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上世纪80年代,美国黑人女性文学被引进中国.它在中国的影响经历了起步、发展与新世纪新发展三个阶段.受制于本土经验的影响和制约,中国介绍和翻译美国黑人女作家及其作品,在整个文学接受过程中呈现出不同于其他文学类型的研究分布特征.应从本土经验的角度观照美国黑人女性文学,探讨此类文学接受表象下的深层文化意义.  相似文献   

张军 《河北学刊》2008,28(1):110-113
黑人文学是美国文学的重要组成部分,其经历了不同的发展时期和较长的发展过程。本文以断代史为观照点,重新审视美国黑人文学,并提出在断代史框架下研究美国黑人文学的三个重要方面,即研究美国黑人文学的重要意义、划分美国黑人文学为五个阶段的主要依据以及如何从整体视角来分析各阶段的主要研究内容。该研究有助于我们更好地把握美国黑人文学发展的连贯性和整体性。  相似文献   

骆洪 《学术探索》2009,(4):109-114
二十世纪的美国黑人小说反映了作家们的“双重意识”以及他们对美国黑人文化身份的思考。他们对身份的探讨呈现出三种倾向:一是“融入”思想,希望被白人主流社会接纳;二是强调其“黑人性”,激发种族自豪感、增强种族凝聚力,与白人种族主义分庭抗争;三是建构其美国人的身份,同时强调其黑人性。这些倾向也是广大美国黑人寻找文化身份时的心理写照。文化身份具有客观、本质的特性的同时又具有主观、建构的特点。双重意识问题形象生动地再现了美国黑人的文化心理。随着时间的推移、社会的变迁以及个人经历的变化,美国黑人作家对文化身份的思考也会随之出现差异或者由差异走向趋同。  相似文献   

《日用家当》是艾丽斯·沃克的经典作品,该小说通过描写女主人公迪与母亲、妹妹三人在对待家庭文化遗产方面的不同态度以及由此所产生的矛盾冲突,生动地再现了美国黑人的生存状态。通过分析小说文本和社会语境,我们可以看出非裔美国人在现代白人社会文明的冲击下建构文化身份认同的矛盾与困惑。美国黑人应正视自己民族文化的二重性特征,只有将自身文化中的"非洲"与"美国"两方面因素有机结合,才能最终确立自己的文化身份,解开认同之惑。  相似文献   

美国黑人女性戏剧的发展见证了黑人女性戏剧家群体不断调整话语策略以应对白人主流意识与黑人男性霸权的双重围困和压迫的历史进程。由于种族和性别的双重因素,美国黑人女性地位更加卑微,长期以来被视为"他者中的他者"。然而,这个群体并不屈服于自己的命运,在经历了创作视野逐步拓宽、创作主题日趋多元的话语书写历程后,美国黑人女性戏剧日益走向成熟,从而确定了自身的话语地位。自20世纪70年代以来,美国黑人女性戏剧所取得的成绩已得到美国乃至世界剧坛的认可,成为美国黑人文学研究发展的"崭新的能力中心"。从话语策略这个维度对其进行研究,不仅是对黑人女性不幸遭遇的探讨,也是对整个美国文学的再认识,可以帮助我们把握美国文学发展的规律性,从而洞察美国社会的历史传承。  相似文献   

《所罗门之歌》是1993年诺贝尔文学奖获得者、美国黑人女作家托妮.莫里森的代表作,讲述了黑人青年奶人寻求黑人民族历史文化之根,完成自我重塑的成长过程。在小说中,莫里森以“黑人会飞”这一古老的民间传说为情节发展主线和象征核心,向读者展现了几种不同的“飞翔”,表达了以奶人为代表的非裔美国黑人族群渴望保存民族传统文化的强烈愿望和对自由、真实生活的热切向往。  相似文献   

莫里森的小说《所罗门之歌》通过描写梅肯·戴德一家三代人所追求的不同生存方式,展示了美国黑人寻找其民族文化的艰难历程.在对白人文化的完全摒弃和吸收都无助于美国黑人民族文化的生存与发展时,莫里森意识到,黑白两种文化的冲突必然会导致文化创造性的转化.文化是民族在对应生境中的创造物,美国黑人在经历了三百年的族际演化后,已经成为一个全新的民族,其民族文化必然是基于其黑人性和美国性的一种全新的文化.  相似文献   

美国黑人作家拉尔夫.艾里森的小说《看不见的人》,揭示了美国黑人在种族歧视和种族隔离制度下的生存困境,是一幕探索自我和实现自我的道德悲剧。主人公通过探索自我的艰辛历程,确立了黑人只有遵从自己的传统文化,发扬黑人积极向上的价值观,建立正确的道德秩序,才能在白人的主流社会中找到自我和达到自我价值的实现,从而进入人与自我、人与他人以及人与社会的和谐境界。借鉴艾里森的道德价值观,对于中华民族在全球化的潮流中保持自己民族的独立性,主动借鉴西方文化中有益的东西,同时又能发扬自己民族的文化传统,才能屹立于世界民族之林,具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

《所罗门之歌》是托尼·莫里森代表性作品之一,是一部意义丰富的作品。在这部作品中,"林肯天堂"起到了连接故事的纽带作用,与主人公麦肯、派拉特、奶娃性格的形成、发展和成熟息息相关,并联系着美国黑人的过去、现在和将来。通过"林肯天堂",可以看到美国黑人历史文化在这部小说中的重建,也可以看出美国黑人从"失乐园"到"建乐园",再从"失乐园"到"复乐园"的精神历程。  相似文献   

当代美国黑人女性主义文学批评综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本篇文章对美国黑人女性主义批评的定义演变、历史发展、核心问题和学术特点进行了研究.进一步论证了美国黑人女性文学及其批评在女性文学、少数族裔文学及第三世界文学的特殊地位。  相似文献   

以异质文化为研究背景,针对非裔和华裔在美国社会相似的经历和处境,以非裔文学和华裔文学中代表作家的作品为研究对象,分析两类文学集中展现的文化身份建构问题,总结非裔和华裔在异质文化背景下影响其文化身份建构的因素,探讨白人主流文化与非裔和华裔本民族文化各自对建构文化身份的影响,提出在异质文化背景下双重性文化身份建立的必然性和途径。  相似文献   

骆洪 《学术探索》2013,(11):84-88
身份认同在文学作品中经常是学者们关注的要点之一,而在非裔美国文学中,身份认同似乎成了一个永恒的话题,作家们刻意描写的或是评论家们努力挖掘的常常都与自我探寻、身份建构有关。非裔美国女剧作家洛琳·汉丝贝莉的经典剧作《阳光下的葡萄干》反映了民权运动初期非裔美国人的身份认同观念及其行为取向,体现在作为美国人而向主流社会的认同和回归本源的非洲文化认同两个方面。身份认同的关键在于人们对待本族群“根源”的态度取向和由此产生的社会行为。人们根据时代、社会背景和自身的社会定位来做出必要的取舍,实现自我。  相似文献   

杨超 《北方论丛》2011,(1):82-87
20世纪60年代中期前,美国政府在保障黑人平等就业方面缺乏作为,黑人在就业领域长期遭受歧视。虽然在内外因素作用下,美国政府通过了《1964年民权法》禁止就业歧视,但该法仍存在一定的局限性。1965年"肯定性行动"的出台,完善了美国的反歧视政策,使其更具有可操作性。"肯定性行动"标志着美国黑人平等就业政策的初步形成。  相似文献   

African American families are overrepresented in the Child Welfare System; however, extant research on this phenomenon has (1) focused mostly on Caucasian or mixed-race samples and (2) has not examined informal custody arrangements alongside official child custody loss. This research addresses these gaps in the literature by examining factors associated with both official and informal child custody loss among a sample of African American mothers. Multinomial regression results show that having ever been incarcerated following a conviction increases the odds of experiencing both types of custody loss relative to no loss. Additionally, mother’s experiences of childhood victimization increase the likelihood of informal custody loss relative to no loss, while being older, past year homelessness, number of minor children, being lesbian or bisexual, crack/cocaine use, and more family social support increase the odds of official loss versus no loss. Finally, increases in social support from friends decrease the odds of official loss. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

华裔作家为抵御身处海外所遭受的欺辱、寻找身份的认同,从中国传统文化中寻找精神寄托,根据需要,对关公形象进行了选择性接受与改造。这是关公形象在美国变异的开端。美国人对中国文化不甚了解,并对华人及华人文化存在偏见,再加上华裔作家对关公形象有意无意的误读,造成了美国人对关公形象的歪曲,最终在影片《我是布鲁斯》中臆造出一个妖魔化的关公形象。这是关公形象在美国的再度变异。  相似文献   

Using data from 595 predominantly disadvantaged African American women in Kentucky, this study examines perceptions about racial/ethnic partner availability, cultural mistrust, and racism as correlates of interracial dating intentions and behaviors with both white and Hispanic men. Participants reported levels of dating intentions and behaviors were significantly higher with whites than Hispanics. The multivariate models indicate less cultural mistrust and believing it is easier to find a man of that racial/ethnic category were associated with higher interracial dating intentions. Women were more likely to have dated a white man if they believed it was easier to find a white man and had interracial dating intentions; however, interracial dating intentions was the only significant correlate of having dated a Hispanic man. Findings suggest a shrinking social distance between racial groups, broadening the MMPI for African American women; yet, the low levels of interracial relationships are likely driven by preferences of men.  相似文献   

In a departure from most studies of the causes of racial residential segregation that focus on the three main factors of economics, preferences, and discrimination, this paper examines one of the mechanisms through which segregation may be perpetuated: the housing search process itself. Data come from a 2004 face-to-face survey of an area probability sample of African American and white householders living in the three counties of the Detroit metropolitan area (n = 734). These data are used to address three research questions: (1) What are the strategies people use to find housing, and are there racial differences in those strategies? (2) Do whites and African Americans report similar or different experiences in the search for housing? (3) Do the locations in which people search for housing vary by race? Results show that once controlling for the type of search and background characteristics, the search strategies are generally similar for whites and blacks, though more so for buyers than renters: for example, black renters use more informal strategies and networks than do white renters. Analyses that look at the features of these strategies, however, reveal some significant racial differences. Search experiences are similar in terms of length and number of homes inspected, but other objective and subjective questions about the search show blacks at a disadvantage compared to whites: African Americans submit more offers/applications for homes, report more difficulties, and are much more likely to feel they were taken advantage of during the search. The racial characteristics of the communities in which blacks and whites search are quite different: whites mainly search in white communities, while African Americans search in communities with a variety of racial compositions. The paper concludes with a call for further research on housing search strategies, with particular attention to the role of social networks.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine whether “new governance” reforms in public sector work over the last two decades have generated managerial wage losses for African Americans and Latinos. Findings from Integrated Public Use Micro-Series data across three time points indicate that the new “business logic” encompassing, most notably, increased employer discretion has progressively disadvantaged African American and Latino men and women relative to their White and gender counterparts. Indeed, for both African Americans and Latinos in the managerial ranks, relative parity in wages that were witnessed in the public sector progressively eroded between 2000 and 2010. Qualifications to these findings indicate that levels of inequality become pronounced for African Americans, and more so among men than women. We discuss the historical niche status of public sector work for racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. and the importance of conducting further analyses of the public sector because of its fluid nature as a locus of racial stratification.  相似文献   

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