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Doubly periodic non-homogeneous Poisson models for hurricane data   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Non-homogeneous Poisson processes with periodic claim intensity rate have been proposed as claim counts in risk theory. Here a doubly periodic Poisson model with short- and long-term trends is studied. Beta-type intensity functions are presented as illustrations. The likelihood function and the maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters are derived.Doubly periodic Poisson models are appropriate when the seasonality does not repeat exactly the same short-term pattern every year, but has a peak intensity that varies over a longer period. This reflects periodic environments like those forming hurricanes, in alternating El Niño/La Niña years. An application of the model to the data set of Atlantic hurricanes affecting the United States (1899–2000) is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an estimator of the unknown size of a target population to which has been added a planted population of known size. The augmented population is observed for a fixed time and individuals are sighted according to independent Poisson processes. These processes may be time-inhomogeneous, but, within each population, the intensity function is the same for all individuals. When the two populations have the same intensity function, known results on factorial series distributions suggest that the proposed estimator is approximately unbiased and provide a useful estimator of standard deviation. Except for short sampling times, computational results confirm that the proposed population-size estimator is nearly unbiased, and indicate that it gives a better overall performance than existing estimators in the literature. The robustness of this performance is investigated in situations in which it cannot be assumed that the behaviour of the plants matches that of individuals from the target population.  相似文献   

Analysis of data in the form of a set of points irregularly distributed within a region of space usually involves the study of some property of the distribution of inter-event distances. One such function is G, the distribution of the distance from an event to its nearest neighbor. In practice, point processes are commonly observed through a bounded window, thus making edge effects an important component in the estimation of G. Several estimators have been proposed, all dealing with the edge effect problem in different ways. This paper proposes a new alternative for estimating the nearest neighbor distribution and compares it to other estimators. The result is an estimator with relatively small mean squared error for a wide variety of stationary processes.  相似文献   

In the 1950s Brunk and Van Eeden each obtained maximum-likelihood estimators of a finite product of probability density functions under partial or complete ordering of their parameters. Their results play an important role in the general theory of inference under order restrictions and lead to an isotonic estimator of the intensity of a nonhomogeneous Poisson process. Here an elementary derivation of the maximum likelihood estimator (m.l.e.) for the intensity of a nonhomogeneous Poisson process is given when several (possibly censored) realizations are available. Boswell obtained the m.l.e. based on a single realization as well as a conditional m.l.e. under the same conditions. An example is given to show that in the multirealization setup a conditional m.l.e. may not exist; the proofs are, we believe, new and elementary. An illustrative application is given.  相似文献   

Abstract. Motivated by applications of Poisson processes for modelling periodic time‐varying phenomena, we study a semi‐parametric estimator of the period of cyclic intensity function of a non‐homogeneous Poisson process. There are no parametric assumptions on the intensity function which is treated as an infinite dimensional nuisance parameter. We propose a new family of estimators for the period of the intensity function, address the identifiability and consistency issues and present simulations which demonstrate good performance of the proposed estimation procedure in practice. We compare our method to competing methods on synthetic data and apply it to a real data set from a call center.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a semi-parametric estimation of a survival function when analyzing incomplete and doubly censored data. Under the assumption that the chance of censoring is not related to the individual's survivorship, we propose a consistent estimation of survival. The derived estimator treats the uncensored observations nonparametrically and uses parametric models for both right and left censored data. Some asymptotic properties and simulation studies are also presented in order to analyze the behavior of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

We consider a class of long-range-dependent Gaussian processes defined in a semiparametric framework. We propose a new estimator of the long-range dependence parameter, based on the integration of the periodogram in two windows. We show that it is asymptotically Gaussian and calculate the rate of convergence. We optimise parameters defining the window function for the minimum mean-square-error criterion. In a Monte-Carlo study, we compare the proposed estimator with previously studied estimators.  相似文献   

The periodic multiplicative intensity model is considered. A new bootstrap method for non stationary counting processes which intensity function has some periodicity properties is presented. Its main advantage is that it does not destroy the temporal order and the original periodicity of the underlying counting process. The proposed algorithm is used to construct a bootstrap version of the maximum likelihood hazard function estimator. The consistency of the bootstrap method is shown. A possible modification of the proposed bootstrap method is discussed. The bootstrap simultaneous confidence intervals for the hazard function are presented. The telecommunication network traffic real data example is discussed.  相似文献   

The counting process with the Cox-type intensity function has been commonly used to analyse recurrent event data. This model essentially assumes that the underlying counting process is a time-transformed Poisson process and that the covariates have multiplicative effects on the mean and rate function of the counting process. Recently, Pepe and Cai, and Lawless and co-workers have proposed semiparametric procedures for making inferences about the mean and rate function of the counting process without the Poisson-type assumption. In this paper, we provide a rigorous justification of such robust procedures through modern empirical process theory. Furthermore, we present an approach to constructing simultaneous confidence bands for the mean function and describe a class of graphical and numerical techniques for checking the adequacy of the fitted mean–rate model. The advantages of the robust procedures are demonstrated through simulation studies. An illustration with multiple-infection data taken from a clinical study on chronic granulomatous disease is also provided.  相似文献   

Seasonality and Return Periods of Landfalling Atlantic Basin Hurricanes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the annual arrival cycle and return period properties of landfalling Atlantic Basin hurricanes. A non-homogeneous Poisson process with a periodic intensity function is used to model the annual cycle of hurricane arrival times. Wind speed and central pressure return periods and non-encounter probabilities are estimated by combining the Poisson arrival model with extreme value peaks-over-threshold methods. The data used in this study contain all Atlantic Basin hurricanes that have made landfall in the contiguous United States during the years 1935–98 inclusive.  相似文献   

Recent work on point processes includes studying posterior convergence rates of estimating a continuous intensity function. In this article, convergence rates for estimating the intensity function and change‐point are derived for the more general case of a piecewise continuous intensity function. We study the problem of estimating the intensity function of an inhomogeneous Poisson process with a change‐point using non‐parametric Bayesian methods. An Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is proposed to obtain estimates of the intensity function and the change‐point which is illustrated using simulation studies and applications. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 604–618; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The sparsity of the isotope Helium‐3, ongoing since 2009, has initiated a new generation of neutron detectors. One particularly promising development line for detectors is the multilayer gaseous detector. In this paper, a stochastic process approach is used to determine the neutron energy from the additional data afforded by the multilayer nature of these novel detectors. The data from a multilayer detector consist of counts of the number of absorbed neutrons along the sequence of the detector's layers, in which the neutron absorption probability is unknown. We study the maximum likelihood estimator for the intensity and absorption probability and show its consistency and asymptotic normality, as the number of incoming neutrons goes to infinity. We combine these results with known results on the relation between the absorption probability and the wavelength to derive an estimator of the wavelength and to show its consistency and asymptotic normality.  相似文献   

In the present article, we have studied the estimation of entropy, that is, a function of scale parameter lnσ of an exponential distribution based on doubly censored sample when the location parameter is restricted to positive real line. The estimation problem is studied under a general class of bowl-shaped non monotone location invariant loss functions. It is established that the best affine equivariant estimator (BAEE) is inadmissible by deriving an improved estimator. This estimator is non-smooth. Further, we have obtained a smooth improved estimator. A class of estimators is considered and sufficient conditions are derived under which these estimators improve upon the BAEE. In particular, using these results we have obtained the improved estimators for the squared error and the linex loss functions. Finally, we have compared the risk performance of the proposed estimators numerically. One data analysis has been performed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Barlow and van Zwet (1969, 1970, 1971) have proposed the isotonic window estimators for the generalized failure rate function and established some asymptotic properties. In this paper, we provide a proof, together with a set of sufficient conditions, of the asymptotic normality of an isotonic window estimator.  相似文献   

Let {Z(t)} be a stochastic point process. When {Z(t)} is Poisson and it is desired to estimate the intensity A, it is shown that the optimal (in terms of Fisher information) discrete sampling scheme is to sample {Z(t)} at predetermined fixed time points. On the other hand, when {Z(t)} is a pure birth process and a maximum likelihood estimator of the birth rate is desired, it is sometimes better to sample at random time points, according to a renewal process. An application of these ideas is given in the estimation of bacterial density in a liquid, by the method of dilutions.  相似文献   

We consider a family of marked Poisson process models for the discovery of distinct errors in a computer program and also for sampling, in continu-ous time, a population containing an unknown number of distinct biological species. Captures (selections or discoveries) are assumed to occur at a con-stant rate, each event consisting of the discovery of a distinct process (error or species) or the recurrence of a previously discovered process. Using a generalization of Nayak’s (1988) model we derive confidence limits for the discovery rate. The limits are based on the asymptotic distribution of a scaled logarithmic function of the maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

We use the additive risk model of Aalen (Aalen, 1980) as a model for the rate of a counting process. Rather than specifying the intensity, that is the instantaneous probability of an event conditional on the entire history of the relevant covariates and counting processes, we present a model for the rate function, i.e., the instantaneous probability of an event conditional on only a selected set of covariates. When the rate function for the counting process is of Aalen form we show that the usual Aalen estimator can be used and gives almost unbiased estimates. The usual martingale based variance estimator is incorrect and an alternative estimator should be used. We also consider the semi-parametric version of the Aalen model as a rate model (McKeague and Sasieni, 1994) and show that the standard errors that are computed based on an assumption of intensities are incorrect and give a different estimator. Finally, we introduce and implement a test-statistic for the hypothesis of a time-constant effect in both the non-parametric and semi-parametric model. A small simulation study was performed to evaluate the performance of the new estimator of the standard error.  相似文献   

Dependent multivariate count data occur in several research studies. These data can be modelled by a multivariate Poisson or Negative binomial distribution constructed using copulas. However, when some of the counts are inflated, that is, the number of observations in some cells are much larger than other cells, then the copula-based multivariate Poisson (or Negative binomial) distribution may not fit well and it is not an appropriate statistical model for the data. There is a need to modify or adjust the multivariate distribution to account for the inflated frequencies. In this article, we consider the situation where the frequencies of two cells are higher compared to the other cells and develop a doubly inflated multivariate Poisson distribution function using multivariate Gaussian copula. We also discuss procedures for regression on covariates for the doubly inflated multivariate count data. For illustrating the proposed methodologies, we present real data containing bivariate count observations with inflations in two cells. Several models and linear predictors with log link functions are considered, and we discuss maximum likelihood estimation to estimate unknown parameters of the models.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to the problem of change-point parameter estimation in the case of the presence of multiple changes in the intensity function of the Poisson process. It is supposed that the observations are independent inhomogeneous Poisson processes with the same intensity function and this intensity function has two jumps separated by a known quantity. The asymptotic behavior of the maximum-likelihood and Bayesian estimators are described. It is shown that these estimators are consistent, have different limit distributions, the moments converge and that the Bayesian estimators are asymptotically efficient. The numerical simulations illustrate the obtained results.  相似文献   

Adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) is considered to be the most suitable sampling design for the estimation of rare, hidden, clustered and hard-to-reach population units. The main characteristic of this design is that it may select more meaningful samples and provide more efficient estimates for the field investigator as compare to the other conventional sampling designs. In this paper, we proposed a generalized estimator with a single auxiliary variable for the estimation of rare, hidden and highly clustered population variance under ACS design. The expressions of approximate bias and mean square error are derived and the efficiency comparisons have been made with other existing estimators. A numerical study is carried out on a real population of aquatic birds together with an artificial population generated by Poisson cluster process. Related results of numerical study show that the proposed generalized variance estimator is able to provide considerably better results over the competing estimators.  相似文献   

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