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引入期刊评价中的篇均引文量、基金论文比、作者地区分布广度以及作者机构标注率四项指标,深入探讨了统计学期刊的学术规范性问题,并且按照相应的权重,计算统计学期刊的学术规范量化综合值,以此探求统计学学术期刊学术规范化程度及目前存在的问题,以期使中国统计学学术期刊的规范化达到一个更高层面。  相似文献   

省科协根据《中国科技协会章程》和《青海省科技协会实施细则》的有关规定,近期成立了"学会与学术专门委员会"和"科学技术普及专门委员会",中国统计学会副会长、省科协委员、青海省统计学会会长、青海省统计  相似文献   

关于统计科学研究工作的几点意见翟立功一、发动全体会员人人参与科研工作张塞同志指出,中国统计学会作为全国统计系统的最高学术组织,主要任务是搞好科研工作,要对现实工作起到导向作用。中国统计学会现在有近5000名会员,虽然在全国统计工作者中只占有很小的比例...  相似文献   

刘杰 《统计研究》2017,(4):112-121
中国统计学社的成立,由内外多元因素促成.在发展过程中,不断完善组织机构,扩充社团成员,加强社团认同等.学社逐渐建成关乎共同价值理念的学术共同体.学社积极参与统计行政、传播统计知识、培养统计人才等.通过对中国统计学社与知识建构的探讨,不仅会发现知识建构所具有的复杂性与多样性特征,同时也可以看到知识建构所带来的观念与制度变革.  相似文献   

《统计教育》是由国家统计局主管,国家统计局统计教育中心、中国统计教育学会主办的统计类学术期刊。本刊编辑部设在北京,面向全国征稿。本刊致力于成为服务全社会需要了解统计、应用统计的专业人士的平台,推动统计思想和方法在相关学术领域的应用和发展,挖掘统计思想和方法在社会经济决策中的价值。为了进一步提升杂志的品质,特制定本来稿规范。  相似文献   

统计文化建设就是要在统计系统内部建设一种特有的精神特质、先进理念和高尚境界,来规范统计职业道德,逐步建立起具有中国特色、符合社会主义市场经济体制要求并与国际接轨的统计体制。结合浙江统计改革发展的实际,就是要以科学发展观的理念来指导统计发展,  相似文献   

《统计教育》是由国家统计局主管,国家统计局统计教育中心、中国统计教育学会主办的统计类学术期刊。本刊编辑部设在北京,面向全国征稿。本刊致力于成为服务全社会需要了解统计、应用统计的专业人士的平台,推动统计思想和方法在相关学术领域的应用和发展,挖掘统计思想和方法在社会经济决策中的价值。为了进一步提升杂志的品质,特制定本来稿规范。  相似文献   

《统计教育》是由国家统计局主管,国家统计局统计教育中心、中国统计教育学会主办的统计类学术期刊。本刊编辑部设在北京,面向全国征稿。本刊致力于成为服务全社会需要了解统计、应用统计的专业人士的平台,推动统计思想和方法在相关学术领域的应用和发展,挖掘统计思想和方法在社会经济决策中的价值。为了进一步提升杂志的品质,特制定本来稿规范。  相似文献   

《统计教育》是由国家统计局主管,国家统计局统计教育中心、中国统计教育学会主办的统计类学术期刊。本刊编辑部设在北京,面向全国征稿。本刊致力于成为服务全社会需要了解统计、应用统计的专业人士的平台,推动统计思想和方法在相关学术领域的应用和发展,挖掘统计思想和方法在社会经济决策中的价值。为了进一步提升杂志的品质,特制定本来稿规范。  相似文献   

失范是社会价值与社会规范的紊乱导致个人或群体的行为不遵守规范.目前,由于拆迁引起的拆迁户行为失范事件屡见不鲜.文章通过构建政策/失范弹性模型分析拆迁户失范行为的形成机制,揭示赔偿政策与失范之间的内在联系,并在此基础上研究如何降低由于赔偿政策本身的某些缺陷导致拆迁户行为失范的概率.  相似文献   

Decisions concerning the management of fisheries are founded on confidence statements for interest parameters such as biomass and exploitation rate, derived from complex structural models that describe the dynamics of fisheries. We identify four generic statistical issues and focus on how they impact on the reliability of those confidence statements: (a) parameters for which the data have little or no information; (b) competing structural relationships; (c) weighting of observations; and (d) alternative methods for computing confidence statements. Our purpose is to give an exposition of how these issues impact on fisheries' analyses, with the intent of stimulating thought on more effective alternatives. We describe the fisheries' management context and use two specific studies to illustrate how these generic statistical issues impact on fisheries assessment results. It is demonstrated that these statistical issues can have a profound impact on fishery management decisions and that established approaches to handle them have not been fully developed.  相似文献   

This paper considers fitting generalized linear models to binary data in nonstandard settings such as case–control samples, studies with misclassified responses and misspecified models. We develop simple methods for fitting models to case–control data and show that a closure property holds for generalized linear models in the nonstandard settings, i.e. if the responses follow a generalized linear model in the population of interest, then so will the observed response in the non-standard setting, but with a modified link function. These results imply that we can analyse data and study problems in the non-standard settings by using classical generalized linear model methods such as the iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm. Example data illustrate the results.  相似文献   

Summary.   Data editing is the process by which data that are collected in some way (a statistical survey for example) are examined for errors and corrected with the help of software. Edits, the logical conditions that should be satisfied by the data, are specified by subject-matter experts with a procedure which could be tedious and could lead to mistakes with practical implications. To render the process of edit specification more efficient we provide a new step—the definition of the so-called abstract data model of a survey—which describes the structure of the phenomenon that is studied in a survey. The existence of this model enables experts to identify all combinations of variables which should be checked by edits and to avoid the definition of conflicting edits. Furthermore, we introduce an automatic data validation strategy—TREEVAL—that consists of fast tree growing to derive automatically the functional form of edits and of a statistical criterion to clean the incoming data. The TREEVAL strategy is cast within a total quality management framework. The application of the methodologies proposed is demonstrated with the help of a real life application.  相似文献   

Recurrent events and the exploding Cox model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Counting process models have played an important role in survival and event history analysis for more than 30 years. Nevertheless, almost all models that are being used have a very simple structure. Analyzing recurrent events invites the application of more complex models with dynamic covariates. We discuss how to define valid models in such a setting. One has to check carefully that a suggested model is well defined as a stochastic process. We give conditions for this to hold. Some detailed discussion is presented in relation to a Cox type model, where the exponential structure combined with feedback lead to an exploding model. In general, counting process models with dynamic covariates can be formulated to avoid explosions. In particular, models with a linear feedback structure do not explode, making them useful tools in general modeling of recurrent events.  相似文献   

Summary.  Cellular signalling pathways, mediating receptor activity to nuclear gene activation, are generally regarded as feed forward cascades. We analyse measured data of a partially observed signalling pathway and address the question of possible feed-back cycling of involved biochemical components between the nucleus and cytoplasm. First we address the question of cycling in general, starting from basic assumptions about the system. We reformulate the problem as a statistical test leading to likelihood ratio tests under non-standard conditions. We find that the modelling approach without cycling is rejected. Afterwards, to differentiate two different transport mechanisms within the nucleus, we derive the appropriate dynamical models which lead to two systems of ordinary differential equations. To compare both models we apply a statistical testing procedure that is based on bootstrap distributions. We find that one of both transport mechanisms leads to a dynamical model which is rejected whereas the other model is satisfactory.  相似文献   

We derive the asymptotic distribution of the ordinary least squares estimator in a regression with cointegrated variables under misspecification and/or nonlinearity in the regressors. We show that, under some circumstances, the order of convergence of the estimator changes and the asymptotic distribution is non-standard. The t-statistic might also diverge. A simple case arises when the intercept is erroneously omitted from the estimated model or in nonlinear-in-variables models with endogenous regressors. In the latter case, a solution is to use an instrumental variable estimator. The core results in this paper also generalise to more complicated nonlinear models involving integrated time series.  相似文献   

统计学期刊学术影响分析——基于CSSCI2004—2006年数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心编制的中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)提供的2004—2006年统计学期刊数据,对统计学期刊的影响因子、被引次数、被引速率等指标加以统计分析,以剖析各期刊的学术影响力及发展变化趋势。  相似文献   

马佳羽等 《统计研究》2020,37(11):30-43
在居民生活满意度的相关研究中,除考虑人口学特征外,越来越多的实证同时考虑了微观个体所处的宏观环境,对这类呈嵌套结构的分层数据需构建分层统计模型,但传统的分层统计模型未考虑真实的空间依赖。本文将分层统计模型和空间自回归模型相结合,创新性地构建了四种序数分层空间自回归Probit模型,该类模型能够合理地对因变量为序数且存在空间依赖情况并呈分层结构的数据进行建模,模型可避免忽略真实的空间依赖对模型估计的不利影响,且能够对高层组间的空间效应和低层个体间的空间效应区别对待,更有利于模型的解释。最后,空气质量对居民生活满意度的效应实证研究表明:空气质量确实能够对生活满意度产生影响,居民对空气质量的认识和要求并非孤立地局限于本地,而是对一个区域空气质量的空间综合结果。对比2018年和2016年模型结果可知:空气质量的福利效应无法被其他民生福祉因素所取代,并且随着空气质量相关统计信息的高度开放和广泛传播,居民更加重视空气质量,也形成了更加全局的了解。  相似文献   

在介绍两种生成二次趋势模型的基础上,指明两者具有某种内在的关系,并以隐性趋势模型为数据生成过程,使用显性趋势模型作为估计对象,进行参数估计和相应的假设检验。理论分析结果表明:显性趋势模型的参数、t检验统计量和联合F检验统计量的极限具有非标准的分布,且高度显著;以显性趋势模型为数据生成过程,使用隐性趋势模型作为估计对象,结果表明隐性趋势模型是带趋势项的单位根过程;采用LLR检验统计量对两类模型进行区分检验,使用仿真技术进行模拟,仿真结果支持上述理论分析结论和LLR统计量能够区分两种模型。  相似文献   

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