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截止目前,江西省鹰潭市市一级连续7年在财政预算中列支自然灾害救济事业费,4个县(区)连续3年,44个乡(镇)连续2年在本级财政预算中安排了此项经费,形成了救灾工作分级负责,救灾经费分级负担的良性循环。鹰潭地处长江中下游,是个多灾易灾地区。以前单一的救灾渠道,有限的救济经费长期束缚救灾工作,为了切实改  相似文献   

近年来,广东省各级民政部门按照民政部关于深化救灾管理体制改革的整体思路,结合广东实际,认真学习贯彻有关文件精神,以落实救灾粮差价补贴款和增加地方自然灾害救济事业费预算(以下简称“两项经费”)为重点,不断探索救灾救济管理体制改革的新思路,取得了一定进展。至1995年9月底,全省落实“两项经费”共7856.16万元,其中,省级1500万元、地级1595.29万元、县级3706.63万元、乡镇级1054.24万元。他们的主要做法和体会是:  相似文献   

澳大利亚与新西兰的社会救济制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展概况 澳大利亚、新西兰是大洋洲的第一、二大国家,前者人口 1890万,后者人口为 360万。在世界发达国家中,澳大利亚、新西兰的社会保障制度非常独特,由于几乎没有社会保险,社会救济是其社会保障体系的主体支柱。这从社会救济经费支出占整个社会保障支出的比例可以看出:澳大利亚占 90%以上,而新西兰则为 100%。两国的社会救济制度均由联邦或中央政府组织实施,受益人数占总人口四分之一以上,每年的救济经费占联邦或中央政府预算 30%左右,其重视程度在世界上首屈一指,对国际社会救济史产生了重要而深远的影响。由于以“收入…  相似文献   

王毓伟  胡忆红 《社科纵横》2020,35(1):115-122
受地方财政影响,清代洞庭湖区的水域救济事业变化明显。顺康时期朝廷有心无钱;雍乾时期中央拨款拯溺;嘉道时期转交地方办理;咸丰年间短暂停办;同治后设岳州救生官局以专理洞庭湖水域救济事业。岳州救生局为善举长存,以劝捐、发典生息、厘金、罚款、盐票、田租等多种方式筹集救生经费。经费筹措的艰难,也使岳州救生局运作管理方式发生转型。加之,湘军崛起后,湖南士绅力量庞大且有充裕资本,地方事务须官绅配合方得成效。洞庭湖水域救生事业从清前中期的官办向与绅共管转变,运作架构日趋合理。  相似文献   

“三确保”:一确保资金用途不变,优抚经费要全部按规定用于优抚方面的开支,不得随意改变;二确保资金分配权不变,优抚经费由民政部门提出分配使用方案,经各级政府主要领导审批;三确保自然减员节余经费使用方向不变,因死亡自然减员而节余的经费仍全部用于优抚对象医疗、生活、住房等方面的困难补助,不得用于平 衡财政预算和其他方面开支。   “三坚持”:一是预算指标分配应坚持以县乡两级政府预算,优抚经费支出由县乡两级政府各负其责。乡财政应承担的优抚救济任务由县核定基数,打入乡财政体制。政策增支部分按现行财政体制分级…  相似文献   

民政事业费是我们做好民政工作的物质基础。如何管好用好这一部分经费,怎样能使有限的经费,发挥出更大的效益,笔者认为,关键要抓住以下三点:一、重视做好基础工作。首先要选配事业心强,精通业务的同志来担任会计工作。其次要认真调查了解各类发放经费人员的名单,查阅有关机关制发的各项开支标准,制定总的经费需求,建立统计台帐,制定各种帐册、报表等。这一工作,涉及到民政好几个方面的几十种具体对象,稍一马虎,就可能给地方财政指标安排测算带来困难,给救济对象带来生活上的不便,使应该享受的各项补贴,得不到及时的发放。因此,必须认真对待。二、加强财务集中统一管理。现在,我们实行的是财政收支总额包干、超收分成,多支不补的财政体  相似文献   

张鹏飞  张小华 《社科纵横》2005,20(6):114-115
社会救济制度是最基本的社会保障制度,社会救济法是社会保障法律制度的重要组成部分。当前,中国的社会救济制度尤其是农村的社会救济法律制度有许多亟待完善的地方。主要对策为一:着手建立官方救济与民间救济相结合的二元社会救济法律体系,充分发挥民间救济的积极作用;二、在科学选优的基础上,制定全国统一的社会救济标准体系的测算与调整方法,通过法律手段加以推行;三、完善社会救济争议处理机制,建立专门的社会保障法庭,适用特殊的社会保障争议处理程序,以更科学的处理社会救济争议,维护当事人的合法权益。  相似文献   

吴光兵 《社会福利》2009,(11):63-63
实行管理垂直化、经费保障化,实现管理层次升级。整合资源,由原来全县16所农村敬老院整合为6所中心敬老院,由县民政局直接领导。民政局救灾救济股为中心敬老院专门的管理机构,负责其日常管理,涉及到敬老院建设、发展等事项由县民政局统筹考虑、统筹安排、统一规划。所有经费全部列人县财政预算,由县民政局直接划拨,并由县会计中心委派会计统一做账,实行县级报账制,使资金及时足额到位,切实保障了五保老人的合法权益。  相似文献   

缺乏对生态环境损害救济的法律制度是当前环境问题得不到有效解决的根源,这种缺失有违环境法环境保护的目的。环境侵权损害救济只是解决了受损生态环境中人的损害问题,对生态环境本身的损害却无能为力,因而建立生态损害救济的法律制度是解决人类环境问题不可或缺的举措。从环境伦理的角度来看,生态损害的救济也是必要的。与环境侵权损害的救济相比较,生态损害救济具有公法性、补偿性和国际趋同性的特点。  相似文献   

农村残疾人是社会保障重点群体之一。对案例中的行政村进行调查显示,我国农村残疾人享有的基本生活保障、农村社会保险资助、就业、教育、临时救济等方面社会保障措施对保障农村残疾人的生活有重要的作用,但也存在一些问题,主要是保障水平低,社会保障某些项目的缺失,管理和服务不完善。建议加大对农村残疾人的经费的投入;重视农村残疾人社会保障各项目的平衡发展;完善基层残疾人组织建设;发挥社区(村级)组织的灵活性,鼓励社会多方参与残疾人社会保障事业。  相似文献   

Government officials like the idea of just a small number of households in their respective jurisdiction receiving social assistance. A large number is seen as costly to the public treasury, and declining caseloads are generally viewed as a mark of success for both the economy and the government of the day. But what factors account for the size of a Canadian province's social assistance caseload? This article aims to shed light on this question, with a focus on single adults without dependants (and without serious disabilities) during the 1989–2017 period. One important finding is that when the value of social assistance benefit levels for this group increases by 1% in a province, the social assistance caseload for this demographic rises by 0.457%. Put differently, there is indeed an important behavior response associated with higher benefit levels. In response, we propose that provincial officials budget for higher take up levels when they increase benefit levels for this household group.  相似文献   

In the United States at the end of the twentieth century, government policies regarding elderly people appear to be in transition. In part this reflects the traditional American ambivalence between radical individualism and collective assistance - especially in the form of tax-supported public welfare provided through government agencies - for those unable to earn or save for their own support. But in part this reflects new concerns about the growth of welfare "entitlements" for elderly people and the presumed "generational inequity" of public support for the aged at the expense of funds for children and young families. We review 1) the changing demography of the United States elderly population, 2) the complex and ambivalent history of welfare policy in the United States and 3) the evidence for tensions and conflicts between older and younger Americans in the context of politicized "generational inequity" debates, with special attention to changing government health care policies. We conclude that in American society, particularly in terms of federal assistance to the aged, there is considerable public support for current policy measures, and - contrary to the predictions of many - it is not likely that there will be dramatic policy changes in the near future.  相似文献   

张达 《社会工作》2011,(18):81-83
享有社会救助是农民工的一项权利。国家和社会正在共同解决农民工社会救助问题。要完善农民工社会救助,必须走法治之路,进一步增强国家对农民工社会救助的责任和能力,继续发挥社会力量在农民工社会救助中的作用。农民工在得到社会救助之前和之后也要承担一定的义务。  相似文献   

义务戏是清末民国时期一种重要的慈善形式,即以义演的方式来筹措善款,帮助公益事业。它涉及的慈善范围很广,包括梨园本行公益、社会公益以及爱国义演等,地理范围也并非仅限于北京一地。北京梨园行义务戏的社会影响极大,公众通过其演出更深入地了解了慈善精神,且在听戏的同时,自身也参与到慈善事业当中;不仅如此,社会上很多机构、组织也都纷纷效仿,以义务戏的方式筹款来兴办慈善公益事业。本文从义务戏的缘起、种类、管理及影响几个方面对近代北京梨园行的义务戏进行阐述。  相似文献   

利用2013年全国市级有关数据,采用回归方法构建两个递进实证计量模型,考察地方财政分权、市场化对城乡低保救助水平的影响.实证结果表明,地方财政自给度和市场化水平均对低保救助有非常显著的促进作用,农村低保救助相对城市对地方财政分权和市场化的敏感度更高,科教文卫支出对低保救助支出存在非常显著的良性互动关系.建议进一步完善事权与财政支出责任相匹配的机制,提高地方财政自给度,同时转变政府职能,厘清政府权责边界,提升地方市场化水平.  相似文献   

丁芮 《社会工作》2012,(8):34-36
北洋政府时期,贫困是北京最为严重的社会问题之一。京师警察厅是负责北京治安的官方机构,为维护北京城市的社会秩序,保障普通民众的正常生活,其采取了多种方式,其中贫儿半日学校是警察厅立足于贫困民众的长远生活,自己筹办的纯粹以教育为目的的贫民救助机构。贫儿半日学校取得了一定的成绩,其不同于传统的社会救助机构,也有别于同时期的其他救助机构,是救助方式转变过程中教育救助的典型代表。  相似文献   

清末城市设立了保甲局等保甲机构,协助衙门负责市区的社会管理。城市保甲除了编查户口外,在设栅督更、厉禁驰马、治安巡查等方面也起了重要作用,成为清末城市管理的重要力量。然而,面对城市近代化的发展,城市保甲难以适应新的挑战,最终被巡警制所取代。  相似文献   

This paper explores options for programs to be put in place prior to a disaster to avoid large and often poorly-managed expenditures following a catastrophe and to provide appropriate protection against the risk of those large losses which do occur. The lack of interest in insurance protection and mitigation by property owners and by public sector agencies prior to a disaster often creates major problems following a catastrophic event for victims and the government. Property owners who suffer severe damage may not have the financial resources easily at hand to rebuild their property and hence will demand relief. The government is then likely to respond with costly but poorly targeted disaster assistance. To avoid these large and often uneven ex post expenditures, we consider the option of mandatory comprehensive private disaster insurance with risk-based rates. It may be more efficient to have an ex ante public program to ensure coverage of catastrophic losses and to subsidize low income residents who cannot afford coverage rather than the current largely ex post public disaster relief program.  相似文献   

陈月圆  龙登高 《社会》2023,43(2):96-122
近代公产转型与基层公共事业、国家治理机制的演变紧密关联,并承载了“公”观念的变迁。本文从产权视角出发,以民国时期浙江县级公产管理制度为基础,考察公产转型的历史进程。民国成立后,县级公产被纳入地方自治机构统一管理,其有别于“官产”“私产”的产权性质得到法律的确认与规范。在国家政策变动与治理事务扩张的背景下,自治机构对公产的管理引发诸多问题。20世纪30年代中期,南京国民政府推动县级行政制度改革,逐步将公产纳入政府管理,“公产”的概念也随之扩展,并逐渐向政府财产偏移。  相似文献   

The equitable character of a policy determines its progressiveness, yet some domestic policies are more equitable than others. The question of how and why this is the case is addressed by studying federal housing and health policies in the United States, a critical case known for its rampant inequalities in both sectors. Although social equity is a fundamental aspect of welfare provision, explaining differences in coverage and government support among policy areas remains a weakness in the literature. This comparative historical analysis shows that both housing assistance and health care suffered from inequities almost as early as their inception. But a progressive reform took shape with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and extended coverage to 20 million people formerly uninsured. This essay tackles an unsolved puzzle: Why has such grand policy reform never taken place in housing where more than 20 million people are eligible for assistance but do not receive help? We found that it is largely explained by housing assistance distinctiveness with regard to its weak constituency, racial connotation and low public concern. We conclude with the analytical payoffs of studying social equity, both for political scientists and observers of social affairs.  相似文献   

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