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高校是培养高学历人才的场所,是培养高素质人才的基地,是知识竞争的前沿阵地。知识经济时代的挑战和机遇,“科教兴国”战略的实施,对新形势下高校思想教育工作者的能力提出更高的要求。高校思想教育工作者应深刻认识思想教育工作的艰巨性、重要性和迫切性, 相似文献
在二十一世纪的社会中,我国已经迎来了信息化的时代,"微时代"的到来为人们的生活和工作提供了更多的便利条件。从宏观的角度上来看,我国现代大学生思想政治教育工作也受到了"微时代"的影响,本文笔者将会针对现代中国"微时代"的基本特征进行简单的分析,并对"微时代"大学生的思想政治工作新挑战以及"微时代"的大学生思想政治教育工作创新理念等内容进行具体的阐述。 相似文献
应重视培养师范生的自主学习能力——内江师范学院师范生自主学习能力的调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
师范生作为当代大学生,首先大学的学习生活与中学时代相比,课程多、范围广,课余时间多,管理相对松散;其次,作为师范大学生,其学习环境、学习目标、学习动机、学习压力等方面与当代大学生又有重要区别,高师学生在师范教育的氛围中,在教师的职业定向和为人师表的职业要求下,更需要把“自主学习”作为高师生必须掌握的一门基本技能,这是高师生在大学时代能否有效学习、在未来职业生涯中能否影响学生的关键。 相似文献
进入90年代后,教育大众化的要求使高等教育获得了跨越式的发展,新技术.新工艺的开发应用淘汰了大批传统产业的劳动者,同时对于新的劳动力的要求与日俱增。此时,高等职业教育作为一只新兴的力量,异军突起,占领了半壁江山。高职教育的培养目标定位为“生产、建设,管理、服务一线的高级技术应用型人才。”可见,能力的培养成为高等职业教育的核心问题。 相似文献
上海酒店式服务公寓发展的困境与对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一、酒店式公寓的发展历史 酒店式公寓的概念最早源于欧洲,从提出至今已有30年时间.20世纪中叶,一些发达国家尤其美国的主要城市,经历了巨大的社会变革. 相似文献
青年梦与中国梦是相辅相成的。中国梦要靠广大青年的努力奋斗去实现,从近代中国的悲惨命运和新中国成立后的探索与前进,到如今我们终于有了拥有梦想的勇气,靠的是中国共产党的领导,靠的是一代又一代的青年,现在,时代又赋予青年去实现中国梦的历史使命。从中国梦的内涵可以看出,青年人不仅是中国梦的建设者,而且也会成为中国梦建设成果的最大受益者。我们可以说,当代青年的价值观及创新精神就是中国未来的希望。同时,青年在实现中国梦的过程中能够锻炼成才,实现自身的全面发展。 相似文献
实现基本养老保险全国统筹是我国养老保险制度的内在要求,也是我国养老保障体制改革的发展方向和必然趋势。在目前各区域差异明显和业已形成的地方利已主义行为,已严重阻碍了基本养老保险统筹层次的提高。本文针对各区域间差距的情况,设计出基本养老金计发方案,以减少基本养老保险实现全国统筹的障碍与阻力;针对各主体利益行为,设计出“统帐全分,分开管理”的基本养老保险全国统筹模式,以划清中央与地方的权利与责任范围;针对各种方案实施阻力大小,给出最优方案选择。以期为我国基本养老保险尽快实现全国统筹提供对策参考。 相似文献
《Journal of workplace behavioral health》2013,28(1):103-110
The moral model is a seriously underestimated and neglected framework within which alcoholism could be diagnosed and treated. Understood properly, the moral model emphasizes personal responsibility, not to the exclusion of the disease concept, nor in conflict with genetic predisposition, but to the benefit of the alcoholic, who must learn to deal honestly with reality to facilitate and maintain recovery. Since this model is reflected in the successful workings of Alcoholics Anonymous, it behooves employee assistance programming and treatment professionals to deal more fully with any biases or fears which may cloud their appreciation for this time-tested model of helping. 相似文献
Shawn Pope Patricia Bromley Alwyn Lim John W. Meyer 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2018,29(6):1300-1314
Observers have noted that organizations in all sectors, whether business, nonprofit, or government, have been moving toward rationalized structures that presuppose and express empowered organizational actorhood. We draw upon neo-institutional theory in this paper to extend the argument: The arrival of organizational actorhood has precipitated a concomitant, cross-sectoral movement toward organizational social responsibility. Whereas existing research has tended to theorize the social responsibilities of businesses, we develop a pyramid conceptual schema to array the social responsibilities of nonprofits. We then document the coevolution of organizational actorhood and responsibility across both sectors with a metastudy of nearly 200 extant surveys. We chart the institutionalization of a slate of formal structures that express organizational actorhood (i.e., mission statements, vision statements, and strategic plans) and that profess and define organizational social responsibilities (i.e., core values, ethics codes, and responsibility communications). We close with implications and future directions for organizational studies and research on corporate social responsibility. 相似文献
This paper examines the structure and performance of the insurance industry in Jordan during the period of 2000–2005. The
Jordanian insurance industry is free of state ownership in both primary insurance and reinsurance markets and has been spared
the pervasive premium, product, investment, and reinsurance controls that have bedeviled the insurance markets of so many
developing countries around the world. Despite these positive features, the insurance industry is not developed, which mainly
reflects the underdevelopment of life insurance that has annual premiums of only 0.27 percent of GDP. In contrast, the level
of general insurance is comparable to that of several other developing countries in the region. To overcome this situation
a major modernization effort should be undertaken.
Mili Mass 《Human Relations》1997,50(3):241-260
The conception of parental adaptation in termsof the complexity of the balance between the parent'sresponsibility and the infant's power is presented. Amethod based on this conception is proposed as a way to describe and assess parentaladaptation. The adaptational view is compared with theclinical approach to parenthood, and its advantages forthe detection of parental vulnerability and earlyintervention in the parent infant relationship isillustrated. In addition, the conception of parentalresponsibility, in terms of the parent's evaluation ofthe balance between his/her responsibility and theinfant's power, is compared with the conception of thelegal approach which views parental responsibility interms of accountability and the parent's duties andrights. The evolving change in the societal view of parental responsibility, brought about bythe Children Act, requires a shift in theconceptualization of parenthood such as the one proposedby the adaptational conception. This could constitute abridge between the helping professions and the legalapproaches. 相似文献