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刘洁 《现代妇女》2014,(5):84-84,97
本文以新疆国有企业团队文化建设为研究主体,分析了新疆国有企业团队文化建设中目前存在的主要问题,提出提升新疆国有企业团队文化的思考,力求加强新疆国有企业的团队建设水平,提高新疆国有企业的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

李晓宇  陈刚 《现代交际》2011,(10):95+94-95,94
哈萨克族、柯尔克孜族、蒙古族、塔吉克族是新疆传统的游牧民族,他们长期以经营"逐水草而居"的游牧业为主,在传统的社会化过程中深深地打上了游牧文化的烙印。从20世纪80年代起,随着我国社会经济的转型以及牧区发展的现实需要,由政府规划主导的新疆牧民大规模定居开始实施。从游牧到定居是一种有组织的社会变迁,新疆游牧民族的传统文化也随之发生了一系列的变化。  相似文献   

李成 《职业时空》2012,(1):158-159,162
综观新疆绿洲文化的发展史,多种文化的并存、交融与互补是其显著的特色。而新时期新疆绿洲文化还面临着一定的挑战和困惑,因此,弘扬新疆精神应与新疆绿洲文化的整合创新与传承相结合。  相似文献   

刘海虹 《公关世界》2023,(9):127-128
本文以现代企业文化培训为研究方向,通过理论结合实际的手法,阐述了企业文化形成的过程与将来的发展趋势。作者通过对企业管理者与员工心理活动的深入解读,层次分明地阐述出了企业文化在企业经营、人文理念、发展过程中起到的重要教育指导作用。进而,也为正在筹划企业文化建设的领导者们提供了相应的佐证。  相似文献   

建设“以人为本”的企业文化,既是一种先进的管理理念,也是促进企业健康发展的必然之路.全面贯彻以人为本的管理思想和科学发展观,始终把握以人为本的正确导向,促进企业又好又快地发展是当今世界企业管理的一种新趋势.本文将结合企业文化建设的实际,谈一点体会和认识.  相似文献   

程静 《现代交际》2014,(3):13-13
新疆少数民族文化习俗具有重要的法学价值,因而从法学视角审视新疆少数民族文化习俗具有重要意义。了解新疆少数民族文化习俗法学价值,为更深入地了解新疆少数民族文化习俗提供方便,有助于了解新疆少数民族社会的基本形态及其社会风俗。  相似文献   

赵秋寒 《现代妇女》2014,(12):322-322
企业文化可以称得上是企业的精神支柱,本文就从企业文化对于企业管理的促进作用进行分析。阐释企业文化的内涵和特点,对企业管理的促进作用,以及利用企业发展促进企业管理发展,实现企业文化和企业管理的完美结合。  相似文献   

随着我国社会的不断发展,市场竞争日趋激烈。企业为提高自身市场竞争力,不仅仅需要提高企业服务以及产品质量水平,同时也应该提高对企业文化的重视。本文首先分析我国企业管理中企业文化的内涵及其特征,指出我国企业文化在企业管理中的战略定位原则,进而阐述企业文化在企业管理中的战略定位。  相似文献   

本文针对企业实施文化管理模式的前提条件进行分析,从人员素质要求、企业发展阶段要求、企业管理基础要求这三方面对企业文化管理模式前提进行详细阐述,以期为企业未来实施文化管理模式提供理论依据。  相似文献   

寇霞 《公关世界》2010,(2):14-17
“一方水土养育一方人”,世界上大到每个国家、每个民族,小到每个企业、每个团体等,都有自己特有的文化,在独特的文化内涵的浇灌和滋养下,身处其中的每一个团体,个人都展现出与众不同的气质。  相似文献   

牛春瑜 《现代妇女》2014,(3):152-153
花儿作为一种民间演唱形式,深深根植于西北人民群众之中,它反映着流传地方的社会风貌、风土人情、乡俗民愿,具有浓郁的地域和民族特色。随着生产、生活方式的改变,西北花儿的发展陷入瓶颈,文章拟从促进花儿的传承保护与创新发展的思路出发,研究解决民歌发展面临的难题,将这一艺术形式保护和传承下去。  相似文献   


Occult imagery is widespread in the contemporary global mediaverse, including in TV programs such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Sightings, and The X-Files. This article considers the popular cultural presence of the otherworldly and the magical in relation to the strand of theorizing, beginning with Max Weber and taking a postmodern turn in Jean Baudrillard, that treats the cultures of Western modernity as disenchanted ones. In particular, it turns to Baudrillard's concept of seduction, which, while generating controversy in cultural theory circles, has had only a limited impact in media studies. The article argues that 'tele-visions of the otherworldly' constitute an enchanting challenge to modernist dis-illusionment, serve as a counterpoint to Baudrillard's 'obscene' media hyperrealism, and promote forms of imagination that, like magic realist literary fiction, undermine certain drives toward mastery associated with the dominant knowledge formations of Western modernity. TV's occult imagery can thus serve as the site of an unsettled and unsettling critical imagination, a skeptical popular subjunctivity.  相似文献   

Social enterprise has emerged as a businesslike contrast to the traditional nonprofit organization. This article develops an explanatory direction for social enterprise based on institutional perspectives rather than more traditional rational economic concepts. Through Suchman's typology of legitimacy (1995), the article argues that the origin and evolution of social enterprise is put into dramatically different focus, particularly through the concept of moral legitimacy. Moral legitimacy not only connects the overall emergence of social enterprise with neoconservative, pro‐business, and promarket political and ideological values that have become central in many nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development but also explains the observation that social enterprise is being more frequently understood and practiced in more narrow commercial and revenue‐generation terms.  相似文献   

A three month field study of informal student interaction within a lunch court was conducted in a city high school in Southern California. Attention was focused on the easily observed factors of student appearance, behavior and the use of space. Considerable group diversity differentiated the students. The principal cleavage was by race and ethnicity with whites, Blacks, and Chicanos segregating themselves. Within each group further subgroups were observed to cluster separately. Whites were the most differentiated with five subgroups, Blacks had two, and Chicanos had three. Whites and Chicanos differentiated themselves principally on the basis of cultural differences, while Blacks made distinctions amongst themselves on the basis of class. Each of the main groups, however, had their own anti-mainstream counter-culture. The implications of group diversity and the differential role of culture and class in subgroup interaction are also considered.The authors wish to acknowledge the extensive help received from several anonymous reviewers and the editors of this journal in earlier versions of this paper.  相似文献   

Nowadays,financial management plays a vital role in the process of enterprise operation.To improve the level and ability of financial management of enterprises is of great significance to the realization of the modernization of enterprises and the sustainable development of science.In this paper,the financial management status would be first proposed,and suggestions would be made to improve the financial management in enterprises.  相似文献   

The complex relation between gangs and the schools in which they are found is explored in this paper. It is argued that gangs can exist quite well within the limits posed by the official school culture. How gangs relate to schools depends in no small way on the type of community from which they emerge. Under some circumstances the schools can soften or make worse the frequency and nature of gang activity that occurs in them.  相似文献   

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