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Despite a broad sociological consensus that racism is indefensible, it is not always obvious which is the best way to intervene to prevent it. The primary strategies available are (1) the moral model, (2) the social engineering model, (3) the clinical/educational model, and (4) the cultural/structural model. Each of these, however, has its limitations, with the last being the most comprehensive and historically informed.  相似文献   

In France over the last four decades increasing interest in the small, the specific and the subjective can be observed. This involves a shift away from a holist approach towards social analysis focused on the individual and often carried out by researchers as specified and reflexive individuals. To be understood, this movement must be situated in the context of the development of French sociology, largely dominated at its origins by Durkheimian sociology. Thus, when the individual has appeared this is often not in his or her own right, but as representative of a social trend or group. As from the 1980s, new perspectives, very often imported from American sociology bring into play individual action, emotions and bodies, often studied as socially shaped. More recently, individual characteristics have been examined as a constraint on the possibilities of action, and discussion has also revolved around the reality of the person as an autonomous subject.  相似文献   

Investor relations officers say that one of the biggest challenges of their work is proving to the senior management that investor relations contributes value to the organization. This study provides an initial step in evaluating investor relations' contribution to an organization's bottom line. The study first offers a theoretical overview of academic and professional literature dealing with the contribution of investor relations to the organizational bottom line. Second this theoretical overview serves as a starting point for an empirical investigation organized as a Delphi panel. Investor relations officers from corporations and investor relations agencies were recruited to participate in the panel and share their practical insights in response to the theoretically identified indicators of investor relations value. As a result, the study found 4 key areas of investor relations contribution: fair share price, improved liquidity of stock, enhanced analyst coverage, and building and maintaining investor relationships.  相似文献   

This paper describes an attachment-based intervention for mothers known to Child Welfare Services where past and current trauma complicates family preservation and promotion of child well being. The first part of the paper describes the innovative Attachment-Centered Parent–Child Therapy service that has been delivered to high-risk families with children from 0 to 3 years of age. The intervention uses a group format that has the added benefits of enhancing social support and being highly cost effective. The intervention also integrates video filming both in terms of capturing essential features of the group intervention for review and supervision of clinical staff, and is fundamental in the observation-based empirical assessments. Quantitative data from an initial pilot study supporting the efficacy of the intervention is presented. As well, qualitative data is presented including a case study that highlights therapeutic action shown to positively impact the quality of the mother–child relationship.  相似文献   

Direct-service nonprofits have taken on increasing responsibility in creating social change (operationalized through the concept of social innovation) within local communities. Qualitative interviews were conducted with executive directors to determine the factors within the intra-organizational environment that support an orientation toward social innovation. Findings show that aspects related to staff engagement and development and direction by the executive leadership team are particularly important. The findings provide a conceptual model of the varying intra-organizational dynamics that support the development of a social innovation-oriented organizational culture. This research offers a focus for social work education programs to equip practitioners with the skills needed in contemporary practice.  相似文献   

A follow-up study of 83 families treated by family therapy at a child guidance clinic was conducted and the relation of client/therapist interaction to (i) drop out from therapy and (ii) improvement was examined. Early terminators were found to differ significantly from continuers as to their ratings of their relationship with the therapist, and trends were found for therapists' feelings to be associated with adherence to therapy. Early terminators were not distinguished by diagnosis, severity of case, or improvement rating. Improvement, on the other hand, was not associated with therapists' or clients' attitudes to each other. It is suggested that these factors are of greater significance in “joining” therapy than in its course.  相似文献   

Because social workers are called to challenge social injustices and create systemic change to support the well-being of individuals and communities, it is essential that social workers develop political efficacy: belief that the political system can work and they can influence the system. This study explored the impact of an intensive political social work curriculum on political efficacy and planned political engagement among social work students and practitioners. The findings suggest this model of delivering a political social work curriculum effectively increases internal, external, and overall political efficacy, and that increasing political efficacy has promise for increasing future political engagement.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of satisfying three basic interpersonal needs on intergroup attitudes and behaviors within ethnically mixed groups. 726 students from 20 seventh-grade classes in three ethnically mixed junior high schools participated in an intervention program designed to satisfy interpersonal needs according to the ‘three dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior’. Pupils' attitudes and behaviors were assessed using a sociometric questionnaire. Results demonstrate the positive outcomes of the intervention program in the experimental groups, compared with the negative outcomes in the control group, as well as the differential effects of the three interpersonal needs on pupils' attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   


Recent research indicates that, of the various forms of treatment available to sexual offenders, cognitive-behavioural methods are likely to have the greatest impact in reducing rates of sexual re-offending. Cognitive-behavioural treatment typically targets attitudes that support sexual offending, anger management, victim empathy, deviant sexual arousal, and relapse prevention. More recently, treatment has targeted cognitive processes more generally, management of other emotional states in addition to anger, intimacy deficits, and risk self-management (Marshall, Anderson, & Fernandez, 1999; Yates, Goguen, Nicholaichuk, Williams, & Long, 2000). This article describes the components of cognitive-behavioural treatment with sexual offenders, including recent developments, assessment, treatment methods, and the importance of therapist characteristics on the therapeutic process and on treatment outcome.  相似文献   

Fair-fight-for-change is a technique in the creative use of aggression in marriage counseling as proposed by George R. Bach, PhD. Its purpose is to utilize anger constructively, teach communication skills, and produce behavior change. The author's use of this technique is presented step-by-step in a verbatim account of an actual counseling session that was also video-taped.  相似文献   

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