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企业要成功,农村市场是一个很好的选择。荣事达集团把其单缸洗衣机推向农村,因为其产品在大中城市销售量已呈下降趋势,为了延长其生命周期,为了最大化地利用已投入的资源,于是在农村主推节水、节电的洗衣机产品,并辅之以“洗一桶衣服只需5分钱”的电视广告。因为“号”准了农民的“脉”,产品热销不衰。农村地域辽阔,人口众多,农民生活正在从温饱型向小康型转变。这个大背景,决定了农村市场的潜力是巨大的。据国家统计局调查,2003年我国农村人口是8.7亿,当年农村居民人均消费支出1557元,二者相乘,消费总额高达13000多亿。如果企业认真研究,其…  相似文献   

龙怒 《城市》2007,(12):50-52
改革开放以来.全国各地的经济开发区在引进先进技术和管理经验、促进进出口贸易发展、推进自主创新、提升产业能级等方面.带动了区域经济的持续快速发展.起到了示范、辐射和促进作用.已经成为中国经济发展不可或缺的动力源泉。作为开发区开发建设的主力军.开发公司作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

Local market socialism: Local corporatism in action in rural China   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Nan Lin 《Theory and Society》1995,24(3):301-354

The study of sex-roles in agriculture and their integration in the rural development processes is a fairly new subject in South Asian geography. In Pakistan such studies are even more recent, because of the segregation of the sexes and Islamic culture in Pakistan. Instead of making women do hard or tiresome work in agricultural fields, Pakistan society treats its women as ‘cultural bourgeoises’, circumspect, decorous, and bearers of the family honor. For those who do work, a slight improvement in economic or social status restricts them from agricultural work, a process called by some ‘negative modernization’. U.S. AID and other agencies are trying hard to change the prevalent patterns in Pakistan, but cultural, structural, and political factors are too old and strong to change quickly. This paper reviews the sociocultural status of women, and their role in agricultural operations. Examples are from Sind and Panjab provinces, the agricultural heartland of Pakistan.  相似文献   

人才策略与家族企业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的私营企业大多为中小企业,且90 %以上采用了家族制管理模式,即所谓的家族企业。改革开放以来,我国家族企业在新旧体制夹缝和政策歧视中顽强生长,现已成为推动中国市场化进程的生力军,在国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位,并将为中国全面建设小康社会做出不可低估的贡献。但家族企业在为中国经济作出巨大贡献的背后有一个令人神伤的统计数字:家族企业一般寿命为24年,能持续至第二代的只占3/10,而能持续到第三代的只有1/10。家族企业能否持续发展,这无疑是适者生存的问题,是企业核心竞争力问题,归根结底是人才的问题。家族企业在发展的过程中…  相似文献   

Social enterprises are businesses with primarily social objectives that reinvest their surplus in the community rather than seeking to maximise profit for shareholders. However, there is a debate regarding the drivers and the role of the social enterprise, the outcome of which is expected to have serious implications for the future of the institution [Brady, C., 2003. Social Enterprise development and the Role of the Social Economy in Scotland. CBS Network, Edinburgh]. A ‘reformist’ view supports the position that social enterprises are simple extensions of existing economic systems, whereas a ‘radical’ stance sees them as the embodiment of an alternative vision of running local economies. Development Trusts (DTs) are social enterprises that focus on community regeneration. Our research explored DT stakeholder views regarding the role of DTs in regenerating rural Scotland. Using Q methodology [Barry, J., Proops, J., 1999. Seeking sustainability discourses with Q methodology. Ecological Economics, 28, 337–345], we drew on ‘rurality’ discourses [Frouws, J., 1998. The contested redefinition of the countryside. An analysis of rural discourses in The Netherlands. Sociologia Ruralis 38(1), 54–68] expressed by DT stakeholders in order to investigate how these discourses informed their views. Radical positions were mostly associated with a hedonist rurality discourse and were split into three sub-discourses, whereas reformist positions mostly reflected a utilitarian rurality discourse. There was consensus between discourses in rejecting a primary DT contribution to rural regeneration by substituting state and local authority functions in rural Scotland. Results suggest that stakeholders prefer that DTs develop their own agendas and activity rather than try to substitute unsuccessful state or local authority provision of rural services. Social enterprise strategies and support policies promoting a service-providing role for DTs in rural Scotland should consider this issue if they are to avoid stakeholder objection and contribute to the success of DTs in becoming active vehicles of rural regeneration.  相似文献   

"This paper reopens the debate between Weekley (1988) and Rowsell (1989) over why pockets of depopulation have persisted within parts of rural Britain which have experienced net growth through counterurbanisation. It argues that Weekley has not fully appreciated the context for local population losses, namely the emergence of a new structural relationship between people, households, and dwellings, and the growing tension between production and consumption interests in rural locales. Moreover, the paper disputes claims that depopulation is triggered by the actions of either the landowner or the planner. Drawing on case study material informed by critical realism, it argues that planners and landowners have been drawn into an asymmetrical power relationship. This has tended to buttress landed interests and, in so doing, reproduce mechanisms which protect the less populous communities from growth and change."  相似文献   

The theme of sustainable development is proposed as an integrating framework for focusing theoretical and applied research in rural systems. It also serves as a base for public policy involving economic development and environ- mental maintenance. This paper presents a history of the theme of environmentally sustainable development and provides evidence of its continued theoretical and practical significance. The analysis of sustainability of rural systems is illustrated for agri-food systems from the perspectives of stewardship, food sufficiency and community. There is a need for development of analytical tools capable of considering these three components simultaneously.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1994,10(4):321-330
The reversal of rural-urban traditional migration patterns in the last 20 years and the diffusion of non-agricultural activities in rural areas indicate that recent trends in rural development have not followed expected patterns. The paper retraces these recent changes, using as examples the case of France and Italy, two countries with quite different patterns of economic and social development. It follows the characteristics of the real processes under way on the one hand and the conceptualisations and categories used to understand them on the other. The paper concludes that recent trends require a thorough theoretical revision of the traditional assumptions in the social sciences. It suggests that the rural-urban criteria of spatial differentiation is losing significance while the regional or local economy approach provides a more useful framework, to explore the relevant criteria for differentiating rural development.  相似文献   

Migration,development and remittances in rural Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The argument is that remittances to Mexico from migrants in the US contribute to household prosperity and lessen the balance of payments problem. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the incentives and constraints to development and individual economic well-being in rural Mexico. Examination is made of the financial amount of remittances, the use of remittances, the impact on development of remittances, models of migration, and migration historically. The viewpoint is that migration satisfies labor needs in developed countries to the detriment of underdeveloped countries. $2 billion a year are sent by illegal migrants from the US to Mexico. This sum is 4 times the net earning of Mexico's tourist trade. 21.1% of the Mexican population depend in part on money sent from the US. 79% of illegal migrants remitted money to relatives in Jalisco state. 70% of migrant families receive $170/month. In Guadalupe, 73% of families depended on migrant income. In Villa Guerrero, 50% of households depended on migrant income. Migrant income supported 1 out of 5 households in Mexico. Money is usually spent of household subsistence items. Sometimes money is also spent on community religious festivals, marriage ceremonies, and education of children or improved living conditions. Examples are given of money being used for investment in land and livestock. Migration affects community solidarity, and comparative ethic, and the influence on others to migrate. Employment opportunities are not expanded and cottage and community industries are threatened. Land purchases did not result in land improvements. Migration models are deficient. There is a macro/micro dichotomy. The push-and-pull system is not controllable by individual migrants. The migration remittance model is a product of unequal development and a mechanism feeding migration. Mexican migration has occurred since the 1880's; seasonal migration was encouraged. There was coercion to return to Mexico after the economic recession of World War I; the door was firmly closely during the Great Depression of 1929-35. The 1980 estimates of illegal Mexican migrants totaled 2-9 million, which is the largest flow in the world. US industrial presence and Mexican development have reinforced migration flows. Regional and international capitalist requirements govern migration.  相似文献   

Various attempts at rural community economic development in the west of Ireland are reported and analysed in this paper. The efforts of one particularly interesting rural community to establish a knitters' co-operative are reported on in the first part of the article and a variety of initiatives undertaken by twelve other communities under the auspices of a Community Enterprise Programme operated by the Shannon Free Airport Development Company are then examined. The total set of experiences provides valuable insights into what communities can do to promote local development and the manner in which this task might best be undertaken. The development of community capacity to function effectively on a self-help basis over a protracted period is identified as a necessary precondition for the establishment of successful community business.  相似文献   

沙特地方行政体制的发展是沙特政治现代化的成就和经验之一,但前人对此问题的研究似乎尚显薄弱。在现代沙特地方行政体制发展中,历任国王发挥了重要作用。目前,尽管沙特地方行政体制中还存在一些问题,但它在沙特现代化进程中一直发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

沙特地方行政体制的发展是沙特政治现代化的成就和经验之一,但前人对此问题的研究似乎尚显薄弱.在现代沙特地方行政体制发展中,历任国王发挥了重要作用.目前,尽管沙特地方行政体制中还存在一些问题,但它在沙特现代化进程中一直发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   

A new form of rural governance is emerging in more peripheral parts of the UK. As European Structural Fund monies come to play a greater role in financing development projects, so new ways of making decisions about rural development are being initiated. The rural development component of the Structural Funds (Objective 5b) requires that development objectives be prioritized by means of a ‘programming approach’ which brings together a wide range of actors in new institutional arrangements. This reconfiguration of rural development is examined in this paper using case study material from the Northern Uplands — the largest Objective 5b area in England. The paper concludes by drawing out a set of further research questions the Objective 5b programme raises regarding the tensions between centralization and localization, the role of rural communities in their own governance, and the new techniques and technologies of rural governance.  相似文献   

Most studies on women have ignored women's view of themselves in relation to their roles in community development. This study uses interview and ethnographic data from Nigeria to investigate women's narratives of themselves concerning their position in a rural cultural space in relation to community development. It explores ways of repositioning patriarchal or gender unresponsive cultures for eliciting women's potentials in community development. It emphasises how women's cultural constrains in a patriarchal community have led to a rare survival strategy – that is, the evolution of an invisible matriarchy. As a recommendation, it presents a framework for culture repositioning and a map of actors' responsibilities for its achievement. It contributes to ongoing debates on women in rural community development. It raises conceptual questions about customary practices that affect women's values in communities in Nigeria's rural areas. Finally, it presents three main lessons that can be drawn by women (and men) in traditional communities in non-Western societies.  相似文献   

目前,我国的农业和农村经济发展进入一个新的历史阶段,其基本标志是农副产品的供求关系发生了根本性变化。从过去的长期短缺转为总量基本平衡,丰年有余。近年来,大连市农村出现的卖粮难,卖果难和农民收入增长缓慢就是这一阶段变化的反应。这一变化意味着市场需求对农业发展的导向作用和约束作用不断增强。根据发达国家和地区的成功经验,解决农业经济增长缓慢的根本出路是以农业产业化经营为载体,调整优化农业结构,实现农业产业升级。农业产业化经营有三个主要标志,一是农产品生产基地化、区域化、专业化、标准化和规模化,实现受精资源的优化配置和永续利用;二是建立起以龙头企业和批发市场为中心的加工、流通体制。龙头企业根据市场需求和加工需要组织农户生产,按合同收购农副产品,通过加工、分级、整理后销往国内外市场;三是龙头企业与农户以契约关系,形成利益共同体,建立合理的利润分配机制。农业产业化经营可以在一定程度上改变农副产品传统的贸易方式,销往市场的主要是加工制成品,顺应了消费市场对初级农副产品需求日益减少和对制成品需求日益增长的结构演变趋势。  相似文献   

Using a theoretical framework, the study proposes an index that can measure the social capital of local action group (LAG) projects. The index is founded on four indicators: number of ties, bridging social capital, recognition, and diversity, which are aggregated into one social capital index. The index has been tested in LAG-Djursland, Denmark, and the study further investigates whether the organisational affiliation, project financing, and LAG co-financing can explain the degree of social capital accumulation. Furthermore, the author has tested if there are connections between motivation for pursuing development projects similar to those implemented previously and the degree of social capital. The paper concludes that there are indications that projects hosted by municipalities tend to show the most social capital, there is no connection between the amount of project financing and social capital, and a high level of motivation leads to increased social capital.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2005,21(2):231-246
Rural development is a multidimensional phenomenon. The political dimension, relating as it does to power, resources, accountability, priorities and choice, is a pivotal aspect of rural development. Local government is often the centrepiece of rural political systems. Interventions to reconfigure local government are therefore quintessentially rural development initiatives. They serve to supplement, neutralize or detract from other development initiatives. One way to critically examine local government restructuring policies and programmes is to determine the extent to which they accord with commonly held principles of rural development, both in terms of outcomes and process. This research critically examines a particular public policy intervention in rural Ontario, Canada. Through the application of rural development principles and criteria, it concludes that the process was antithetical to rural development, and in terms of outcomes, of dubious value. It poses several questions and challenges for rural development theory, including governance, and practice.  相似文献   

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