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This paper proposes a wavelet-based approach to analyze spurious and cointegrated regressions in time series. The approach is based on the properties of the wavelet covariance and correlation in Monte Carlo studies of spurious and cointegrated regression. In the case of the spurious regression, the null hypotheses of zero wavelet covariance and correlation for these series across the scales fail to be rejected. Conversely, these null hypotheses across the scales are rejected for the cointegrated bivariate time series. These nonresidual-based tests are then applied to analyze if any relationship exists between the extraterrestrial phenomenon of sunspots and the earthly economic time series of oil prices. Conventional residual-based tests appear sensitive to the specification in both the cointegrating regression and the lag order in the augmented Dickey–Fuller tests on the residuals. In contrast, the wavelet tests, with their bootstrap t-statistics and confidence intervals, detect the spuriousness of this relationship.  相似文献   

Using a spectral approach, the authors propose tests to detect multivariate ARCH effects in the residuals from a multivariate regression model. The tests are based on a comparison, via a quadratic norm, between the uniform density and a kernel‐based spectral density estimator of the squared residuals and cross products of residuals. The proposed tests are consistent under an arbitrary fixed alternative. The authors present a new application of the test due to Hosking (1980) which is seen to be a special case of their approach involving the truncated uniform kernel. However, they typically obtain more powerful procedures when using a different weighting. The authors consider especially the procedure of Robinson (1991) for choosing the smoothing parameter of the spectral density estimator. They also introduce a generalized version of the test for ARCH effects due to Ling & Li (1997). They investigate the finite‐sample performance of their tests and compare them to existing tests including those of Ling & Li (1997) and the residual‐based diagnostics of Tse (2002).Finally, they present a financial application.  相似文献   

The author considers serial correlation testing in seasonal time series models. He proposes a test statistic based on a spectral approach. Many tests of this type rely on kernel-based spectral density estimators that assign larger weights to low order lags than to high ones. Under seasonality, however, large autocorrelations may occur at seasonal lags that classical kernel estimators cannot take into account. The author thus proposes a test statistic that relies on the spectral density estimator of Shin (2004), whose weighting scheme is more adapted to this context. The distribution of his test statistic is derived under the null hypothesis and he studies its behaviour under fixed and local alternatives. He establishes the consistency of the test under a general fixed alternative. He also makes recommendations for the choice of the smoothing parameters. His simulation results suggest that his test is more powerful against seasonality than alternative procedures based on classical weighting schemes. He illustrates his procedure with monthly statistics on employment among young Americans.  相似文献   

Generalized linear models are addressed to describe the dependence of data on explanatory variables when the binary outcome is subject to misclassification. Both probit and t-link regressions for misclassified binary data under Bayesian methodology are proposed. The computational difficulties have been avoided by using data augmentation. The idea of using a data augmentation framework (with two types of latent variables) is exploited to derive efficient Gibbs sampling and expectation–maximization algorithms. Besides, this formulation has allowed to obtain the probit model as a particular case of the t-link model. Simulation examples are presented to illustrate the model performance when comparing with standard methods that do not consider misclassification. In order to show the potential of the proposed approaches, a real data problem arising when studying hearing loss caused by exposure to occupational noise is analysed.  相似文献   

A wavelet method is proposed for recovering damaged images. The proposed method combines wavelet shrinkage with preprocessing based on a binning process and an imputation procedure that is designed to extend the scope of wavelet shrinkage to data with missing values and perturbed locations. The proposed algorithm, termed as the BTW algorithm is simple to implement and efficient for recovering an image. Furthermore, this algorithm can be easily applied to wavelet regression for one-dimensional (1-D) signal estimation with irregularly spaced data. Simulation studies and real examples show that the proposed method can produce substantially effective results.  相似文献   

Likelihood Analysis of the I(2) Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The I (2) model is defined as a submodel of the general vector autoregressive model, by two reduced rank conditions. The model describes stochastic processes with stationary second difference. A parametrization is suggested which makes likelihood inference feasible. Consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator is proved, and the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator is given. It is shown that the asymptotic distribution is either Gaussian, mixed Gaussian or, in some cases, even more complicated.  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach is utilized to test for periodicity in a dichotomous time series. Dichotomous data arise in a variety of circumstances when a variable takes on only two possible values. Conjugate and noninformative priors are considered as well as a hierarchical Bayes approach; the latter is considered the superior Bayes methodology. The situation of stochastic period lengths is also discussed. The generalization to the multinomial model is investigated to allow for the case that a variable takes on more than two possible values. In all cases decisions are made based on a Bayes factor. The proposed procedures are demonstrated on earthquake data in the central Virginia seismic zone  相似文献   

This paper considers the likelihood ratio (LR) tests of stationarity, common trends and cointegration for multivariate time series. As the distribution of these tests is not known, a bootstrap version is proposed via a state- space representation. The bootstrap samples are obtained from the Kalman filter innovations under the null hypothesis. Monte Carlo simulations for the Gaussian univariate random walk plus noise model show that the bootstrap LR test achieves higher power for medium-sized deviations from the null hypothesis than a locally optimal and one-sided Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test that has a known asymptotic distribution. The power gains of the bootstrap LR test are significantly larger for testing the hypothesis of common trends and cointegration in multivariate time series, as the alternative asymptotic procedure – obtained as an extension of the LM test of stationarity – does not possess properties of optimality. Finally, it is shown that the (pseudo-)LR tests maintain good size and power properties also for the non-Gaussian series. An empirical illustration is provided.  相似文献   

This paper is about vector autoregressive‐moving average models with time‐dependent coefficients to represent non‐stationary time series. Contrary to other papers in the univariate case, the coefficients depend on time but not on the series' length n. Under appropriate assumptions, it is shown that a Gaussian quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator is almost surely consistent and asymptotically normal. The theoretical results are illustrated by means of two examples of bivariate processes. It is shown that the assumptions underlying the theoretical results apply. In the second example, the innovations are marginally heteroscedastic with a correlation ranging from ?0.8 to 0.8. In the two examples, the asymptotic information matrix is obtained in the Gaussian case. Finally, the finite‐sample behaviour is checked via a Monte Carlo simulation study for n from 25 to 400. The results confirm the validity of the asymptotic properties even for short series and the asymptotic information matrix deduced from the theory.  相似文献   

This research presents an extension of the state-dependent models (SDM) developed by Priestley. For some series, improvement in SDM performance may be achieved by permitting the residual variance to vary through time according to a moving-average scheme.  相似文献   

Given a general homogeneous non-stationary autoregressive integrated moving average process ARIMA(p,d,q), the corresponding model for the subseries obtained by a systematic sampling is derived. The article then shows that the sampled subseries approaches approximately to an integrated moving average process IMA(d,l), l≤(d-l), regardless of the autoregressive and moving average structures in the original series. In particular, the sampled subseries from an ARIMA (p,l,q) process approaches approximately to a simple random walk model.  相似文献   

We study autoregressive models for binary time series with possible changes in their parameters. A procedure for detection and testing of a single change is suggested. The limiting behavior of the test statistic is derived. The performance of the test is analyzed under the null hypothesis as well as under different alternatives via a simulation study. Application of the method to a real data set on US recession is provided as an illustration.  相似文献   

Discrimination measures have been well developed for stationary time series. However in a large number of phenomena, long-term dependencies are involved. In this article, we are dealing with discrimination of fractional integrated models. Kullback–Leibler and Chernoff's discrimination measures are approximated, using the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for discrimination of these time series classes. The simulation study indicates low misclassification rate, related to the approximations of Kullback–Leibler and Chernoff discrimination measures. Application to problem of classifying seismic data showed that our procedure performs as well as other procedures.  相似文献   

Ratios of periodogram and spectral density at different harmonic frequencies are independent if the frequency zero is approached slowly enough. This is an asymptotically relevant condition for the periodogram regression to work with fractionally integrated series. In finite samples, however, this theoretical condition should be ignored as we illustrate experimentally.  相似文献   

This empirical paper presents a number of functional modelling and forecasting methods for predicting very short-term (such as minute-by-minute) electricity demand. The proposed functional methods slice a seasonal univariate time series (TS) into a TS of curves; reduce the dimensionality of curves by applying functional principal component analysis before using a univariate TS forecasting method and regression techniques. As data points in the daily electricity demand are sequentially observed, a forecast updating method can greatly improve the accuracy of point forecasts. Moreover, we present a non-parametric bootstrap approach to construct and update prediction intervals, and compare the point and interval forecast accuracy with some naive benchmark methods. The proposed methods are illustrated by the half-hourly electricity demand from Monday to Sunday in South Australia.  相似文献   

A common practice in time series analysis is to fit a centered model to the mean-corrected data set. For stationary autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) processes, as far as the parameter estimation is concerned, fitting an ARMA model without intercepts to the mean-corrected series is asymptotically equivalent to fitting an ARMA model with intercepts to the observed series. We show that, related to the parameter least squares estimation of periodic ARMA models, the second approach can be arbitrarily more efficient than the mean-corrected counterpart. This property is illustrated by means of a periodic first-order autoregressive model. The asymptotic variance of the estimators for both approaches is derived. Moreover, empirical experiments based on simulations investigate the finite sample properties of the estimators.  相似文献   

The affect upon the significance levels of confidence regions for the mean of a multivariate normal population are determined for certain violations of the independence assumption.  相似文献   

The monitoring of web servers through statistical frameworks is of utmost important in order to verify possible suspicious anomalies in network traffic or misuse actions that compromise integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information. In this paper, by considering the Plackett copula function, we propose a bivariate beta-autoregressive moving average time-series model for proportion data over time, which is the case for variables present in web server monitoring such as error rates. To illustrate the proposed methodology, we monitor a Brazilian web server's rate of connection synchronization and rejection errors in a web system, with error logging rate in the past 10?min. In essence, the entire methodology may be generalized to any number of time-series of error rates.  相似文献   

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