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刘凤琴  陈睿骁 《统计研究》2016,33(1):103-112
针对跳跃扩散LIBOR市场模型(JD-LIBOR)与随机波动率LIBOR市场模型(SVJD-LMM)各自应用局限,首先将正态跳跃扩散与Heston随机波动率同时引入标准化LIBOR市场模型中,建立一类新型双重驱动非标准化LIBOR市场模型(SVJD-LMM)。其次,运用Cap、Swaption等利率衍生产品市场数据和Black逆推校准方法,对模型的局部波动参数与瞬间相关性参数进行有效市场校准;并运用自适应马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗模拟方法(此后简称A-MCMC)对模型的随机波动率、跳跃扩散等其他主要参数进行有效理论估计与实证模拟。最后,针对六月期美元Libor远期利率实际数据,对上述三类市场模型进行了模拟比较分析。研究结论认为,若在单因子Libor利率市场模型基础上引入跳跃扩散过程,并且联立波动率的随机微分方程,则可极大地提高利率模型的解释力;加入随机波动率和跳跃扩散过程的模拟计算结果与实际利率的误差更小,从而更接近现实情况。  相似文献   

本文从上证50ETF期权价格中提取无模型隐含波动率并检验其信息含量,基于随机折现因子理论推导波动率风险的系统性与正负性判定公式,从波动率风险溢酬和相关性两方面验证波动率是否为系统性风险,进而基于A股市场的个股数据检验波动率风险在股票截面收益上的定价能力。研究结果表明:无模型隐含波动率包含BS隐含波动率中的所有信息和历史波动率中的大部分信息,是未来已实现波动率的有效估计;市场波动率为系统性风险因子且存在显著为负的风险溢酬;组合分析表明,对市场波动率暴露较大的股票组合在未来的收益较低,且暴露最大与最小股票组合的收益率之差显著为负,该结论在控制经典风险因子和改变交易策略之后依然稳健;Fama-MacBeth两步法结果表明波动率风险被定价且风险价格显著为负。  相似文献   

准确描述和预测石油及其相关产品的价格波动对各国政府能源政策的制定以及能源风险管理工作意义重大。文章以上海期货交易所燃油期货的15分钟高频价格数据为例,实证计算了三类代表性波动率模型:已实现波动率模型、随机波动模型以及GARCH族模型对我国燃油期货价格波动的预测值,同时,采用多种损失函数对比了三类波动率模型。实证结果表明,基于高频数据的已实现波动率模型对我国燃油期货市场具有最好的波动预测精度。而就基于日数据的模型而言,随机波动模型要明显强于GARCH族模型。  相似文献   

文章以沪深交易所上市的分离交易可转债所附带的权证及其标的股票日收益率和5分钟高频交易数据为样本,在对隐舍波动率模型、已实现波动率模型以及历史波动率模型参数估计的基础上,以股本权证市场价格为评价基准,分别测算了基于三个波动率模型的定价效果.研究发现,基于隐含波动率模型的定价结果具有最小平均绝对偏差与平均相对偏差,模型效果最优;基于历史波动率模型的定价结果对股本权证市场价格普遍低估.  相似文献   

本文研究了标的资产价格的波动率为随机过程的模型,利用期权定价的鞅方法,得出了欧式期权价格的解析解,推广了B-S模型。  相似文献   

在目前标准的实物期权模型中都假设无风险利率为一固定的常数以及投资者时间偏好一致,但已有足够的证据可以说明作为折现率的无风险利率通常并不是一个常数而且投资者对于短期的选择表现得不耐心,对于较长期的选择却表现得耐心。文章用随机无风险利率和双曲贴现函数对标准实物期权模型进行改进,通过数值模拟得知决策者不耐心程度衰减速率、利率回复均值速率、以及利率波动率与项目实物期权价值的关系。  相似文献   

为了探测随机波动模型的非对称特征,修改传统的随机波动模型建立非对称的随机波动模型,采用基于马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)模拟的贝叶斯分析对模型进行参数估计。对中国深圳、上海股市波动进行实证研究发现,非对称随机波动模型能较好地探测波动存在的非对称波动。与GJR-GARCH模型相比,非对称随机波动模型预测效果更好。  相似文献   

文章分析了在Morten模型、跳扩散模型和首次时间通过模型中的随机波动率下可违约债券的定价问题。探讨了随机波动率下可违约债券定价机制,利用特征函数及其逆变换的方法得到了随机波动率下可违约债券的定价公式,并通过数值模拟分析了违约概率和信用价差的期限结构。  相似文献   

上证50ETF期权于2015年2月9日正式推出,这是中国第一只场内期权,对推动中国金融衍生品市场的进一步发展有重要的示范意义。结合ARMA-GARCH模型和TGARCH模型对上证50ETF在期权上市前后现货市场的波动情况进行建模分析,发现上证50ETF收益率的波动在期权上市后平均有所减小,但是在期权上市后的第一年波动率增加,第二年比较小;另一方面上证50ETF的收益率在期权上市后的第一年存在显著的非对称波动现象,但是在第二年不明显。  相似文献   

期权定价中的波动率估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
祝建民 《统计与决策》2005,(18):127-129
本文旨在研究Black-Scholes期权定价模型中重要参数波动率的估计问题,了解波动率估计的简单易行的标准方法,介绍了历史波动率和隐含波动率的估计技术.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient Monte Carlo simulation scheme based on the variance reduction methods to evaluate arithmetic average Asian options in the context of the double Heston's stochastic volatility model with jumps. This paper consists of two essential parts. The first part presents a new flexible stochastic volatility model, namely, the double Heston model with jumps. In the second part, by combining two variance reduction procedures via Monte Carlo simulation, we propose an efficient Monte Carlo simulation scheme for pricing arithmetic average Asian options under the double Heston model with jumps. Numerical results illustrate the efficiency of our method.  相似文献   

The celebrated Black–Scholes model made the assumption of constant volatility but empirical studies on implied volatility and asset dynamics motivated the use of stochastic volatilities. Christoffersen in 2009 showed that multi-factor stochastic volatilities models capture the asset dynamics more realistically. Fouque in 2012 used it to price European options. In 2013, Chiarella and Ziveyi considered Christoffersen’s ideas and introduced an asset dynamics where the two volatilities of the Heston type act separately and independently on the asset price, and using Fourier transform for the asset price process and double Laplace transform for the two volatilities processes, solved a pricing problem for American options. This paper considers the Chiarella and Ziveyi model and parameterizes it so that the volatilities revert to the long-run-mean with reversion rates that mimic fast (for example daily) and slow (for example seasonal) random effects. Applying asymptotic expansion method presented by Fouque in 2012, we make an extensive and detailed derivation of the approximation prices for European options. We also present numerical studies on the behavior and accuracy of our first- and second-order asymptotic expansion formulas.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate simulation methodology for Bayesian inference in Lévy‐driven stochastic volatility (SV) models. Typically, Bayesian inference from such models is performed using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC); this is often a challenging task. Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) samplers are methods that can improve over MCMC; however, there are many user‐set parameters to specify. We develop a fully automated SMC algorithm, which substantially improves over the standard MCMC methods in the literature. To illustrate our methodology, we look at a model comprised of a Heston model with an independent, additive, variance gamma process in the returns equation. The driving gamma process can capture the stylized behaviour of many financial time series and a discretized version, fit in a Bayesian manner, has been found to be very useful for modelling equity data. We demonstrate that it is possible to draw exact inference, in the sense of no time‐discretization error, from the Bayesian SV model.  相似文献   

In considering volatility as a stochastic, the aim of this paper is to estimate the four parameters related to a particular stochastic process named P1 and based on a Wiener–Levy process. We present the methodology to estimate its four parameters. We calibrate this theoretical model P1 to the CAC 40 index real data. In the same time, we test the normality of the random variables related to the two Wiener–Levy processes. The calibration is performed using the implemented aforesaid algorithm. We compare the stochastic process P1 with another process named P2 and to the Heston [Closed form solution for options with stochastic volatility with application to bonds and currency options, Rev. Financ. Stud. 6(2) (1993), pp. 327–343] process named H0 and to two other improved Heston processes named H1 and H2. For the empirical study, the same algorithm is used to calibrate the five processes. The calibration is based on a database including the CAC 40 index daily ‘closing fixing’ values for the time period from 3rd January 2005 to 22nd January 2007. The data are divided into 18 classes relative to 18 different contracts of European calls on the CAC 40 index. As a result, we find that, the normality test of the CAC 40 index is rejected which is in accordance with the previous original works dealing with this problem. For the five volatility processes, the normality test is verified almost for the same contracts. We also find that according to the used data, the process P1 and its equivalent H1 are the best for calibration.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the pricing of derivatives written on several underlying assets or factors satisfying a multivariate model with Wishart stochastic volatility matrix. This multivariate stochastic volatility model leads to a closed-form solution for the conditional Laplace transform, and quasi-explicit solutions for derivative prices written on more than one asset or underlying factor. Two examples are presented: (i) a multiasset extension of the stochastic volatility model introduced by Heston (1993), and (ii) a model for credit risk analysis that extends the model of Merton (1974) to a framework with stochastic firm liability, stochastic volatility, and several firms. A bivariate version of the stochastic volatility model is estimated using stock prices and moment conditions derived from the joint unconditional Laplace transform of the stock returns.  相似文献   

To capture mean and variance asymmetries and time‐varying volatility in financial time series, we generalize the threshold stochastic volatility (THSV) model and incorporate a heavy‐tailed error distribution. Unlike existing stochastic volatility models, this model simultaneously accounts for uncertainty in the unobserved threshold value and in the time‐delay parameter. Self‐exciting and exogenous threshold variables are considered to investigate the impact of a number of market news variables on volatility changes. Adopting a Bayesian approach, we use Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to estimate all unknown parameters and latent variables. A simulation experiment demonstrates good estimation performance for reasonable sample sizes. In a study of two international financial market indices, we consider two variants of the generalized THSV model, with US market news as the threshold variable. Finally, we compare models using Bayesian forecasting in a value‐at‐risk (VaR) study. The results show that our proposed model can generate more accurate VaR forecasts than can standard models.  相似文献   

The Heston-STAR model is a new class of stochastic volatility models defined by generalizing the Heston model to allow the volatility of the volatility process as well as the correlation between asset log-returns and variance shocks to change across different regimes via smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) functions. The form of the STAR functions is very flexible, much more so than the functions introduced in Jones (J Econom 116:181–224, 2003), and provides the framework for a wide range of stochastic volatility models. A Bayesian inference approach using data augmentation techniques is used for the parameters of our model. We also explore goodness of fit of our Heston-STAR model. Our analysis of the S&P 500 and VIX index demonstrates that the Heston-STAR model is more capable of dealing with large market fluctuations (such as in 2008) compared to the standard Heston model.  相似文献   

Multi-asset modelling is of fundamental importance to financial applications such as risk management and portfolio selection. In this article, we propose a multivariate stochastic volatility modelling framework with a parsimonious and interpretable correlation structure. Building on well-established evidence of common volatility factors among individual assets, we consider a multivariate diffusion process with a common-factor structure in the volatility innovations. Upon substituting an observable market proxy for the common volatility factor, we markedly improve the estimation of several model parameters and latent volatilities. The model is applied to a portfolio of several important constituents of the S&P500 in the financial sector, with the VIX index as the common-factor proxy. We find that the prediction intervals for asset forecasts are comparable to those of more complex dependence models, but that option-pricing uncertainty can be greatly reduced by adopting a common-volatility structure. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 36–61; 2020 © 2020 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

This article provides an empirical investigation of the risk-neutral variance process and the market price of variance risk implied in the foreign-currency options market. There are three principal contributions. First, the parameters of Heston's mean-reverting square-root stochastic volatility model are estimated using dollar/mark option prices from 1987 to 1992. Second, it is shown that these implied parameters can be combined with historical moments of the dollar/mark exchange rate to deduce an estimate of the market price of variance risk. These estimates are found to be nonzero, time varying, and of sufficient magnitude to imply that the compensation for variance risk is a significant component of the risk premia in the currency market. Finally, the out-of-sample test suggests that the historical variance and the Hull and White implied variance contain no more information than that imbedded in the Heston implied variance.  相似文献   

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