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本文以对河北省某市166名社区服刑人员调查数据为依据,从居住情况、经济收入和人际交往三个方面描述了社区服刑人员的生活适应状况.同时,用六个变量分别与该三个方面做交叉表并进行卡方检验,发现文化程度、婚姻状况、有无服刑经历和户籍对社区服刑人的生活适应有影响,性别与年龄没有影响社区服刑人员的生活适应.  相似文献   

武锦 《社会工作》2008,(15):40-40
社区服刑人员除了与普通人同样需要面对来自生活、工作等方面的压力之外,还需面对来自外部的歧视、自己内心的焦虑、紧张、自卑等不良情绪,相比普通人,他们更容易产生心理问题。因此,在社区矫正过程中,社工要采取不同的方式来帮助社区服刑人员树立健康心理。  相似文献   

刘新莉 《社会工作》2011,(11):51-52
一年前,上海市宝山区司法局工作人员准备远赴位于安徽的军天湖监狱开展狱内必访工作,要求社区矫正社工尽快对正在军天湖监狱服刑且一年内即将出狱的服务对象的家庭进行走访,为服刑人员捎上一封由家属撰写的规劝信,其目的是让这些服刑对象能够安心接受教育改造,让监所内帮教与地区帮教更加紧密地结合,为帮教工作的延续性起到铺垫作用。  相似文献   

社区服刑人员进入社区矫正的前三个月为初期矫正期。三个月初期矫正期满后,社区服刑人员接受风险测评以及心理量表测试。根据测评和测试结果,以及平时帮教服务情况,社区服刑人员被分级。高风险人员为一级矫正服务对象。  相似文献   

小组背景社区服刑人员进入社区矫正的前三个月为初期矫正期。三个月初期矫正期满后,社区服刑人员接受风险测评以及心理量表测试。根  相似文献   

社区服刑人员除了与普通人同样需要面对来自生活、工作等方面的压力之外,还需面对来自外部的歧视、自己内心的焦虑、紧张、自卑等不良情绪,相比普通人,他们更容易产生心理问题。因此,在社区矫正过程中,社工要采取不同的方式来帮助社区服刑人员树立健康心理。  相似文献   

朱菊华 《社会工作》2010,(17):40-42
背景资料 社区服刑人员焦某,男,1977年9月出生,大专文化,未婚,居住于某新村。因犯盗窃罪被判处有期徒刑五年,由于在上海市白茅岭监狱服刑期间表现较好,被予以假释,假释考验期自2008年11月13日起至2010年1月24日。  相似文献   

崔丽佳 《社会工作》2009,(21):48-48
社区服刑人员大都是社会上的弱势群体,他们的弱势是由外部环境与自身问题所造成的,因此,社区服刑人员所面临的问题大致分为二种:  相似文献   

"如果可能的话,我也想成为一名社工"——这句话出自社区服刑人员夏某之口。在结束了长达5年的社区服刑之后,夏某在期满宣告会上由衷地说道:"我愿意用我的亲身经历来告诫那些走过弯路的人,过去我的身上背着‘枷锁’,我没有资格,现在我已经自由了,我  相似文献   

俞斌 《社会工作》2009,(17):64-64
参加了三次上海市宝山区礼区矫正分阶段集中教育,让我感受颇为深刻。在集中教育会上,社工老师给我们讲述了社区服刑和监狱服刑的区别、罪与网的深刻含义和犯罪的危害。  相似文献   

Using a sample of 1,130 male juvenile offenders, the relationship of four types of ‘broken home’ to the age at onset of delinquency, recidivism, rate of offences, and types of offence was investigated. The number of recidivists was found to be significantly greater among offenders who were living only with fathers than among offenders living with both parents. A trend in this direction was also found among offenders living only with mothers. Offenders living apart from parents were found to be older at the time of their first offence than were offenders living with both parents. The findings were discussed critically, and it was concluded that they support the hypothesis that the ‘broken home’ is not per se a causal factor in juvenile delinquency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychosocial adaptation among elderly persons in institutional and community settings, and to explore factors influencing their adaptation. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a convenience sample of 165 residents of four institutions (two assisted-living facilities and two nursing homes) and 209 community-dwelling elders served by a primary care centre, all located in middle Taiwan. A structured interview questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: community-dwelling elderly had significantly higher adaptation scores than those in institutional settings. Factors related to adaptation differed between institutional and community settings, with more variables influencing adaptation in the community than in the institution. Physical functional status was the major influence on adaptation of the elderly in institutions. Dietary support from family was negatively associated with adaptation in this group. Influencing factors for community-dwelling elders were more complicated, including perceived family emotional and economic support, personal life values and physical functional status. Implications: greater support from government, including economic resources and assistance in community care are needed to achieve the policy goal of ‘aging in place’. Further investigation of the influence of family interaction on elders' adaptation is needed.  相似文献   

Sex offenders and sex crimes provoke a great deal of anxiety in our society, and over the past decade, lawmakers have passed a variety of social policies designed to protect the public from sexual victimization. The purpose of this study was to examine public perceptions about sex offenders and community protection policies. Data were obtained from a sample of 193 residents in Melbourne, Florida. It was hypothesized that the public holds some inaccurate beliefs about sex offenders, and that there is strong public support for community protection policies. It was found that community members believe that sex offenders have very high recidivism rates, view sex offenders as a homogeneous group with regard to risk, and are skeptical about the benefits of sex offender treatment. The hypothesis that public perceptions contradict empirical research was supported. Community members were overwhelmingly in favor of public disclosure of information about registered sex offenders, although they did not express as much support for residence restrictions. Implications for public policy, and for the media's role in shaping public perceptions, are discussed.  相似文献   


This study examines differences in drug use and recidivism outcomes at 12 months postrelease from jail or prison as a function of geographic location and treatment utilization. Participants (N= 700) were previously enrolled in drug treatment during the last 6 to 9 months of their incarceration and were released to the community on either parole or serve-out. Findings from this study indicated that offenders returning to metropolitan areas reported more use of community treatment services following release than offenders in nonmetropolitan areas. Although offenders in both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas who reported community treatment following release were less likely to be reincarcerated, community treatment utilization was not a significant correlate of relapse. Findings are discussed, and future directions include favorable outcomes when community treatment is utilized.  相似文献   

This study examined the social ecology of families in new mining towns by means of network analysis. It compared the personal social networks of 44 mothers living in mining towns with a similar group of mothers living in rural service towns, in terms of structural, interactional and support characteristics. Qualitatively different adaptation patterns were found between the two groups, which suggest that mining women are under more psychological stress than women in country towns. Mining women were less socially integrated into their community, had more fragile social networks, and were in greater need of social support than their country-town counterparts.  相似文献   

Care of China's elderly population is of concern due to its projected growth as well as to changes in elder care patterns related to shifting social and economic conditions. Increases in life expectancy and, therefore, in the duration of widowhood, particularly for women, magnifies this concern. Studies that examine the living arrangements and life satisfaction of elderly widows in China are limited. This study of 147 elderly widows, both men and women, examined differences in the life satisfaction of those who live with their adult children and those who live alone. This study also examined whether the relationship between living arrangement and life satisfaction was moderated by levels of family and community support. According to study findings, elderly widows living alone have higher life satisfaction than those living with their adult children, and this effect remains with the introduction of controls for health status, family support, community support, gender, age, income and educational level. Further, neither family nor community support moderate the relationship between living arrangement and life satisfaction, although each exerts a direct effect on life satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the most significant public policy initiatives that apply to known sexual offenders who live in the community. It is argued that while registration schemes, community notification, and offender residency restrictions have become a prominent feature of contemporary sex offender policy, the evidence base supporting their implementation is, at best, limited. There is a need to develop policies which are more tailored to the needs of individual offenders and which are explicitly designed to manage risk. Policies which mandate and facilitate interagency and partnership working represent one way in which individualised and research‐informed approaches can be developed. It is suggested that the implementation of this type of approach may ultimately lead to more effective community responses to preventing sexual reoffending than those which rely solely on monitoring and supervision.  相似文献   

Ginner Hau H, Smedler A.‐C. Young male offenders in community‐based rehabilitative programmes – self‐reported history of antisocial behaviour predicts recidivism Int J Soc Welfare 2011: 20: 413–420 © 2011 The Author(s), International Journal of Social Welfare © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. Recidivism over 18 months was investigated in a representative group of young Swedish male offenders, 15–17 years old, referred to community‐based rehabilitative programmes (n= 189). Registry data on their earlier contacts with social services and previous convictions were also collected. Eighteen months after programme start, 60 per cent of the young offenders were registered as suspected of new crimes, 48 per cent were registered for crimes of violence. Previous contacts with the social services had been documented for 44 per cent, and 30 per cent were registered as previously convicted. However, the group was highly heterogeneous, and all registry data corresponded well with self‐reported history of antisocial behaviour collected at the start of the programme, which identified three subgroups (n= 60, 65 and 64, respectively) with significantly different problem profiles. Results are discussed in relation to developmental theories of antisocial development and the need to adhere to the risk principle when designing interventions for young offenders.  相似文献   

This study analysed the relationship between social support, financial independence, self-enhancement bias, and stress from cultural adaptation. For an empirical analysis, the data from 225 people displaced from North Korea were analysed. Our results suggest that social support has a positively significant effect on financial independence and self-enhancement bias; furthermore, financial independence has been shown to reduce stress from cultural adaptation. Therefore, social support reduces stress from cultural adaptation through financial independence. These results demonstrate that the social support of South Korea is very important for people displaced from North Korea in terms of their safely establishing settled living. In addition, considering the fact that the status of China is rising in international society, the results of the present study provide important insights into the provision of psychological stability to people displaced from North Korea.  相似文献   

The number of older adults in US prisons continues to rise. In 2002, adults ages 50 and older made up 8% of the US prison population, up from 4% a decade prior. Many older offenders are released to communities that are poorly equipped to meet their special needs. and largely unprepared for the social and fiscal costs of their reentry. The focus of gerontological social work education on the returning older adult offender has been limited. This article examines social work roles in the community reentry/reintegration of older adult offenders. Best practices from the gerontological social work literature are presented and implications for social work practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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