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Longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for a sample of 6570 women and men observed between 1969 and 1993 are used to examine historical changes and life-course variation in the effects of family background characteristics on the timing of first marriage. Discrete-time event history analyses reveal that the inverse effect of parental resources (family income and mother's education) on the timing of first marriage has both declined over time and weakens as children age. Historical declines in the effect of parental resources on first marriage timing appear to explain the divergence between Black and White marriage patterns over this period. In contrast, the inverse effect of experiencing a nonintact family structure during childhood on the timing of first marriage remains constant over both historical time and the life course. The implications of these findings for theories of demographic individuation and life-course perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   

根据美国 2 0 0 0年人口普查资料及美国政府和民间机构一些有关少数族裔的报告 ,通过对当代美国少数族裔人口在增长速度、出生率和死亡率、地区分布、城乡分布、年龄结构、家庭与婚姻和人口流动性等方面特征 ,以及教育、职业、收入和住房、医疗保险等方面社会经济状况进行的比较分析 ,得出如下结论 :总体上看 ,美国少数族裔的社会经济状况差过人口主体非西裔白人 ;而各少数族裔之间及内部在社会经济状况方面本身也存在巨大差异 ;少数族裔低下的社会经济地位及主流社会种族歧视的普遍存在 ,是导致一系列涉及少数族裔社会问题的重要原因  相似文献   

婚姻家庭关系是所有社会关系的起点,作为人类生存与发展的前提条件,是最早形成的社会关系。婚姻家庭制度是社会制度的重要组成部分。马克思、恩格斯运用唯物史观理论系统研究了婚姻家庭现象,认为婚姻家庭关系是建立在两性和血缘关系基础上的一种特殊的社会关系,是社会关系不可分割的一部分,是实现人类自身繁衍的社会形式,揭示了人类婚姻家庭制度嬗变的内在规律,建立起了科学的婚姻家庭理论。婚姻家庭是变化着的历史范畴,婚姻制度的进步和社会文明发展是同步的。作为唯物史观理论体系的重要组成部分,学术界理当对马克思主义婚姻家庭理论进行系统梳理。  相似文献   

A model of violence between adult family members is developed by integrating material from the sociological theories of family violence and social exchange, and the economic theories of crime and the family. Based on this model a decrease in the dictator's internal sanctions against violence would be expected to increase the amount of time allocated to violence by the dictator. Further, if the level of fines and other monetary costs imposed by external agencies (e.g., the courts) as a result of the family violence do not vary with the level of violence, then the model indicates that an increase in such monetary sanctions will cause a reduction in the amount of time the dictator allocates to violence. If both the dictator and victim are risk neutral, an increase in the probability of external intervention will decrease the time allocated to violence. In addition, it is found that increases in the opportunities available to the victim outside the marriage will tend to improve the well-being of the victim in the marriage even if it has no effect on the time allocated to violence by the dictator. The model also provides insights for empirical work in family violence such as (1) suggestions of relevant independent variables, (2) the specification of a functional form for estimation, and (3) the specification of an error structure for the empirical model.  相似文献   

杨甫旺 《学术探索》2007,(5):113-116
50多年来,永仁县谢腊村彝族婚姻家庭生活方式发生了前所未有的变化,婚嫁打破了传统血缘、民族和地域的界限,婚姻观念发生了根本性的变化。传统的多元化婚姻模式的传承,为现代谢腊彝族实施计划生育政策提供了良好基础,"养儿防老"观念日趋淡薄。谢腊彝族家庭结构以核心家庭和直系扩大家庭为主,婚姻礼俗中的当事人、父母、媒人的角色发生了转换,青年男女在婚姻中获得了自主权,家庭关系呈民主化趋势,妇女的家庭地位得到了明显提高。这种婚姻家庭生活方式有选择性地继承了传统、吸纳了现代文化,它对谢腊彝族社会生活方式乃至社会文化的发展有着重要意义。  相似文献   

A growing body of research indicates that the timing of entry into adult roles has long-term consequences for individuals and society. At present, little is known about determinants of the timing of adult role entry. Based on data from a 15-year follow-up study of high school students originally surveyed in 1957–1958 and resurveyed in 1973–1974, this paper examines and compares the processes by which the ages at entry into the labor force, entry into marriage, and entry into parenthood are determined. The timing of adult role entry is hypothesized to be a function of (1) the duration of time spent in transitional roles, (2) the availability of the opportunity to enter an adult role, and (3) an individual's orientation to an adult role. Evidence supporting this conceptualization is presented for both sexes.  相似文献   

爱情和婚姻是人类生活的重要方面,而婚姻观是人类文化的重要组成部分。中西方婚姻观不同,反映在女性身上比较明显。从家庭、社会、政治方面对比中西方婚姻观中女性地位的不同,并从其地理位置、传统文化和价值观方面探究成因,便于中国女性摈弃一些封闭落后思想,适当吸取西方婚姻观中的精华和合理部分,对未婚及已婚女性树立正确、科学的婚姻观都具有一定的现实指导作用。  相似文献   

改革开放以来。人口流动的规模越来越大,范围越来越广,大量流动人口的婚姻家庭状况随之改变,婚姻家庭权利保障问题日渐突出。对东莞外来流动人口的实证调查发现:流动人口的择偶途径多样化,但没有在实质上扩展择偶对象的范围;结婚动机以爱情为主,但具有复杂性;结婚的形式要件落实较好,但部分人还存在认识误区;家庭模式复杂多样,但也具有一些共同特征;夫妻感情沟通方式较为单一;家庭暴力存在但不普遍;留守妇女儿童权益保护亟待引起重视:父母赡养、子女抚养的实现困难较大;夫妻财产地位较为平等;流动人口对婚姻家庭法律的认知度不高;流动人口的婚姻家庭满意度较高,但难以与流入地社会相互认同和融合。  相似文献   

杨哲  ;王茂福 《兰州学刊》2014,(7):104-110
文章基于CHIPS2007流动人口数据,对农民工城市居住质量与婚姻稳定性关系进行研究。研究发现:在其他条件不变的条件下,相对于在城市独立租房的农民工而言,合租和居住单位宿舍农民工婚姻不稳定系数变动增大;与居住非城区的农民工相比,居住在城区农民工婚姻更加稳定;与居住在平房的农民工相比,居住在楼房的农民工婚姻更加和谐。随着城市住房使用面积增大、饮水条件改善、卫生设备提高以及取暖设备完善,婚姻稳定性也显著增强。同时也发现农民工城市住房使用面积存在边际递减效应;农民工城市住房产权不显著影响该群体的婚姻稳定性。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that indirect measures of occupational status such as the Duncan Socioeconomic Index (SEI) are more valid than direct measures of occupational prestige, such as those developed by the National Opinion Research Center and by Treiman, for analyses of social mobility. The Professional, Technical, and Kindred (PTK) occupations available for the SEI are a biased sample of all PTK occupations. Do findings on the validity of the SEI pertaining to the general population hold for special populations, such as college graduates? Confirmatory factor analysis comparing the validities of four measures of occupational SES—the SEI, a 1960 counterpart of the SEI developed by Siegel and based on all Census occupations, the NORC prestige scale, and the Treiman international prestige scale—showed that the indirect measure developed by Siegel was clearly more valid than the other three measures. Since these findings indicate that the predictors in a regression equation are more valid than the criterion, there is some question as to what the criterion should really be.  相似文献   

We review the literature dealing with the various components of change in the number of female family heads and conclude that P. Cutright's (1974, Journal of Marriage and the Family 36, 714–721) four components of change in the number of ever-married female family heads can be usefully applied to a reanalysis of decade-by-decade changes in this quantity among white and nonwhite women ages 15–44, from 1940 through 1980. However, we substantially revise and update Cutright's (1974) original data. Our findings include the fact that while the relative importance of the various components of increases in ever-married female family headship vary from decade to decade, overall trends are fairly similar for white and nonwhite women. Moreover, the rapid rise between 1970 and 1980 in the number of white and nonwhite female family heads among the never-married (single) continued through the 1980 to 1983 period. A decade ago, Cutright (1974) predicted that a change in the number of female family heads from 1970 on would reflect little more than changes in the numbers of ever- and never-married women ages 15–44. We discuss this inaccurate prediction and conclude that wishful thinking is a poor guide in forecasting the future.  相似文献   

In this study, the value of nonmarket time is estimated for American families using the opportunity cost approach whereby the market wage is taken as a measure of the value of time and used to impute nonmarket income to each household. In cases where the market wage is not observed, a new estimation technique is used to obtain consistent estimates of the wage. It is shown that the nonmarket income of families increases with family money income and family size, but decreases with age and the number of job holders in the family. The implications for taxation are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of developmental thinking in the making of family values. We analyze survey data collected from Gansu Province in China with regular and multilevel logit models. The results show that individuals’ endorsement of neolocal residence, self-choice marriage, gender egalitarianism, late marriage for women, and low fertility depends on the conjunction of preference for development and beliefs in its association with those family attributes, which we term developmental idealism associational evaluation. Furthermore, such impact of developmental thinking on family values holds robust in the presence of indigenous ideational forces, in this case Islamic religion. Although Islam influences family values in the opposite direction than developmental ideas do, the effect of Developmental Idealism associational evaluation does not differ significantly between Muslims and non-Muslims.  相似文献   

This study examines the methodological differences between Cutright's (1974, Journal of Marriage and the Family36, 714–721) and Ross and Sawhill's (1975, Time of Transition: The Growth of Families Headed by Women. The Urban Institute, Washington, D.C.) analyses of demographic components of growth in the number of female-headed families and replicates their procedures within a comparable time/age framework in order to resolve their contradictory findings. The analysis suggests that while changes in living arrangements and population are the two major factors accounting for changes in the number of White female-headed families between 1940 and 1970, marital instability is the major factor responsible for the increase in the number of White female-headed families between 1960 and 1970. Cutright's analysis of long-term changes for nonwhites is debatable. The relative importance of demographic factors in explaining the absolute increase in female-headed families between 1960 and 1970 clearly varies by ethnic/racial group.  相似文献   

当代青年的婚姻家庭与价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革开放的深入、网络时代的来临、社会的转型和多元文化的交融,当代青年无论是婚恋观还是生育观都呈现出多元化的倾向。选取"80后"和"90后"的在校大学生为样本,从大学生的恋爱观、婚姻观、生育观三个方面对当代大学生的婚恋观现状进行调查与分析后认为,引导青年人树立正确的婚恋观,必须充分发挥家庭、高校和社会的作用。帮助其树立正确的婚恋观不仅有利于他们未来的发展,也有利于整个社会的和谐与进步。  相似文献   

城市首批独生子女父母养老方式选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在社会转型发展背景下传统家庭养老的功能发生了变化,城市首批独生子女父母单一选择这种方式养老面临风险。他们要有效选择养老方式主要受制于个人收入与健康状况、子女婚后居住方式、子女实际提供的养老照顾、经济社会发展水平等多方面因素。从居住方式、供养主体、居住独立性、养老服务使用等方面预测城市首批独生子女父母养老方式选择的趋势。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between important social, cultural, economic, and demographic changes and the rise of support for gender egalitarianism within the Dutch population between 1979 and 2012. Cohort replacement, educational expansion, secularization, and the feminization of the labor force are important processes that have taken place in western societies in ways that may have fostered support for gender egalitarianism. Using unique data from 16 repeated cross-sectional surveys in the Netherlands, we estimate age-period-cohort regression models, and the outcomes are subsequently applied in counterfactual simulation designs. Our results show that the social, cultural, economic, and demographic changes explain only a small part of the modest rise in support for gender egalitarianism for men, while they provide a much better explanation of the stronger rise among women. Especially the replacement of older female cohorts by younger ones seems to have propelled support for gender egalitarianism among women throughout the years.  相似文献   

当代中国社会变迁背景下高离婚率的社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国高离婚率的积极含义在于社会更包容和人们尤其是文化高及经济地位上升的妇女享有更多婚姻自主与个人自由。而其消极后果是社会急剧变迁背景下共同体弱化而个人的过分自由,难在婚姻生活中找到慰藉。其社会原因主要是:调解机制匮乏、家庭核心化、社会流动加剧及经济压力加大。个人原因在于婚姻的责任意识差及个人社会性低下。解决之道在于重建共同体,加强初级群体建设来培育个人责任感与沟通能力。  相似文献   

婚前的礼仪主要有提亲、相亲、订婚等;婚礼的程序主要有接新娘、婚宴等。婚礼存在需改进之处,因此要理性面对。在中国农村,社会认同是最重要的,而婚礼就是这种社会认同最重要的形式。婚姻当事人经由婚姻礼仪的举行,获得社会权威和公众的承认,从而实现了婚姻和家庭特定的社会功能。  相似文献   

桂宇 《学术探索》2014,(5):36-41
历史上的傈僳族女性,曾经是随夫同上战场的女英雄,是氏族械斗中的调停者,在生产生活中也承担着家庭食物供给的重要角色,但在传统社会中,女性仍被作为家族的财产在婚姻关系的缔结中从父家转移至夫家,其婚姻自主性和家庭中的自我意识并未得到社会相应的认同。如今,社会的发展使傈僳族的生活方式和传统婚姻市场发生了改变,女性在变迁中以主动顺应之态,积极利用自身在婚姻关系中"稀缺资源"的优势,获得了婚姻和个人发展的自主权。傈僳族女性的这一转变对整个族群的婚姻家庭观念产生了潜移默化的影响。  相似文献   

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