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任正非 《经理人》2010,(2):80-80
2009年,在极端困难的条件下,华为成功经受住了考验,全年销售额超过300亿美元,销售收入达到215亿美元,客户关系得到进一步提升。 业绩逆势飘红 在这一年里,中国作为本土市场历史性地突破了100亿美元,光传输、接入网,我们走向了世界第一;3G、LTE构筑了全球第一的竞争力;路由器走出了困境,实现了与业界竞争力同步:  相似文献   

华为再打迷踪拳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
媒体报道,国内IT巨头华为正计划以40亿美元出售其移动终端部门45%-49%的股份。据悉,目前贝恩资本和TPG等一些私募投资公司正在评估此项交易,华为已聘请摩根士丹利来安排本次交易相关事宜。评论称,华为此次出售是为了融资谋求海外扩张,尤其是美国市场的扩张。如成功,此交易可能成为中国公司引入的最大一笔外资。  相似文献   

正欧盟内部的一份调查报告,促使欧盟官员开始权衡对中国设备制造商华为和中兴两家公司的应对策略。而这场贸易磨擦,将有可能升级为欧盟与中国之间的地区性贸易冲突。但华为显然不会放松在欧洲市场的竞争,它最近宣布,将投资7000万欧元,在芬兰赫尔辛基开设一处研发中心。华为公司的计划,相当于将欧洲员工人数扩大至14000人。早在九月份,该公司就曾宣布,计划投资20亿美元  相似文献   

正华为创始人任正非,中国最神秘低调的总裁。在他的带领下,华为成功挺进世界500强,成为全球第二大电信设备供应商。2012年,华为全球销售额超354亿美元,其中66%来自海外市场,预计2013年将实现10%-12%的增长,或将超越其竞争对手瑞典爱立信,成为业界全球第一。令人难以置信的是,带领  相似文献   

美国商业周刊最近排出了世界上最值钱的品牌,前10名依次是可口可乐(价值689.5亿美元)、微软(650.7亿美元)、PBM(650.7亿美元)、通用电气(424亿美元)、诺基亚(350.4亿美元)、英特尔(346.7亿美元)、迪斯尼(325.9亿美元)、福特(306.9亿美元)、麦当劳(352.9亿美元)、美国电话和电报公司(228,3亿美元)。  相似文献   

华为技术有限公司成立于1988年,是由员工持股的高科技民营企业,目前有员工22000多人。是中国电信市场的主要供应商之一, 2004年公司全球销售额达55.8亿美元,华为在全球建立了30多个分支机构,在美国达拉斯、印度班加罗尔、瑞典斯德尔摩、俄罗斯莫斯科以及中国北京、上海等地建立了研究所。华为产品已经进入德国、西班牙、法国等40多个国家和地区。为什么华为能够取得如此大的成功?我们从《华为基本法》第二十四条(战略联盟)可以得到答案。“我们重视广泛的对等合作和建立战略伙伴关系,积极探索在互利基础上的多种外部合作形式。”让自己在整体弱势中顽强生存并发展壮大起来!这对大多数中国企业具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国外汇储备2864亿美元 中国内地的外汇储备,至2002年底为2864亿美元,比2001年底的2121亿美元新增743亿美元。全球饥饿人口11亿 全球饥饿人口6年间猛增3亿,到2002年底已达到11亿,相当于世界人  相似文献   

张开 《决策与信息》2008,(12):38-39
《福布斯》于2008年9月9日公布了全球互联网富豪排行榜。榜单中的33位富豪的总身家高达1097亿美元,中国企业有5位掌门人上榜。史玉柱以28亿美元的身价排在第7位,马化腾以14亿美元排在第22位,李彦宏以14亿美元排在第23位。马云以11亿美元排在第32位。丁磊以10亿美元排在第33位。  相似文献   

目前,苏州招商引资居全国大中城市之首。从1993年到2000年,苏州连续8年每年利用外资的合同金额超过40亿美元,平均每年实际利用外资金额在20至25亿美元之间,其中2000年合同外资金额为48.8亿美元,实际利用外资达28.8亿美元。2001年仅1至7月,苏州市引进合同外资就达27.68亿美元。全市迄今已累计引进合同外资339亿美元。  相似文献   

海关总署7月10日发布的数据显示,今年上半年,我国累计贸易顺差为990.3亿美元,同比下降11.8%,净减少132.1亿美元。其中,6月份当月贸易顺差213.5亿美元,同比下降20.6%,净减少55.4亿美元。  相似文献   

乐国林  陈春花 《管理学报》2011,(11):1575-1582
鞍山钢铁公司和华为公司的发展和成功模式凝练而成的2部企业宪法分别成为计划经济时代和市场经济时代的经典企业管理纲领,它们根植于中国经济的土壤和中国的管理情境,其成功经验和管理模式具有可参照性、可移植性。结合2个公司的成长轨迹,深入分析企业宪法内容,可以发现其蕴含的3个主要的中国本土管理元素:整体平衡的管理哲学、"集体主义"的组织行为和英雄领袖的魅力型领导,每个本土管理元素又包含着更多具体的中国式管理理念和方法。  相似文献   

This article explores the major financial reforms of both government-funded and self-funded statutory bodies in Singapore over the last 7 years. The reforms have been based on two models of administrative reform: the business enterprise model and the bureaucratic efficiency model. In accordance with the business enterprise model, changes have been made to place statutory bodies on a more commercial footing, requiring them to adopt the financial and management practices found in business enterprises and, in doing so, to become more financially self-reliant. The autonomy expected to flow from these reforms has been circumscribed by the retention of key decision-making responsibilities and veto powers at the center of government. The reforms thus indicate ambivalence in the thinking of political and administrative leaders in relation to the management of statutory bodies, allowing them greater freedom as business-like enterprises, but still subjecting them to centrally imposed restrictions and directives.  相似文献   

在动态环境条件下由于客户需求快速变化和企业领导人有限理性决策造成的企业能力管理悖论是当前企业战略管理中最大的难题之一.本文通过对20世纪90年代电信技术企业能力变革历程的分析,以最具传统电信设备产业的代表美国企业一朗讯科技和最具现代电信设备产业代表的中国企业一华为技术为案例,剖析了两企业核心技术能力的演化过程,提出了企业核心能力和核心刚性的动态性和相对性,对于在快速变化环境中经营的我国企业具有很好的借鉴和参考意义.  相似文献   

New Public Management reforms have been argued to intensify the use of strategic management in public organizations, but there is a need to understand how reforms influence specific aspects such as strategy processes and strategy content. The NPM reforms are expected to formalize and professionalize strategy processes and strategy content towards greater competitiveness, but this may counter cooperation between organizations, which is essential in many areas for overall service provision. Research has provided little empirical knowledge about the simultaneous competition and cooperation in the public sector. This study offers such knowledge via a panel case study of five Danish upper secondary schools over a ten‐year period during a large NPM reform. The study includes three rounds of interviews with school principals before, during and after the reform, combined with secondary data. The study shows that, during reform implementation, strategy processes become more formalized and professionalized, and that teachers, in particular, lose influence. Regarding strategy content, the authors find an increase in external focus and competition, though schools maintain a focus on cooperation. The results suggest that NPM reforms can significantly change strategic management in public organizations, and that this is not necessarily at the expense of cooperation, at least in the short run.  相似文献   

Many universities in Germany and other countries have introduced financial (or commercial) accounting to manage effectively their finances. It aligns with so-called new public sector management reforms worldwide. In this paper we analyze whether the components of this type of financial accounting reform suit the nature and objectives of German public universities. While the analysis mainly relates to the German situation, there are likely to be implications for public universities universally. Drawing on an analysis of the reports of two well known German-speaking universities, Heidelberg and Vienna, we analyze whether the components of the new financial accounting reforms suit the nature and objectives of those public universities. While we argue that cash-flow statements and balance sheets remain important, it is shown that it is necessary for state-run educational institutions to change several key elements of traditional commercial accounting. Because the success goals of such universities are non-profit-oriented, their financial accounting should be augmented by a ‘change in value statement’, replacing the traditional income statement. As their valuation cannot be correlated with the definition of profit in (German) public universities this term is suggested. By change in value we mean specifically that assets may experience a total loss or a decrease in value. In management accounting output measures and performance indicators should substitute revenues as the counterpart of costs. Furthermore, long-term financial decisions play a crucial role in universities. Therefore, a form of investment accounting is very important for them. The conventional form has to be modified by ‘investment statements’ and ‘knowledge balances’ of their intellectual capital. In this paper we also show how the concept of a balanced scorecard can be applied to public universities and how specific accounting instruments can be integrated into it.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact that nationally recognised training has had on the practice of human resource management in Australian organisations. Since the late 1980s, the Australian vocational education and training system has undergone major reforms. These reforms have been aimed at making training more relevant to the needs of Australian business. A key development in training reform has been the emergence of Training Packages, sets of occupational competency standards, qualifications and assessment guidelines covering most jobs in the economy. The research reported in this paper shows how nationally recognised training in the form of Training Package qualifications has been taken up by Australian employers and has begun to re-shape not only training practices but also broader approaches to human resource management. Many employers are now using the competency standards contained in Training Packages to underpin other human resource management practices such as recruitment and selection, performance management and management development. The use of consistent national standards to underpin these activities has led to better alignment and integration of human resource management in some organisations, as predicted by theories of bundling in the strategic human resource management literature.  相似文献   

Popular strategies for reform have come directly from the private sector in what is perhaps the most profound redefinition of public administration since the field first emerged as an identifiable specialty. The purpose of this paper is to examine the context out of which these reforms have grown, the challenges that have arisen as a result, and cases where private sector reform strategies have been successfully (and sometimes unsuccessfully) applied in human resource management (HRM). We discuss the benefits and hazards of many of the reforms and conclude that restoring a measure of confidence in the legitimate role of the civil service is essential for nations dealing with the challenges of globalization.  相似文献   

社会化媒体已成为企业品牌形象塑造的重要方式。本文以华为与海尔为研究对象,采用数据挖掘和社会网络分析方法对选取的26,503,570和3,277,717个微博用户数据进行品牌传播的过程研究,并选取两个典型事件分析信息扩散过程,然后通过高频词云图比较社会化媒体呈现的品牌形象与企业欲塑造的品牌形象之间的差异。结果显示:参与华为相关话题讨论的用户数量明显高于海尔,其传播声量亦较高;典型事件分析中,华为的“易烊千玺为nova全球代言人”得到了更多的用户关注,尤其是拥有大量粉丝账号的转发,迅速扩大了传播网络规模,而海尔的“搞笑抽奖活动”则更多的是用户直接转发、参与相关活动,拥有大量粉丝的账号参与较少;在品牌形象呈现方面,海尔的高频词云图中智慧、智能、生活直观展示出其欲塑造的品牌形象,而华为用户参与讨论的内容更为多样,但用户生成内容未能直观展示其欲塑造的品牌形象。  相似文献   

Since the sixties, a number of Western countries have conducted a lot of NPM type reforms in order to improve their public administration (PA). However, more than forty years of NPM type reforms raise questions about whether these reforms consist in an improvement of PA or if alternative theories could find their place in the field of PA reforms. In order to answer these questions, the five main public administration theories (New Public Administration, New Public Management, Public Value Management, New Public Service and New Public Governance) have been selected, and based on an original analysis of their incipits, some guidelines are proposed for practitioners and students in PA.  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - Performance management is one of the hottest topics in most countries today, and the rush for performance reforms has become a norm in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, few...  相似文献   

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