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In this essay Douglas J. Besharov and Peter Germanis trace what is known about the large decrease in welfare recipiency and what families are doing after they leave welfare. According to them, welfare offices have been transformed from places where mothers are automatically signed up for benefits to places where mothers are helped (and at times pressured) to get a job—or to rely on others for support. The authors' main data sources are the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), state administrative data on welfare submitted to HHS, and state "leaver studies."  相似文献   

In this essay Peter H. Rossi describes the four major research projects assessing welfare reform, programs that account for more than half the spending in the area: the Survey of Program Dynamics (SPD), the National Survey of America's Families (NSAF), the Project on Devolution and Urban Change (UC), and the Child Impact Waiver experiments being funded by the federal government. He concludes that these studies cannot provide a reliable assessment of welfare reform's impact on children and families because it is too late to construct a valid control or comparison group with which to measure the "counterfactual," or what would have happened in the absence of welfare reform.  相似文献   

In “Cohabitation and Child Well-Being,” Wendy D. Manning, an associate professor in Bowling Green State University's Department of Sociology, summarizes what is known about cohabitation and its effects on children. She describes how some people view “cohabiting-couple” households (that is, unmarried couples cohabiting with a biological child of at least one of the adults) as a two-parent family form and that one of the major goals of the 1996 welfare reform law was to encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families. The main sources of data she uses are the Current Population Survey (CPS), the Decennial Census, the Survey of Income and Program Participation, the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH), and the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG).  相似文献   

In “Mothers' Work and Child Care,” Julia B. Isaacs, director of the Division of Data and Technical Analysis of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Planning, She describes the strengths and weakness of the child care data in the main national surveys. Isaacs also examines the main data sources that HHS uses to measure the availability and quality of child care for low-income families: the Current Population Survey (CPS); the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP); the National Household Education Survey (NHES); the National Survey of America's Families (NSAF); state administrative data collected by the federal government that include aggregate numbers of children receiving subsidies as well as some of the characteristics of those subsidies, such as type of provider and age of child; and state studies of those who have left the welfare rolls (leaver studies).  相似文献   

The large-scale entry of married women into the workforce has been a striking feature of the post-war period, particularly in the United States, Britain, and other Anglo-Celtic nations. Theory implies that this should happen in all developed nations. But there is a counter-example: Ireland. To discover whether this is truly an exception, we analyze data from large, representative samples of Ireland, the USA, Britain, and Australia (pooled n=8,240). We find that Irish are not especially traditional; they are especially devout, but the difference persists when this is controlled. Strikingly, the behavior of Irish immigrants is indistinguishable from other Anglo-Celts in their new societies. Thus it seems that Irish exceptionalism arises from an institutional setting uniquely hostile to women’s employment. She is currently coordinating a multi-national research project assessing the extent of ethnic discrimination in different societies. She and Jonathan Kelley are continuing their long-run international, comparative project on economic culture with special reference to inequality. He and M.D.R. Evans conduct their omnibus International Social Science Surveys, which include as their International Survey of Economic Attitudes, their Bioethics surveys, the Australian National Social Science Survey, and others. They are completing a book on time use and subjective well-being in later life. She researches intergenerational social mobility and occupational careers with special reference to gender, and also studies socio-political attitudes and their sources, particularly using International Social Survey Program data.  相似文献   

In “Teenage Sex, Pregnancy, and Nonmarital Births,” Isabel V. Sawhill, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, describes recent trends in teenage sex, pregnancy, and nonmarital births. Her main sources of data are the Current Population Survey (CPS) and the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program (VSCP). Sawhill begins by describing the high proportion of children living in single-parent families and showing how this arrangement contributes to child poverty. Between 1970 and 1996, for example, poverty rose from 15 to 20 percent of all children. Virtually all this increase stemmed from the growth of single-parent families. Moreover, a shift in the composition of single parents, so that a greater number are never-married mothers, exacerbated poverty and welfare dependency. In the 1960s and 1970s, the growth in single parenthood was largely attributable to increases in divorce; in the 1980s and 1990s, however, the growth was largely driven by nonmarital births.  相似文献   

人才培养是高等学校的重要战略任务,也是一项长期的系统工程。在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》明确提出以人才培养为核心、全面提高高等教育质量的战略主题的形势下,作为学校基础性、保障性部门的后勤如何更有效地为高校的高素质人才培养服务,值得我们探讨与思考。后勤保障服务是学校提升人才培养质量工作中不可或缺的一部分,高校后勤应围绕“以优质服务提供坚实的支撑保障”这一个中心和“服务育人”、“文化育人”两个基本点,结合后勤工作特色,发挥后勤服务在学校人才培养体系中的特殊作用。  相似文献   

在国家电子政务建设的总体框架和技术标准基础上,以《2004-2010年全国红色旅游发展规划纲要》为指导,依据《江西红色旅游发展规划纲要》的主要内容,通过开发、整合数据挖掘平台、开发平台,提供统一的信息发布技术、用户管理机制、流程引擎驱动,完善和开发以红色旅游为主体的包括基础资料、资源系统、管理服务、经营服务四大模块的电子信息平台,制定旅游资源管理,爱国主义教育基地管理,旅游政务管理,旅游经营服务管理,旅游应急指挥管理,旅游决策支持管理等应用解决方案,最终形成一个完整的旅游行业综合决策能力的信息管理服务平台,可以实现政府科学决策和现代管理服务,满足主要客户和消费者需要,进行红色旅游发展制度创新和机制创新。  相似文献   

In “Child Maltreatment and Foster Care,” Richard J. Gelles, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work, reports what is known about the incidence of child maltreatment and foster care placement rates since welfare reform. He relies on four major sources of data: Current Trends in Child Abuse Reporting and Fatalities: Results of the 1998 Annual Fifty State Survey, the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), the National Incidence Survey of Reported and Recognized Child Maltreatment (NIS), and the Voluntary Cooperative Information System (VCIS).  相似文献   

Cohabitation has, in a number of countries, become a genuine alternative to marriage. Where this occurs, will we see a convergence in fertility behavior between the two partnership options? We address this question by comparing two societies, Norway and Spain, that contrast sharply not only in the evolution of cohabitation, but also in overall birth rates and public support for families. Using the Generations and Gender Survey for Norway (2007/2008) and the most recent Fertility, Family and Values Survey for Spain (2006), we estimate a three-equation multi-process model for selection into a union and fertility in order to take into account unobserved heterogeneity. For Norway, we find a significant association between selection into either partnership type and fertility, whereas for Spain, a newcomer to cohabitation, we find a significant association between fertility and selection into marriage.  相似文献   

Chomsky的最简方案是对其管辖约束理论的新发展。本文通过比较管辖约束理论与最简方案,试图具体阐释D-结构、S-结构、管辖理论和X阶标理论的被取代,并结合儿童习得语言的过程,证明管辖约束理论发展到最简方案的必然性。  相似文献   

在大学生中加强“三个意识”教育的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了国民意识、国家意识、国际意识的基本内涵,指出"三个意识"教育已成为世界各国共同关注的话题,在此基础上强调了对大学生进行"三个意识"教育的必要性,并提出要以贯彻实施《公民道德建设实施纲要》为重点,切实加强国民意识教育;以弘扬和培育民族精神为核心,切实加强国家意识教育;以推进教育创新为抓手,切实加强国际意识教育。  相似文献   

Child health     
In "Child Health," Lorraine V. Klerman, a professor at Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management, describes the difficulty of measuring welfare reform's impact on children's physical and mental health by using existing data sources and suggests additional approaches to consider. She relies on the following data sources: the Behavior and Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS); the Current Population Survey (CPS); the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS); the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS); the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES); the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS); the National Household Survey of Drug Abuse (NHSDA); the National Immunization Survey; the State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey (SLAITS); the VSCP; and the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).  相似文献   

作者认为 ,2 0世纪 2 0年代可以视作梁启超墨学研究的纯学术阶段 ,这一阶段的墨学著作 (《墨经校释》与《墨子学案》)已不同于此前有关墨学论著的政治宣传、思想启蒙性质 ,而表现了较多的学术涵养。必须重视梁启超墨学研究的这一阶段 ,才能对梁启超治墨的学术贡献作出恰如其分的评价。  相似文献   

为解决美国低收入群体所面临的温饱问题,美国联邦政府启动了食品券项目、学校早餐项目、全国学校午餐项目、特别牛奶项目、夏季食品供应项目、日常副食项目、儿童及成人看护食品项目、妇女、婴儿和儿童的特别营养补充项目、低收入家庭能源援助项目,对低收入群体给予实物救助。美国联邦政府对温饱问题的这种解决之道,对于中国的反贫困战略有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

沪港通背景下沪港股市联动性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Beta-skew-t-EGARCH模型对沪港股市收益率序列进行波动建模,然后采用Copula函数分析“沪港通”实施前后沪港股市联动性变化情况。结果表明:“沪港通”的实施增强了沪港两市之间的联系,加快了两市之间的融合与一体化进程。从尾部相关系数均值来看,“沪港通”实施后,两市同步下跌的概率大于同步上涨的概率。而且,“沪港通”实施后两市场对波动冲击的响应在增强。  相似文献   

以两省三县384户不同退耕还林规模农户为例,运用多元有序Logistic模型实证分析了影响农户退耕还林成果巩固意愿的因素。结果发现:愿意巩固退耕还林成果的农户所占比例为81.77%;户主年龄、户主文化程度、村庄人均耕地面积、退耕还林面积占耕地面积比重、现有退耕还林补贴标准、退耕后耕地面积以及外出务工月收入等因素对农户退耕还林成果巩固意愿有着正向的显著影响,而子女人数、种植业收入在家庭收入中所占比重和耕地单位面积农资的投入量等因素对农户退耕还林成果巩固意愿有着负向的显著影响。提出了加强退耕还林地区农村中老年劳动力人力资本投资、促进县域非农产业的发展、适当提高大规模退耕农户的退耕补贴标准和着力推进黄土高原水利灌溉设施的建设等政策建议,以不断完善退耕还林成果巩固方案。  相似文献   

理论上,公立医院治理结构被视为在公立医院参与各方(出资人、医生、经营者、患者、供应商)的自我保护机制,当这种保护缺乏或者"不适应"的时候,参与方就会提高价格。实践中,我国公立医院的治理结构改革从未间断,对于公立医院治理结构改革路径尤其是构成成员存在较大差异和争议。文章运用交易费用理论分析了公立医院治理结构构成以及其参与机制(享有表决权的成员还是仅享有知情权的成员),在此基础上,提出应该赋予出资人、医生、经营者表决权;赋予供应商、患者知情权,并分别由两类主体构成理事会(出资人、医生、经营者)和监事会(供应商、患者)。  相似文献   

全民健身体育指导员与高师体育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张华 《南都学坛》2001,21(3):111-112,124
通过全民健身运动中体育指导员的知识层次、专业结构及对高师体育现状的分析 ,提出高师体育改革要适应全民健身运动的发展需要。  相似文献   

在人际交流日益加深的今天,受众的兴趣已从单一的欣赏转而向有交流性质互动的电视节目形式过渡。文章选择了上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG)2003年开设的一档以精英文化为基石的高端文化名人访谈类栏目——《可凡倾听》,并以2013年第一期(2013-01-06)至二十三期(2013-08-11)为例,着重分析主持人语言在谈话节目中所遵循的语境及会话原则,同时结合其传播技巧分析其语体特征。  相似文献   

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