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一、概述德国于1990年10月实现了两德的统一。由于资料所限‘我们这里称的德国,还是以原西德的资料为依据的。在德国,他们称‘”少年犯罪”,包括“少年犯罪”(14岁到18岁)与“年长少年犯罪”(18岁到21岁)两部分.他们没有我国“青少年犯罪”之称。由于少年(青少年)犯罪问题,不论在什么性质的国家,大体上都是一个具有很多相似性的问题,此外各国对待少年犯罪也无个以保护与教育为主要内容。从德国的统计资料合.“少年犯罪”约占全部犯罪的14“。““年长少年犯罪”约占全部犯罪的问\.14岁以7比盛约占7、。可见少年犯罪问题已经…  相似文献   

日本少年持刀伤人的事件时有发生。据我们的研究 ,近 1 0年来日本恶性犯罪一直在减少 ,青少年的恶性犯罪也在减少。例如 ,1 96 1年不满 2 0岁男青年的凶杀案为十万分之七 ,1 993年为十万分之一。其他暴力伤害罪、强奸罪等也在大幅度减少。女性犯罪发生率虽然也同男性一样在减少 ,但不同的是 ,不满 2 0岁的女性暴力犯罪从万分之二上升到万分之十 ,伤害罪从万分之五上升到万分之二十。除杀人案件外 ,男女暴力犯罪率大幅度接近 ,呈“中性化倾向”。这是日本的独特现象。从社会病理上看 ,日本青少年暴力犯罪攻击的对象是弱者 ,如团伙攻击离家出…  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪是一个全球化 的问题。据悉,美国有75%的中学生遭遇过暴力或暴力威胁, 81%的教师因处理无组织无纪律的学生占去了他们大部分时间,而每天死于枪杀的20岁以下的青年人就达十几个。为此,不久前,美国总统克林顿就校园日益恶化的持枪暴力犯罪,专门发表讲话:校园暴力不仅威胁到了正常的教学秩序,还威胁到了美国的“实力和活力”。 我国也不例外。未成年人犯罪呈逐年上升趋势。以天津市某区为例,97年该区检察机关批捕未成年人犯罪62人,98年批捕80人,同比上升29%。值得提出的是,14岁至16岁的少年占…  相似文献   

闫汝乾  骆兰 《社科纵横》2006,(10):164-165
青少年犯罪是指儿童向成年期过渡这个特定年龄阶段的人实施的犯罪,在中国一般指12—25岁的人的犯罪。由于存在教育错位,近年来青少年犯罪问题日益突出,已经成为一个比较严重的社会问题。分析其原因,大多数都是缺少正确的教育而失学,离开校园和家庭流浪社会,自觉不自觉地陷入违法犯罪的泥坑。因此,本文就造成青少年失学而走向犯罪问题进行研究并提出解决的对策。  相似文献   

在国内犯罪数量普遍减少的背景下,未成年人的违法事件仍旧很多。萨拉托夫某些地区的青少年犯罪率在1985~1986两年内,不仅没有降低,反而有所上升,而且严重犯罪(强奸、抢劫、恶性流氓行为等)案件所占的比重一直降不下来,仍然高达70%左右。近几年来,在14~15岁的青少年中,违法事件更为常见。青少年犯罪的“年轻化”的危险之处就在于,很早就开始犯罪会增加重新犯罪的可  相似文献   

青少年性犯罪,在我国城市或农村是一个相当严重的社会问题,对社会治安危害甚大。为了有效地防治,必须探讨青少年性犯罪的根本原因,只有弄清原因把防治措施建立在科学的理念基础上,才会行之有效。到底是什么原因驱使青少年实施性犯罪行为呢? 主张“冲动论”的学者认为,青少年处于青春发育期,这是一个性成熟时期,犯罪的根本原因在于性的冲动。所谓性的冲动也就是本能冲动。我国有人似乎不同意“冲动论”。而认为那些意志力薄弱,品格低下者往往经不住来自外界(异性)或来自自己内部(性欲)的刺激。不能抑制自己的邪恶的本能冲动而形成犯罪动机。由此可见犯罪与本能冲动的关系问题已经受到人们的重视。前一种观  相似文献   

我们生活在一个错综复杂的世界许多国家经常制定庞大的计划企图解决战争、疾病、贫穷、污染等问题,但这些问题依然存在。暴力就是其中之一,它似乎在社会的各个方面呈上升趋势,威胁着个人、家庭和社会整体的整合。我对暴力问题感兴趣开始于对精神病学的研究。在处理自杀者、青少年犯罪者、被人遗弃者、穷人、老年人等问题时,我发现不少人在错误指导的、不健康的愤怒压力下  相似文献   

王君祥 《探求》2013,(6):92-96
“有组织的暴力性犯罪”是有组织的犯罪和暴力性犯罪结合体.我国刑法中有组织犯罪的界定可以借鉴《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》的相关规定,辅之以刑事司法实务需要的标准来判断.暴力性犯罪是指以实施暴力或以暴力相威胁的犯罪.根据暴力是否作为构成犯罪的唯一手段,暴力性犯罪可以区分为纯正暴力犯罪和不纯正暴力犯罪.《刑法修正案(八)》将有组织的犯罪和暴力性犯罪撮合在一起的立法技术存在一定质疑,这未能准确反映当前刑法重点打击有组织犯罪和暴力性犯罪的发展趋势.我国刑法应当引入有组织犯罪概念,将其与暴力性犯罪并列作为刑法严厉打击的重点犯罪.  相似文献   

六十年代以来,香港青少年中掀起了一股醉心于西方文化的潮流,青少年群体的暴力行为和骚扰使人们十分忧虑。16岁以下青少年受检控的人数占青少年总人数3%,1964年至1965年占19%;七十年代虽有下降,但1980年又上升至16%。青少年犯罪的绝对人数也向上递增。1974年至1975年度,全港16岁以下遭检控的青少年为1714人,被认为是20年间青少年犯罪率最低的年度,但同时另有5441名16至20岁的“青年成人”遭检控,1979年,仅16岁以下的  相似文献   

当前 ,青少年违法犯罪的问题在一些地方日趋突出 ,犯罪人数增多 ,作案手法多样,罪犯年龄趋小,社会危害严重。因此 ,切实加强对青少年的教育、管理 ,尤其是如何采取有效措施 ,预防和控制青少年违法犯罪已成为许多学校、家长和社会各有关职能部门十分关注的问题。根据目前上海青少年违法犯罪的实际状况 ,我认为 ,预防青少年违法犯罪的工作 ,应着重注意以下几点。重视两个“闲散”第一是社会闲散青少年。由于种种原因 ,失学、辍学、失业、闲散、游荡的青少年为数不少 ,上海青少年犯罪人员占全部刑案作案人员44 7% ,其中18岁以下仅11 %…  相似文献   

In order to assess the effects of displacement and exposure to violence on children's moral reasoning, Colombian children exposed to minimal violence (non-displaced or low risk; N  =  99) and to extreme violence (displaced or high risk; N  =  94), evenly divided by gender at 6, 9, and 12 years of age, were interviewed regarding their evaluation of peer-oriented moral transgressions (hitting and not sharing toys). The vast majority of children evaluated moral transgressions as wrong. Group and age differences were revealed, however, regarding provocation and retaliation. Children who were exposed to violence, in contrast to those with minimum exposure, judged it more legitimate to inflict harm or deny resources when provoked and judged it more reasonable to retaliate for reasons of retribution. Surprisingly, and somewhat hopefully, all children viewed reconciliation as feasible. The results are informative regarding theories of morality, culture, and the effects of violence on children's social development.  相似文献   

This article presents four years of evaluation data from a large treatment program for men who batter their female partners. Follow-up data on violence and threats of violence as reported by female partners is presented for 156 men who completed the treatment program and comparison groups totalling 67 men who received varying amounts of treatment but did not complete the program. Overall, approximately two-thirds of the men who completed treatment were found, at follow-up, to be not violent. Just over half of the men who received some treatment but did not complete treatment were also reported to be not violent at follow-up. As the client population changed, the results of intervention seemed to weaken. The practice implications of these studies and their results are discussed.  相似文献   

It is well known that the practice of coercion and violence is quite widespread in Russian economic relations. Economists consider it to be a harmful outgrowth that impedes the development of a "normal economy," and do not regard it as a topic of study, preserving the purity of their economic models and leaving "dirty matters" to the criminologists. But are the problems of violence so alien to us? After all, coercive measures have long since become an inalienable part of business activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is, by analysing children's and young people's discourses, to investigate their strategies in response to domestic violence episodes, in relation to their age. The empirical data come from individual interviews with children and young people (ages 8–20 years) who had experienced domestic violence and lived at refuges for abused women. The thematic analysis shows that the children describe a wide range of strategies before, during and after a violent episode, that all children act regardless of age and that strategies vary according not only to age but also to situation and context. The theoretical framework used is the sociology of childhood, and the analysis engages with theoretical concepts of age, agency and positioning.  相似文献   

Psychosocial Interventions for Maltreated and Violence-Exposed Children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Child sexual, physical, and emotional abuse as well as child neglect and domestic violence, community violence, and Childhood Traumatic Grief may result in significant and long-lasting emotional and behavioral difficulties. This article reviews randomized controlled studies that have assessed child mental health outcomes for maltreated and violence-exposed children. Key points of this review include the following: (1) maltreated and violence-exposed children typically experience more than one of these types of traumas; (2) effective psychosocial treatments are available to address Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and behavioral problems in these children; (3) it is likely that treatments which effectively reduce mental health symptoms in children exposed to one type of child maltreatment or violence exposure will also be effective for other or multiple types; and (4) mental health outcomes are not the only important outcomes to address in future treatment or intervention efforts. These future directions for treatment intervention research are addressed.  相似文献   

We examined the extent, nature and 'determinants' of violence in a randomly selected sample of men from the general population (18–64 years, n = 520). The men were assessed on various factors (e.g. demographics). The design was cross-sectional and data were collected over eight consecutive weeks. About 68 per cent of the men reported experiencing violence at some point during their lifetime, and just over 14 per cent in the past 12 months. The violence occurred mainly in public and work settings, with threatening/aggressive language/physical assaults as the most common forms. The main perpetrators were strangers or clients. Sexual abuse was rare. Repeated/multiple abuses were common and injuries were sustained. The victims and non-victims were similar for many factors (e.g. alcohol use). Only younger age and being a blue-collar/low white-collar worker were risk factors for violence. Men's experiences of violence (e.g. physical assaults/multiple abuses) should be a source of concern as they can have profound negative effects. Extensive research on the impact of violence on men's health appears necessary in light of the present findings.  相似文献   

A comprehensive national response to violence against women with disabilities is long overdue in Australia. Work to date suggests that the issue is endemic yet largely invisible. Responses at the national level are hampered by the lack of information regarding violence against women with disabilities due to under‐reporting and inadequate capture of the prevalence of this violence. This article explores approaches to collecting data regarding violence against women with disabilities in Australia and adds to the limited body of knowledge about the prevalence of violence for these women through interrogation of available data. Further analysis of the 2012 Personal Safety Survey data indicates that among women with disabilities aged under 50, 62 per cent have experienced violence since the age of 15, and women with disabilities had experienced three times the rate of sexual violence in the past 12 months compared to those without disabilities. These findings still do not represent the full extent of violence against women with disabilities, since the Personal Safety Survey samples only women who reside in private dwellings and excludes those living in disability care settings. Insight is offered as to what is needed to comprehensively capture the required data and the implications for policy.  相似文献   


Psychological violence during dating is a current phenomenon of universal proportions. Initiatives are urgently required to deal with this reality, initiatives focused on anticipating the potentially violent dynamics. Various works of research have confirmed that emotional intelligence can be a protecting factor against violence in relationships. This paper analyses the relation between the capacity to exercise behavior patterns of psychological maltreatment within dating couples and the subjects’ emotional competences, as well as its relation to the subjects’ age. 1080 students of the University of Extremadura (Spain) participated in the study, aged between 17 and 23?years or more. The results show the presence of all the behavior patterns of psychological maltreatment analyzed, especially among the students aged 17–18?years. Similarly, the existence of significant correlations between all the manifestations of psychological violence and the emotional competences studied are confirmed, with a great variability in the results depending on the subjects’ age. Future studies are suggested focusing on training in emotional self-management skills as a protective agent against psychological violence in dating couples and as a healthy marital mechanism with no age limit.  相似文献   

Violence in the American Family   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper reviews current knowledge on violence between family members in the United States, including how and why family violence became a topic of interest after years of being masked by a public and professional perceptual blackout. It presents data from a nationally representative sample of 2,143 American families that measured the extent of child abuse, wife abuse, husband abuse, and violence between siblings. The paper then reports differences in child abuse rates according to factors such as the age and sex of the child, family income, occupation, stress, unemployment, social isolation, and previous exposure or experience with violence. It is suggested that the roots of family violence lie in the organization of the family and in the implicit cultural norms tolerating or approving violence as a means for social control.  相似文献   

Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Northern Ireland and South Africa, this paper contends that the so–called ‘children of violence’ are perceived in terms of the serious cultural contradictions of the adult world and rarely in their own terms. Does the concept and norm of childhood give us permission to give violence a defining site of origination? Does childhood have a discursive function similar to penal incarceration as a limit–category of social abuse or caretaking by which society as a whole can be measured? If so, it is not surprising that children and youth are not merely conceptualised as victims of the pathological, but they become pathogenic as well. They are not only a vulnerable target of violence and aggression, but are reciprocally positioned: as authors of violence bearing the unmediated social horrors of the past; as suspect actors in the present; and as potential aggressors in the future. If childhood is good to think about these days, what does it really allow us to think about?  相似文献   

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