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规则与策略具有完全不同的含义.与列维-斯特劳斯强调亲属与婚姻的规则不同,布迪厄则认为,亲属与婚姻关系的建立是人们运用策略的结果;策略是布迪厄社会学理论的核心概念,借助对策略的充分论证与应用,布迪厄完成了从"规则"到"策略"的思想转变,这种转变对其社会学理论的建构具有重要意义.  相似文献   

民国政府为了建立民族一国家,以汉族文化为标准对湘西苗族进行了文化同化策略.其内容包括:对湘西苗族进行风俗调查和开展新生活运动,改变苗族称呼,兴办国民教育等.但是文化同化的初衷却以失败而告终,其主要原因在于:西方民族-国家模式不适合中国国情;社会局势动荡不安;文化同化策略缺乏持终性且实施不力;国家政权力量较弱等.  相似文献   

信息网络技术的普及为高校网络思想政治教育提供了条件,并使高校思想政治教育面临机遇和挑战。民族高校网络思想政治教育要正确面对这一机遇和挑战,紧密结合实际,牢牢把握网络教育自身的特点和规律来制定行之有效的应对策略。其策略的重点为构建五个网络教育平台:构建"以学生为本"的网络教育平台;构建"谁也离不开谁"的网络教育平台;构建防范和抵制西方文化渗透的网络教育平台;构建少数民族优秀文化的网络教育平台;构建学法、知法、懂法、守法的网络教育平台。  相似文献   

为了研究新时代川江号子的传承与融合发展,从川江号子概述、形成及特征;新时代川江号子传承与融合发展研究的意义及研究现状;新时代川江号子的传承与融合发展策略三个维度展开论述。其研究对创新高校教学方式、传承以川江号子为代表的巴渝民间音乐、丰富群众文化生活有重要意义。同时发现结合时代背景的理论研究成果较少、应用范围不够广泛,在民众中的影响力不够等问题。提出挖掘时代价值,丰富理论研究;注重学校教育,丰富课堂教学;注重旅游宣传,丰富推广途径三方面的策略。  相似文献   

杨涛 《中国藏学》2023,(5):168-177+219
农牧结合与否是各国农业农村发展政策中的一个重要决策。文章在文献综述的基础上,通过田野调查资料和政府统计数据,分析当前西藏农民生计中农牧结合现状及其政策价值。研究表明:(1)江孜县班觉伦布村的田野调查显示,农牧结合策略仍是当前多数村民生计中的最佳选择,农牧结合策略所带来的综合收益是单一种植业收益的1.5—2倍,并在维护藏族传统文化和抵抗风险冲击方面发挥着重要作用。(2)政府宏观统计数据分析表明,当前西藏74个区县中农牧结合策略仍较为普遍;其反映出来的农牧结合综合收益水平与班觉伦布村类似。(3)西藏农民生计中农牧结合策略生成演变的内在逻辑,在于实现了种植业、畜牧业之间产品及副产品的循环利用,农户家庭中半劳动力的充分利用,农牧产品和劳动力的价值增值。(4)政府在制定土地流转补偿标准时,要充分考虑土地流转后畜牧业的损失;在推动农村土地流转时,要根据农牧结合的程度,因地制宜、慎重稳进。  相似文献   

徐行草编2008年被评为国家级非物质文化遗产以来传播不利。本文想解决的问题是在全媒体视阈下,徐行草编如何利用媒介融合策略来改进传播方案;提出的论点是徐行草编通过媒介融合,以更贴近现代人生活习惯和审美观念的方式展现非遗魅力。本文意在通过多媒介融合策略,结合各平台优势,促进徐行草编生活化品牌推广,推动徐行草编回归日常生活,达到保护性传承;并且给工艺美术类非物质文化遗产的传播提供参考。  相似文献   

请求策略内在维度包括请求策略类型、策略形式、内在限制语和外在限制语,在以言行事过程中社会距离因素规定并影响着请求策略的选择。通过实证方法对新疆哈萨克族汉语学习者请求策略进行语用对比研究,进一步说明言语行为语用策略具有普遍性和鲜明的文化特征。  相似文献   

阐述当前我国高行职业教育教学中存在的一些具体问题,介绍一种新型的教学方法;项目-分层教学法的实施策略.  相似文献   

徐行草编2008年被评为国家级非物质文化遗产以来传播不利.本文想解决的问题是在全媒体视阈下,徐行草编如何利用媒介融合策略来改进传播方案;提出的论点是徐行草编通过媒介融合,以更贴近现代人生活习惯和审美观念的方式展现非遗魅力.本文意在通过多媒介融合策略,结合各平台优势,促进徐行草编生活化品牌推广,推动徐行草编回归日常生活,达到保护性传承;并且给工艺美术类非物质文化遗产的传播提供参考.  相似文献   

唐宋时期,宦游广西的诗人表现出与流贬诗人不同的文化旨趣。宦游诗人的文化策略表现在三个方面:一是大力开发自然景观,加速了广西生态环境由自然向人化的进程;二是通过正面的宣传和引导来消除士人对广西生态环境的惧怕心理以及对广西文化环境的偏见;三是通过建学、修祀、劝驾等方式,在当地营造浓厚的儒家文化氛围。宦游诗人的文化策略对唐诗时期广西文化的发展与诗歌的创作都有重要的影响。  相似文献   


The present study focuses on the experiences of female Muslim students in school sporting activities in Australian public high schools. Specifically, the study examines how the students interpret their engagement in relation to their Islamic background. The study aims to provide deeper understanding and greater awareness of female Muslim students’ participation in sporting activities within the public high school environment and the challenges they may face. The study employed critical race and social identity theories as an analytical framework. In addition, the study utilized qualitative research methods. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 female Muslim students and 4 teachers responsible for sporting activities in school. The findings of the study reveal that despite a variety of sporting activities provided by Australian public high schools, some of these activities were challenging for Muslim girls to participate in. The study also found that there is a strong relationship between students’ Islamic background and their participation in schools sporting activities. The study recommends that educators and teachers who work with youth from different background are provided training on equity issues arising from ethnicity, race, culture, religion and other identity categories.  相似文献   

Despite the growing number of Asian American Studies (AAS) programs and Asian ethnic organizations across colleges and universities since the 1970s, surprisingly little empirical research examines the role of these aspects of higher education on Asian American identity. How do the roles of AAS curriculum and Asian American student organizations (Asian American activities) influence southeast Asian American college students’ ethnic and panethnic identity formation? Drawing on 50 in-depth interviews of 1.5 and second-generation college-educated Asian Americans, this study finds that the exposure to Asian American activities shapes respondents’ racial and ethnic identity construction. Specifically, the exposure to Asian American activities: (1) evokes an informed assertion of a contextual panethnic identity; (2) serves to trigger an assertion of a hyphenated American identity; and lastly, (3) plays a direct, but differing, instrumental role on identity construction among different Asian American sub-ethnic groups.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined acculturation strategies of Karen refugees who resettled in London, Ontario, Canada after initially being displaced from their villages in Burma and subsequently settled in refugee camps on the Thailand–Burma border. Developing and utilising Karen acculturation measure, the study found that Karen refugees had diverse orientations regarding customs and values, social relations, and leisure activities. The analysis grouped acculturation strategies of these individuals into three segments: segregation, integration, and assimilation. Karens adopting assimilation strategy overwhelmingly endorsed Canadian values and customs and engaged in social relations and leisure activities with members of Canadian society. While open to change and willing to experiment with new leisure activities and social relations, Karens in the integration strategy cluster preserved their values and customs. Karens adopting segregation strategies clung to their old ways of life, values, and practices.  相似文献   

This article aims to contextualise the new phase of Chinese organisational development in Australia in the academic tradition of transnationalism, explore the concrete forms of transnational activities undertaken by overseas-oriented Chinese organisations in economic, socio-cultural and political domains and analyse their policy relevance for both China and Australia. It argues that while these transnational activities could be seen as deliberative attempts to cater to the policy imperatives of the People's Republic of China, they also have the potential of furthering the national interest of Australia, which looks to enhance its economic and political standing in Asia. Underlying the triadic interactions of the Chinese transmigrants is the situational representation of ‘Chineseness’ and ‘Westernness’, which allows them to achieve a strategic balance in addressing the policy objectives of Australia and China and accumulate the greatest amount of ethnic capital in the process. Though primarily driven by self-interest and surely not free from controversies and tensions, these new forms of Chinese organisational activism are gradually taken into account by policy-makers of both countries to develop policy responses in multiple areas.  相似文献   

This study explored relationships among young adults’ wealth and entrepreneurial activities with emphasis on how these relationships differed among racial and ethnic groups. Using data from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, results indicated that young adults’ (N = 8984) higher accumulated amounts of wealth were associated with pursuing self-employment at higher rates; however, differences emerged when the associations were explored with various types of wealth and within racial and ethnic groups. Black young adults’ greater debt and net worth were associated with their increased likelihoods of self-employment. Among Latino/a young adults, greater liquid assets and net worth were associated with increased likelihoods of self-employment. Wealth was unrelated to white young adults’ self-employment. Wealth appeared to play an outsized role in the self-employment of black and Latino/a young adults compared to that of their white counterparts. In other words, racial and ethnic minority young adults may have a heavier burden for generating their own capital to embark on entrepreneurial activities when mainstream credit markets are unresponsive or inaccessible. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Attempts to grapple with the complicated tangle of race and memory are more prominent than ever in the public discourse of the United States. In 2006, public intellectual Henry Louis Gates sought to popularize the search for roots and meaning with his project African American Lives, and in 2007 the black and white descendants of the landmark Plessy v. Ferguson case met in New Orleans to discuss the past and present significance of their ancestors’ lives. As the crafting of identities around increasingly fluid notions of ‘race’ proceeds apace, the activities of family historians provide a useful entrée into struggles over race, identity, and collective memory in the United States. The research reported here illustrates how the shared history of the multi-racial descendants of eighteenth and nineteenth century St Domingue/Haiti in Louisiana is encountered in racially distinct ways. Participant observation is used to examine how race is dealt with in the activities of two groups: 1) a mainly European American genealogical society, called the St Domingue Special Interest Group; and 2) the LA Creole cultural and genealogy group, made up primarily of Louisiana creoles of color. Preliminary findings indicate that while the process of engaging in family history research provides an opening for some participants to better understand others across racial and ethnic divides, this kind of cross-racial dialogue was limited by the organization of family history activities into racially distinct social networks. As the popularity of genealogy increases, the findings here point to the need to recognize the public significance of these private histories.  相似文献   

大圩是明清时期广西四大圩镇之一,其商民祭祀活动主要集中在关帝庙、汉高祖庙等寺庙,并且由于这些信仰的普遍认同性,进而在大圩及其周边村落形成了一个共有的祭祀圈。外省商人及本地坐贾在大圩开展商业活动,更多的是依赖中国传统社会的熟人网络,而民间信仰在这种网络的构建中起了很大的作用,且一定程度上规范了地方商业活动的秩序。桂北商业圩镇的民间信仰发展,主要由商人、地方士绅与移民等三种主要力量来推动。  相似文献   

African American youth are generally as likely as their peers from other racial and ethnic groups to aspire to earn a college degree; yet, in spite of their aspirations these students remain under-represented in college enrollment and graduation. Part of the disparity between these students’ aspirations and the realization of their goals may lie in their minimal college knowledge and nominal participation in postsecondary preparatory activities that have frequently been caused by the historic, and ongoing, systematic disenfranchisement of African Americans. During interviews, college students reflected on how similarly-aged family members, peers, co-workers, and parishioners assisted with various aspects of college preparation and enrollment. The community cultural wealth framework helps us understand the reason for, and importance of, this ‘lateral mentorship’ in the fulfillment of these students’ college aspirations. Consequently, educators and educational systems are challenged to be more responsive to the college preparatory needs of traditionally under-represented college-going populations.  相似文献   

Contemporary EU governance of migration outside its territorial borders aims to control mobility through policing measures, but also to shape the subjectivities of potential migrants so that they ‘discipline themselves’ to fit European immigration priorities. This is illustrated by the organisation by intergovernmental and non-governmental agencies, in several African countries, of ‘information’ campaigns and participatory activities to convince youths to stay rather than emigrate. Through an ethnographic account of my encounter with the leaders of a youth group involved in participatory activities in Dakar (Senegal), this article explores the assumption that youths can be governed in this way. I argue that awareness-raising initiatives had little hold over the thoughts of local youths, and were reappropriated by the association leaders I met. This was largely due to ‘discontinuities’ between agencies’ and local youths’ perceptions of migration and development, as well as NGOs’ past and present work with youth group leaders. Theoretically, these conclusions add to research emphasising the force of human mobility over EU policing measures, whilst also highlighting the agentive role of local dynamics.  相似文献   

试论明代青海河湟地区人口迁移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文着重论述了明代河湟地区的移民活动状况,描述了人口迁移活动的历史过程,较详细考证了移民的来源、迁入区以及移民的方式等相关问题。在一定程度上填补了青海移民史的空白,对全面了解明代河湟地区的社会活动有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

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