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In this paper we propose a latent class based multiple imputation approach for analyzing missing categorical covariate data in a highly stratified data model. In this approach, we impute the missing data assuming a latent class imputation model and we use likelihood methods to analyze the imputed data. Via extensive simulations, we study its statistical properties and make comparisons with complete case analysis, multiple imputation, saturated log-linear multiple imputation and the Expectation–Maximization approach under seven missing data mechanisms (including missing completely at random, missing at random and not missing at random). These methods are compared with respect to bias, asymptotic standard error, type I error, and 95% coverage probabilities of parameter estimates. Simulations show that, under many missingness scenarios, latent class multiple imputation performs favorably when jointly considering these criteria. A data example from a matched case–control study of the association between multiple myeloma and polymorphisms of the Inter-Leukin 6 genes is considered.  相似文献   

Missing data are a prevalent and widespread data analytic issue and previous studies have performed simulations to compare the performance of missing data methods in various contexts and for various models; however, one such context that has yet to receive much attention in the literature is the handling of missing data with small samples, particularly when the missingness is arbitrary. Prior studies have either compared methods for small samples with monotone missingness commonly found in longitudinal studies or have investigated the performance of a single method to handle arbitrary missingness with small samples but studies have yet to compare the relative performance of commonly implemented missing data methods for small samples with arbitrary missingness. This study conducts a simulation study to compare and assess the small sample performance of maximum likelihood, listwise deletion, joint multiple imputation, and fully conditional specification multiple imputation for a single-level regression model with a continuous outcome. Results showed that, provided assumptions are met, joint multiple imputation unanimously performed best of the methods examined in the conditions under study.  相似文献   

Summary.  Social data often contain missing information. The problem is inevitably severe when analysing historical data. Conventionally, researchers analyse complete records only. Listwise deletion not only reduces the effective sample size but also may result in biased estimation, depending on the missingness mechanism. We analyse household types by using population registers from ancient China (618–907 AD) by comparing a simple classification, a latent class model of the complete data and a latent class model of the complete and partially missing data assuming four types of ignorable and non-ignorable missingness mechanisms. The findings show that either a frequency classification or a latent class analysis using the complete records only yielded biased estimates and incorrect conclusions in the presence of partially missing data of a non-ignorable mechanism. Although simply assuming ignorable or non-ignorable missing data produced consistently similarly higher estimates of the proportion of complex households, a specification of the relationship between the latent variable and the degree of missingness by a row effect uniform association model helped to capture the missingness mechanism better and improved the model fit.  相似文献   

Modern statistical methods using incomplete data have been increasingly applied in a wide variety of substantive problems. Similarly, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, a method used in evaluating diagnostic tests or biomarkers in medical research, has also been increasingly popular problem in both its development and application. While missing-data methods have been applied in ROC analysis, the impact of model mis-specification and/or assumptions (e.g. missing at random) underlying the missing data has not been thoroughly studied. In this work, we study the performance of multiple imputation (MI) inference in ROC analysis. Particularly, we investigate parametric and non-parametric techniques for MI inference under common missingness mechanisms. Depending on the coherency of the imputation model with the underlying data generation mechanism, our results show that MI generally leads to well-calibrated inferences under ignorable missingness mechanisms.  相似文献   


In this article, a finite mixture model of hurdle Poisson distribution with missing outcomes is proposed, and a stochastic EM algorithm is developed for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters and mixing proportions. Specifically, missing data is assumed to be missing not at random (MNAR)/non ignorable missing (NINR) and the corresponding missingness mechanism is modeled through probit regression. To improve the algorithm efficiency, a stochastic step is incorporated into the E-step based on data augmentation, whereas the M-step is solved by the method of conditional maximization. A variation on Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is also proposed to compare models with different number of components with missing values. The considered model is a general model framework and it captures the important characteristics of count data analysis such as zero inflation/deflation, heterogeneity as well as missingness, providing us with more insight into the data feature and allowing for dispersion to be investigated more fully and correctly. Since the stochastic step only involves simulating samples from some standard distributions, the computational burden is alleviated. Once missing responses and latent variables are imputed to replace the conditional expectation, our approach works as part of a multiple imputation procedure. A simulation study and a real example illustrate the usefulness and effectiveness of our methodology.  相似文献   

Graphical sensitivity analyses have recently been recommended for clinical trials with non‐ignorable missing outcome. We demonstrate an adaptation of this methodology for a continuous outcome of a trial of three cognitive‐behavioural therapies for mild depression in primary care, in which one arm had unexpectedly high levels of missing data. Fixed‐value and multiple imputations from a normal distribution (assuming either varying mean and fixed standard deviation, or fixed mean and varying standard deviation) were used to obtain contour plots of the contrast estimates with their P‐values superimposed, their confidence intervals, and the root mean square errors. Imputation was based either on the outcome value alone, or on change from baseline. The plots showed fixed‐value imputation to be more sensitive than imputing from a normal distribution, but the normally distributed imputations were subject to sampling noise. The contours of the sensitivity plots were close to linear in appearance, with the slope approximately equal to the ratio of the proportions of subjects with missing data in each trial arm.  相似文献   

Dealing with incomplete data is a pervasive problem in statistical surveys. Bayesian networks have been recently used in missing data imputation. In this research, we propose a new methodology for the multivariate imputation of missing data using discrete Bayesian networks and conditional Gaussian Bayesian networks. Results from imputing missing values in coronary artery disease data set and milk composition data set as well as a simulation study from cancer-neapolitan network are presented to demonstrate and compare the performance of three Bayesian network-based imputation methods with those of multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE) and the classical hot-deck imputation method. To assess the effect of the structure learning algorithm on the performance of the Bayesian network-based methods, two methods called Peter-Clark algorithm and greedy search-and-score have been applied. Bayesian network-based methods are: first, the method introduced by Di Zio et al. [Bayesian networks for imputation, J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. A 167 (2004), 309–322] in which, each missing item of a variable is imputed using the information given in the parents of that variable; second, the method of Di Zio et al. [Multivariate techniques for imputation based on Bayesian networks, Neural Netw. World 15 (2005), 303–310] which uses the information in the Markov blanket set of the variable to be imputed and finally, our new proposed method which applies the whole available knowledge of all variables of interest, consisting the Markov blanket and so the parent set, to impute a missing item. Results indicate the high quality of our new proposed method especially in the presence of high missingness percentages and more connected networks. Also the new method have shown to be more efficient than the MICE method for small sample sizes with high missing rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simulation study is conducted to systematically investigate the impact of dichotomizing longitudinal continuous outcome variables under various types of missing data mechanisms. Generalized linear models (GLM) with standard generalized estimating equations (GEE) are widely used for longitudinal outcome analysis, but these semi‐parametric approaches are only valid under missing data completely at random (MCAR). Alternatively, weighted GEE (WGEE) and multiple imputation GEE (MI‐GEE) were developed to ensure validity under missing at random (MAR). Using a simulation study, the performance of standard GEE, WGEE and MI‐GEE on incomplete longitudinal dichotomized outcome analysis is evaluated. For comparisons, likelihood‐based linear mixed effects models (LMM) are used for incomplete longitudinal original continuous outcome analysis. Focusing on dichotomized outcome analysis, MI‐GEE with original continuous missing data imputation procedure provides well controlled test sizes and more stable power estimates compared with any other GEE‐based approaches. It is also shown that dichotomizing longitudinal continuous outcome will result in substantial loss of power compared with LMM. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


In longitudinal studies data are collected on the same set of units for more than one occasion. In medical studies it is very common to have mixed Poisson and continuous longitudinal data. In such studies, for different reasons, some intended measurements might not be available resulting in a missing data setting. When the probability of missingness is related to the missing values, the missingness mechanism is termed nonrandom. The stochastic expectation-maximization (SEM) algorithm and the parametric fractional imputation (PFI) method are developed to handle nonrandom missingness in mixed discrete and continuous longitudinal data assuming different covariance structures for the continuous outcome. The proposed techniques are evaluated using simulation studies. Also, the proposed techniques are applied to the interstitial cystitis data base (ICDB) data.  相似文献   

The analysis of time‐to‐event data typically makes the censoring at random assumption, ie, that—conditional on covariates in the model—the distribution of event times is the same, whether they are observed or unobserved (ie, right censored). When patients who remain in follow‐up stay on their assigned treatment, then analysis under this assumption broadly addresses the de jure, or “while on treatment strategy” estimand. In such cases, we may well wish to explore the robustness of our inference to more pragmatic, de facto or “treatment policy strategy,” assumptions about the behaviour of patients post‐censoring. This is particularly the case when censoring occurs because patients change, or revert, to the usual (ie, reference) standard of care. Recent work has shown how such questions can be addressed for trials with continuous outcome data and longitudinal follow‐up, using reference‐based multiple imputation. For example, patients in the active arm may have their missing data imputed assuming they reverted to the control (ie, reference) intervention on withdrawal. Reference‐based imputation has two advantages: (a) it avoids the user specifying numerous parameters describing the distribution of patients' postwithdrawal data and (b) it is, to a good approximation, information anchored, so that the proportion of information lost due to missing data under the primary analysis is held constant across the sensitivity analyses. In this article, we build on recent work in the survival context, proposing a class of reference‐based assumptions appropriate for time‐to‐event data. We report a simulation study exploring the extent to which the multiple imputation estimator (using Rubin's variance formula) is information anchored in this setting and then illustrate the approach by reanalysing data from a randomized trial, which compared medical therapy with angioplasty for patients presenting with angina.  相似文献   

We study bias arising from rounding categorical variables following multivariate normal (MVN) imputation. This task has been well studied for binary variables, but not for more general categorical variables. Three methods that assign imputed values to categories based on fixed reference points are compared using 25 specific scenarios covering variables with k=3, …, 7 categories, and five distributional shapes, and for each k=3, …, 7, we examine the distribution of bias arising over 100,000 distributions drawn from a symmetric Dirichlet distribution. We observed, on both empirical and theoretical grounds, that one method (projected-distance-based rounding) is superior to the other two methods, and that the risk of invalid inference with the best method may be too high at sample sizes n≥150 at 50% missingness, n≥250 at 30% missingness and n≥1500 at 10% missingness. Therefore, these methods are generally unsatisfactory for rounding categorical variables (with up to seven categories) following MVN imputation.  相似文献   

Frequently in clinical and epidemiologic studies, the event of interest is recurrent (i.e., can occur more than once per subject). When the events are not of the same type, an analysis which accounts for the fact that events fall into different categories will often be more informative. Often, however, although event times may always be known, information through which events are categorized may potentially be missing. Complete‐case methods (whose application may require, for example, that events be censored when their category cannot be determined) are valid only when event categories are missing completely at random. This assumption is rather restrictive. The authors propose two multiple imputation methods for analyzing multiple‐category recurrent event data under the proportional means/rates model. The use of a proper or improper imputation technique distinguishes the two approaches. Both methods lead to consistent estimation of regression parameters even when the missingness of event categories depends on covariates. The authors derive the asymptotic properties of the estimators and examine their behaviour in finite samples through simulation. They illustrate their approach using data from an international study on dialysis.  相似文献   

A general framework is proposed for modelling clustered mixed outcomes. A mixture of generalized linear models is used to describe the joint distribution of a set of underlying variables, and an arbitrary function relates the underlying variables to be observed outcomes. The model accommodates multilevel data structures, general covariate effects and distinct link functions and error distributions for each underlying variable. Within the framework proposed, novel models are developed for clustered multiple binary, unordered categorical and joint discrete and continuous outcomes. A Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm is described for estimating the posterior distributions of the parameters and latent variables. Because of the flexibility of the modelling framework and estimation procedure, extensions to ordered categorical outcomes and more complex data structures are straightforward. The methods are illustrated by using data from a reproductive toxicity study.  相似文献   

It is quite a challenge to develop model‐free feature screening approaches for missing response problems because the existing standard missing data analysis methods cannot be applied directly to high dimensional case. This paper develops some novel methods by borrowing information of missingness indicators such that any feature screening procedures for ultrahigh‐dimensional covariates with full data can be applied to missing response case. The first method is the so‐called missing indicator imputation screening, which is developed by proving that the set of the active predictors of interest for the response is a subset of the active predictors for the product of the response and missingness indicator under some mild conditions. As an alternative, another method called Venn diagram‐based approach is also developed. The sure screening property is proven for both methods. It is shown that the complete case analysis can also keep the sure screening property of any feature screening approach with sure screening property.  相似文献   

Summary. Missing observations are a common problem that complicate the analysis of clustered data. In the Connecticut child surveys of childhood psychopathology, it was possible to identify reasons why outcomes were not observed. Of note, some of these causes of missingness may be assumed to be ignorable , whereas others may be non-ignorable . We consider logistic regression models for incomplete bivariate binary outcomes and propose mixture models that permit estimation assuming that there are two distinct types of missingness mechanisms: one that is ignorable; the other non-ignorable. A feature of the mixture modelling approach is that additional analyses to assess the sensitivity to assumptions about the missingness are relatively straightforward to incorporate. The methods were developed for analysing data from the Connecticut child surveys, where there are missing informant reports of child psychopathology and different reasons for missingness can be distinguished.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation has emerged as a widely used model-based approach in dealing with incomplete data in many application areas. Gaussian and log-linear imputation models are fairly straightforward to implement for continuous and discrete data, respectively. However, in missing data settings which include a mix of continuous and discrete variables, correct specification of the imputation model could be a daunting task owing to the lack of flexible models for the joint distribution of variables of different nature. This complication, along with accessibility to software packages that are capable of carrying out multiple imputation under the assumption of joint multivariate normality, appears to encourage applied researchers for pragmatically treating the discrete variables as continuous for imputation purposes, and subsequently rounding the imputed values to the nearest observed category. In this article, I introduce a distance-based rounding approach for ordinal variables in the presence of continuous ones. The first step of the proposed rounding process is predicated upon creating indicator variables that correspond to the ordinal levels, followed by jointly imputing all variables under the assumption of multivariate normality. The imputed values are then converted to the ordinal scale based on their Euclidean distances to a set of indicators, with minimal distance corresponding to the closest match. I compare the performance of this technique to crude rounding via commonly accepted accuracy and precision measures with simulated data sets.  相似文献   

In survival analysis, covariate measurements often contain missing observations; ignoring this feature can lead to invalid inference. We propose a class of weighted estimating equations for right‐censored data with missing covariates under semiparametric transformation models. Time‐specific and subject‐specific weights are accommodated in the formulation of the weighted estimating equations. We establish unified results for estimating missingness probabilities that cover both parametric and non‐parametric modelling schemes. To improve estimation efficiency, the weighted estimating equations are augmented by a new set of unbiased estimating equations. The resultant estimator has the so‐called ‘double robustness’ property and is optimal within a class of consistent estimators.  相似文献   

Semiparametric models provide a more flexible form for modeling the relationship between the response and the explanatory variables. On the other hand in the literature of modeling for the missing variables, canonical form of the probability of the variable being missing (p) is modeled taking a fully parametric approach. Here we consider a regression spline based semiparametric approach to model the missingness mechanism of nonignorably missing covariates. In this model the relationship between the suitable canonical form of p (e.g. probit p) and the missing covariate is modeled through several splines. A Bayesian procedure is developed to efficiently estimate the parameters. A computationally advantageous prior construction is proposed for the parameters of the semiparametric part. A WinBUGS code is constructed to apply Gibbs sampling to obtain the posterior distributions. We show through an extensive Monte Carlo simulation experiment that response model coefficent estimators maintain better (when the true missingness mechanism is nonlinear) or equivalent (when the true missingness mechanism is linear) bias and efficiency properties with the use of proposed semiparametric missingness model compared to the conventional model.  相似文献   

Usually in latent class (LC) analysis, external predictors are taken to be cluster conditional probability predictors (LC models with external predictors), and/or score conditional probability predictors (LC regression models). In such cases, their distribution is not of interest. Class-specific distribution is of interest in the distal outcome model, when the distribution of the external variables is assumed to depend on LC membership. In this paper, we consider a more general formulation, that embeds both the LC regression and the distal outcome models, as is typically done in cluster-weighted modelling. This allows us to investigate (1) whether the distribution of the external variables differs across classes, (2) whether there are significant direct effects of the external variables on the indicators, by modelling jointly the relationship between the external and the latent variables. We show the advantages of the proposed modelling approach through a set of artificial examples, an extensive simulation study and an empirical application about psychological contracts among employees and employers in Belgium and the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Missing observations due to non‐response are commonly encountered in data collected from sample surveys. The focus of this article is on item non‐response which is often handled by filling in (or imputing) missing values using the observed responses (donors). Random imputation (single or fractional) is used within homogeneous imputation classes that are formed on the basis of categorical auxiliary variables observed on all the sampled units. A uniform response rate within classes is assumed, but that rate is allowed to vary across classes. We construct confidence intervals (CIs) for a population parameter that is defined as the solution to a smooth estimating equation with data collected using stratified simple random sampling. The imputation classes are assumed to be formed across strata. Fractional imputation with a fixed number of random draws is used to obtain an imputed estimating function. An empirical likelihood inference method under the fractional imputation is proposed and its asymptotic properties are derived. Two asymptotically correct bootstrap methods are developed for constructing the desired CIs. In a simulation study, the proposed bootstrap methods are shown to outperform traditional bootstrap methods and some non‐bootstrap competitors under various simulation settings. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 281–301; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

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