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In this paper we suppose that the intensity parameter of the Pólya-Aeppli process is a function of time t and call the resulting process a non-homogeneous Pólya-Aeppli process (NHPAP). The NHPAP can be represented as a compound non-homogeneous Poisson process with geometric compounding distribution as well as a pure birth process. For this process we give two definitions and show their equivalence. Also, we derive some interesting properties of NHPAP and use simulation the illustrate the process for particular intensity functions. In addition, we introduce the standard risk model based on NHPAP, analyze the ruin probability for this model and include an example of the process under exponentially distributed claims.  相似文献   

Data sets with excess zeroes are frequently analyzed in many disciplines. A common framework used to analyze such data is the zero-inflated (ZI) regression model. It mixes a degenerate distribution with point mass at zero with a non-degenerate distribution. The estimates from ZI models quantify the effects of covariates on the means of latent random variables, which are often not the quantities of primary interest. Recently, marginal zero-inflated Poisson (MZIP; Long et al. [A marginalized zero-inflated Poisson regression model with overall exposure effects. Stat. Med. 33 (2014), pp. 5151–5165]) and negative binomial (MZINB; Preisser et al., 2016) models have been introduced that model the mean response directly. These models yield covariate effects that have simple interpretations that are, for many applications, more appealing than those available from ZI regression. This paper outlines a general framework for marginal zero-inflated models where the latent distribution is a member of the exponential dispersion family, focusing on common distributions for count data. In particular, our discussion includes the marginal zero-inflated binomial (MZIB) model, which has not been discussed previously. The details of maximum likelihood estimation via the EM algorithm are presented and the properties of the estimators as well as Wald and likelihood ratio-based inference are examined via simulation. Two examples presented illustrate the advantages of MZIP, MZINB, and MZIB models for practical data analysis.  相似文献   

Cordeiro (1983) has derived the expected value of the deviance for generalized linear models correct to terms of order n -1 being the sample size. Then a Bartlett-type factor is available for correcting the first moment of the deviance and for fitting its distribution. If the model is correct, the deviance is not, in general, distributed as chi-squared even asymptotically and very little is known about the adequacy of the X 2 approximation. This paper through simulation studies examines the behaviour of the deviance and a Bartlett adjusted deviance for testing the goodness-of-fit of a generalized linear model. The practical use of such adjustment is illustrated for some gamma and Poisson models. It is suggested that the null distribution of the adjusted deviance is better approximated by chi-square than the distribution of the deviance.  相似文献   

This paper studies prediction of future failure (rates) by hierarchical empirical Bayes (EB) Poisson regression methodologies. Both a gamma distributed superpopulation as well as a more robust (long-tailed) log student-t superpopulation are considered. Simulation results are reported concerning predicted Poisson rates. The results tentatively suggest that a hierarchical model with gamma superpopulation can effectively adapt to data coming from a log-Student-t superpopulation particularly if the additional computation involved with estimation for the log-Student-t hierarchical model is burdensome.  相似文献   


In the reliability analysis of mechanical repairable equipment subjected to reliability deterioration with operating time, two forms of the non-homogeneous Poisson processes, namely the Power-Law (PL) and the Log-Linear (LL) model, have found general acceptance in the literature. Inferential procedures, conditioned on the assumption of the PL or LL model, underestimate the overall uncertainty about a quantity of interest because the PL and LL models can provide different estimates of the quantity of interest, even when both of them adequately fit the observed data. In this paper, a composite estimation procedure, which uses the PL and LL models as competing models, is proposed in the framework of Bayesian statistics, thus allowing the uncertainty involved in model selection to be considered. A model-free approach is then proposed for incorporating technical information on the failure mechanism into the inferential procedure. Such an approach, which is based on two model-free quantities defined irrespectively of the functional form of the failure model, prevents that the prior information on the failure mechanism can improperly introduce prior probabilities on the adequacy of each model to fit the observed data. Finally, numerical applications are provided to illustrate the proposed procedures.  相似文献   

A two-stage hierarchical model for analysis of discrete data with extra-Poisson variation is examined. The model consists of a Poisson distribution with a mixing lognormal distribution for the mean. A method of approximate maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters is proposed. The method uses the EM algorithm and approximations to facilitate its implementation are derived. Approximate standard errors of the estimates are provided and a numerical example is used to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

Point process models are a natural approach for modelling data that arise as point events. In the case of Poisson counts, these may be fitted easily as a weighted Poisson regression. Point processes lack the notion of sample size. This is problematic for model selection, because various classical criteria such as the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) are a function of the sample size, n, and are derived in an asymptotic framework where n tends to infinity. In this paper, we develop an asymptotic result for Poisson point process models in which the observed number of point events, m, plays the role that sample size does in the classical regression context. Following from this result, we derive a version of BIC for point process models, and when fitted via penalised likelihood, conditions for the LASSO penalty that ensure consistency in estimation and the oracle property. We discuss challenges extending these results to the wider class of Gibbs models, of which the Poisson point process model is a special case.  相似文献   

We consider the situation where there is a known regression model that can be used to predict an outcome, Y, from a set of predictor variables X . A new variable B is expected to enhance the prediction of Y. A dataset of size n containing Y, X and B is available, and the challenge is to build an improved model for Y| X ,B that uses both the available individual level data and some summary information obtained from the known model for Y| X . We propose a synthetic data approach, which consists of creating m additional synthetic data observations, and then analyzing the combined dataset of size n + m to estimate the parameters of the Y| X ,B model. This combined dataset of size n + m now has missing values of B for m of the observations, and is analyzed using methods that can handle missing data (e.g., multiple imputation). We present simulation studies and illustrate the method using data from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial. Though the synthetic data method is applicable to a general regression context, to provide some justification, we show in two special cases that the asymptotic variances of the parameter estimates in the Y| X ,B model are identical to those from an alternative constrained maximum likelihood estimation approach. This correspondence in special cases and the method's broad applicability makes it appealing for use across diverse scenarios. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 580–603; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Seasonality and Return Periods of Landfalling Atlantic Basin Hurricanes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the annual arrival cycle and return period properties of landfalling Atlantic Basin hurricanes. A non-homogeneous Poisson process with a periodic intensity function is used to model the annual cycle of hurricane arrival times. Wind speed and central pressure return periods and non-encounter probabilities are estimated by combining the Poisson arrival model with extreme value peaks-over-threshold methods. The data used in this study contain all Atlantic Basin hurricanes that have made landfall in the contiguous United States during the years 1935–98 inclusive.  相似文献   

This article presents a universal quantile-quantile (QQ) plot that may be used to assess the fit of a family of absolutely continuous distribution functions in a possibly non-homogeneous population. This plot is more general than probability plotting papers because it may be used for distributions having more than two parameters. It is also more general than standard quantile-quantile plots because it may be used for families of not-necessarily identical distributions. In particular, the universal QQ plot may be used in the context of non-homogeneous Poisson processes, generalized linear models, and other general models.  相似文献   

Abstract. It is quite common in epidemiology that we wish to assess the quality of estimators on a particular set of information, whereas the estimators may use a larger set of information. Two examples are studied: the first occurs when we construct a model for an event which happens if a continuous variable is above a certain threshold. We can compare estimators based on the observation of only the event or on the whole continuous variable. The other example is that of predicting the survival based only on survival information or using in addition information on a disease. We develop modified Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Likelihood cross‐validation (LCV) criteria to compare estimators in this non‐standard situation. We show that a normalized difference of AIC has a bias equal to o ( n ? 1 ) if the estimators are based on well‐specified models; a normalized difference of LCV always has a bias equal to o ( n ? 1 ). A simulation study shows that both criteria work well, although the normalized difference of LCV tends to be better and is more robust. Moreover in the case of well‐specified models the difference of risks boils down to the difference of statistical risks which can be rather precisely estimated. For ‘compatible’ models the difference of risks is often the main term but there can also be a difference of mis‐specification risks.  相似文献   

A new modified Jackknifed estimator for the Poisson regression model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Poisson regression is very popular in applied researches when analyzing the count data. However, multicollinearity problem arises for the Poisson regression model when the independent variables are highly intercorrelated. Shrinkage estimator is a commonly applied solution to the general problem caused by multicollinearity. Recently, the ridge regression (RR) estimators and some methods for estimating the ridge parameter k in the Poisson regression have been proposed. It has been found that some estimators are better than the commonly used maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator and some other RR estimators. In this study, the modified Jackknifed Poisson ridge regression (MJPR) estimator is proposed to remedy the multicollinearity. A simulation study and a real data example are provided to evaluate the performance of estimators. Both mean-squared error and the percentage relative error are considered as the performance criteria. The simulation study and the real data example results show that the proposed MJPR method outperforms the Poisson ridge regression, Jackknifed Poisson ridge regression and the ML in all of the different situations evaluated in this paper.  相似文献   

The intra-cluster correlation is insisted on nested error regression model that, in practice, is rarely known. This article demonstrates the size in generalized least squares (GLS) F-test using Fuller–Battese transformation and modification F-test. For the balanced case, the former using strictly positive, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) estimators of intra-cluster correlation can control the size for moderate intra-cluster correlations. For small intra-cluster correlation, they perform well when the numbers of cluster are large. The latter using the ANOVA estimator performs well except for small numbers of cluster. When intra-cluster correlation is large, it cannot control the size. For the unbalanced case, the GLS F-test using the Fuller–Battese transformation and the modification F-test using the strictly positive, the ANCOVA and the ANOVA estimators maintain the significance level for small total sample size and small intra-cluster correlations when there is a large variation in cluster sizes, but they perform well in controlling the size for large total sample size and small different variation in cluster sizes. Besides, Henderson’s method 3 estimator maintains the significance level for a few situations.  相似文献   

Asymmetric behaviour in both mean and variance is often observed in real time series. The approach we adopt is based on double threshold autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (DTARCH) model with normal innovations. This model allows threshold nonlinearity in mean and volatility to be modelled as a result of the impact of lagged changes in assets and squared shocks, respectively. A methodology for building DTARCH models is proposed based on genetic algorithms (GAs). The most important structural parameters, that is regimes and thresholds, are searched for by GAs, while the remaining structural parameters, that is the delay parameters and models orders, vary in some pre-specified intervals and are determined using exhaustive search and an Asymptotic Information Criterion (AIC) like criterion. For each structural parameters trial set, a DTARCH model is fitted that maximizes the (penalized) likelihood (AIC criterion). For this purpose the iteratively weighted least squares algorithm is used. Then the best model according to the AIC criterion is chosen. Extension to the double threshold generalized ARCH (DTGARCH) model is also considered. The proposed methodology is checked using both simulated and market index data. Our findings show that our GAs-based procedure yields results that comparable to that reported in the literature and concerned with real time series. As far as artificial time series are considered, the proposed procedure seems to be able to fit the data quite well. In particular, a comparison is performed between the present procedure and the method proposed by Tsay [Tsay, R.S., 1989, Testing and modeling threshold autoregressive processes. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Theory and Methods, 84, 231–240.] for estimating the delay parameter. The former almost always yields better results than the latter. However, adopting Tsay's procedure as a preliminary stage for finding the appropriate delay parameter may save computational time specially if the delay parameter may vary in a large interval.  相似文献   

A procedure for selecting a Poisson population with smallest mean is considered using an indifference zone approach. The objective is to determine the smallest sample size n required from k ≥ 2 populations in order to attain the desired probability of correct selection. Since the means procedure is not consistent with respect to the difference or ratio alone, two distance measures are used simultaneously to overcome the difficulty in obtaining the smallest probability of correct selection that is greater than some specified limit. The constants required to determine n are computed and tabulated. The asymptotic results are derived using a normal approximation. A comparison with the exact results indicates that the proposed approximation works well. Only in the extreme cases small increases in n are observed. An example of industrial accident data is used to illustrate this procedure.  相似文献   

The driving risk during the initial period after licensure for novice teenage drivers is typically the highest but decreases rapidly right after. The change-point of driving risk is a critical parameter for evaluating teenage driving risk, which also varies substantially among drivers. This paper presents latent class recurrent-event change-point models for detecting the change-points. The proposed model is applied to the Naturalist Teenage Driving Study, which continuously recorded the driving data of 42 novice teenage drivers for 18 months using advanced in-vehicle instrumentation. We propose a hierarchical BFMM to estimate the change-points by clusters of drivers with similar risk profiles. The model is based on a non-homogeneous Poisson process with piecewise-constant intensity functions. Latent variables which identify the membership of the subjects are used to detect potential clusters among subjects. Application to the Naturalistic Teenage Driving Study identifies three distinct clusters with change-points at 52.30, 108.99 and 150.20?hours of driving after first licensure, respectively. The overall intensity rate and the pattern of change also differ substantially among clusters. The results of this research provide more insight in teenagers' driving behaviour and will be critical to improve young drivers' safety education and parent management programs, as well as provide crucial reference for the GDL regulations to encourage safer driving.  相似文献   

The conditional maxima of independent Poisson random variables are studied. A triangular array of row-wise independent Poisson random variables is considered. If condition is given for the row-wise sums, then the limiting distribution of the row-wise maxima is concentrated onto two points. The result is in accordance with the classical result of Anderson. The case of general power series distributions is also covered. The model studied in Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 is an analogue of the generalized allocation scheme. It can be considered as a non homogeneous generalized scheme of allocations of at most n balls into N boxes. Then the maximal value of the contents of the boxes is studied.  相似文献   


Nonhomogeneous Poisson processes (NHPP) provide many models for hardware and software reliability analysis. In order to get an appropriate NHPP model, goodness-of-Fit (GOF for short) tests have to be carried out. For the power-law processes, lots of GOF tests have been developed. For other NHPP models, only the Conditional Probability Integral Transformation (CPIT) test has been proposed. However, the CPIT test is less powerful and cannot be applied to some NHPP models. This article proposes a general GOF test based on the Laplace statistic for a large class of NHPP models with intensity functions of the form αλ(t, β). The simulation results show that this test is more powerful than CPIT test.  相似文献   


We consider two variants of a two-station tandem network with blocking. In both variants the first server ceases to work when the queue length at the second station hits a ‘blocking threshold.’ In addition, in variant 2 the first server decreases its service rate when the second queue exceeds a ‘slow-down threshold, ’ which is smaller than the blocking level. In both variants the arrival process is Poisson and the service times at both stations are exponentially distributed. Note, however, that in case of slow-downs, server 1 works at a high rate, a slow rate, or not at all, depending on whether the second queue is below or above the slow-down threshold or at the blocking threshold, respectively. For variant 1, i.e., only blocking, we concentrate on the geometric decay rate of the number of jobs in the first buffer and prove that for increasing blocking thresholds the sequence of decay rates decreases monotonically and at least geometrically fast to max1, ρ2}, where ρ i is the load at server i. The methods used in the proof also allow us to clarify the asymptotic queue length distribution at the second station. Then we generalize the analysis to variant 2, i.e., slow-down and blocking, and establish analogous results.  相似文献   

The classical Shewhart c-chart and p-chart which are constructed based on the Poisson and binomial distributions are inappropriate in monitoring zero-inflated counts. They tend to underestimate the dispersion of zero-inflated counts and subsequently lead to higher false alarm rate in detecting out-of-control signals. Another drawback of these charts is that their 3-sigma control limits, evaluated based on the asymptotic normality assumption of the attribute counts, have a systematic negative bias in their coverage probability. We recommend that the zero-inflated models which account for the excess number of zeros should first be fitted to the zero-inflated Poisson and binomial counts. The Poisson parameter λ estimated from a zero-inflated Poisson model is then used to construct a one-sided c-chart with its upper control limit constructed based on the Jeffreys prior interval that provides good coverage probability for λ. Similarly, the binomial parameter p estimated from a zero-inflated binomial model is used to construct a one-sided np-chart with its upper control limit constructed based on the Jeffreys prior interval or Blyth–Still interval of the binomial proportion p. A simple two-of-two control rule is also recommended to improve further on the performance of these two proposed charts.  相似文献   

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