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Please address requests for reprints to Peter Raynor, Centre for Applied Social Studies, University College of Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP. Summary This paper was originally presented at a conference on ’theeffectiveness of social work‘ at Swansea in 1981. It arguesagainst a narrowly empiricist model of evaluation in socialwork, suggesting that while such a model may help to improvethe technical efficacy of methods, it can tell us little aboutthe desirability of the goals towards which our methods aredirected, or the social functions which they serve. The finalsection points to some possible resources for rational discussionof areas which ’scientific‘ models of evaluationtend to neglect.  相似文献   

Tracing the Causes of Stress in Families with Handicapped Children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Variations in the level of stress in mothers with very severelydisabled children do not appear to be associated with the characteristicsof the disabled child or the social and economic circumstancesof the family. The level of stress in a sample of mothers didnot change after they had received help from the Family Fund.  相似文献   

Summary It has recently been argued that the increasing conservatismof Western society is reflected in those entering social work.Pearson, however, has argued that social work recruits by theirchoice of occupation are politically deviant. In this papermotivational accounts of social work students and intendingpsychologists are examined in light of the emerging politicaltrends. Social work students were more concerned with personalgrowth, and later in training with effecting social change,than the intending psychologist. An examination of motivationalaccounts revealed two groups of social work students. The traditionalbase of the profession was represented by a subgroup who wishedto help others and/or effect social change. A second group ofstudents, concerned with the benefits that could accrue to selfthrough social work practice, was also identified. It is consideredthis privatization reflects the dominant ideological trend beinggiven personal meaning by the student.  相似文献   

Summary Theoretical approaches to grief and mourning have emphasizedthe instinctual and biological elements of a person's responseto bereavement. The behaviour of bereaved individuals has thereforebeen interpreted on the basis of these theoretical models. Thispaper argues that an appreciation of the social context in whichbereavement occurs leads to a fuller understanding of observedresponses in such a situation. It thus emphasizes the socialnature of individuals rather than their biological make-up andprovides a theoretical frame of reference in terms of whichthis may be understood. Such an analysis also has implicationsfor the kind of help which is seen to be appropriate to theneeds of bereaved people. It is suggested that social workersshould develop a greater understanding of this approach andthat, on the basis of this, they would then have a particularrole to play in relation to this area of need  相似文献   

Summary Attention is drawn to experience that much social work has beenundertaken on a base of common sense, personal intuition andfeelings that the client's situation has been 'understood'.Medical, sociological and psychological sources for theory whichhave given status to objectivity and implicitly deterministicways of thinking are criticized as sometimes contrary to usefulunderstanding and not supportive to constructive change. Itis claimed that a goal of social work theory should be to disciplinethe 'understanding' which exists in the practice and it is suggestedthat this might be based upon the investigation of the meaningwhich people give to the world in which they live and to theirself within that world. This phenomenologkal approach placessubjectivity and the role of the self-concept at the focus ofattention. As a working philosophy it incorporates the formativeinfluences of past experiences whilst also asserting the primacyof the person who may impose a new significance upon both thosepast events and his immediate situation. It is claimed thatsuch an approach might be the source of a discipline which couldrelate more intimately than hitherto the theory and good practiceof all concerned with social welfare and social change.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt is made to discover how people define their problemsand on what basis they decide when, and from where, to seekhelp. The focus is upon legal problems since the study formspart of a wider project concerned with the provision of legalservices. Ignorance and misinformation concerning the availabilityof both social and legal services, combined with apathy andresignation on the part of many who need help, are importantfactors determining the non-use of services. Nor can people'sneeds be neatly categorized as social or legal. The overlappingnature of their problems exists at a structural as well as anindividual level; many of the legal problems experienced byindividuals arise from inequalities in the social and economicstructure of society.  相似文献   

Summary Doubts raised by research evaluation of traditional caseworkhave been increased by the perception by radical social workersthat some clients' difficulties derive from their involvementwith state machinery rather than personal capacity or circumstances,and that many can be helped by working collectively with othersin their community rather than striving alone in a dependentrelationship with a caseworker. Radical aspirations, however,assume that all clients have the capacity to overcome theirdifficulties and that none are so damaged as to be able realisticallybarely to cope with them. The radicals' doubts about the usefulnessof individual support and emphasis on collective self help raisethe danger of neglecting those who are unable to participateeffectively and gain from such efforts.  相似文献   

Summary Traditionally physical disabilities and the handicaps they entailhave been regarded as attributes of individuals. More recentlysome of the sociogenic aspects of physical handicap have beenexplored. It is suggested that the possession of a physicaldisability by one individual may also substantially disableothers, particularly family members with whom he is associated.This argument is explored and some of its consequences examined.  相似文献   

Summary This paper has a two-fold purpose. Firstly, it suggests thatan examination of current trends in the juvenile justice systemof England and Wales sustains the viewpoint that there has been,during the last decade, a considerable increase in the degreeof surveillance and coercion of large sections of the youthpopulation. Secondly, it attempts to outline a positive rolefor social work professionals working in the juvenile justicesystem which may help to counter these tendencies and reconceptualisegeneral thinking on problems of youth crime and juvenile justicepenology.  相似文献   

Summary Are families worrying too much about ordinary, everyday difficultiesor are we trying too hard to help, resulting in a kind of systemsoverdose? Through the use of two case examples, the authorsexplore these questions, concluding that social work and otheragencies might be in danger of over-reacting, thereby addingto a family's difficulties. Strategies for change at the familylevel and within the welfare network are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports a study carried out in two Social ServicesDepartments, of 63 children in care under Section 2 of the ChildCare Act 1980, in respect of whom parental rights had been assumedunder Section 3 on the ground that they had been in Section2 care for three years or more. Some of the arguments put inthe debate about ‘natural justice’ in relation toparental rights assumptions are briefly considered in the introduction;recent changes in such assumptions are then outlined. The studyand its main findings are then presented, with reference tothe findings of other studies of parental rights resolutionswhere appropriate, Finally, the implications of the study forthe ‘natural justice’ debate are discussed. Theauthor's main conclusion is that the existing procedure is anomalousalthough Departments' use of it may be acrupulously careful.The grounds for assuming rights should be revised and the procedureshould be carried out by a family court.  相似文献   

Summary Dreadful moments often happen in social work. This is when theordinary, reliable, taken-for-granted world is called into questionby a calamitous or hopeless situation. In order to respond thesocial worker has to relocate himself after momentarily plunginginto a vortex of trouble that destroyed the client's and, fora short time, his own sense of relatedness. Existentialism,which focusses on the whole structure of personal and interpersonalbeing and the necessity to act in the knowledge of freedom andresponsibility, does help with this relocation. Two cases, basedon actual social work, are reconstructed dramatically in orderto illustrate the positive use of the idea of dreadful moments.These are ideal-typical examples of successful social work whichcould be a model for a general phenomenological-existentialperspective in social work in which the author is at presentengaged.  相似文献   

Summary This paper first describes a system of Day Industrial FeedingSchools in the mid-nineteenth century known as the 'AberdeenSystem'. As originally conceived, it challenged the whole ideaof residential care of children. We argue that while SheriffWatson, with whom the schools are usually associated, is generallygiven a paragraph in histories of social work or of education,the social movement with which he was associated is entirelyoverlooked. This movement gave first importance to family ties,for religious reasons, and then argued on rational grounds theadvantages of a day care system. It attempted to meet withinsuch a system the needs of the whole child in his family andcommunity setting. It also sought to avoid the processes ofstigmatization, arguing that service provision should be basedon recognition of children's rights. We consider briefly theideological context of the movement and finally look very brieflyat some of the implications of the material for social serviceprovision today. We suggest that greater historical awarenesscould enhance opportunities for developing imaginative policiesin relation to the development of social work services  相似文献   

Summary Thirty divorced or permanently separated women rated 12 differentsources of social support (including family and friends as wellas professional and religious bodies) for their importance inproviding 17 different types of help or support during the firstsix months of the separation/divorce. Friends proved to be thesingle overall important source of support, but the differentialimportance of social support as a function of type of help given,points to the multidimensional aspect of social support.  相似文献   

Summary There has been little research attention paid to the natureand extent of social work intervention with children and youngpeople with invisible impairments. The recent study describedhere found that children and young people with a hidden andstigmatizing impairment received a social work service whichwas at a minimal level. The children and young people were affectedby physically induced incontinence, and described how they facedan environment which created particular tensions. Their parentsconcurred with this overall picture and reported unmet needs.Recommendations are made about social services input, but itis recognized that the level of social services interventionavailable to these families may, in part, be a reflection ofa low priority assigned to disabled children generally. It isargued that, although such an assignment is a common picturein recent research about social services provision to disabledchildren, a change in priorities is needed which recognizesthe importance of coherent support to disabled children as ameans of improving their environment and thereby reducing families'stress levels and the likelihood of abuse or rejection.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Prof Gillian Parker, Nuffield Community Care Studies Unit, Leicester University, 108 Regent Road, Leicester, LE1 7LT Summary Despite a large literature on marriage and growing ones on disabilityand on caring there is little which specifically examines theexperience of disability and caring within marriage. This paperdraws on evidence from a small-scale qualitative study of couplesunder pensionable age where one partner had become disabledsince marriage. Partners were interviewed both together andseparately allowing exploration of ‘both sides’of the relationship. The paper first examines the couple's sexualrelationship and the ways in which impairment and caring affectedit. Both partners' views about the nature and meaning of marriageand how this related to their continuing relationship are thenexplored. Finally, by comparing different marriage and by comparingthe same marriages at different points in time, factors whichmight predispose marriages to break up after one of the partnersbecomes disabled are discussed. The research shows that marriedcouples are left virtually unsupported, either practically oremotionally, at times when their relationship may be under considerablestrain. Sexual relationships may falter or cease because oflack of knowledge, embarrassment or not knowing whom to approachfor help. Other couples may be left in an empty shell of a marriagebecause no practical alternatives to their situation are offered.  相似文献   

'Problematics of Government', (Post) Modernity and Social Work   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Nigel Parton, Professor in Child Care Studies, The University of Keele, Keele. Staffordshire ST5 5BG. Summary This paper attempts to locate contemporary developments andtensions in social work within current debates in social theoryconcerning the problematics of government and (post) modernity.It argues that modern social work emerged in a period of ‘welfarism’which has now passed and that as a consequence social work hasnot simply been restructured in the era of neo-liberalism butis exposed as an activity particularly concerned with managingfamily life via the exercising of moral judgements and negotiatingresponsibilities. As a consequence the essential ambiguitiesof social work are more self evident than previously, and ratherthan constituting problems to be overcome, articulate the centralelements of what it is to do social work. The article concludesby, tentatively, outlining the implications of such an analysisand how it may help us to understand what is going on and howwe might proceed.  相似文献   

Summary This article argues that social workers and the general publicneed a clear understanding of the distinction between avoidableand unavoidable mistakes in child protection work. The publicis understandably distressed when a child dies and is rightto demand an inquiry to check the quality of help provided.But a child's death is not proof that any professional was incompetent.Our limited knowledge and the complexity of assessing risk meanthat professionals can only make the best judgement on the availableevidence. Analysis of forty-five inquiry reports shows thatinquiries appreciate this; in 42 per cent of them social workerswere not criticized. The analysis however also reveals one persistenterror: social workers are slow to revise their judgements. Psychologyresearch indicates that this error is widespread and by no meanspeculiar to social workers but it means that misjudgements aboutclients that may have been unavoidable on the limited knowledgeavailable when they were made continue to be accepted despitea growing body of evidence against them. Social workers needa greater acceptance of their fallibility and a willingnessto consider that their judgements and decisions are wrong. Tochange your mind in the light of new information is a sign ofgood practice, a sign of strength not weakness.  相似文献   

Summary Although the use of subjective measures of well-being (or otherwise)has thus far generally been confined to large scale normativepopulation surveys, the importance of subjective as well asobjective influences on the perceived quality of life has beenclearly demonstrated and some factors bearing upon the relativequality of social dissatisfaction and help seeking behaviourcan be made out. Moreover, the importance of considering positiveas well as negative life perceptions for understanding the determinantsof psychosocial dysfunction emerge clearly from this review.It is concluded that further research using such measures wouldserve to enhance our understanding of the nature and treatmentof social problems.  相似文献   

Summary Social work in a burns unit exposes the practitioner to continuousand extreme stress, which arises both from the nature of thecaseload and from the nature of the setting. Burned patients,and the staff who care for them, tend to adapt in characteristicways to the suffering they encounter. The social worker, bygoing through a similar process of adaptation, can perhaps becomeable to offer sensitive help to patients without becoming overwhelmed.Stress can be contained more readily if informed personal supportis available to the worker; however, because of certain featuresof the setting, such support is not always easily obtained.  相似文献   

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