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How to apply Jean-Daniel Reynaud's theory of social regulation to market relations? When applied to the results drawn from fieldwork on the supplying of organic and local produce to catering businesses serving public institutions in France, this grid of analysis shows that organizing this supply chain involves many activities of regulation. An explanation is provided about how hard existing regulations make it to search for local produce. Two contrasting cases show the degree to which the parties involved can skirt around existing regulations and also, use certain regulations to construct new ones. The innovative regulations that enter into application are qualified as being “joint”, since they stem from the efforts of the parties in catering and in agriculture to agree about how to organize transactions, which had previously been done through the work of market middlemen. In that case, instead of reasoning in terms of a pre-existing supply and demand, we have to understand how supply and demand gradually take shape through the process of working out regulations.  相似文献   

Placing “users” or even “customers” at the center of concern has been the keystone in reforms in several French public services. As the example of police officers shows however, the idea of a user takes on quite specific meanings depending on the values and objectives defended by the occupational group in question. Placing those who commit offenses, their victims or mere citizens into categories is part of the process of constructing what the police officer's “real work” should be by disqualifying and stigmatizing those who “don't fit in”.  相似文献   

Do the social uses of the notion of competence affect operatives’ careers? A linkage between competency-based-management and careers is not to be taken for granted when competence is seen in relation to changes in work. In France, “policies of competence” entail modifying the specifications for managing the future of wage-earners, since a rationale grounded on the idea of a career yields to one based on the notion of an itinerary. Firms have supported the latter as a way to make mobility more fluid and to ensure the recognition of qualifications. However, this rationale based on occupational itineraries runs afoul of the segmented in-house labor market, which unfailingly turns an itinerary into an obstacle course. As a result, careers are “deinstitutionalized”, a trend to be related to the gradual institutionalization of “secure itineraries” with incentives coming from public employment and training policies. Invoking competence in order to make itineraries secure is part of an argument about the “destabilization of employment” that justifies delegating to individuals the management of their future and legitimates the idea that employability is to be the major counterpart for motivating wage-earners. For lack of new regulations for work throughout the life course, the rationale of an itinerary risks making the marketplace the major source of (dis)order in personal destinies.  相似文献   

Do small businesses in Argentina really form “local networks of production” similar to those in Italy? Institutional, regional (public or private) networks of support for small businesses are identified along with the strategies of various parties and the sorts of agreements worked out between them. A survey of small business networks in four areas chosen for the variety of their output and for their positions in the market and in the chain of production shows that regional networks lack consolidation, except in the Mendoza area, where small businesses, big firms, universities and private as well as public institutions function in an “integrated” network. — Special issue: Latin America.  相似文献   

The paradoxes in the work of teaching in French vocational education stem from the “symbolic closure” of these secondary schools. The latter, given the mass enrollment in general secondary schools, receive students marked by their failure in middle school. This has created a distance with the students' social and family environment and with firms, even though the latter are supposed to be the destination where these students are bound. The work of these teachers is strongly marked by “subjective ordeals” related to their subordinate position in the school system, to a concern for keeping peace in the schools and to doubts about integrating students in the world of work. Might the work of these teachers not lead paradoxically to reasserting the “weight of the educational form” by including therein actions that are supposed to help students “mature” and develop an “appropriate school identity”? In this case, the purpose of this work is the academic socialization and rehabilitation of young people as much as their vocational training as such.  相似文献   

Brands have recently cropped up in the distribution of fresh produce - a phenomenon closely linked to food and health crises in the past few years. Public authorities have been creating new control and monitoring procedures, tightening regulations on production and modifying regulations about official labels of quality. Meanwhile, retailers have been adopting new strategies for segmenting supply. How does this affect the supply of produce to consumers? How does it modify relations between producers and distributors? Under what conditions do these parties have an interest in complying? How do these segmentation strategies interact with the policies advocated by public officials and affect the raising of standards for a “minimum quality”? - Special issue on Agriculture and food.  相似文献   

The relations between “assistance” and “work” are seen from the viewpoint of the beneficiaries of welfare services for integrating them in the world of work. Material was collected during 70 semi-directive interviews with recipients of the minimal welfare payment program (RMI) who had valid “contracts of integration” in three local authorities in the Île-de-France region between 2005 and 2007. The relations of these persons to work differ as a function of their attachment to the norm of autonomy, their resistance to stigmatization and their guilt feelings. They very much depend on beneficiaries’ sociodemographic characteristics and quite diverse backgrounds and itineraries. Three types of relations to the world of work have been detected that enable us to empirically verify the postulate that the most disadvantaged categories have difficulty appropriating the currently widespread norm of individual autonomy.  相似文献   

Along with the notion of development, new jobs have emerged characterized by: a vague, overall definition; an ambiguity as to roles (especially in dealings with locally elected officials); makeshift statuses; and occupational itineraries that cannot be reduced to civil service careers. As this examination of their work over three decades shows, the autonomy of rural development agents has been related to a “phase of invention”, when the switch was made from rural planning to development. Role ambiguity still prevails and has even spread, owing to the social conditions of employment, to occupational itineraries. Given the cofinancing of public authorities’ “territorial actions”, we see a couple forming between elected officials, who want to take hold in an intercommunal territory, and development agents, who “create their jobs” by capturing subsidies. Over this 30-year period, a peculiar image of “fuzzy jobs” has emerged.  相似文献   

The writing of a “transversal” report on employment at the OECD is examined by focusing not on the finished product but, instead, on the drafting of the report. This approach allows for exploring the dynamics of power at work inside the OECD. It opens toward broader considerations about how this type of international organization produces knowledge in economics and weaves relations, throughout the long process of drafting the report, with those who requested it. This article analyzes how economic issues are assembled through a succession of intermediate studies and reshaped through an asymmetrical competition between services. By making visible the process of constructing the position of “institutional author”, this analysis repositions on new grounds the problem of “influence”, which usually arises in organizations of this sort.  相似文献   

The transportation of freight by truck has been fully deregulated and opened to competition in the European Union, without any quotas or restrictions since 1July 1998. This deregulation has caused problems, mainly due to the delay in adopting common fiscal and social measures, road checks and sanctions for firms that commit offenses. Unscrupulous companies have used this legal vacuum in the EU to factitiously “outsource” activities and dodge national rules and regulations about taxes, labor relations and welfare. As a result, working conditions have worsened as barriers have been lifted. By definition, turnover is high among wage-earners. Truck drivers, semi-skilled, have become interchangeable on the EU marketplace. They can be profitably replaced with drivers from eastern Europe (Poland, Romania, Bulgaria), who are much cheaper and less protected. The spread of such practices is a cause of concern for labor organizations in Europe. Shipping by truck is a textbook case for analyzing how the EU is trying to counter the devious effects arising out of the deregulation of a branch of the economy.  相似文献   

This review of publications, mostly written during the 1990s, examines the links between scientific expertise and public (in the first place central) authorities’ priorities with regard to public services in urban areas in France. The relations between “public services” and the “city” refer to a many-sided reality at the center of specialized discussions that do not lend themselves to generalization. The relations between these two subjects can be seen from three angles: the territorial supply of services; their relations with the environment; and the norms for thinking about and justifying the changes under way. Regardless of the angle chosen, three themes can be identified in talk about public services and urban areas: diversity, fragmentation and proximity. The publications examined in this review represent a mixture of heterogeneous studies, more or less dependent on requests from public institutions. These variable and varying requests provide evidence of the state’s hesitations about how to cope with social and urban changes.  相似文献   

On the basis of a survey conducted in Saint-Étienne, France, as part of a comparative European project on “modes of governance” in local economies (which, thus, takes into account the level of small and medium-sized industry and the middle level of the territory), questions are raised about the goods and services that enable these industries to be competitive with big firms or holdings. For these industries, solutions developed two decades ago for the machine tool industry, mechanics and metal-working are still significant resources. The momentum detected in a small number of fields can lead to an increasing specialization and horizontal integration that favor a more competitive growth. How to know whether this momentum results from still (temporarily) active remnants of the past or whether it is evidence of a collective impetus that can stimulate new economic growth?  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, a new organisational form of the administrative system in France has been steadily redefining relations between central administrations and local state units. Labelled “the steering state” or the “managerial state”, this new paradigm hinges on separating the strategic functions of steering and controlling the state from the operational functions of execution and policy implementation. The making of this new form of state organization involves two parallel processes: political and cognitive. For one thing, the adoption of concrete measures for “government at distance” results from power struggles between three major ministries (Home Office, Budget and Civil Service). For another, a new legitimate “categorization of the state” is being formed in the major committees involved in the reform process of the 1990s; it is borne by top civil servants and inspired by the ideas of New Public Management. — Special issue: New patterns of institutions.  相似文献   

Fieldwork in police stations in the Parisian region and Berlin is used to comparatively analyze how the assignment of identities shapes the occupational experiences of police officers recruited from among visible minorities. The processes for constructing and deconstructing the positions of minorities take place through negotiations during interactions among colleagues. They also depend on the institutional context. The stance of “denial” adopted by the French staff opens the way to tensions between officers from visible minorities and the others, whereas interventions by superiors in Berlin reduce the room for conflict while assigning a cultural identity to police officers recruited “from immigration”.  相似文献   

On-the-job racism is studied in the case of a public transportation firm that has to cope with insecurity in an urban area. In this company, the labor union has related security and racism in order to definitively integrate young persons hired to do “mediation work”. Eliminating this work from the list of jobs has had two positive effects; it avoids the risk of an “ethnic professionalization” and grants legitimacy to the relational know-how linked to the origins of young wage-earners. The option of labor union members in the firm did curb the escalation of conflicts between transportation personnel and young people in housing projects.  相似文献   

The formation of a professional specialty — sports medicine — is described with emphasis on how drug abuse has become a public issue. This notion's itinerary is traced between 1955 and 1999 so as to show how doctors with different profiles and activities successively raised the issue of “doping”. The objectives of medicine, as it was being applied to sports, gradually changed. At the start, the intention was to cure, a view that celebrated the virtues of practicing a sport and it condemned using drugs. A new field of medical competence was opened with the “biological preparation of performances”, which, though presented as an alternative to using drugs, blurred the boundaries with doping. Medical positions became polarized: on the one side, a science of training took shape around the physiology of physical efforts, which made it possible to intensify activities while optimizing them thanks to rest periods; and on the other side, clinicians who, in closer contact with the everyday life of players, both understood the requirements ensuing from a continuous renewal of performances and tended to favor taking “products” for “curative” purposes. Sports medicine was legitimated as a medical specialty on two grounds: the one, obvious, sets doping at odds with health; and the other, aberrant from the viewpoint of health but nonetheless accepted, associates intensive sports with health.  相似文献   

In the late 1970s, a major change in techniques and a modification of the job structure opened the way for women to become engineers in the computer sciences. At the time, working conditions and policies for managing careers allowed them to benefit from ascending mobility, while still investing in family life. Given its strong growth, information technology soon became the main branch of the French economy with openings for women engineers. The downturn in employment during the 1990s and its management through “psychology-based” training arrangements restored the sexual division of labor, as women were forced out of “noble” positions in engineering and design or even out of the branch itself. These two recent trends — a feminization and then “defeminization” of reputedly “masculine” jobs — are analyzed.  相似文献   

The history of urban sewage sludge, a matter of much confusion and mobilization, illustrates the impact of controversies about farming. It also casts light on the significance of new themes and on questions about the French “co-management” model. Above all, it helps us analyze the recourse to new controls that operate outside the sway of public authorities and complete official regulations - in the form either of procedures for labeling quality, which anchor the production and elimination of sludge in a locality, or of procedures that place sludge as an input in the food chain. Such procedures seek to restore confidence and strengthen the commitments made by various parties. They also provide evidence of how farming is changing. - Special issue on Agriculture and food.  相似文献   

Policies of higher education provide evidence of recent trends in the actions undertaken by public authorities. Local authorities are ever more implicated, since the places for defining objectives are being decentralized and contracts are more often being used to formalize relations between partners. Despite the increasingly “polycentric” patterns of the parties involved, civil servants in the Ministry of Education still maintain control over setting objectives. The greater investment made by local authorities, who allege that universities depend financially on the central government, reinforces the presidents of universities.  相似文献   

A study of the EU system for regulating medicinal products is used to show the usefulness of distinguishing between policy-making and scientific expertise when analyzing political decision-making. This approach presupposes identifying the characteristics of scientific expertise. The experts responsible for assessing drugs have to combine knowledge and action. Questions are raised about how work is shared between decision-makers and experts. In the case of medicinal products, the work of experts has absorbed decision-making. Lest we waver between explanations in terms either of science or else of politics, it is necessary to substantively identify expertise’s political dimensions. Two conceptions — the “healthy man’s” and the “sick man’s” — of the purpose of assessing medicinal products stand out in debates; but political authorities pay no heed to them.  相似文献   

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