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Although language study can be very interesting, it is admittedly about the most complex type of learning that a student can undertake, it is very important that we realize that language study is different from the study of science or mathematics and is more complex. Therefore the mechanical methods employed in the learning of multiplication tables, for example, may not be he most appropriate methods to use in teaching language. Real ability with language is the ability to communicate ideas. A student may know a lot of sentence patterns and rules of grammar and  相似文献   

Introduction There is a general consensus among language learning theorists,educational psycholo-gists,and language—teaching professionals that the learning of anything does not occur in avacuum.That is,successful language learning of whatever kind comes out only when what isto be learned can be meaningfully related to something that is already known.Learning,inother words,must take place within some kind of familiar context or framework——an ex-tension of the familiar to the unfamiliar,if you will.The natural question to raise,then,iswhat such"frameworks"——and ones familiar to the learner——we might identify for thelearning of second/foreign language grammar.In what way,we are entitled to ask,wouldgrammatical consciousness—raising fit into this roughly—drawn,very general picture of lan-  相似文献   

Introduction The factors of personality may be directly or indirectly related to learners' success in foreion language learning. A lot of research work has been devoted to elucidating what kinds of learner's characteristics appear to be related to success in learning a foreign language and in what way they are retatad. However,the results prove to be problematic. As a result,it is not easy for language teachers to evaluate and utilize the results of those in-  相似文献   

1.IntroductionIn foreign language learning,it has been observed countless times that in the sameclassroom setting,some students progress rapidly in the learning of a new language whileothers struggle along making very slow progress.This has made many of us foreign languageteachers believe that learners have certain characteristics which lead to more or lesssuccessful language learning.While such beliefs are usually based on anecdotal evidence,thatis,on individual people we have known,overseas …  相似文献   

Modern language teaching seems to be closely involved withthree elements:approach,method and technique.An approach isset of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of languageand the nature of language teaching and learning.It discribes the  相似文献   

From the second half of the twentieth centuryon,researchers have begun to analyze child languagelearning systematically.They have attempted to dis-cover the nature of the psycholinguistic process thatenables every human being to gain great control of anexceedingly complex system of communication.Learning outcomes may be influenced by individuallearner variables.The motivation of learning playsvery important role in second language learning.Alanguage teacher should get the intimate knowledge a-…  相似文献   

Teaching in any field involves far more than a simple dispensation of relevant material and pertinent facts. A conscientious teacher is not only concerned with being an expert in their subject, but also offers insights into the learning process and uses various learning techniques. We nust not only give the students the information we wish them to learn, but we must also supply them with the necessary tools to become effective learners.  相似文献   

In order to train a student to be a person with ability,who can self-study,use knowledge flexibly and bring firth new ideas constantly,the constant development of society demands a full exertion of student-center approach in the process of education.Therefore,how to exert the student-center approach is a question that every teacher is facing.I think that we can exert the student-center approach from the following aspects.One,a teacher must change his teaching conception.He should know that it's the students who are the main body of teaching and the teacher can act as a guider.The other,by all means,we ought to make the students know the purpose of their study and the function of themselves in learning.We also ought to culture their interest in learning,inspire and strengthen their main body consciousness.the teacher should,on the basis of full understanding his students and textbook,exert the leading function of himself.In the course of teaching,the teacher can exert the advantage of advanced teaching method,such as situational language teaching,and advanced teaching instrument,such as multimedia,which will inspire the students' interest and conscious activities.We can train the students' imagining ability through encouragement 、guiding and extracurricular activities.We can improve the students' ability of self-study.Thus,the students' main body function will reach a better exertion and the effect of teaching will be improved.This will train the students to suit the need of society.  相似文献   

日语写作是日语学习者比较艰难的训练过程。"拓展句子"不啻是词汇的简单迭加,还是在语法、修辞训练过程中对写作技巧和规律的把握。这要求通过把握拓展的界定、训练及在教学中应注意的问题,实现"为迁移而教"的目的,推动学生习惯于日语思维和日语文章的创作,进而完善日语写作的学科建设。,To Japanese learners, Japanese writing is a difficult training process. "Expanding Sentence" is not only a simple puttin g words together, but also the grasp of writing skills and rules through the tra ining of grammar and rhetoric. The expanding needs to be defined and trained and the problems which should be paid attention to in the teaching needs to be gras p ed. By the above, we can achieve the aim of "teaching for transfer", promote s t udents' thinking and writing in Japanese and perfect the subjects building of Ja panese writing.  相似文献   

As an inseparable part of language teaching,language testing will either foster or impede language teaching,depending on whether it is appropriately employed or not.Nevertheless,language testing and assessment system in China leaves much to be desired.The author takes the case of National Matriculation English Test(NMET) which boasts an annual testing population of millions and exerts tremendous impact on high school teaching and learning in China to discover the problems of Chinese Language Testing and offers some suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

在分析大学生英语课堂学习特点与大学生中介语发展障碍的成因的基础上,指出可理解语言输出在二语习得中扮演着重要角色,传统重输入轻输出的外语教学模式不利于中介语发展,缺乏语言输出成为中介语发展的瓶颈.将输出假设理论应用于课堂教学的实践表明,在抓住课堂教学关键期、增加输入有效性的前提下,减少学生对规避学习策略的依赖,创设元语言环境,鼓励有效的语言输出,以输出性活动提升学生对自身中介语系统的关注,有利于提高教学效果.  相似文献   

以需求分析为理论依据,从学习动机、课堂教学期望和效果、英语语言技能和交际技能、课程和职业需求等方面来调查英语专业学生对商务英语的学习需求。调查结果为更加合理地进行课程设置和改进教学方法提供依据。  相似文献   

需求分析是开展外语教学的基础。本文以问卷的形式,从学习者需求角度出发,对普通院校英语专业学生基础阶段的口语学习需求进行调查,包括学习动机、学习情感态度、学习行为、学习目标、教师角色和教师素质。旨在了解和分析学生对英语口语教师和学习者本人的需求,从而优化口语课堂,促进英语口语教学的改革与发展。  相似文献   

针对ESP教学在大学英语教学中定位不明确的现状,通过对大学本科阶段学习者英语学习需求的阐述,和对ESP(专门用途英语)、EGP(基础英语)和BE(双语教学)关系的讨论,指出我国大学本科阶段ESP教学定位是基于EGP教学之上,为学生进入BE阶段的语言准备型教学形式,表现为从语言教学渐变到以英语为教学手段的学科教学的连续体。ESP教学地位定位的意义不仅体现为为大学生进入双语学习做好语言准备,还为我国大学英语教师的发展指出了方向。  相似文献   

传播生态学强调的是信息传播过程的和谐互动,而信息时代的语言学习是一种多模态信息传播过程。因此在综合分析认知学习理论的基础上,从信息生态学的视角指出,外语学习的各种模态应有机和有效地组合为一体,使之和谐互动,优势互补,以提高外语学习绩效,并据此提出外语学习模态的组合原则应为有效原则、激发原则及协调原则。  相似文献   

基于Kolb经验学习理论,利用SPSS19.0分析不同学习风格学习者学术英语(EAP)语言技能学习需求差异,结果表明:不同学习风格学习者学术英语语言技能学习需求存在显著差异性,聚合型风格学习者重视EAP写作技能,同化型风格学习者偏好EAP阅读技能,发散型风格学习者关注EAP口语和听力技能,调适型风格学习者喜好EAP口语技能。学习者的学习风格与EAP写作、阅读和口语需求频度存在显著关联,与EAP听力需求频度没有显著关联,而学习者EAP需求内容与学习风格关联不显著。因此,学术英语课程规划、资料开发和教学设计应考虑不同学习风格的学习者学术英语需求的差异性,学术英语教学要关注不同个体的学习偏好。  相似文献   

在英语教学过程中,为交流信息、传递感情,教师在使用语言交际的同时,还会使用多种非语言交际手段,身势语则是非语言交际中表现力最强也是最丰富的一种,并且在交际中有着口语无法替代、只可意会难以言传的魅力。在英语教学活动中,教师能否正确运用身势语,对能否营造学习英语的浓郁文化氛围,能否激活学生的积极学习兴趣,能否潜移默化地影响学生注意力,都起着潜在的重要作用。身势语是英语教学中潜在的隐性力量,关系着英语教学能否有效进行。  相似文献   

本研究分析了彝族学生的母语彝语语法在英语语法学习中的重要位置,并就此得出了彝英语法对比分析对彝族中学生的语法教学具有重要的指导意义,即能预测彝族学生在学习语法的过程中将会遇到的困难及解决困难的两种教学模式:对比分析模式和错误分析模式,并把其应用于彝族学生的英语语法的课堂教学和测试中。  相似文献   

信息化时代知识传播达到了前所未有的高速度。在网络环境下,语言教学工作者需要从教学实践的角度对传统的传播媒介和教学模式进行重新审视,转变观念,转换角色,实现将无序的汉语口语教学资源有序化,用现代信息化手段与传统的语言教学手段进行有机整合。教师要善于利用网络资源来设计学习过程,用网络获取每个学生的学习信息来调控学习过程。  相似文献   

自主学习能力对于学习者而言是一项重要技能,是实现终身教育所必备。文中分析了自主学习能力的培养对于少数民族外语学习者的重要性,探讨了在现代信息技术日益改变着教学模式的背景下如何培养少数民族学生的外语自主学习能力。笔者认为,树立以学生为中心的教学理念是实现自主学习能力培养的关键,培养学习动机、学习策略以及利用网络资源的能力是提高学习者自主学习能力的三个重点。  相似文献   

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