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张友国  蒋鸿宇 《国外社会科学》2023,(4):121-146+244-245
能源转型与能源安全具有内在的辩证统一关系。新时代以来,中国新能源产业发展迅速,能源转型势头良好,能源安全水平得到提升。随着绿色低碳发展成为世界发展大势,中国对新能源的巨大需求以及对能源安全的日益重视,为统筹能源转型与能源安全提供了良好契机。不过,发展不平衡不充分使中国经济增长仍不能与能源消费强脱钩,诸多技术瓶颈仍制约着中国新能源的大规模利用和高质量发展,一系列体制机制短板和世界能源市场不确定性的增大也使中国在统筹能源转型与能源安全的过程中面临诸多困难。面对上述形势,同时吸取德国、美国、日本等发达国家的经验教训,中国进一步统筹能源转型与能源安全的关键在于把握好“双碳”工作推进节奏,加快构建绿色低碳循环产业体系,加快突破关键技术,综合应用好不同类型的政策工具,强化能源供给保障等体制机制建设。  相似文献   

目前全球气候能源格局变迁过程中面临着日益紧迫的碳约束,一国应对或突破碳约束的能力将在很大程度上决定其在国际秩序转型中的地位。清洁能源作为下一代能源体系的主导因素为应对气候变化、保障能源安全以及推动低碳转型提供了一个综合性解决方案。在此背景下,清洁能源外交的开展已经成为一国优化外部发展环境、保障低碳竞争力以及推进全球气候能源治理新秩序构建的重要着力点。随着国内清洁能源产业的快速崛起,中国清洁能源外交经历了从"外生性能力援建"到"内生性制度化"外交的四阶段演进路径。特别是中国在后金融危机时代成为世界首位的清洁能源大国之后,其外交呈现出多层多轨、"南南"模式创新和伙伴关系网络化等新态势。其背后的重要推动力量来自国内绿色发展的大力保障、国际体系的权力流变以及中国整体外交战略的能动性转向。该外交新态势有助于中国在国际低碳转型中处于优势地位,同时提升自身在全球气候和能源新秩序构建中的话语引领力和制度性权力。  相似文献   

国际经验对我国发展低碳经济的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王爱兰 《创新》2010,4(4):15-18,33
2003年英国首先提出"低碳经济"概念后,引起国际社会的广泛关注和响应,一些发达国家采取积极的战略策略和政策措施推进低碳经济发展。这些国家在制定发展战略规划、优化能源结构、加强能源技术创新、加快产业结构转型、实施碳排放交易制度、广泛开展国际合作、倡导公众广泛参与以及完善法规政策体系等方面积累了丰富的经验,这对我国发展低碳经济有着积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

南昌市发展低碳经济、建设低碳城市已有一定的现实基础。下一步南昌市发展低碳经济的主要目标是打造世界光都、中国绿城,形成四大生态示范区和四大战略产业的基本格局。具体来说,就是要鼓励低碳消费生活模式、大力发展低碳技术、加强与各方的合作、提供必要的政策保障。  相似文献   

低碳社会的构建不仅仅是一个技术问题,更与整个社会的文化价值理念密切相关.文化以其独特的信仰和信念倾向、伦理道德判断、价值标准的考量渗透于经济、科技等活动中并为其提供持久的动力源泉.因此,为了促进低碳发展,在大力推进技术进步和政策优化的同时,更应重视文化领域的变革,通过强化低碳文化理念的社会认同、深化低碳文化理念教育、弘扬中国传统文化智慧等途径,实现由"控制自然"向人与自然和谐共处理念转型,由"唯经济主义"向人的全面发展理念转型,由"消费主义"向低碳节俭理念转型.  相似文献   

低碳农业嵌入农业转型升级探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在低碳经济背景下,从产业转型升级的角度来看,发展低碳农业无疑是我国农业转型升级的必然选择。在我国,由于各方面条件的制约,低碳农业嵌入农业转型升级,在实践中却面临着不少障碍。概括起来,主要有五个方面,即思想观念障碍、体制机制障碍、生产模式障碍、技术标准障碍和人力资本障碍。而要克服这些障碍,顺利推进低碳农业在我国的发展,需要从以下四个方面去努力:一是形成有利于低碳农业发展的政绩导向,二是建立有利于低碳农业发展的激励约束机制,三是完善支撑低碳农业发展的技术创新体系,四是加强对农村人力资本的教育和培训。  相似文献   

气候变化问题已经引起了当今社会的广泛关注。随着科学认知的深化和国际气候政治博弈的升温,低碳转型被提上国际和国内议事日程。然而,哥本哈根会议给我们的启示是:世界气候变化问题的谈判不仅关乎保护全球气候,更涉及国家发展权益。作为发展中国家,中国只能通过发展来应对气候变化,不可能也不应该约束发展来减少温室气体排放。经济要低碳,低碳也必须经济可行。因而,低碳途径的选择需要循序渐进,稳步发展。  相似文献   

2011年,广州提出培育世界文化名城,正式出台《广州市建设文化强市培育世界文化名城规划纲要(2011-2020年)》,提出培育世界文化名城的战略部署,打造城市文化品牌.作为广州市中心老城区,荔湾区在"十二五"规划开局年提出制定城市文化发展战略,即"文化引领、商旅带动、产业转型、创新驱动、环境优化",以推动经济发展、城区发展、文化建设和社会建设四大方面转型升级,努力建设文化荔湾、低碳荔湾、智慧荔湾、幸福荔湾.  相似文献   

毛晖  王一帆  张佳楠 《创新》2023,(3):53-66
推进制造业绿色低碳转型是我国实现“双碳”目标和经济高质量发展的重要途径。文章从生产流程绿色化、绿色生产高度化与产业结构合理化三个维度,采用熵值法构建评价制造业绿色低碳转型的综合性指标,并运用2009—2017年的省级面板数据,探讨不同环境规制政策的影响效应。研究发现,命令控制型环境规制和投资型环境规制对制造业绿色低碳转型存在显著的促进作用,费用型环境规制与制造业绿色低碳转型存在“U”形的非线性关系。因此,建议从完善命令控制型环境规制制度,保持合理的环境污染治理投资规模,优化环保税体系等方面推动制造业绿色低碳转型。  相似文献   

田原  孙慧 《求是学刊》2016,(4):58-64
研究资源型产业低碳转型对于推动我国实现2030年碳减排行动目标以及积极应对中国经济新常态、加快产业低碳转型具有重要意义。文章探究了资源型产业低碳转型的驱动因素和阻碍因素,并构建了资源型产业低碳转型"驱动—阻碍"作用机制模型,最后提出促进资源型产业低碳转型的相应对策。  相似文献   

Resource‐intensive, high‐carbon, Western lifestyles are frequently criticised as unsustainable and deeply unsatisfying. However, these lifestyles are still attractive to the majority of Westerners and to a high proportion of the developing world's middle classes. This paper argues that the imminent threat of catastrophic climate change constitutes an immediate political, economic and ethical challenge for citizens of the developed world that cannot be tackled by appeals to asceticism or restraint. There can be no solution to climate change until sustainable conceptions of the good life are developed that those in the West want to live and which others might want to live. While the ultimate solution to climate change is the development of low carbon lifestyles, it is important that government initiatives, governance arrangements and economic incentives support rather than undermine that search. Like the global financial crisis, the climate change crisis also demonstrates what happens when weaknesses in national, corporate and professional governance are exacerbated by weaknesses in global governance. In tackling the latter, it is critical the mistakes now evidenced in the former are avoided – including a rethinking of carbon market and carbon tax alternatives. It is also critical that individuals must take responsibility for their actions as consumers, voters and investors.  相似文献   

制造业是我国经济发展的重要支柱,也是实现低碳减排的主要战场。建立低碳制造评价指标体系,结合主成分分析法和层次分析法,可对我国制造业的低碳发展进行定量的研究评价,并从制造业低碳经济、低碳技术和低碳环境三方面分析对碳排放的影响。我国的低碳制造水平整体呈上升趋势,未来,我国的制造业既要保持高速发展,同时也要向低碳经济转型,发展低碳技术,调整能源结构。  相似文献   

低碳旅游——北京郊区旅游未来发展的新模式   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
低碳旅游是借用低碳经济的理念,以低能耗、低污染为基础的绿色旅游,在旅游过程中通过食住行游购娱的每一个环节来体现节约能源、降低污染的理念,以行动来诠释和谐社会、节约社会和文明社会的建设目标。发展低碳旅游既可以为郊区旅游增加新内容,也可以明确努力方向、弥补生态旅游的不足。北京是全国乡村旅游最为发达的地区,也是中国率先圈定生态涵养区的地区。在涵养区建立低碳旅游乌托邦,通过食住行来践行低碳技术,将低碳排放融入日常生活,既提高市民的环保意识,也增加生态涵养区收入、实现可持续发展,同时对全国有明显的示范作用。  相似文献   


The economic recession caused by the global financial crisis of 2008 affected political change across the world in different ways. Economic and social problems turned into political crises in North Africa. In Europe and America, dissatisfaction over such problems caused social unrest but did not imperil the political order. In East Asia, where competitive party politics have just emerged, the financial crisis sparked a correlative political and economic reaction model involving economic recession—growing wealth gap—public policy transition in electoral politics. Major electoral campaigns over the past five years in China’s Taiwan, the Republic of Korea and other economies in East Asia indicate that prioritizing economic growth and equitable distribution are emerging to be common core issues in different parties’ electoral competition despite remnant historical questions and highly politicized issues. The new electoral politics based on public policy competition has gained greater space for development against the background of an economic recession and a growing wealth gap, and is exerting a profound influence on the political and economic development process in East Asia.  相似文献   

Recent research identifies high barriers to registering a business as critical impediments to economic development around the world. Similarly, the lack of credible commitment to the rule of law – especially in the areas of property rights and contract enforcement – is also connected to economic underdevelopment. Scholarship treats these factors as rival explanations for underdevelopment. However, I argue the rule of law is the causal mechanism through which barriers to entry in the marketplace influence economic outcomes. Specifically, I present evidence perceptions of the rule of law in Southeast Asia decline as the legal restrictions on registering a business increase because public officials use their gatekeeping positions to extract rents and raise the costs of formalizing private enterprises. High disincentives to register a business drive entrepreneurs underground, which in turn leaves them vulnerable to extortion or confiscation by public officials and undermines perceptions of the rule of law. I employ pooled cross-sectional time-series data for all countries in SE Asia between 1996 and 2010 to test my theoretical argument. I use Two-Stage Least Squares Instrumental Variables, Time Series, Cross-Sectional and OLS regression models to isolate causal mechanisms and causal directions among my variables. My analyses demonstrate the deleterious effect of legal barriers to entry on the rule of law and provides a new direction for scholarship on the topic.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, international carbon politics inevitably presents itself as the logic or essence of “ecological imperialism,” reflecting a few Western countries’ expansion and development of their historically formed international hierarchical superiority or exclusive hegemony on the basis of their domestic capitalist economies and politics. This is an intrinsic obstacle to creating a more equitable, democratic and effective global climate or environmental governance system. Criticism of international carbon politics and its “ecological imperialism,” based on traditional “green-left” theories from Marxist philosophy and political economy, provides a theoretical basis for seeking an alternative way to cope with global climate change effectively. As a responsible developing country, China’s response to climate change is not only an internal requirement for the promotion of its own sustainable development, but also reflects its responsibility to create a community of shared future for mankind. This rationale for our time determines that it is necessary for China to become a world leader in coping with global climate change and environmental governance through a leadership which lies in making a contribution rather than fighting for hegemony.  相似文献   

Asia has a special significance in China’s neighborhood strategy. Geographically, the Belt and Road Initiative faces the countries of Asia or China’s neighbors in the first place. Asia is clearly marked by an imbalance in and “absence” of regional economic integration. This “absence” is two-fold: it is expressed on the one hand as a lack of unified institutional arrangements for regional economic integration, and on the other as the inability of underdeveloped countries in the region to truly participate in regional economic integration and thereby gain opportunities for development. Compared with the rule-oriented nature of existing regional economic integration mechanisms, the Belt and Road Initiative, as a new type of regional cooperation mechanism, displays an orientation towards development. All existing regional economic integration arrangements, regardless of their form, establish specific rules on access thresholds, the rights and duties of member countries, schedules and roadmaps, dispute resolution mechanisms and so forth. This is not the case for the Belt and Road, which is not predicated on specific rules, but establishes its overall framework by orienting itself towards development. Overall, the development orientation of the Belt and Road is helpful not only in overcoming the inherent defects of Asian regional economic integration, but in responding to the new challenge of anti-globalization. This is an institutional public good that China offers to Asia and to the world.  相似文献   

周民良 《创新》2011,5(5):40-44,127
积极发展低碳经济已是当前全社会的普遍共识。但目前我国的政策重点主要强调生产环节的节能减排,而如何促进消费环节的节能减排,发展消费型低碳经济还没有引起充分重视。但随着扩大内需政策的实施,把低碳经济发展的政策重心由生产环节转向消费环节显得十分重要。加强低碳消费政策研究,积极推进绿色出行、绿色居住、绿色生活方式,对于实现全社会的节能减排目标有积极意义。  相似文献   

马克思主义世界历史观为“全球化”这一术语不被滥用提供了学理依据。“全球化”这一很不规范的普遍流行的术语所涵盖的许多事实,都是对“历史向世界历史的转变”的一种认定,但它并不能引导人们去认识这一转变过程中所出现的世界历史的结构性变化。在“历史向世界历史的转变”过程中,相继形成了“国际社会”和“全球社会”,从而构成了世界历史的“双重结构”。这两者在其主体结构、利益结构、发展目标和原则、发展特点、格局结构等方面是有所不同的,但又是互相联系、相互渗透的。基于对“全球化”的“世界历史”批判,以及对当代世界历史发展的状态和趋势的科学分析,由此提出的世界历史“双重结构”理论,既是把马克思主义世界历史观全面地运用于全球化及其发展研究的重要切入点,也是马克思主义世界历史观在当代发展的重要切入点,同时也将会为我们正确探索当代社会主义中国在全球中的发展路径提供重要的方法论支撑。  相似文献   

为了跟进经济全球化和区域一体化的世界潮流,跟从全国区域经济协调发展的现实进程,中国目前应当抓紧整合海域为新版块,并与东部、西部、东北、中部一起纳入"区域发展总体战略",为制定《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》以及海洋经济开发专项规划提供理论支撑。有鉴于此,必须对于整合海域为新板块纳入国家区域开发总体战略进行价值定位,并依据实施海洋区域经济开发战略的现实条件进行机遇认定,进而做出实施海洋区域开发战略的对策创意。本文通过构建海域开发体系,改善地缘经济关系,造就和谐海洋氛围,促进完善全国区域经济开发格局和总体战略,真正实现"经略海洋"的战略构想。  相似文献   

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