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Drawing on the stress paradigm and using data from the Duke Mental Health Study, this paper investigates the links between violence by and against persons with severe mental illness and their caregivers' financial burden (e.g., number of financial contributions and perceived financial strain). In addition to violence, substance use and medication noncompliance are included in a series of multivariate regression models predicting caregiver financial burden that include measures for disruptive behaviors, personal needs, social supports, and caregiver characteristics. The findings show that violent perpetration and violent victimization increase the number of financial contributions and perceived financial strain. Nonviolent victimization, in contrast, decreases caregiver financial burden. Number of financial contributions and perceived financial strain are greatest when the family member is violent and extremely disruptive or needs assistance with personal care. Neither substance use nor medication noncompliance contributed to caregiver financial burden. Co-residence, female sex, parenthood, and instrumental social support were also associated with financial burden.  相似文献   

There is little research on older persons with severe mental illness (SMI) who have experienced trauma. We conducted an exploratory study with 174 community mental health clients with SMI who were 50 years of age or older (range 50–87; mean age 58) to examine the relationship between subjective distress related to six common traumas and post-traumatic stress symptoms while controlling for gender and other key psychiatric symptoms. With regression analysis, we found that of the six common traumas, only distress from unexpected loss of a loved one was significant. That factor accounted for the most variance in post-traumatic stress symptoms than all other factors in the model including gender, psychiatric symptoms of SMI, and other trauma. Gender and symptoms of psychosis were also significant in the model. Unexpected losses, particularly in older persons with SMI, can cause considerable emotional distress and could be related to post-traumatic stress symptoms. Practitioners should be vigilant in regularly screening older people with SMI for recent loss of loved ones and be prepared to address their distress with grief/bereavement counseling.  相似文献   

Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 26 African American men with serious mental illness who were consumers of community mental health services and 26 members of their social support networks. All participants were asked what they believed had caused the consumers’ mental illness. Consumer participants most commonly identified chronic life stressors as a causal factor, while social supports most often identified intrinsic factors such as genetics or biology as causes of mental illness. Some support participants believed that unintentional drug use had precipitated the onset of mental illness or had no causal theories. The fact that some support participants could not identify a causal explanation may indicate failure on the part of mental health care systems to engage with consumers’ social support networks and provide education about mental illness and its causes. The implications of etiology beliefs on mental health service utilization are discussed.  相似文献   

Congress set requirements for child welfare agencies to respond to emotional trauma associated with child maltreatment and removal. In meeting these requirements, agencies should develop policies that address child trauma. To assist in policy development, this study analyzes more than 14,000 clinical assessments from child welfare in Illinois. Based on the analysis, the study recommends child welfare agencies adopt policies requiring that (1) mental health screenings and assessments of all youth in child welfare include measures of traumatic events and trauma-related symptoms; (2) evidence-based, trauma-focused treatment begin when a youth in child welfare demonstrates a trauma-related symptom; and (3) a clinician not diagnose a youth in child welfare with a mental illness without first addressing the impact of trauma. The study also raises the issue of treatment reimbursement based on diagnosis.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature on the subjective experiences of people with severe mental illness (SMI) reveals the importance of the experience of self. The current study explored how the course of SMI is related to individuals' subjective experience of self. Bimonthly, comprehensive, semi-structured interviews with 43 people who had been discharged from psychiatric hospitalization were conducted over a 1-year period. Qualitative analysis of the data revealed mutual influences between the experience of self and illness over time. Conceptual and clinical implications of the relation between self and illness are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a qualitative study of employment for people with mental illness. Forty-one consumers of mental health services were interviewed to obtain their perspectives on employment. One of the major issues they discussed was the ways in which mental illness affected their employment experiences. These effects were complex and interrelated and varied between individuals depending on their unique characteristics and circumstances. Participants described effects relating to the need to maintain mental health, difficulties with work performance, and work confidence and work goals. Understanding consumers' perspectives on how mental illness affects employment is necessary for practitioners and researchers seeking to explain or improve consumers' employment outcomes.  相似文献   

The current study tests the association between a composite measure of unsafe sex and sharing syringes for drug use with six of the more common lifetime traumatic/stressful events in 421 community mental health clients with severe mental illness (SMI) while controlling for psychiatric symptoms and related problems. A small but significant proportion of respondents said they had injected drugs with a shared needle in their lifetime (30, 7.2%), and a much larger proportion of respondents had engaged in unprotected sex (165, 39.2%). Unprotected sex and needle sharing were significantly correlated (Spearman’s rho = .20, < .01). Frequency of lifetime traumatic events that occurred at least once was reported by one third to three quarters of clients depending on type of trauma. Regression analysis revealed that substance abuse and lifetime homelessness were significantly correlated with health risk behaviors. Practitioners need to be continuously vigilant to comorbid substance use and the housing needs of people with SMI. Limitations of the study include its cross-sectional design.  相似文献   

This study evaluated several statistical models for estimating treatment effects in a randomized, longitudinal experiment comparing assertive community treatment (ACT) versus brokered case management (BCM). In addition, mediator and moderator analyses were conducted. The ACT clients had improved outcomes in terms of housing and psychiatric symptoms than BCM clients. Case management housing assistance and financial assistance partially mediated housing outcomes. No reliable mediators were found for psychiatric symptoms, and no reliable moderators were found for either housing or psychiatric symptoms. The study also made several important methodological advances in the analysis of longitudinal data in randomized experiments.  相似文献   

Although a great deal has been written about the importance of patient education, few replications of past research have been conducted to increase clinicians' confidence in the conclusions of previous studies. This is especially true of studies conducted in clinical settings where findings may or may not be generalizable to other institutions. This partial replication study tested whether previous findings about patient education in an outpatient setting were applicable to an inpatient setting using a modified version of the instrument. A 1998 study published in this journal suggested that differences may exist between the perceived health education needs of outpatients and their health care providers. In this partial replication, we examined the differences between the educational needs of inpatients and those perceived by their attending nurses. As in the original study, we found discrepancies between patients' actual needs and nurses' perceptions of those needs, supporting the importance of assessing patients' health educational needs in the treatment planning process.  相似文献   

High rates of medical comorbidity and premature death have become normative health outcomes for individuals with mental illness. On average, people with mental illness die 10 to 15 years earlier than the general population. To date, little research and programmatic attention has focused on the health promotion and prevention needs of people with mental illness. Many factors have been cited as contributing to this problem, including the stigma of being mentally ill, poverty, and limited knowledge and access to health promotion services. Future health planning interventions should restructure the funding mandates of current health care delivery system from an illness and treatment model to one of illness prevention and health promotion.  相似文献   

More information is needed about the financial experiences of justice-involved persons with severe mental illness. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to examine the financial resources, financial risk experiences, and financial literacy of a random sample of 12 mental health court participants. Mental health court participants had limited financial resources, frequently ran out of money, and had engaged very few financial tools to manage their money. Justice-involved persons with severe mental illness need financial management interventions to help develop strategies for managing depleted resources and to develop the financial resources needed to live in community settings.  相似文献   

While African American youth are at disproportionate risk for both community violence exposure and bullying, few studies have examined the association between these two forms of violence in this population. Moreover, given the countless hours that youth spend in schools, identifying school experiences that might protect against this association is an important step to reducing the likelihood of engagement in bullying. The present study explored whether academic engagement buffers the association between exposure to community violence (i.e., hearing about violence, witnessing or victimization) and bullying involvement (i.e., perpetration or victimization) in a cross-sectional sample of low-income African American adolescents residing in Chicago. A convenience sample of 638 African American high school students were recruited from several Chicago neighborhoods between 2014 and 2015. A series of hierarchical linear regression models assessed the relation between types of community violence exposure, academic engagement and bullying behaviors. We found that youth exposed to community violence – specifically, those who had been victimized and heard about violence – were at increased risk for being victims and perpetrators of bullying. High academic engagement reduced the likelihood that youth who heard about violence well would be at higher risk for bullying involvement. Prevention efforts aimed at reducing bullying involvement would benefit from assessing and targeting violence and victimization in the community, in addition to youths' school experiences.  相似文献   

Findings from 207 interviews of urban, African American women indicated that 65% of the women said they favored prosecution of their abusers. A logistic regression showed that the following independent variables were related to significantly decreased odds of opposing prosecution: prosecution being initiated, being separated from partner, and abuser's use of alcohol and/or drugs during violent incidents in the last 6 months. Bivariate analysis showed that a long history of severe abuse by the partner was associated with favoring prosecution. The most common reasons that women gave for favoring prosecution were that abuse is illegal and not acceptable and that abusers should not violate or touch women. The most common reasons for opposing prosecution were that women believed the incident was not serious or was the first time he was violent. The study can be used to expand discussion about prosecution of batterers.  相似文献   

The lives of women of Mexican descent are being profoundly affected by their changing workforce participation. They are expected to make up the majority of the female workforce in service occupations by 2010. Based on the literature and personal clinical interactions two factors -- cultural values and education attainment -- consistently appear to have a strong impact on the occupational choices of Mexican American women. This article will explore the interdependence of work, culture, and education on women of Mexican origin.  相似文献   

Individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) often suffer from comorbid physical health conditions that reduce quality of life and longevity. The integrated care movement has improved access to primary care services, but system change does not necessarily impact health behaviors. In an effort to better understand health behaviors of persons with SMI in integrated care, we explored physical health decision making and decision aid preferences. We conducted three focus groups, including two consumer groups and one mental health staff group. Data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach, employing independent coding, thematic analysis, and meaning-making processes. Data suggest that overall, the consumer groups preferred a shared decision making process, with the doctor making the final treatment decision. Staff indicated that decision making depended on a consumer’s functioning level. Consumers liked the idea of using a decision aid, and reported preferring the computerized aid. Staff felt that decision aids were dependent on consumer level of functioning. Consumers generally view primary care doctors as experts, but like the idea of using decision aids to assist in making medical decisions. Staff feel that consumers may need help in both decision making and decision aid use in primary care.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact across the world. In this discussion paper, we examine the effect that lockdown has had on the mental health and well-being of children and young people. We write from a UK perspective in the light of the international evidence. Many of the discussion points raised resonate globally. We discuss how these issues can be dealt with and set out potential solutions as we emerge from this global crisis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this grounded theory study is to define health and health-seeking behaviors of incarcerated individuals experiencing severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) in a state prison. The strategies used to prevent loss of control and maintain health in the prison environment were examined. Nineteen incarcerated individuals with SPMI were interviewed in a state prison. Constant comparative analysis of the data revealed that while establishing a "fit" with the core variable "loss of control" and its identified properties, differences were found in the enactment of health maintenance behaviors related to properties in the prison environment. Several of these behaviors are inconsistent with behaviors expected of individuals in a community day treatment center and reflect a need for bridging programs to facilitate entry into the "free" world. Correctional nurses and mental health providers in this system can advocate for incarcerated individuals with SPMI by developing programs that provide cost-effective intermediate care and collaborating with community health systems for continuity of care. The findings related to alcohol and drug abuse among incarcerated individuals with SPMI challenges mental health providers in both correctional facilities and community-based programs to generate appropriate and effective substance abuse treatment programs for these individuals.  相似文献   

The present investigation explored risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation and behavior in a sub-sample of African American and Latino adolescents (n = 2,626) who participated in the 2004 Centers for Disease Control Youth Violence Survey. Structural equation modeling was used to explore exposure to violence at the community level as a contextual factor that could potentially influence depressive symptomatology, substance abuse, parental support, social support, and suicidality among study participants. Findings indicated that exposure to violence at the community level was not directly related to suicidality among this population of urban adolescents. However, it was directly related with several other variables under study in the model, which in turn were directly related with suicidality. Tests of invariance revealed several across-group differences, particularly by race and gender, in how the identified risk and protective factors in the model related to suicidality. Implications for research and practice with urban, ethnic minority, adolescent populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Mental illness is prevalent among those incarcerated. Jail diversion is one means by which people with mental illness are treated in the community – often with some criminal justice system oversight – instead of being incarcerated. Jail diversion may lead to immediate reductions in taxpayer costs because the person is no longer significantly engaged with the criminal justice system. It may also lead to longer term reductions in costs because effective treatment may ameliorate symptoms, reduce the number of future offenses, and thus subsequent arrests and incarceration. This study estimates the impact on taxpayer costs of a model jail diversion program for people with serious mental illness. Administrative data on criminal justice and treatment events were combined with primary and secondary data on the costs of each event. Propensity score methods and a quasi-experimental design were used to compare treatment and criminal justice costs for a group of people who were diverted to a group of people who were not diverted. Diversion was associated with approximately $2800 lower taxpayer costs per person 2 years after the point of diversion (p < .05). Reductions in criminal justice costs drove this result. Jail diversion for people with mental illness may thus be justified fiscally.  相似文献   

In 2004, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a consensus statement on mental health recovery based on the New Freedom Commission's recommendation that public mental health organizations adopt a "recovery" approach to severe and persistent mental illness, including services to those dually diagnosed with mental health and substance abuse issues. By formally adopting and promoting a recovery orientation to severe mental illness, the United States followed suit with other first-world nations that have also adopted this approach based on two decades of research by the World Health Organization. This movement represents a significant paradigm shift in the treatment of severe mental health, a shift that is more closely aligned with the nonpathologizing and strength-based traditions in marriage and family therapy. Furthermore, the recovery movement is the first consumer-led movement to have a transformational effect on professional practice, thus a watershed moment for the field. Part I of this article introduces family therapists to the concept of mental health recovery, providing an overview of its history, key concepts, and practice implications. Part II of this article outlines a collaborative, appreciative approach for working in recovery-oriented contexts.  相似文献   

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