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字画是一种笔墨艺术,从巍峨厅堂到居家小室,恰到好处地装饰几幅,立刻显出格调高雅,艺术氛围浓郁。所以把字画喻为居室的眼睛,一点都不过分。  相似文献   

“建立阶段就业制度”的提法,落墨于今年提请全国人大审议的国家第十个五年计划草案。此举在人大女代表、政协女委员乃至社会各界的大多数女性中引起了异常热烈的讨论。结果,朱总理作关于“十五”计划的报告时,这个提法消失了。女性,为什么会对阶段就业有如此强烈的敏感和激烈的反应呢?  相似文献   

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of theCommunist Party of China was held in Beijing Sept. 16-19, at which time a decision wasadopted to enhance the Party's governance capability. The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) is the headquarters of women's federationsthroughout the country. We will enhance our own capability while studying and carryingout the spirit of the Party's fourth plenary session.  相似文献   

Wang Guoliang: China's Rural, Poverty-stricken Women Reduced to about 12 Million by the End of 2005 王国良:我国农村贫困妇女人数2005年底减至1200多万 On April 11, 2006, the "Seminar of Sex, the Alleviation of Poverty and the Construction of the New Chinese Socialist Countryside" was held in Beijing. Wang Guoliang, Deputy Director of the Aid-the-poor Development Office, spoke during the conference. He said, "Over the  相似文献   

“据统计,目前中国女性自主创业的比例比1990年提高了17个百分点,达到21%以上,接近男性的水平。但是这些女企业家在创业的过程中,不同程度地面临资金短缺、管理经验不足、专业知识需要更新、缺乏交流环境等困难。我们要关心创业女性群体,积极协调有关方面,努力营造有利于创业的政策环境和社会环境。”  相似文献   

狗年第一天,在北京市婚姻登记处和各区婚姻登记中心注册的新人就有280对。排在长龙中等候登记的新人中,其中一方或双方都在1980年以后出生的人不在少数。种种迹象显示:“80 后”抢婚时代正在来临,这与时下流行的晚婚和单身潮形成了鲜明的对比。对此,人们展开热烈讨论,探究其中深层的社会原因。  相似文献   

“一般认为,实现男女平等主要依靠女性的力量,男性只是旁观者。实际上,男性也是传统性别文化的受害者,有着改变‘男强女弱’传统观念的强烈愿望,因此,完全有可能成为实现男女平等的同盟军。”  相似文献   

Instruct Your Child for Nation's Benefit 为国教子 “Instruct your child for the country”iS a nationwide campaign sponsored by the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF).Its aim iS toencourage parents to become qualified fathers or mothers in the family,and to foster acompetent future generation for the country.  相似文献   

Proposition of the Day 时代的命题 In the 21 st century,to show solicitude for women means to showsolicitude for today;to keep abreast of genderdevelopments helps to keep abreast of economic andsocial changes and advances. It is a developmentproposition that the times put forward before us.  相似文献   

"Not for Women Only不仅仅为了女性I cannot say no to the women when they need me. I meet illiterate women from rural areas who are committed to improving the lives of women. If these women can be socommitted to bringing about change, then why not me? Since we all recognize that women do not generally support armed hostilities and conflicts, can we work out  相似文献   

Social Gender and Poverty社会性别与贫困According to the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals, the proportion of global poverty population should be reduced to a half by 2015. However, this great goal won't be realized if we cannot settle down social gender issues in poverty.The experience in poverty alleviation has showed that social  相似文献   

中央人民广播电台女主播向菲在短短1年的时间里,先后说服并陪同四名身负命案的逃亡者自首,此事被各家媒体报道得沸沸扬扬。一时间,作为一个普通主持人的向菲似乎成了一名“传奇”女子。  相似文献   

面对性骚扰,今天的女性是沉默还是斗争?虽然司法实 践中,性骚扰并不是一个轻松的课题,但更多的女性开 始表现出不同以往的决心与信心。  相似文献   

Chinese Seniors Happy in Retirement中国人对退休生活态度积极乐观According to AXA Retirement Scope 2007,a recent survey conducted by AXA Group,which is an international financial- service company,a growing number of Chinese people are happy in their retirement. The survey involved 11,590 respondents from 16 industrialized countries and regions,and it covered people's plans,  相似文献   

Gender-determination Lab Established for Olympics北京奥运首设性别鉴定中心A gender-determination lab was established in Beijing, the first in Olympic history,to test male athletes suspected of competing as females during the Olympic Games. Suspected athletes were evaluated,based on their external appearances,by experts,and they were asked to complete blood tests so their hormones,genes and chromosomes could be used to determine their gender.Professor Tian Qinjie,at  相似文献   

越剧作为一个非常年轻的戏曲剧种,发源于浙江省嵊县一带。它以委婉细腻、优美抒情的风韵迷倒了浙江、上海乃至长城内外的无数观众。  相似文献   

Quadruplets Welcome Olympics龙凤四胞胎取名"欢迎奥运"Four babies—quadruplets—were born in Qingdao,a city in Shandong Province that will co-host the Summer Olympics, on June 3.They were named Huanhuan,Yingying,Aoao and Yunyun,which together reads"Huan Ying Ao Yun,"or"Welcome the Olympics."The quadruplets,in stable condition,are two  相似文献   

China to Launch National Anti-abduction Program中国出台首个反对拐卖妇女儿童国家行动计划To prevent and crack down on abductions and the selling of women and children,China plans to launch its first national anti-abduction program-China Program on Opposing the Abduction and Selling of Women and Children(2008-2012)-in the near  相似文献   

Grassroots Research 妇联干部基层调研 RECENTLY, Peng Peiyun, President of the ACWF and all members of the ACWF's Secretariat, dividing into nine teams, went down to the grassroots level to conduct research in 13 provinces and autonomous regions across the country.  相似文献   

Free Cervical Examination for 100,000Women Launched in BeijingOn August 17, 2005, a grand commonwealcampaign—free cervical examination forwomen—was launched in Beijing. It wassponsored by the Capital Women JournalistsAssociation, China Women's News and …  相似文献   

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