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城乡住户一体化调查的辅助调查员队伍是城乡住户调查工作的基础力量。近年来,杭州市桐庐县在城镇住户和农村住户调查的辅助调查员队伍管理方面进行探索实践,认识到实施辅助调查员队伍科学化管理是确保其队伍稳定、队伍素质和落实队伍责任的需要。因此,在坚持以人为本和目标考评两项原则的基础上,从对其进行综合评估;实施目标管理;强化互动平台;工作报酬与精神鼓励相结合等方面着手,实施辅助调查员队伍的科学化管理,从而提高城乡住户一体化调查工作的进展和数据质量。  相似文献   

城乡住户一体化调查是统计部门的一项重大改革工作.本文在分析丽水庆元县城乡住户一体化调查工作具体做法的基础上,梳理其中存在的调查积极性不高、调查户不稳定等问题,从提高补贴和待遇、采取日记账与季度调查相结合的调查方式等方面,提出进一步推进城乡住户一体化调查的建议.  相似文献   

城乡一体化住户调查是国务院批准的重大统计改革,是党和政府统筹城乡发展、促进居民收入增长、建立扩大消费需求长效机制的重要信息保障。本文在分析研究现行一体化住户调查方案的基础上,通过对宁波市本级和所辖县级住户调查的主要收支及样本代表性评估,对抽样方法和数据采集方式等若干问题进行深入剖析,并提出改进设想和有效方法。  相似文献   

文章以我国城市住户调查的轮换模式设计为例,研究了轮换样本调查中的轮换模式设计与估计方法等问题.不完全单水平轮换模式是轮换样本调查中非常理想的一种轮换模式,既吸收了单水平轮换模式的优点,又充分体现了轮换样本调查的优势.文章所研究的这套轮换模式设计与估计方法不仅适合在我国城市住户抽样调查中使用,而且也可推广应用到我国政府统计部门开展的其他类型的连续性抽样调查中.  相似文献   

住户调查以住户(家庭)为调查对象,用以搜集与社会、经济相关的住户(家庭)资料,十九世纪末期,欧美各国相继开展住户调查研究,住户调查逐渐成为政府组织的官方调查.与欧美相比,中国开展住户调查历史较短,1923年至1924年由清华大学组织了对成府村人力车夫和校工的91户家庭生活费用调查,1926年中华教育文化基金董事会社会调查部采用记账方法调查了北京48户工人家庭生活程度.运用抽样调查方法组织住户调查,开始于新中国成立后的1954年,由于长期存在城乡二元经济,在很长一段时间,我国国民收入分配都是“城乡分割,重城市、轻农村,重工业、轻农业”的分配格局,城乡之间具有不同的税制、财政投资体制、社会保障制度,城乡差别显著.为了适应当时的社会背景,住户调查区分为农村住户抽样调查和城市住户抽样调查,调查内容、调查方法和调查体制存在明显差异.  相似文献   

6月21日至23日,为期3天的长三角十六城市调查队系统城乡住户调查一体化改革专题交流会在嘉兴举行。浙江调查总队党组副书记、副总队长洪玉,上海调查总队党组书记、总队长马俊贤,江苏调查总队党组成员、总统计师王忠华到会并作重要讲话。嘉兴局队党组书记、局长李国明代表嘉兴局队致辞。嘉兴局队党组副书记、调查队长郑莉英主持会议。会议紧扣国家统计局2012年城乡住户调查一体化改革主题,广泛收集、整理了江苏沿江八市城乡住户调查经验、体会与新思路,总结了浙江省内  相似文献   

农村住户调查对深入了解农村住户的生产、收入、消费、积累及社会活动情况,具有重要的意义,并且为各级党政领导研究农村经济问题,制定农村经济政策,指导农村工作,编制国民经济计划提供了不可缺少的依据。 一、我国农村住户调查概况 我国的农村住户调查始于1954年,称家计调查。经过几十年的实践和改进,目前我国的农村住户调查已经形成了一整套由科学的抽样方法抽选的调查网点和科学的农村住户调查指标体系,进而成为举世瞩目的农村统计信息来源。  相似文献   

张琳 《中国统计》2022,(5):63-65
<正>住户调查是一项民生调查,反映城乡居民生活收支状况,为研究制定城乡统筹与民生政策提供重要依据。随着科技发展的日新月异和智能设备的普及,住户调查以电子记账代替纸质记账是大势所趋。|电子记账在住户调查中凸显的优势  相似文献   

住户调查是以住户(家庭)为对象,搜集有关社会和经济方面的资料而组织的各种调查的总称.根据联合国统计司的建议,有以下内容包括在住户调查中:[1]住户的收入,消费,支出、资产与负债情况;[2]劳动力、就业、失业,半失业情况;[3]人口指标、  相似文献   

城镇住户调查是我国统计调查制度的重要组成部分,自上世纪八十年代初,国家恢复城镇住户调查工作以来,城镇住户调查所产生的一些指标如可支配收入、消费支出及据此计算出的基尼系数、恩格尔系数、消费构成、就业率等日益受到各级政府和社会各界的高度重视,特别是党的十六大提出全面建设小康社会的伟大目标后,住户调查指标数据的引用和研究日渐增多。然而,由于我国抽样调查组织体系的局限性,城镇住户调查指标在基层的计算与使用上,仍有许多值得探讨的地方。城镇住户调查指标是采用抽样调查方法计算的以样本估算总体的指标,这里的总体既有国家…  相似文献   

On the planning and design of sample surveys   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Surveys rely on structured questions used to map out reality, using sample observations from a population frame, into data that can be statistically analyzed. This paper focuses on the planning and design of surveys, making a distinction between individual surveys, household surveys and establishment surveys. Knowledge from cognitive science is used to provide guidelines on questionnaire design. Non-standard, but simple, statistical methods are described for analyzing survey results. The paper is based on experience gained by conducting over 150 customer satisfaction surveys in Europe, America and the Far East.  相似文献   

Summary.  The number of people to select within selected households has significant consequences for the conduct and output of household surveys. The operational and data quality implications of this choice are carefully considered in many surveys, but the effect on statistical efficiency is not well understood. The usual approach is to select all people in each selected household, where operational and data quality concerns make this feasible. If not, one person is usually selected from each selected household. We find that this strategy is not always justified, and we develop intermediate designs between these two extremes. Current practices were developed when household survey field procedures needed to be simple and robust; however, more complex designs are now feasible owing to the increasing use of computer-assisted interviewing. We develop more flexible designs by optimizing survey cost, based on a simple cost model, subject to a required variance for an estimator of population total. The innovation lies in the fact that household sample sizes are small integers, which creates challenges in both design and estimation. The new methods are evaluated empirically by using census and health survey data, showing considerable improvement over existing methods in some cases.  相似文献   

Computer-assisted telephone interviewing and random digit dialling are increasingly being used to conduct household surveys in Australia. However, there is little published information concerning Australian experience with such surveys. In 1995 the Government Statistician's Office in Queensland conducted a household survey to study population migration using these techniques. The survey involved a sample of 110 000 telephone numbers resulting in 38 000 responding households. This article describes a computerized survey management system that was developed and which provided information concerning important operational and quality aspects of the survey.  相似文献   

Although still modest, non response rates in multipurpose household surveys have recently increased, especially in some metropolitan areas. Previous analyses have shown that refusal risk depends on the interviewers' characteristics. The aim of this paper is to explain the difference in refusal risk among metropolitan areas by analysing the strategies adopted in the recruitment of interviewers through a multilevel approach. The Annual Survey on Living conditions is a PAPI survey of the "Multipurpose" integrated system of social surveys and it represents our data base. For non responding household, data on non response by reason, municipality and characteristics of the interviewer are available. The results highlight that those cities recruiting interviewers mainly among young students have a higher refusal risk. These results are particularly important as they indicate that recruitment strategies may have a substantial impact on non sampling errors. Acknowledgements An earlier version of this article was presented at the International Conference on Improving Survey, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, August 25-28, 2002. We would like to thank the participants to the presentation for their useful comments and suggestions. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of any of the institutions they work for.  相似文献   

万舒晨 《统计研究》2021,38(6):116-127
为推动规模以下工业抽样调查工作以及解决当前调查面临的有关问题,本文对抽样设计进行了改进研究。首先,本文对规模以下工业抽样设计演变过程进行系统梳理,总结了现行抽样设计充分利用双重抽样框设计和综合运用三种抽样方法的特点。其次,针对园区层企业密度高的特点,探索结合园区因素改进地域抽样设计,对园区层和非园区层分别抽样,解决调查中面临的非抽样误差问题,并调整辅助变量使其与核心指标相关性均较高,确保抽样推断精度,有效提高抽样调查效率。并以我国东 部某省为例进行实证模拟得到结合园区因素抽样设计对调查工作改进的结论。再次,针对我国各级政府管理需要以及局队业务分工优化调整情况,介绍了规模以下工业样本追加理论和实证应用的主要研究成果。最后,在大数据时代数据来源广泛的背景下,本文在多重抽样框设计以及利用辅助变量提升样本轮换推断精度方面提出了进一步改进抽样设计的思路。  相似文献   

张勇 《统计研究》2007,24(11):69-73
中国在1984年确定了国家抽样调查县,这些调查县一直使用至今,已有20多年。利用这些调查县,中国进行了许多关于农业的调查,并且有一些原因一直没有改变这些调查县。近年来,有人对这些调查县的代表性提出疑问,是可以理解的。我们应该解释这些调查县能被保持不变的原因,并能找出改进调查的好办法。本文给出一种方法,就是使用调整系数来解决这些调查县的代表性问题,并且利用第一次中国农业普查的数据来对方法进行模拟,得到了较好的结果。我国2007年正在进行第二次全国农业普查,我们可以应用普查结果来完善抽样调查,提高国家抽样调查县的代表性。我们建议结合面积抽样框进行多样框抽样设计,并可以考虑以县作为中国农业调查的初级抽样单元。  相似文献   

Summary.  Over the past few years surveys have expanded to new populations, have incorporated measurement of new and more complex substantive issues and have adopted new data collection tools. At the same time there has been a growing reluctance among many household populations to participate in surveys. These factors have combined to present survey designers and survey researchers with increased uncertainty about the performance of any given survey design at any particular point in time. This uncertainty has, in turn, challenged the survey practitioner's ability to control the cost of data collection and quality of resulting statistics. The development of computer-assisted methods for data collection has provided survey researchers with tools to capture a variety of process data ('paradata') that can be used to inform cost–quality trade-off decisions in realtime. The ability to monitor continually the streams of process data and survey data creates the opportunity to alter the design during the course of data collection to improve survey cost efficiency and to achieve more precise, less biased estimates. We label such surveys as 'responsive designs'. The paper defines responsive design and uses examples to illustrate the responsive use of paradata to guide mid-survey decisions affecting the non-response, measurement and sampling variance properties of resulting statistics.  相似文献   

Statistical simulation in survey statistics is usually based on repeatedly drawing samples from population data. Furthermore, population data may be used in courses on survey statistics to explain issues regarding, e.g., sampling designs. Since the availability of real population data is in general very limited, it is necessary to generate synthetic data for such applications. The simulated data need to be as realistic as possible, while at the same time ensuring data confidentiality. This paper proposes a method for generating close-to-reality population data for complex household surveys. The procedure consists of four steps for setting up the household structure, simulating categorical variables, simulating continuous variables and splitting continuous variables into different components. It is not required to perform all four steps so that the framework is applicable to a broad class of surveys. In addition, the proposed method is evaluated in an application to the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC).  相似文献   

一、目前我国农村住户抽样调查现状与问题(一)农村住户抽样调查释义、回顾、意义及作用农村住户抽样调查是对农村住户的家庭、社会、经济等情况进行抽样调查。在我国,农村住户抽样调查主要是以农民家庭为对象,以生产、分配、消费、积累为主要内容的一项综合性社会经济...  相似文献   

Summary.  Statistical agencies make changes to the data collection methodology of their surveys to improve the quality of the data collected or to improve the efficiency with which they are collected. For reasons of cost it may not be possible to estimate the effect of such a change on survey estimates or response rates reliably, without conducting an experiment that is embedded in the survey which involves enumerating some respondents by using the new method and some under the existing method. Embedded experiments are often designed for repeated and overlapping surveys; however, previous methods use sample data from only one occasion. The paper focuses on estimating the effect of a methodological change on estimates in the case of repeated surveys with overlapping samples from several occasions. Efficient design of an embedded experiment that covers more than one time point is also mentioned. All inference is unbiased over an assumed measurement model, the experimental design and the complex sample design. Other benefits of the approach proposed include the following: it exploits the correlation between the samples on each occasion to improve estimates of treatment effects; treatment effects are allowed to vary over time; it is robust against incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis of no treatment effect; it allows a wide set of alternative experimental designs. This paper applies the methodology proposed to the Australian Labour Force Survey to measure the effect of replacing pen-and-paper interviewing with computer-assisted interviewing. This application considered alternative experimental designs in terms of their statistical efficiency and their risks to maintaining a consistent series. The approach proposed is significantly more efficient than using only 1 month of sample data in estimation.  相似文献   

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