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他和她,还有几个伙伴,玩"老鹰抓小鸡"。他是"老鹰",她是这个游戏的新伙伴,一上场,她就感觉自己将是那只最早被抓住的"小鸡"。自从父母双双患病去世后,她就感觉自己如一只小鸡般弱小、无助,现被舅舅接到家中抚养。这是她到这个村庄来第一次参加游戏。而他非要抓住她不可,不仅仅因为她陌生,而是第一眼看到她  相似文献   

正前些日子看了一本小说,其他都忘得差不多了,唯有一个情节记得清楚。女主角习惯了男主角的呵护,做事任性而为。一次,她因不当心自己的身体,淋了雨发了烧,接受治疗的过程中,还赌气拔掉了输液的针,偷偷跑掉,结果被男主角抓住丢回医院。她本以为,他会因此更在意她、倾听她、满足她。他却吩咐护士用力给她扎针,让她好好记住这刺痛。她委屈,不解。他说:"所有困难和伤痛我都可以帮你分担,但身体上的痛我不能。看着你受病痛折磨,我却什么也做不了。与其下次  相似文献   

骆冰 《伴侣(A版)》2010,(6):24-25
正一我从小就不喜欢她,因为她总是打我。我一直想走,回到奶奶家去。好几次趁她不注意逃离了小院子,结果没跑到村口就被她捉回来,免不了一顿打,她好像随时都有一股无名的火气。她的钱藏在裤子口袋里,包了两层手绢。那手绢白白的,上面绣了一朵牡丹花。我一直觊觎这手绢,可她藏得严严的。她每样东西似乎都很好看,茶杯是成套的,炕上铺了大红的绒毯,鞋垫上总绣着花,头发油  相似文献   

<正>妻子成为植物人后,他才蓦然发现她的话,他从来没有认真听;她的心愿,他没有帮她实现;结婚13年,他甚至从没对她说一声"我爱你"……从今以后,他决定用余生跟植物人妻子,谈一场迟到的恋爱。"没有山盟,没有海誓,只有今生的牵手;没有天长,没有地久,只有一生的守候;望着你,看着你,在每一个朝朝暮暮;想着你,念着你,在今生的每一分,每一秒。"这首《致爱人》是妻子成为植物人后,张丙忠写给她的第一封情书。张丙忠的QQ签名耸  相似文献   

正"你会唱《青蛙浮水》吗?一只青蛙来浮水,两只眼睛四条腿,扑通一声跳下水;两只青蛙来浮水,四只眼睛八条腿,扑通扑通一声跳下水……"国医大师吕仁和经常向患者推荐这首儿歌。这位朴素的国医  相似文献   

她说,他不理解我。这世界上,最不理解她的人便是她的丈夫。他从来不说"我爱你"这三个字,即使爱得最热烈的时候;他也从来不叫她的名字,总是"哎,我说……""哎"就成了她的名字,下面是他要说的事了,比如,他要一条毛裤穿,比如,他要一粒感冒药。  相似文献   

嘎尔迪 《老年世界》2010,(17):26-27
营长说,26日检阅结束后,光是丢在西苑机场女孩子坐在地上用来垫屁股的手绢就捡了一卡车。11月25、26日两天,毛主席共检阅革命师生250万。这是毛主席第八次检阅革命师生,也是最后一次。  相似文献   

我的双胞胎孙女告诉我:"奶奶,我们幼儿园要举办迎奥运儿歌比赛,我们参加不?"我说:"当然要参加了!"儿子、媳妇从网上下载了几首儿歌,我觉得不太满意;孙女们的班主任田老师找的儿歌我也没看上,不是太长就是不押韵。我索性自己写了一首《小娃娃迎奥运》,念给她们的爷爷听,爷爷说行。我让孩子们把儿歌交给了老师后,在家就教孩子们如何走台、  相似文献   

<正>给婚姻设个中转站,把那些可能会伤及婚姻的脾气和习惯,都先扔到中转站里放一放。一开始,没人看好他们的婚姻。她漂亮时尚,他简单普通;她精致讲究,他大大咧咧;她脾气急躁风风火火,他性子温吞磨磨叽叽;她有洁癖,所到之处必须纤尘不染,他却自由随性,衣服随处丢,袜子满天飞……总之,两个人根本就是两条道  相似文献   

小时候很喜欢一首儿歌,它的歌词是这样的:"请把我的歌带回你的家,请把你的微笑留下……"微笑,使自己轻松,更带给他人快乐。微笑,是写在脸上最美的表情,它所展现给别人的不仅仅是气质和自信,更是一种朴实的精神动力。作为一名教师,微笑更能体现它的价值。教师的微笑,是一种重要的教育资源和教育力量。微笑与正确的肢体语言相结合,会相得益彰,给学生最佳的影响。  相似文献   

Infant contingent responsiveness to maternal language and gestures was examined in 190 Mexican American, Dominican American, and African American infant–mother dyads when infants were 14 and 24 months. Dyads were video‐recorded during book‐sharing and play. Videos were coded for the timing of infants’ vocalizations and gestures and mothers’ referential language (i.e., statements that inform infants about objects and events in the world; e.g., “That's a big doggy!”), regulatory language (i.e., statements that regulate infants’ attention or actions; e.g., “Look at that”, “Put it down!”), and gestures. Infants of all three ethnicities responded within 3 sec of mothers’ language and gestures, increased their responsiveness over development, and displayed specificity in their responses: They vocalized and gestured following mothers’ referential language and gestures, but were less likely than chance to communicate following mothers’ regulatory language. At an individual level, responsive infants had responsive mothers.  相似文献   

In a hurry to understand that piece of research? Can't remember your undergraduate statistics lectures? Don't worry! Refer to this handy‐dandy quick reference for making sense of research design! Seriously. Too often when I am reading a research paper, terms are used which are either unfamiliar or ring only faint bells of recognition. I would like to have the capacity to remember everything I was taught, but apart from having a very bad memory, I am also beginning to suspect that it is actually better practice to check terms out even if I think that I remember what they mean.  相似文献   

“红娘我,笑哈哈,说成一对心开花,我是快乐的小燕子(老蜜蜂),忙忙碌碌不在家,东奔西跑我不累,我把爱情的种子撒……”这是刘国英老人自编自唱的一段话,也是她27年来每一天的真实写照。从当年的“小燕子”到如今的“老蜜蜂”,刘国英老人以一颗善良、无私的心为3148对单身男女牵上了姻缘线,被人们誉为“超级红娘”。  相似文献   

侗族的衣着以自纺自织的青布为主,有便装、盛装之分。而少女盛装最为华贵,一人绣制一套需耗时三年,服饰上盘绣图案繁多,人称“绣画”。侗族盛装集古朴、艳丽与华贵为一体,体现出侗族文化的多元性。  相似文献   

杨冬凌是—位地地道道的农家女,她被人誉为“中国第—农村女诗人”,“史上最时尚农家女”,甚至有人称赞她是中国新型农村女性的一个代表。  相似文献   

This is an analysis of marital dissolution in Italy, with a focus on the life events and socioeconomic factors that put individuals at high risk of a marital breakup. The author notes that Italian society still largely conforms to traditional conjugal models and attitudes toward cohabitation and divorce. "Women most exposed to the risk of marital disruption seem to be those who married very young, who have had no more than one child, who are better educated, who have full-time jobs and who reside in large towns in the north-west of Italy. In addition, a woman who cohabits with her partner before marrying him is more likely to separate than a woman entering marriage directly."  相似文献   

Marta Lohyn Vietnamese Parents and Teenagers Seeking Harmony Peter ChurvenShe Won't Be Right, Mate! Jim CrawleyThe Therapeutic Relationship In Systemic Therapy Maria ScicchitanoEating Disorders: A Survival Guide For Family And Friends Nora HuppertConscious Marriage; A New Model For Making Marriages Work. Sherry WrightCouples Therapy: Feminist Perspectives. Carol BolandViolence In Gay And Lesbian Domestic Relationships. Penny RoughanSexual Coercion In Dating Relation-Ships.  相似文献   


Niels Bohr provided the perfect example of how a fetishist disavowal of belief works in ideology: seeing a horse-shoe on his door, the surprised visitor said that he didn't believe in the superstition that it brings luck, to which Bohr snapped back: 'I also do not believe in it; I have it there because I was told that it works also if one does not believe in it!' This is how ideology works today in our epoch, which presents itself as 'post-ideological': we practice our beliefs, even if, consciously, we do not take them seriously. The disavowed ideological dimension is inscribed in everyday material practices and rituals, especially in the apparently innocent reference to pure utility (a man who lives in a large city and owns a Land Rover doesn't simply lead a no-nonsense, 'down to earth' life; rather, he owns such a car in order to signal that he leads his life under the sign of a no-nonsense, 'down to earth' attitude).  相似文献   

Ákos Farkas 《Slavonica》2017,22(1-2):39-53
Hungary's leading women writers from Margit Kaffka to Piroska Szenes took passionate sides when compelled to choose between the ‘maternal’ protection of life and the patriot's loyalty to ‘fatherland’. ‘If only?…?this whole wartime world was turned upside down!’ and ‘No peace on earth before the last bit of soil?…?is regained!’ were characteristic wishes made by women writers on either side of the pacifist versus patriot divide. The article seeks to answer the question what, beyond background and temperament, motivated the emblematic female figures of Hungary's interwar literature coming out in favour of peace, country, or both.  相似文献   

Social activist and anarchist Emma Goldman purportedly said, “If I can't dance, it's not my revolution!” Although falsely attributed to Goldman, subsequent protesters later adopted the sentiment, such as London‐based activists Reclaim the Streets (RTS), and, more recently, Occupy Wall Street (OWS). Art and protest has a long history, ranging from the use of song in the Civil Rights Movement to the use of graffiti in the global movements of 1968 to the creative performances of activists in AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) to the dramatic street performances and costumes in the Battle of Seattle of 1999. Existing literature illuminates how art shapes mobilization processes of social movement. This review demonstrates two major ways in which art shapes mobilization processes, specifically the communication and visibility of movements and the emotional work of movements. In addition, suggestions are made for future research at the intersection of art and social movements.  相似文献   

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