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Inversion of Pearson's chi-square statistic yields a confidence ellipsoid that can be used for simultaneous inference concerning multinomial proportions. Because the ellipsoid is difficult to interpret, methods of simultaneous confidence interval construction have been proposed by Quesenberry and hurst,goodman,fitzpatrick and scott and sison and glaz . Based on simulation results, we discuss the performance of these methods in terms of empirical coverage probabilities and enclosed volume. None of the methods is uniformly better than all others, but the Goodman intervals control the empirical coverage probability with smaller volume than other methods when the sample size supports the large sample theory. If the expected cell counts are small and nearly equal across cells, we recommend the sison and glaz intervals.  相似文献   

In practice non-randomized conservative confidence intervals for the parameter of a discrete distribution are used instead of the randomized uniformly most accurate intervals. We suggest in this paper that a part of the data be used as the random mechanism to create “data-randomized” confidence intervals. A thoughtful utilization of the data leads to intervals that are shorter than the usual conservative intervals but avoids the arbitrariness of the randomized uniformly most accurate intervals. Examples are given using the binomial, Poisson, and extended hypergeometric distributions, as well as applications to a metched case-control study and a randomized clinical trial.  相似文献   

Confidence intervals are constructed for real-valued parameter estimation in a general regression model with normal errors. When the error variance is known these intervals are optimal (in the sense of minimizing length subject to guaranteed probability of coverage) among all intervals estimates which are centered at a linear estimate of the parameter. When the error variance is unknown and the regression model is an approximately linear model (a class of models which permits bounded systematic departures from an underlying ideal model) then an independent estimate of variance is found and the intervals can then be appropriately scaled.  相似文献   

Many methods are available for computing a confidence interval for the binomial parameter, and these methods differ in their operating characteristics. It has been suggested in the literature that the use of the exact likelihood ratio (LR) confidence interval for the binomial proportion should be considered. This paper provides an evaluation of the operating characteristics of the two‐sided exact LR and exact score confidence intervals for the binomial proportion and compares these results to those for three other methods that also strictly maintain nominal coverage: Clopper‐Pearson, Blaker, and Casella. In addition, the operating characteristics of the two‐sided exact LR method and exact score method are compared with those of the corresponding asymptotic methods to investigate the adequacy of the asymptotic approximation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article reviews and applies saddlepoint approximations to studentized confidence intervals based on robust M-estimates. The latter are known to be very accurate without needing standard theory assumptions. As examples, the classical studentized statistic, the studentized versions of Huber's M-estimate of location, of its initially MAD scaled version and of Huber's proposal 2 are considered. The aim is to know whether the studentized statistics yield robust confidence intervals with coverages close to nominal, with short intervals. The results of an extensive simulation study and the recommendations for practical use given in this article may fill gaps in the current literature and stimulate further discussion and research.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose new asymptotic confidence intervals for extreme quantiles, that is, for quantiles located outside the range of the available data. We restrict ourselves to the situation where the underlying distribution is heavy-tailed. While asymptotic confidence intervals are mostly constructed around a pivotal quantity, we consider here an alternative approach based on the distribution of order statistics sampled from a uniform distribution. The convergence of the coverage probability to the nominal one is established under a classical second-order condition. The finite sample behavior is also examined and our methodology is applied to a real dataset.  相似文献   

For surveys with sensitive questions, randomized response sampling strategies are often used to increase the response rate and encourage participants to provide the truth of the question while participants' privacy and confidentiality are protected. The proportion of responding ‘yes’ to the sensitive question is the parameter of interest. Asymptotic confidence intervals for this proportion are calculated from the limiting distribution of the test statistic, and are traditionally used in practice for statistical inference. It is well known that these intervals do not guarantee the coverage probability. For this reason, we apply the exact approach, adjusting the critical value as in [10 J. Frey and A. Pérez, Exact binomial confidence intervals for randomized response, Amer. Statist.66 (2012), pp. 815. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00031305.2012.663680.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]], to construct the exact confidence interval of the proportion based on the likelihood ratio test and three Wilson-type tests. Two randomized response sampling strategies are studied: the Warner model and the unrelated model. The exact interval based on the likelihood ratio test has shorter average length than others when the probability of the sensitive question is low. Exact Wilson intervals have good performance in other cases. A real example from a survey study is utilized to illustrate the application of these exact intervals.  相似文献   

The exact confidence region for log relative potency resulting from likelihood score methods (Williams (1988) An exact confidence interval for the relative potency estimated from a multivariate bioassay, Biometrics, 44:861-868) will very likely consist of two disjoint confidence intervals. The two methods proposed by Williams which aim to select just one (the same) confidence interval from the confidence region are nearly – but not completely – consistent. The likelihood score interval and likelihood ratio interval are asymptotically equivalent. Williams's very strong claim concerning the confidence coefficient in the second selection method is still theoretically unproved; yet, simulations show that it is true for a wide range of practical experimental situations.  相似文献   

In all empirical or experimental sciences, it is a standard approach to present results, additionally to point estimates, in form of confidence intervals on the parameters of interest. The length of a confidence interval characterizes the accuracy of the whole findings. Consequently, confidence intervals should be constructed to hold a desired length. Basic ideas go back to Stein (1945) and Seelbinder (1953) who proposed a two-stage procedure for hypothesis testing about a normal mean. Tukey (1953) additionally considered the probability or power a confidence interval should possess to hold its length within a desired boundary. In this paper, an adaptive multi-stage approach is presented that can be considered as an extension of Stein's concept. Concrete rules for sample size updating are provided. Following an adaptive two-stage design of O’Brien and Fleming (1979) type, a real data example is worked out in detail.  相似文献   

Exact confidence intervals for variances rely on normal distribution assumptions. Alternatively, large-sample confidence intervals for the variance can be attained if one estimates the kurtosis of the underlying distribution. The method used to estimate the kurtosis has a direct impact on the performance of the interval and thus the quality of statistical inferences. In this paper the author considers a number of kurtosis estimators combined with large-sample theory to construct approximate confidence intervals for the variance. In addition, a nonparametric bootstrap resampling procedure is used to build bootstrap confidence intervals for the variance. Simulated coverage probabilities using different confidence interval methods are computed for a variety of sample sizes and distributions. A modification to a conventional estimator of the kurtosis, in conjunction with adjustments to the mean and variance of the asymptotic distribution of a function of the sample variance, improves the resulting coverage values for leptokurtically distributed populations.  相似文献   


This article discusses optimal confidence estimation for the geometric parameter and shows how different criteria can be used for evaluating confidence sets within the framework of tail functions theory. The confidence interval obtained using a particular tail function is studied and shown to outperform others, in the sense of having smaller width or expected width under a specified weight function. It is also shown that it may not be possible to find the most powerful test regarding the parameter using the Neyman-Pearson lemma. The theory is illustrated by application to a fecundability study.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce an approximately unbiased estimator for the population coefficient of variation, τ, in a normal distribution. The accuracy of this estimator is examined by several criteria. Using this estimator and its variance, two approximate confidence intervals for τ are introduced. The performance of the new confidence intervals is compared to those obtained by current methods.  相似文献   

Asymptotic approaches are traditionally used to calculate confidence intervals for intraclass correlation coefficient in a clustered binary study. When sample size is small to medium, or correlation or response rate is near the boundary, asymptotic intervals often do not have satisfactory performance with regard to coverage. We propose using the importance sampling method to construct the profile confidence limits for the intraclass correlation coefficient. Importance sampling is a simulation based approach to reduce the variance of the estimated parameter. Four existing asymptotic limits are used as statistical quantities for sample space ordering in the importance sampling method. Simulation studies are performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed accurate intervals with regard to coverage and interval width. Simulation results indicate that the accurate intervals based on the asymptotic limits by Fleiss and Cuzick generally have shorter width than others in many cases, while the accurate intervals based on Zou and Donner asymptotic limits outperform others when correlation and response rate are close to their boundaries.  相似文献   

In the paper, we present and discuss several methods of the construction of confidence intervals for the Laspeyres price index. We assume that prices of commodities are normally distributed and we consider both independent and dependent prices. Using Monte Carlo simulation, the paper compares the confidence interval computed from a simple econometric model with those obtained based on the Laspeyres density function. Our conclusions can be generalized to other price index formulas.  相似文献   

Small sample properties of seven confidence intervals for the binomial parameterp (based on various normal approximations) and of the Clopper-Pearson interval are compared. Coverage probabilities and expected lower and upper limits of the intervals are graphically displayed as functions of the binomial parameterp for various sample sizes.  相似文献   

We investigate the convergence rates of uniform bias-corrected confidence intervals for a smooth curve using local polynomial regression for both the interior and boundary region. We discuss the cases when the degree of the polynomial is odd and even. The uniform confidence intervals are based on the volume-of-tube formula modified for biased estimators. We empirically show that the proposed uniform confidence intervals attain, at least approximately, nominal coverage. Finally, we investigate the performance of the volume-of-tube based confidence intervals for independent non-Gaussian errors.  相似文献   

A problem where one subpopulation is compared with several other subpopulations in terms of means with the goal of estimating the smallest difference between the means commonly arises in biology, medicine, and many other scientific fields. A generalization of Strass-burger-Bretz-Hochberg approach for two comparisons is presented for cases with three and more comparisons. The method allows constructing an interval estimator for the smallest mean difference, which is compatible with the Min test. An application to a fluency-disorder study is illustrated. Simulations confirmed adequate probability coverage for normally distributed outcomes for a number of designs.  相似文献   

It is assumed that a small random sample of fixed size n is drawn from a logarithmic series distribution with parameter θ and that it is desired to estimate θ by means of a two-sided confidence interval. In this note Crow's system of confidence intervals is compared, in shortness of intervals, with Clopper and Pearson's, and the corresponding randomized counterparts.  相似文献   

We investigate the exact coverage and expected length properties of the model averaged tail area (MATA) confidence interval proposed by Turek and Fletcher, CSDA, 2012, in the context of two nested, normal linear regression models. The simpler model is obtained by applying a single linear constraint on the regression parameter vector of the full model. For given length of response vector and nominal coverage of the MATA confidence interval, we consider all possible models of this type and all possible true parameter values, together with a wide class of design matrices and parameters of interest. Our results show that, while not ideal, MATA confidence intervals perform surprisingly well in our regression scenario, provided that we use the minimum weight within the class of weights that we consider on the simpler model.  相似文献   

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