation for the RCC problem. We also discuss alternative models for the relaxed structural balance and the solution of clustering problems associated with these new models. Numerical experiments are carried out with each formulation on a set of benchmark instances available in the literature.  相似文献   

In the present article, the author examines the relationships existing between the ecological cycle and the ritual cycle of a Quechua-speaking community of the South Central Andes of Peru (Department of Ayacucho). His analysis takes into consideration a double dimension: the ecological (objective and subjective) and the spatio-temporal (physical and cultural). These two dimensions are seen as the essential basis for the elaboration of a dynamic model of analysis of the Andean communities. This model relies heavily on Murra's formulation of the “vertical” control of the ecology, and is exemplified by data the author and a Peruvian colleague, Salvador Palomino Flores, collected in 1969.  相似文献   

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