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当前上海住房租赁市场在租金、房源、规范监控、合同纠纷等方面都存在问题,尤其与发达国家住房租赁市场比较,上海在住房租赁市场的制度建设方面还处于起步阶段,政府对住房租赁市场长期处于缺乏基本数据、基本无法监控的状态。究其根源,我国在住房市场的培育、发展和管理上存有重买卖轻租赁的倾向。应重新认识和重视住房租赁市场对于社会生活健康发展的意义和作用,积极创新租赁住房建设的土地供给,多渠道开辟租赁住房投资的融资通道,加紧住房租赁市场的制度建设。  相似文献   

This article draws on research designed to explore aspects of social stratification within owner occupation. The research reconstructed and compared the housing, employment and family histories of two groups of home owners in two contrasting localities in Bristol. This article focuses on the top end of the owner occupied market, a neglected area in the sociology of housing, and explores the connections between bargaining power in the labour market and the shaping of housing histories. It is argued that core workers in the labour market exercise choice in the housing market within a framework of job determined constraints. These constraints are accompanied by a range of subsidies and benefits which are unavailable to the majority of households. As a consequence it is suggested that this group's housing histories are shaped by qualitatively distinct processes which go beyond the single fact that their earned incomes are relatively large.  相似文献   

王盛  旷丽军 《科学发展》2013,(12):76-84
保障房和商品房在本质上是差异化产品,两者在对应的需求层次、房屋的品质、价格、供给和渠道等方面都存在着巨大的差别。自我国房地产市场化以来,商品房就始终处于市场独大的局面,但随着近年来我国政府加大了对楼市的调控、加快了保障房建设的步伐,房地产市场已朝着保障房市场和商品房市场并重的"双轨制"迈进。然而,保障房的大规模兴建和投放市场会对商品房市场乃至整个中国楼市产生什么影响,以及保障房供给体系在运行与管理过程中存在什么问题,目前尚不确定。为此,有必要对其深入分析并寻找对策。  相似文献   


In the United Kingdom, the supply of new homes to the housing market tends to be focused either on “general-needs” housing on the one hand, or on special-needs housing for the elderly on the other, with relatively few people moving into homes that will support their independence as they age. Against the backdrop of the UK's chronic housing shortage and the UK government's recent Housing Standards Review, this case study of a mainstream housing development—which meets so-called “Lifetime Homes” in “Lifetime Neighborhoods” standards—identifies specific design and locational features that have attracted “downsizers” to buy into it, as well as those they subsequently found problematic.  相似文献   

孔英  姚奕  周豫 《城市观察》2013,25(3):157-163
本文利用2003-2010年全国省际及六大城市的面板数据,实证检验了我国商品住宅市场是否存在高房价和高空置率并存的"双高悖论"。结果表明,我国商品住宅市场总体而言不存在此悖论,大多数省份和大城市的空置率和房价呈负相关关系,空置率变化率是实际房价变化率的格兰杰因,空置率上涨1%,实际房价下降0.5%。基于自然空置率测算结果,本文提出我国空置率的合理范围为5%-20%。  相似文献   

许庆 《科学发展》2013,(5):14-18
现阶段城市户籍实际代表了三项公共服务:以城市最低生活保障为主的社会救助服务,以经济适用房和廉租房实物或租金补贴为主的政府补贴性住房安排,以及迁移人口子女在城市公立学校平等就学的机会。户籍制度改革的关键,就在于如何通过有效的政策改革方案,为外来人口提供可支付的住房,以及为其子女教育建立有效的融资机制,从而使外来务工人员主要是农民工可以在城市定居下来。土地制度改革可以作为突破口,通过城中村政府和村民有效的公私合作,充分利用市场机制为外来人口提供可支付住房,辅以相关财税体制改革,同时可以有效解决外来务工人员子女的教育问题。在通过土地制度改革和相关财税体制改革有效解决了外来人口住房问题和子女教育问题后,户籍制度改革也就完成了实质性突破。  相似文献   

This paper studies the transmission mechanisms that underlie China's house price fluctuations using a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. The model is estimated with Bayesian methods, which accounts well for business cycle properties of the housing market. Results show that shocks to housing productivity and the government land supply to housing developers are the primary contributors to house price volatility, accounting for 37% of house price volatility in the short run and 32% in the long run. The importance of housing valuation shocks and shocks to migration only increases in models without the supply side of the housing market.  相似文献   

张永岳  崔裴 《科学发展》2013,(11):101-103
目前,我国基本形成了以廉祖住房为基础、以公共租赁房为重点,包括适当发展经济适用房和限价商品房、加快各类棚户区改造在内的城镇住房保障体系。这种住房保障制度和体系存在诸多问题,如产品种类偏多、管理不善、退出机制缺失等。针对租赁型保障房,应创新运行管理模式,逐步将廉租房与公租房并轨,统一规划、统一建设、统一审核、统一管理,实行分级补贴、租补分离、明收明补,以完善租赁型保障房制度体系。  相似文献   

In recent years, research on poverty and segregation has been organized within a dominant discourse that centers on the relative salience of racial discrimination or macroeconomic change as a determinant of concentrated minority poverty. In contrast, little sociological research has focused on federal housing policies and programs as important factors shaping racial patterns of poverty and residential segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas. Drawing upon census data, public documents, housing reports, and interviews with local residents, I examine how federal and local housing initiatives in the 1980s and 1990s have interacted with the shift to a service-oriented economy to reinforce racial residential segregation and exacerbate urban poverty in Kansas City. I find that persistent racial residential segregation, including minority poverty concentration and the spatial isolation of inner-city neighborhoods, is due to post-1970 changes in the operation of the metropolitan housing market and retrenchment in federal and local housing policy. Rather than viewing racial discrimination and macroeconomic change as disconnected and separate "variables," I focus on the interconnectedness and mutually reinforcing character of both factors. Such an emphasis moves beyond separate-variables approaches and analyses to identify how concentrated minority poverty is sustained not only by racial discrimination and large-scale macroeconomic and demographic changes, but also by the market-centered orientation of federal housing programs and policies.  相似文献   

中国房地产市场的"症结"来自于制度条件下的扭曲。第一是土地制度问题,数字显示资源限制和垄断对住房市场的巨大压力。第二是因为资源垄断而产生的博弈。博弈分不同的方式来说,市场上所谓的规范性力量等都是因为制度造成的。  相似文献   

Access to serviced land for housing is one of the major problems faced by practically all developing countries. In most cities of developing countries, the urban poor and even the middle-income group often have to step outside the formal land market to gain access to land and housing. Generally, in cities of developing countries the informal land market is much bigger than the formal market. To improve the operation of the formal land market it is necessary to understand the constraints that are preventing it from operating efficiently. It was found that finance, policies, regulation, laws and other instruments formulated to improve the efficiency of the land market have often themselves become constraints requiring change. It is suggested that to overcome these constraints it will be necessary for governments to recognise the informal market and work with it, rather than ignore or oppose it as at present.  相似文献   

公共租赁住房面向的是新就业职工群体,属于政策支持的租赁住房,是一种过渡周转性住房。通过发展公共租赁住房,上海将形成一个由廉租房、经济适用房、公共租赁住房三者共同构成的多层次住房保障体系。上海发展公共租赁住房要坚持政府主导、市场运作等基本原则,以及明确准入标准等基本思路,近期可采取加快相关制度建设、开展先行试点、搭建信息平台等具体措施。  相似文献   

This paper brings together the relatively meager and widely dispersed findings that apply to how the elderly would fair if a rent voucher program were to become the single government housing subsidy to households of low and moderate income. The paper begins by reviewing the findings that apply to the elderly from the recent Experimental Housing Allowance Program (EHAP), and then relates these EHAP fingings to findings on housing needs of various types of elderly such as low income elderly, racial minority elderly and elderly with functional impairments. In theory, the great benefit of the rent vouchers to the elderly is the unique freedom in housing choice and location inherent in the program. However, the EHAP findings suggest that the more unique one's housing needs the less likely one will successfully negotiate the voucher process. This process requires the voucher recipient to find program eligible (minimum standard) housing. The very poor elderly, those susceptible to minority discrimination in the private market, and those in need of barrier free, security protected and support serviced housing, will have the hardest time searching for and findings housing toward which they can apply a rent voucher. At best the housing voucher concept would make sense as one among several housing subsidy options open to elderly recipients. If it became the only option many of the poorest, most disenfranchised elderly would find themselves without a housing subsidy.  相似文献   

Housing choice is a significant factor in forecasting the housing market. In an aging population in which the wealth of the elderly is found mostly in housing equity, the housing choices of the elderly are an increasingly important yet underrepresented research theme. In addition to lower income and greater leisure time, the change of family relationships of the elderly are likely to result in significantly different housing choices from those made by younger groups. This article investigates the roles of family relationships and life values in the housing choices (tenure and location) of elderly Koreans. Subjective life satisfaction and propensity for expenditure were found to be significant determinants in the choice of housing tenure, whereas the choice of location is influenced by circumstances, especially their relationship with their children. These findings provide new insight into the Asian housing market, in which the elderly of traditional large families have a children-oriented mindset and maintain a geographic proximity with their children despite a growing trend toward family nuclearization.  相似文献   

Opinions about the responsibility for procuring sheltered housing in Norway have been studied among people 50 and older. Until recently, Norway offered standard public provision, where the state has been the central provider and organizer of care for the elderly. The results indicate great support for public responsibility for providing sheltered housing for the frail elderly, which is only marginally affected by background characteristics. However, older people's attitudes as to whether they would choose private housing provision are affected by income, age, and knowledge of the market, and many are uncertain. Women and low-income groups are overrepresented among those who are uncertain.  相似文献   

Projection of elderly housing demands and needs has always been complex because of the volatility and heterogeneity of the factors involved. This paper argues that in a society where the tradition of elderly parents co-habiting with the children's family is breaking up, the projection of elderly housing demands for planning and policy purposes may not be scientifically possible. This owes to the impossibility to gauge housing affordability of the elderly by conventional indicators and the lack of information on the market behaviour of the elderly alone. This paper suggests the analysis of pre-retirement income, housing arrangements and housing aspiration to help elderly housing service providers to make more informed decisions. However, the projection of housing needs is more plausible if the underlying demographic projection models take care of major demographic trends such as household sizes and types, and if surveys are carried out to gauge housing aspirations of contemporary elderly persons. By using the above methods, the paper projected the future elderly housing needs and demands of Hong Kong, and found that public rental housing was perceived as the most secure type of housing regardless of affordability. This preference may reflect anomalies in elderly policies, particularly the lack of housing choices to suit the varied needs and affordability.  相似文献   

The model of compensating differentials in regional labor and land markets was formalized by Roback (1982) . The model interprets regional differences in constant quality wages and rents as compensating firms and residents for inter‐regional differences in amenities. This paper extends the Roback model to allow for moving costs which vary among a city's residents and businesses. This modification of the model generates new interpretations of regional differences in rents and wages. The theoretical results suggest that the interpretation of inter‐city rent and wage differentials as compensating is misguided, that such differentials are inappropriate as weights in Quality of Life (QOL) comparisons, and stresses the importance of local housing market parameters in the determination of these differentials. The importance of amenities is retained, but housing supply becomes the main other determinant of regional rents. Housing supply was ignored in the literature following on Roback's initial insight. We show that interactions between amenities and housing supply will bias QOL rankings. Finally, we support the empirical importance of heterogeneous moving costs by demonstrating the effects of exogenous supply constraints on local housing prices. (JEL R31)  相似文献   

The use of short-term rental subsidy vouchers offers a new approach to addressing the housing needs of families facing homelessness. In Massachusetts, the Family Home pilot program placed homeless families in housing instead of shelter, providing two years of rental subsidy plus support services with the goal of enabling families to maintain market rate housing. This mixed-method case study complements staff and participant interview data with participant survey and administrative data to evaluate the implementation and short-term outcomes of Family Home in one region. Data point to improved family well-being in housing but also persistent barriers to achieving longer-term housing and economic stability. Of the families who had exited the program at the end of the study, one quarter were able to retain their housing at market rate, only 9% returned to shelter, and one in five moved in with families/friends. Lack of affordable housing in a high rental cost region and jobs that pay living wages were among the major reasons that families struggled to maintain housing. This research points to the need for integrating supportive services from the program's start, including targeted workforce development, to plan for the end of the short-term rental subsidy.  相似文献   

许学武 《科学发展》2010,(10):99-107
上海的要素市场是从20世纪90年代初为适应上海建设经济中心城市而发展起来的,现已初步形成了有形市场和无形市场相结合、全国市场和地方市场相结合、综合性市场与专业性市场相结合的具有相当水平软硬件设施为基础的要素市场体系,但是在要素市场建设和发展中还存在不平衡、不完善、不到位等方面的问题。本文主要分析上海若干要素市场发展的现状与特点,并提出了相应的发展对策。即:上海科技市场要按照构建完整的创新体系的要求,建设全国性的大市场;上海金融市场要按照实现国际金融中心的要求,融入国际性的金融市场体系;上海文化市场要按照统一开放竞争有序的要求,进一步发展文化创意产业;上海服务市场要按照实施服务经济战略的要求,促进长江三角洲一体化大市场的发展;上海房地产市场要按照完善住房保障体系与房地产市场体系建设的要求,在调整中发展。  相似文献   

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