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为了探析国内免费师范生研究动态,将2007—2018年中文知网(CNKI)数据库收录的与免费师范生研究相关的200篇文献(CSSCI)作为研究对象,借助CiteSpace等软件,采用文献计量方法,对免费师范生研究的总体概况、主要特征和研究热点进行分析。研究表明:我国免费师范生研究有4个研究热点,分别是免费师范生职业认同、免费师范生教育政策、免费师范生就业和免费师范生教师教育。最后对未来研究提出展望。  相似文献   

师范生免费教育政策实施以来,免费师范生的成长和发展受到了社会各界的高度关注。伴随着2007级第一届免费师范生的顺利毕业,对于免费师范生的各种评价也是接踵而至,最为显著的就是免费师范生的学习动力问题,出现了“动力不足”的讨论热潮。为了对免费师范生的学习现状有一个清楚的了解,我们在问卷调查与访谈研究的基础上,探讨了免费师范生群体的动力特征,并在此基础上提出了建议。  相似文献   

网络社区的出现改变了传统的人类社交方式,这种虚拟的间接的社交网络带来了新的交往模式,离开了一定的社会情境线索(如外貌、空间特征和非语言线索等)也导致了传统的人际信任观发生了改变,而本研究就是从调查网络人际信任度、现实人际信任度、现实人际交往能力三个方向出发,研究网络社区人际信任与现实人际信任之间的联系与影响,从而找出较为合适的交际模式。  相似文献   

自免费师范生政策实施以来,高三学生在填报志愿时确实多了一种选择。但由于免费师范生制度施行的还不够成熟,免费师范生政策的推广、宣传不足,加之高三学生职业导向、兴趣爱好不同,还有全国上下对教师这个职业的尊敬、爱戴程度的下降,促使大部分高三学生对免费师范生政策的实际施行效果、实施力度及发展前景持怀疑态度,认为该政策限制条件有些苛刻,后劲不足。本文就贵州省贵阳市开阳县第三中学文理生对该政策的态度进行了研究,得出相关结论,并提出一些改善意见。  相似文献   

石淼 《现代交际》2011,(8):185-186
免费师范生政策属于公共政策范畴,政策过程是一个核心的问题,文章试从政策的制定、执行、评估与监控、终结及周期五个环节对免费师范生政策进行政策分析,并从政策联系的视角对免费师范生政策提出一些建议与意见。  相似文献   

研究采用问卷调查法探讨"95后"女大学生人际适应的现状。通过对湖南省长沙市3所高校540名女大学生的调查,结果发现:女大学生人际适应性总体情况较好,呈现正向趋势;女大学生人际适应得分在学科、年级、学历层次、生源地、是否独生子女、家庭教育方式、不同待人接物方式上存在差异;学校心理健康教育机构和辅导员应根据女大学生的性别特点和情感需要,对人际交往能力方面处于弱势的女生开展针对性的心理辅导。  相似文献   

郁顺华  毕玉芳 《职业时空》2008,4(8):153-153
对大学生而言,人际交往是步入社会、了解社会、认识自我和促进身心发展的重要途径之一。大学生无论是在学校学习,还是毕业后的职业生涯、社会活动都离不开人际交往,因此,人际交往是大学生成长成才过程中必须面对的实践课题。本研究运用《人际关系综合诊断量表》对当前大学生的人际和谐状况进行了调查,试图为大学生的成长发展,为大学生构建和谐的人际关系提供参考依据。  相似文献   

免费师范生教育作为国家平衡教育质量,提升我国教育水平的一项重大政策,自实施以来取得了很好的效果.但免费师范生作为一个特殊群体,我们需要对免费师范生特别是低年级免费师范生进行社会主义核心价值体系教育,帮助其提升自身水平.  相似文献   

林克松 《职业时空》2010,6(6):97-98
我国第一届免费师范生即将面临教育实习,教育实习对免费师范生的影响意义重大。然而当前,免费师范生教育实习目标存在缺乏关注度、实效度、清晰度及区分度等困境,这将严重影响免费师范生教育实习的质量。免费师范生教育实习要开创新局面,首先要优化教育实习目标,需要从教师专业发展的理论出发,运用课程开发的相关理论来思考如何设计,并在建构目标时有机融合教师教育的理论学习和实践学习,从而真正发挥免费师范生教育实习的价值和功用。  相似文献   

师范教育是我国教育事业的重要基石之一,关系到国家教育系统的结构性建设及长远发展。自2007年开展实施"师范生免费教育政策"以来,在十余年时间内我国免费师范生数量得到了极为可观的增长,为西部地区及其他偏远地区的基础教育贡献了高质量、高数量的教师,对教育事业的公平公正发展起到了不容小觑的作用。在这一政策的施行过程中,尽管推动了师范教育发展、均衡了教师资源配置,但也显现出就业限制、强制服务、任期过长等弊端。笔者查阅有关资料并深入基层,理实结合地分析了该政策的内容和价值,对其现有优势和弊端进行了细致分析,并提出了解决问题、弥补不足的对策建议,以期对师范生免费教育政策的实施及修订有所裨益,并促进教育事业的均衡发展。  相似文献   

This study examined the organization–public relationship between citizens and their political parties against the backdrop of the 2008 presidential general election. Employing a telephone survey of registered voters (n = 508), we investigated the interaction of politically relevant relationship antecedents, relationship cultivation strategies used by political parties, perceptions of the organization–public relationship between voters and their party, and outcomes of the relationship to test a model of political organization–public relationships (POPRs). Time, interpersonal trust, mediated communication, interpersonal communication, and dialogic communication emerged as significant predictors of POPR strength. The findings lay the groundwork for further investigation of POPRs.  相似文献   

Social listening occurs in a variety of mediated contexts, but it has yet to be clearly defined in the realm of communication and listening studies. This report explores social listening as a developing listening type extending from the existing taxonomy of listening, posits a definition of its meaning, evaluates its role in organizational and interpersonal communication, and discusses its value as an additional listening dimension. Based on a review and synthesis of literature across multiple fields of study, we describe social listening as a dimension of listening comprising a blend of purposes complementary to the existing appreciative, comprehensive, critical, discriminative, and therapeutic listening types discussed in Wolvin and Coakley’s (1993) listening taxonomy. As mediated communication continuously evolves within the communication landscape, the urgency to understand social listening will surely increase. With this in mind, we introduce and define social listening as an emerging type of listening and as a means of attaining interpersonal information and social intelligence that can empower relationships and influence the way we listen to and communicate with one another through increasingly popular mediated channels.  相似文献   

This study sought to assess how college students spend their time communicating and what impact, if any, communications devices may be having on how that time is spent. Undergraduates (N=696) at four southeastern colleges were surveyed. Results revealed that listening comprises 55.4% of the total average communication day followed by reading (17.1%), speaking (16.1%), and writing (11.4%). Each of these communication behaviors includes some aspect of Internet use. College students spend as much time listening to media as they do engaged in interpersonal interactions. New technology is changing the way mediated communication activities are perceived. A different paradigm of expressive, receptive, and interactive communication is offered.  相似文献   

A combination of 41 depth interviews and analysis of 453 surveys conducted in two organizations was done to examine the coorientation of organizational definitions and communication efforts. Interpersonal communication was both a product and a facilitator of communication between management and employees. Organizations with meaningful interpersonal communication may achieve a better shared definition of the organization and hence a better communication environment. Public relations practitioners should supplement traditional journalistic methods with interpersonal ones in addressing employee publics.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of communication on outcomes in Cournot duopoly and triopoly experiments. Communication is implemented by two different devices, a ‘standardized-communication’ and a ‘free-communication’ device. Using both students and managers as subjects, we find that managers behave in a similar way under both communication devices, while students collude slightly better under free than under standardized communication. Second, while under standardized communication managers select lower outputs than students, we observe no difference in subject pools under free communication. Finally, we observe more collusion in duopoly than in triopoly.  相似文献   

Communication literature traditionally divides interaction into two forms: mass media and interpersonal communication. These ideal types are unquestionably useful heuristic tools. Yet their conceptual utility is often undermined when researchers place them at opposite ends of a linear, historical transformation in which mass media technology is believed to supplant interpersonal communication and the locations in which it occurs. This article abandons the polar, historical relationship in favor of a communication dialectic that recognizes the synthesis of ideal types into composite forms of interaction. Embedded technology demonstrates the dialectic by exploring how electronic media fixed within a physical location can combine with the interpersonal communication taking place there to enhance group interaction. The resulting hybrid defies the assumption that mass media simply displace interpersonal interaction, pointing instead to a dialectic relationship in which ideal types continually challenge and transform one another.  相似文献   

Until recently, the revolutionary effects of the development of metacommunication theory have been felt in message/behavioral research but have been ignored in the listening arena. In 1992, Cline and Clark (1992a) coined the term relational listening to capture the phenomenon of partners in interpersonal relationships actively attempting to decide the relational information that is embedded in interpersonal messages at an abstract level. Reasoning that relational listening begins at the beginning of a relationship (at the inception of relational contact), Cline and Clark 1992a; 1992b) focused their previous investigations of relational listening on the interpretation of opening lines. Those studies pointed listener characteristics as factors that significantly influence the interpretation of opening tines as a process of relational listening. The present investigation pursues this line of research by focusing on the listener's gender, the listener's self-perceived attractiveness, and the listener's communication predispositions as factors influencing the interpretation of opening lines.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the concept of E-Prime (E′) holds practical benefits to effective listening for students of interpersonal communication. In advancing this argument, the paper includes a concise review of relevant literature on E-Prime, defensiveness, and conflict, with particular emphasis on verbal aggression. The literature demonstrates that traditional imperatives to reduce listener defensiveness need careful consideration. In fact, offering unqualified assertions for listeners to reduce defensiveness may place students at undue risk for harm. This paper reviews pedagogical uses of E-Prime in interpersonal communication courses.  相似文献   

This study uses secondary data from a four-wave repeated cross-sectional survey to examine communication channel usage patterns and their effects on health knowledge acquisition during the different phases of the 2009 H1N1 crisis in Beijing, China. The results suggest that channel choice, particularly for mobile phone and interpersonal communication, varies as a function of different levels of threat during a crisis. Moreover, social groups like students, retirees, and professionals differed in their channel selection. The study concludes that television users have more H1N1 knowledge than non-users and that in most cases, interpersonal communication does not contribute to knowledge gains. The theoretical implications are discussed at the end.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):213-242

There is a paucity of research on children's awareness of how emotion communication varies within relationships. Indeed, we operate on the assumption that a very significant function of emotion is to regulate interpersonal interaction. In this essay we discuss how children come to understand such phenomena as: (a) emotional-expressive behavior can have powerful interpersonal consequences; (b) relationship dimensions such as degree of power and closeness interact with intensity of emotion in how emotion is communicated; and (c) maintenance of relationship quality (e.g., equilibrium, attenuation, or deepening) requires different strategies of emotion communication. Among the constructs that we address are several that are useful for understanding the dynamics of interpersonal communication; they have also proven their utility over a considerable period of time. However, these constructs derive from social psychology and family systems; they have not been systematically investigated from a developmental perspective  相似文献   

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