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阐述了知识型企业与非知识型企业的本质区别. 从这一本质区别出发,在分析知识型企 业管理需求的同时,指出“命令- 支配型”管理模式对知识型企业是不适用的,并根据这些管理 需求提出“引导- 服务- 激励型”管理模式,简要阐述了引导、服务和激励的内涵. 最后,提出了 以团队为基础的动态菱形结构,用以支撑该管理模式  相似文献   

基于博弈论的知识型企业激励问题研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对于知识型企业来说,有效的激励是激发知识型员工积极性与创造性的重要措施之一。由于知识型企业的价值创造及其溢价分配分别存在信息的不对称,为此,本文分析了企业与知识型员工的Stackelberg博弈行为,借助于理想状态的Pareto有效的完全合作模式的渐进演化过程,讨论合作博弈的机理与溢价的分配问题。研究表明知识型企业的短期与长期激励具有很强的互补性,适当地调节两者可以使企业系统收益递增;揭示了风险态度和地位是影响激励机制的关键因素。  相似文献   

物流在国民经济中起到桥梁的作用,知识型员工又在物流企业中起到支撑作用,是企业的宝贵财富,物流企业中的知识型员工除了具有知识型员工的共性外,又有其独特的特点。如何激励物流企业中的知识型员工,关系到物流企业的生存和发展。  相似文献   

高技术企业是现代社会重要的创新载体,而知识型员工恰恰是其核心的资源。如何激励知识型员工是高技术企业人力资源管理工作乃至关系到企业生存和发展的关键问题。本文在对高技术企业激励机制存在问题剖析的基础上,结合知识型员工的特点,提出了相应的对策建议,以期对实践有所借鉴。  相似文献   

企业内部并有与知识相关工作的,具有专业的知识和熟练地技术的,能促进资本增值的员工是知识型员工。目前,知识型员工对企业的发展起着极其重要的重要。本文主要从知识型员工的涵义、对企业知识型员工的需求分析和企业对知识型员工的激励三方面展开论述。  相似文献   

<正>"刚性"本是物理学上的一个概念,意指在外界环境变化的条件下物体保持不变的特性。自从巴顿将"刚性"这一概念引入到核心能力的研究,国内外掀起了一股研究企业核心能力与核心刚性的热潮。有的学者推崇能力陷阱观,认为片面强调核心能力静态效率的实现  相似文献   

正有效的薪酬制度能够有效激发知识型员工的工作热情,改善员工的工作绩效,提升企业的竞争力。知识型员工薪酬体系的"激励点"较高知识型员工,是指拥有高学历、受过系统专业教育、理论知识丰富且具有较强实战能力的员工。他们在某一专业领域有较深厚的造诣,主要利用知识或信息从事创意、分析、判断、综合、设计等脑力工作,创造产品附加价值时用脑多于用手。薪酬不仅是员工的谋生手段,也是满足员工价值感的重要途径。  相似文献   

李飞  胡毅  张奇 《管理评论》2021,33(12):295-302
组织管理是企业构成的基本框架,组织管理模式的选择决定了企业能否有效运行.本文创新性地从定量角度研究组织管理模式对企业成长性的影响,将公司治理作为组织管理模式的代理变量,以沪深A股2000-2019年上市公司为研究对象,从股权结构、董事会结构、高管激励三个维度进行探究.结果 表明,过高的股权集中度会损害企业成长,但是董事会规模、独立董事所占比例、高管薪酬激励及高管持股均能显著促进企业成长.进一步地,能源企业因其在国民经济中的重要地位及企业组织管理模式的特殊性,文章将沪深A股上市的121家能源企业作为研究对象进行深入研究.发现股权集中度与高管薪酬激励的结论与整体一致.与其他企业不同的是,对于能源企业而言,董事会规模、独立董事所占比例及高管持股激励与企业成长性的关系并不显著.  相似文献   

员工与客户隐性知识共享关系到知识型服务企业创新能力的提升,需要给予更多关注。本文以知识型服务企业为研究对象,在依据理性行为理论明晰员工与客户隐性知识共享分析框架的基础上,构建了双方隐性知识共享的系统动力学模型,采用Vensim PLE软件进行了检验,并分别调整员工自我效能、预期收益、互惠责任感和利他主义的数值进行了灵敏度分析。研究结果表明,理性行为理论适合于分析员工与客户的隐性知识共享;所构建的系统动力学模型可以较好地模拟知识型服务企业员工与客户隐性知识共享的实际情形;双方的隐性知识共享对员工自我效能、预期收益、互惠责任感和利他主义有着较高灵敏度,且这四个因素分别通过共享意愿对双方隐性知识共享行为产生影响;员工隐性知识共享行为会对客户的共享行为产生影响。研究结果可以为知识型服务企业员工与客户隐性知识共享提供建议,进而推动知识型服务企业的创新发展。  相似文献   

J.-C. Spender’s award-winning, knowledge-based theory of the firm is based on four premises: (1) The firm can be sufficiently understood as a system of knowledge, (2) explicit and implicit knowing can be clearly dissociated, (3) organizations are conceived as cognizing entities, and (4) intuition shaped by shared cultural practices is a superior source of managerial knowledge. This line of reasoning represents a social constructionist view of the enactment, transfer, and storage of knowledge according to which managerial knowledge is largely tacitly shaped by industry recipes and the firm’s socio-cultural conventions and other social processes. Although comprehensive in scope, we argue that a knowledge-based theory of the firm needs to integrate a cognitivist approach that includes the synergetic production of tacit and explicit knowledge, the role of reflective thinking in resolving strategic uncertainties, and the interaction between the individual and the social. This socio-cognitive theory of the firm posits that sustained competitive advantage of a firm is founded on the ability to align knowledge internally within the firm as well as externally with its stakeholders through the individual sense-making of feedback from other individuals.  相似文献   

We develop a conceptual model that explains how a firm's cluster and network complement each other in enhancing the firm's likelihood of technological innovations. We identify critical innovation catalysts-awareness and motivation—and innovation barriers—resource constraints, organizational rigidity, and uncertainty. Our conceptual model explains how various factors in the cluster such as competitive intensity, social interaction intensity, and cluster vitality and network factors such as resource potential, acquisition orientation, co-development orientation, and network vitality impact innovation catalysts and barriers and subsequently the firm's likelihood of generating incremental and breakthrough innovations. We discuss several promising avenues for future research.  相似文献   

知识型企业的竞争战略   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从知识的层次、内容和形态三个维度定义了企业的知识空间, 在此空间中通过评估职能 层知识能力并与竞争对手进行比较, 得到的知识能力位势图反映了职能型组织的竞争位势, 最 后针对不同知识能力位势的组织给出相应的竞争策略.  相似文献   

This paper examines the non-linearity between Chief Executive Officer (CEO) power and firm leverage using a sample of 295 selected small and medium-sized enterprises listed on China Shenzhen Stock Exchange SMEs Board during the period 2009–2013. Specifically, a threshold estimation technique developed by Hansen (J Econ 93(2):345–368, 1999) is applied to investigate whether firms with powerful CEO use a sub-optimal leverage. The results confirm that there is a double-threshold effect exist and suggest an inverted U-shaped relationship between CEO power and firm book value-based leverage. Thus, these findings reveal that the distribution of decision-making power within firms can affect financing decision are made and CEOs with higher ability to exercise decision-making power tend to use lower leverage to pursue their own benefits.  相似文献   

Inter-firm collaboration among knowledge-intensive firms is increasing as a result of accelerating competition, falling regulatory barriers and rising customer expectations. Resource dependency theory is used to position knowledge as the key resource for the knowledge-based enterprise and to examine the suitability of alliances as a mode of knowledge acquisition and exchange, contrasted particularly with merger and acquisition. The alliance and knowledge literatures are reviewed, and particular attention is paid to the critical alliance formation stage. This stage is reviewed against a research model that posits firm performance in knowledge creation arises from a number of factors, including the motivation for an alliance, partner firm characteristics (the ability to develop and sustain valuable resources; absorptive capacity; combinative capability; experience with alliances; and appropriate design for knowledge exchange), the development of operating structures and norms, and the choice of alliance structure. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research..  相似文献   

In this article an attempt is made at giving a more concrete meaning to the notion of flexibility of a firm. The relationship between the dynamics of the environment on the one hand and the chosen strategy and organizational structure of the firm on the other, will be further analysed The aiming at flexibility is considered to be a separate economic basic goal next to rentability and independence, as firms increasingly happen to be in a turbulent environment. Special attention is given to the flexibility of a number of different organizational structures.It appears that a number of global recommendations can be made concerning the choice of strategy and organizational structure while explicitly taking the flexibility goal into account.  相似文献   

This study applies firm attention theory to explain how factors including regulatory inspection ratings, media coverage of regulatory issues, new regulations, and the political activities of opposing interest groups influence firm participation in regulatory processes. Findings suggest that firm political participation is driven by factors that attract firm attention to political processes as well as by factors that threaten to draw stakeholder attention to political processes and firm operations. These relationships are explored by examining automobile manufacturer participation in National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration rulemaking comment periods.  相似文献   

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