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The vital and census statistics of Norway for the last 25 years are analysed in order to compute the average family size of different marriage cohorts, and to assess the extent to which the Norwegian population is replacing itself. Methods are devised to overcome the gaps in some of the statistics caused by the war. The conclusion is reached that replacement level has been reached in the post-war years, though the conventional net reproduction rate overestimated the replacement index by 16%.  相似文献   

The politics of fertility control refers to the role of the state in regulating individual behavior. It is about the influence of academics and intellectuals, the motivations of officials and bureaucrats, and the interests of international donors. The politics of fertility control is also about the control which one class or ethnic group exerts over another, and the gender relations within and beyond the household. The Population Council's book, "Do Population Policies Matter? Fertility and Politics in Egypt, India, Kenya, and Mexico," examines what makes the population policies of those four countries either succeed or fail. The analyses show how and why the creation, implementation, and effectiveness of population policies vary over time both within and between countries. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that effective population policies require political commitment and courage, broad support, adequate funding, good design and management, and a sound concept. The volume's case studies explore population policy-making from both historical and contemporary perspectives in the individual country contexts.  相似文献   

Survey research data collected in Rhode Island over a three year interval are used to test six propositions: 1) Suburbanites have higher family size than central city residents. 2) Any differences in family size between Catholics and non-Catholics are larger in central city than in suburban areas. 3) Within religious categories, suburbanites attend church more regularly. 4) Among Catholics, suburban residence is associated with less frequent Communion reception. 5) Among Catholics, church attendance frequency is positively associated with family size. Among non-Catholics no relationship exists. 6) The frequency with which Catholics receive Communion is more strongly associated positively with family size than is church attendance frequency. Propositions 1, 2 and 5 are rejected. Propositions 4 and 6 are accepted. Proposition 3 is accepted for non-Catholics only.  相似文献   

Relatively less attention has been paid to reproductive health problems facing deprived urban residents than to those facing rural residents in sub-Saharan Africa. This is probably because the majority of Africans live in rural areas, where they are presumed to have poorer medical, educational, and other social services. Yet, the unprecedented rate of urbanization and the accompanying disproportionate growth in the proportion of poor city residents pose new challenges for health care in the region. This study examines differences in sexual behaviour between slum residents and non-slum residents in Nairobi city. The results show that slum residents start sexual intercourse at earlier ages, have more sexual partners, and are less likely than other city residents to know of or adopt preventive measures against contracting HIV/AIDS. The findings highlight the need to treat slum residents as a subpopulation uniquely vulnerable to reproductive health problems, and to expend more resources in slum settings.  相似文献   

Relatively less attention has been paid to reproductive health problems facing deprived urban residents than to those facing rural residents in the sub-Saharan Africa. This is probably because the majority of Africans live in rural areas, where they are presumed to have poorer medical, educational, and other social services. Yet, the unprecedented rate of urbanization and the accompanying disproportionate growth in the proportion of poor city residents pose new challenges for health care in the region. This study examines differences in sexual behaviour between slum residents and non-slum residents in Nairobi city. The results show that slum residents start sexual intercourse at earlier ages, have more sexual partners, and are less likely than other city residents to know of or adopt preventive measures against contracting HIV/AIDS. The findings highlight the need to treat slum residents as a sub-population uniquely vulnerable to reproductive health problems and to expend more resources in slum settings.  相似文献   

Capital accumulation,inertia of consumption and norms of reproduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model of capital accumulation is built in relation with fertility and consumption. Avoiding to impose a direct analytical relationship between these three variables, the author studies the set of possible evolutions under the constraints imposed by the inertia of habit change.The conflict between the necessity to avoid impoverishment, the desire to increase consumption when possible and the reproduction intensity delineate the set of viable solutions and the set of attitudes leading to capital extinction. This qualitative view of change of behaviors provides an alternative explanation to historical fertility fluctuations outside the usual Easterlin framework.I am grateful to the three anonymous referees, who helped to improve this article.  相似文献   

人口地理与公共品供给效率——以四川省135个县(市)为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用四川省135个县(市)的数据,分析人口、地理因素对县(市)公共品供给效率的影响。研究发现,2008年135个县(市)平均公共品供给效率为0.672,整体水平还有待进一步提高;县(市)辖区人口密度的提高、所辖乡镇数量的增加有助于供给效率提高;复杂的地理环境增加了公共品提供成本,降低了供给效率;乡镇辖区面积扩大及人口增加有助于供给效率的提高。研究对提高地方公共品供给效率,完善地方政府及财政层级改革颇具参考价值和意义。  相似文献   

This study uses the 1977-1978 Kenya Fertility Survey and the 1989 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey to examine trends and determinants of contraceptive use in Kenya. A substantial increase in contraceptive use occurred in Kenya over the decade. Yet although the increase was shared by all groups in the country, the amount of change differed greatly. A regression decomposition procedure revealed that shifts in population composition--that is, an increase in better educated women and in the proportion of women who want to cease childbearing--were the primary sources of aggregate change in contraceptive use.  相似文献   

Our case studies of the evolution of population policies in Kenya and Malawi offer insights into the interaction between the global population movement and national governments. The comparison is useful because it permits identifying the common strategies of a global movement, strategies that are likely to be evident elsewhere; it also permits identifying differences in national responses related to particular domestic contexts. We find a common repertory of movement strategies to influence the governments of Kenya and Malawi to adopt a neo-Malthusian population policy and to implement a family planning program. However, these strategies were promoted more or less aggressively depending on the national response and the chronological period. National responses were related to differences in the governments approaches to nation-building, their willingness to accept foreign influence and the importance they placed on preserving cultural traditions, and to their assessment of benefits they would gain from responding favorably to movement proposals. The data come from written accounts and from interviews with international actors and Kenyan and Malawian elites who participated in the policy development process.  相似文献   

Summary The postmetamorphic growth and survival of the salamanderHynobius nebulosus tokyoentis Tago were surveyed in the study site located in Habu village of Hinodemachi, a suburb of Tokyo City, during 1975–1981. A laboratory experiment on the growth rate of juveniles was conducted in parallel with the field survey. The result indicated that this salamander grew at the rate of 8,mm in s.v.l. per year during the juvenile stage, but its growth rate decreased markedly as low as 1.8 mm for males and 1.1 mm for females, once it had attained sexual maturity. According to the “capture-recapture” procedure the annual survival rate after metamorphosis was found to be quite high; that is, approximately 0.7. By using the growth rate of juveniles and the difference between the sizes at metamorphosis and sexual maturity, the age at first reproduction was estimated to be 4 year for males and 5 year for females. From the data obtained in this study, the intrinsic rates of increase (r) were calculated for various values of age at first reproduction under different survival schedules, and the relationship between the age at first reproduction and fitness as measured byr was examined. The result indicated that an optimal age maximizing fitness always existed under respective survival schedules, and the observed age at first reproduction of this salamandei was found to coincide well with the predicted optimal age.  相似文献   

Summary As a quantitative approach to the life histories of fishes, the present paper attempted to predict a relation among reproduction, growth and mortality numerically with a technique of control theory, the discrete maximum principle. A method for predicting the relation was derived on the postulate that natural selection maximized the net reproductive rate subject to a few constraints. The derived method was applied to Atlantic cod and Atlantic herring populations in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence as numerical examples. The examples demonstrated that the theoretical reproductive effort and body weight were well consistent with the observed ones every age but the theoretical survival rates were slightly different from the observed ones. For the reasons mentioned below, however, it should be interpreted that the examples rather support the adopted postulate to a certain degree. First, in general, it is very difficult to obtain good estimates of the rates with traditional methods. Second, intense fishing pressure possibly changes the life history parameters to some extent in fish populations. Moreover, the examples also suggested that, to examine the postulate in further detail, similar analyses had to be made with the data of many fish populations on which intense fishing pressure had not been exerted.  相似文献   

A number of inquiries relating to the fertility of the nomadic Arab inhabitants of Palestine are described. From an examination of the results the author reaches the conclusion that the fertility of the nomadic Arabs is slightly lower than that of the settled Moslem inhabitants of Palestine.  相似文献   

Micro theories of migration have generally been tested with data which do not allow one to distinguish between the decision to move and the act of moving. The latter is usually treated as a proxy for the former. Using data from a two round survey of youth in rural Kenya we classify respondents as decision processors/nondecision processors from round one data, and determine who migrates over a nine month interval from round two data. Thirty-four percent of the sample are classified as decision processors and 25% as migrants, but decision processors were only slightly more likely to migrate than nondecision processors and more migrants actually came from the latter group.A simple model is developed to determine the extent to which the same factors that influence decision-processing influence who migrates. The model is tested using regression procedures by first treating decision-processing as the dependent variable then migration. The model explains 26% of the variance in who decides, but only 10% of the variance in who actually moved. Finally, separate analyses are done of the determinants of migration for decision processors and nondecision processors.  相似文献   

This qualitative study reveals how population pressures, land availability, inheritance norms, and educational opportunities intertwine to influence fertility decline in rural Kenya. Focus group discussions with men and women whose childbearing occurred both before and after the onset of rapid, unexpected fertility transition in Nyeri, Kenya allowed individuals who actually participated in, or witnessed, the fertility transition to “voice” their perceptions as to the mechanisms underlying the transition. Findings suggest that, since land inheritance is a cultural norm, land scarcity and diminishing farm size often influence fertility decision-making and behavior via preferences for fewer children. Further, education does not appear to be the driving cause of fertility behavior change, but rather is adopted as a substitute for land inheritance when land resources are scarce. These findings have implications for our understanding of fertility behavior as well as for improving predictions of fertility transition in other rural sub-Saharan African contexts.  相似文献   

Ethnic differences in demographic behavior tend to be disguised behind analytically opaque labels like “district” or “region,” or else subjected to simplistic cultural explanations. Drawing on new political economy, sociological theory and the political science literature on sub‐Saharan Africa, this article proposes an alternative explanatory model and tests it empirically with reference to Kenya. Access to political power and, through power, access to a state's resources—including resources devoted to clinics, schools, labor opportunities, and other determinants of demographic behavior—are advanced as the key factors underlying ethnic differences. District‐level estimates of “political capital” are introduced and merged with two waves of Demographic and Health Survey data. The effects on models of contraceptive use are explored. Results confirm that measures of political capital explain residual ethnic differences in use, providing strong support for a political approach to the analysis of demographic behavior.  相似文献   

Epidemiological, economic, and social forces have produced high levels of volatility in family and household structure for young people growing up in sub-Saharan Africa in recent decades. However, scholarship on the family to date has not examined the influence of this family instability on young people’s well-being. The current study employs unique life history calendar data from Western Kenya to investigate the relationship between instability in caregiving and early initiation of sexual activity. It draws on a body of work on parental union instability in the United States, and examines new dimensions of family change. Analyses reveal a positive association between transitions in primary caregiver and the likelihood of early sexual debut that is rapidly manifested following caregiver change and persists for a short period. The association is strongest at early ages, and there is a cumulative effect of multiple caregiver changes. The results highlight the importance of studying family stability in sub-Saharan Africa, as distinct from family structure, and for attention to dimensions such as age and recency.  相似文献   

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