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Beginning in the mid-seventeenth century, infant mortality in Veneto (a region in northeastern Italy) began to increase, starting at 250?? and rising to 350?? by the mid-nineteenth century??one of the highest levels ever recorded in modern Europe. This dramatic change??in a period of worsening economic conditions??was due to variations in winter neonatal mortality, which was 3?C4 times higher in Veneto than in other areas with similar winter temperatures (such as England). We combine micro-data on neonatal mortality with daily data on temperatures for a specific context during the period of 1816?C1868 characterized by very high neonatal mortality. We find that the risk of death was particularly intense during the first week of life and strongly correlated with external minimum temperature. Through a comparison of these results with other findings in the literature, we suggest that the increase in winter neonatal mortality in Veneto could have principally been caused by the deteriorating physical condition of mothers, lessening the ??quality?? of infants who consequently were quite susceptible to cold temperatures.  相似文献   

比利时为争取独立,反抗1815年维也纳会议强行把比利时合并于荷兰的决议,于1830年发动了起义。为了解决比利时问题,1830-1839年欧洲列强在伦敦展开旷日持久的谈判,最终承认和保证比利时的独立与中立国地位,其中,英国外交大臣帕麦斯顿勋爵扮演了领导角色。  相似文献   

新时期诗歌的写作队伍和发表园地不断扩大,它不但确立了一种严肃的诗歌精神,注意协调与现实之间的关系,而且始终将创新作为自己追求的目标,以多元审美形态的并存竞荣,为后来者设下了丰富的艺术"借鉴场",但也存在着不少遗憾或隐忧。  相似文献   

起源和发展于美国殖民地时期的黑人奴隶制度,因其违背资本主义政治伦理精神,致使废奴斗争在美国独立革命和邦联时期逐渐兴起。在1787年宪法使美国真正具备国家行为能力的背景下,废奴问题在1790年的联邦国会上成为激烈斗争的焦点议题。此次废奴斗争因现实因素而走向失败,对美国历史进程产生重大的影响。  相似文献   

综合运用ICOP方法、竞争优势和规模优势法,测算了江西37个工业行业的市场优势和竞争优势系数,比较了各行业的显在竞争力和潜在竞争力,分析了各行业竞争力的变动趋势。发现近年来江西大部分工业行业竞争力呈现快速上升趋势,但总体市场规模仍然太小,扩张经济总量是江西工业发展的首要任务。在全国真正具有较强竞争力也是当前应当作为支柱产业培育的是资源密集型工业和劳动密集型工业,但产业层次低、增加值率低,据此必须采取有效的产业政策,控制初级产品生产规模,大力发展精深加工。  相似文献   

中国居民金融资产总量估算和分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对中国居民金融资产快速增长的事实 ,利用现有统计数据 ,对其现状进行了系统性估算 ,得出中国居民金融资产在过去的 2 3年里平均每年增长 2 8.3 %和到 2 0 0 1年末金融资产总量达到 1 1 .66万亿元以及人均金融资产持有量为 91 4 0元的结论  相似文献   

鸦片战争期间的地方军事化动员,不过是蹈袭历代团练的旧谱;而战争结束后关于沿海地方军事化的议论,更说明战争的失败并没有促使朝野上下深刻反思战败的制度性原因.三元里抗英斗争唤醒了民间反抗的传统,体现了绅士的居间联络功能.社学运动和反入城斗争充分体现了民间绅士对保家卫国责任的诉求,集中反映出这一时期绅士权利的伸张.战争前后零星的群众自发反英斗争虽然不是这一时期社会运动的主流,但其原始的冲动和激烈的力量,却在近代中国群众性斗争中不断重现.  相似文献   

会计估计变更公司的盈余管理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以满足利润管制为目的的盈余管理是我国上市公司最普遍的行为之一,会计估计变更行为通常与公司盈余管理行为紧密地结合在一起.通过分类比较发现,会计估计变更失当公司的业绩远远低于非失当公司,会计估计变更失当公司存在利用操控性应计项目和线下项目进行盈余管理的明显迹象.这些经验证据意味着,证券监管机构应该强化对绩差公司会计估计变更行为的关注,且要特别注意其盈余报告中的投资收益和补贴收入项目,以确保此类公司盈余信息披露的可靠性.  相似文献   

票据行为有无效力 ,与作为其发生前提的实质性的原因关系相分离 ,不受原因关系的存废或者其效力有无的影响 ,这一现代票据法的基本原则早已为国际社会所普遍承认和遵守。然而该原则至今仍未在我国的法律理论和票据业务实践中形成共识。随着我国对外开放的不断深入 ,与各国经济联系日益密切与广泛 ,轻易否定或者模糊界定票据行为的无因性原则都会对我国融入经济全球化和一体化的进程产生巨大的影响。因此我国应在法律上明确确立票据行为的无因性原则 ,使之更好地为社会主义市场经济健康、有序地发展服务。  相似文献   

Explanations for the consistentfemale mortality advantage have ranged from thebiological, through the behavioural to thesocial, but we are still far from asatisfactory explanation. The current mortalityadvantage, which women enjoy in almost allsocieties and age groups, is not a historicaluniversal. Indeed, it may even be a uniquedevelopment of the 20th century. Even ifthis is the case, however, this does not makeit a necessary corollary of low mortality.Human mortality reflects the pattern of socialrelationships, standards of living, livingarrangements, and patterns of power andinequality in the society, and althoughmortality levels are similar for men and forwomen, they nonetheless display importantdifferences. These differences, in their turn,reflect the pattern of relationships betweenmen and women in the society. The presentanalysis looks at mortality levels anddifferences between men and women in Belgium.We focus on aggregate effects at themunicipality level (the smallest level oflocal government), and show that mortality isnegatively associated with high standards ofliving; familial solidarity; immigrantconcentration and a stable, locally born,population. It is positively associated with ahigh tendency to cohabitation. Male mortalityis more sensitive to social conditions than isfemale mortality so that as conditions improvethe female mortality advantage declines. Wealso show that net of these conditions thereremains a mortality disadvantage inWallonia, and this can only partly be explainedin terms of social differences between the twomajor regions of the country.  相似文献   

通过讨论弱简并理想玻色(费米)气体的性质,可以看出由微观粒子全同性带来的量子统计关联对系统宏观性质的影响,在弱简并的情形下nλ3较小,这个影响是微弱的.引进了有效数密度的概念,对玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)在球谐势阱中理想玻色气体的临界温度进行探讨.  相似文献   

During the post-communist transition, Romanians experienced some of the highest mortality rates in eastern Europe, some of the greatest fluctuations in life expectancy and some of the greatest delays in recovery. This study examines the shifts in cause-specific mortality underlying these fluctuations. Using demographic methods to understand the peaks and troughs in life expectancy during the past twenty years, we explore several explanations for these fluctuations: changes in exposure and behaviour associated with the social, economic and political changes; changes in health care affecting amenable causes of death and the progression of the epidemiologic transition. Throughout this period, there is a continuing shift from infectious towards chronic diseases mortality. Psycho-social stress during the period of transition affected survival, evidenced by increases in suicides and differences in mortality between men and women. Amenable causes of death took a greater toll on life expectancy, and increases in tuberculosis and congenital heart abnormality mortality provide evidence of a weakening of health services. However, decreases in vaccine-preventable mortality demonstrate that the health system did not fully fail. Policy changes also affected survival, including decreasing abortion-related mortality and, after initial increases in accidental mortality, new improvements, especially in traffic fatalities.  相似文献   

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia were quite comparable in terms of their socioeconomic development. Despite some differences in overall mortality levels, the three former Soviet republics were also very close to each other in terms of directions of mortality trends and age- and cause-specific mortality patterns. After 1991, all the three countries experienced substantial political and social transformations, and the challenges associated with the transition from a socialist to a market economy system. The sudden changes brought numerous problems, such as rapid growth in unemployment, falling standards of living, and growing social and income inequalities. These factors contributed to the significant deterioration of the health situation in all the countries, but the size and the nature of the mortality crisis was different in Belarus than it was in Lithuania and Russia. The marked similarities in socioeconomic and mortality trends in the countries up to 1991 contrast with their notable divergence during the subsequent years. The nature and success of market reforms seems to be the most plausible explanation for these differences. Russia and Lithuania have chosen more radical forms of economic and political transformations, which have led to massive privatization campaigns. The reforms were more sustainable and systematic in Lithuania than in Russia. By contrast, Belarus has chosen a gradual and slow transition path. Recent mortality trends in Belarus are explored in detail here, and are contrasted with those observed in Lithuania and Russia. Including a cause-of-death analysis sheds more light on the plausible determinants of the variations in mortality levels between the countries.  相似文献   

看来岂是寻常色——邢岫烟形象审美作用散论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢岫烟形象对于<红楼梦>的情节结构安排、细节描写渲染、烘托主要典型形象等方面起到了多种的审美作用,其突出表现在,一、金线贯串珠玑:映衬主线;钩玄拘影;抽丝牵藤.二、间色图案缀锦:浓淡冷暖相间;明晦疏密相映.三、云烟拥绕峰峦:使全书所反映的故事情节生动性和人物生活环境真实性进一步增强;使全书所反映的故事情节的延展性和人物社会生活的广泛性进一步扩大;使全书所反映的典型形象的立体性和多面性进一步显豁.由邢岫烟形象可窥见次要人物在<红楼梦>巨著中具有不可或缺的过渡、映照等妙处.  相似文献   

清朝前期(1644~1839年)湖南境内发生的生物灾害主要为虫灾和疫灾。虫灾以危及稻麦的蝗灾为主,疫灾既有危及人体的瘟疫也有危害耕畜的牛瘟,对社会生产生活都造成了较大的影响。  相似文献   

在但丁研究中,如何理解《神曲·地狱篇》8-9歌中的狄斯城入口处的堕落天使和复仇女神,是一个重要问题,对于理解地狱深层的含义非常关键.根据一种传统的地狱结构两分法,狄斯城众鬼使的寓意被看作深层地狱之罪——"恶意"的代表,未出现的美杜莎则意味着绝望.采用但丁地狱结构三分法,才能正确理解狄斯之门的伦理意义.整个狄斯城入口发生的戏剧里,众角色表现出的激情实为暴力罪的象征,同时,这些激情都是三圣德之一的"希望"缺席的结果.但丁在天使的帮助下走进地狱深处,这一情节不仅是但丁对维吉尔《埃涅阿斯纪》"冥府之行"的改写,也是对"基督劫掠地狱"传说的重构.  相似文献   

A small but growing body of studies have documented the alarming mortality situation of adult descendants of migrants in a number of European countries. Nearly all of them have focused on all-cause mortality to reveal these important health inequalities. This paper takes advantage of the Swedish population registers to study all-cause and cause-specific mortality among men and women aged 15–44 in Sweden from 1997 to 2016 to a level of granularity unparalleled elsewhere. It adopts a multi-generation, multi-origin and multi-cause-of-death approach. Using extended, competing-risks survival models, it aims to show (1) how the all-cause mortality of immigrants arriving as adults (the G1), immigrants arriving as children (the G1.5) and children of immigrants born in Sweden to at least one immigrant parent (the G2) differs versus ancestral Swedes and (2) what causes-of-deaths drive these differentials. For all-cause mortality, most G1 (not Finns or Sub-Saharan Africans) have a mortality advantage. This contrasts with a near systematic reversal in the mortality of the G1.5 and G2 (notably among men), which is driven by excess accident and injury, suicide, substance use and other external cause mortality. Given that external causes-of-death are preventable and avoidable, the findings raise questions about integration processes, the levels of inequality immigrant populations are exposed to in Sweden and ultimately, whether the legacy of immigration has been positive. Strengths of the study include the use of quality data and advanced methods, the granularity of the estimates, and the provision of evidence that highlights the precarious mortality situation of the seldom-studied G1.5.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10680-022-09637-0.  相似文献   

黑龙江省矿业产业结构评价和调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿业是国民经济发展的基础产业,矿业结构的优化调整有利于促进矿业的可持续发展。以大量统计数据的基础,采用区位商、偏离—份额分析法,对黑龙江省矿业产业结构特征进行剖析,现阶段该省矿业存在产品结构单一、产业链条不合理,加工业弱小等亟待解决的问题。为此,必须以经济效益为中心,市场为导向,相对优势矿产资源为基础,结合矿业及相关制品加工业现状为原则,加快对其矿业产业结构的调整优化。  相似文献   

针对噪声污染、大气污染、气候变化、土地资源占用等4种主要机动车环境污染,通过定量方法测度2006-2014年北京市机动车的环境外部成本。结果表明:机动车环境污染代价不仅受实际污染量、剂量暴露率等因素影响,还受当地疾病成本、人均收入、碳税价格和心理预期费用等机会成本因素约束,不同的成本体系测算出来的污染代价差异显著。以北京当地成本为例,2006年起北京机动车环境总代价有缓慢上升趋势,年平均增长6.7%,其中空气污染占比最大。环境总代价占当年GDP的比重平均约为0.56%,但污染的相对代价有所减少,且呈现下降趋势。机动车限制政策对环境污染影响有正面的影响效果,2012年以后这种效果逐步减弱。在此基础上,在政策层面认为应通过技术手段,改善机动车尾气污染;增加降噪设备,规范行为;加强重污染天气的预报等综合性手段,以控制机动车的外部性污染问题。  相似文献   

高校教师职务评聘工作的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
高校教师职务的评聘 ,关系到教师积极性的调动和教学、科研水平的提高 ,对师资队伍的建设举足轻重。要做好这一工作 ,必须抓好岗位设置、材料审核、考核评审、监督仲裁等环节  相似文献   

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