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Summary Despite the sophisticated advance of computer technology, socialworkers display little interest in grasping its positive aspectsor examining the negative elements. Yet developments in computertechniques can enable us to examine the social work processor simulate experimental situations. In educational terms, with the advent of a computer programwhich is able to simulate the elements of social work case situations,a new teaching aid is available. This paper describes the developmentof a simple computerised social work case simulation exerciseto introduce beginning social work students to some practicestrategies.  相似文献   

Summary After discussing the huge undifferentiated tasks facing socialworkers in the social services departments, it is suggestedthat one of the most urgent research needs is the developmentof systematic record and review systems to provide basic informationabout social worker activities and their effects on differentclient groups. The development of a social worker oriented computerizedCase Review System in close collaboraation with a group of fieldworkersin an area office is described. The system enables social workersto evaluate and plan their work for individual clients; it canassist the process of supervision; as a management tool it cancontribute towards the planning of fieldwork services; as aninformation system it gives an on-going account of the size,nature and scope of social work activities with different clientgroups. So far the impact of the system has been to raise questionsabout practices and to encourage a climate favourable to change.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current state of empirical research on graduate social work education, focusing upon the major curriculum content areas of research, practice skills, HBSE, policy, values, and field instruction. The authors address what has been accomplished to date, and which areas are especially in necd of quality research investigations.  相似文献   


The CSWE Geriatric Enrichment in Social Work Education Project, funded by the John A. Hartford foundation, aimed to change curricula and organizational structure in 67 GeroRich projects so that all students would graduate with foundation knowledge and skills to work effectively with older adults and their families. The emphasis was on change processes to infuse and sustain gerontological competencies and curricular resources in foundation courses. This article presents lessons learned and strategies for engaging faculty, practitioners and students in the curriculum and organizational change process.  相似文献   

Summary This paper seeks to identify the problems raised by the evaluationof social work in predominantly subjective and qualitative terms,arguing that this prevents the accumulation of the detailed,scientifically acceptable outcome-findings from day-to-day practicenecessary for the improvement of services. This in turn forcessocial work to rely far too much on infrequent, and not alwaysusable ‘bulletins’ issued by reviewers of large-scaleresearch. An alternative approach, complementary to the above, and basedon the application of experimental and quasi-experimental methodsto single cases is proposed. The author then discusses the likelyscope of these measures and also some of the practical problemsof using them.  相似文献   

社会工作实习联合督导是由社工院系与与专业机构或社区共同为学生提供集中实习训练和实习的督导制度,在美国已经相当成熟。在不同实习阶段的专业督导过程中,院系和机构的督导有不同的角色定位与工作内容,笔者对此进行了总结。  相似文献   

社会工作实习联合督导是由社工院系与与专业机构或社区共同为学生提供集中实习训练和实习的督导制度,在美国已经相当成熟。在不同实习阶段的专业督导过程中,院系和机构的督导有不同的角色定位与工作内容,笔者对此进行了总结。  相似文献   

曹丽莉 《社会工作》2011,(10):14-16
随着中国社会工作教育的蓬勃发展,大量社会工作毕业生已经走入工作岗位,可以从工作情境的实际需要出发对本科专业教育提供丰富的反馈意见。本研究以天津师范大学社会工作毕业生为研究对象,试图了解毕业生们就业和职业适应状况以及他们对本科教学的看法和评价,以期为今后社会工作专业教育教学改革提供较为客观和现实的指导和建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the current interest in leadership ingeneral and the growing interest in leadership in social work,in particular. It highlights the lack of a generalized definitionof the word and the different ways it is interpreted in socialwork. The implicit assumptions on which much leadership writingappears to be founded are noted. Leadership can be seen as afurther development of the managerial agenda, from one perspective,or as a countervailing factor maintaining professional autonomy,from another. In considering some of the components of leadershipas identified by some in the field, the paper considers theextent to which these skills are exclusive to leadership andasks whether they might already be present but overlooked inthe profession. The paper concludes that expectations of leadershipwithin social work would benefit from debate and clarificationif this is to be a useful future theme.  相似文献   


Professional socialization in social work is the subject of the panel study described in this article. It focuses upon the impact of different social work education programs upon the professional preferences of students in the United States and Israel. The findings indicate that significant change with regard to some of the variables did occur between the beginning and completion of studies. This generally took the form of a declinein preferences though a number of cross-culture differences were observed. The implications of the findings for the issue of professional socialization in social work are discussed.  相似文献   


Social workers are major service providers to people who are facing end-of-life issues including the terminally ill and their families. Yet, exemplary models for social work education and intervention methods are limited in rural states. A statewide survey conducted in Kentucky found only two social work courses dedicated to end-of-life care currently being offered by accredited undergraduate and graduate institutions. Another statewide survey found that many hospice social workers are relatively inexperienced and have a need and desire for more education on death, dying and loss. Also, unique cultural, economic and geographic areas, such as Appalachia are enigmas when it comes to the provision of end-of-life care. This partnership provides a varied perspective on delivery of end-of-life care services with an emphasis on social work interventions and education.  相似文献   

我国社会工作的理论教育和实践教育存在着脱节。通过社会工作实践教育的现状分析。提出中国社会工作实践教育模式需要从以下几个方面入手:将实验室教学和社会实习、社会调查和社会实践相结合,培养学生开拓社会工作新领域的知识和技能,加强教师队伍的实践素质。  相似文献   

Summary Social work education has to confront the problem of workingwith students in developing an understanding of the range ofexplanations that exist in the social sciences and the differentbases of these explanations. One pedagogic approach is to explorea map of categories of explanation based upon different conceptionsof the nature of social science knowledge itself. Such a map,outlined in the paper, would distinguish between physical scienceparadigms and human science paradigms and identify the differentimplications for social work of the various viewpoints. Theteacher cannot remain neutral with regard to explanation inthe social sciences; the author therefore indicates that hisown account is based on a marxist perspective  相似文献   

Correspondence to Elisabeth Lynn, Lecturer in Social Work, Centre for Applied Social Studies, 9th Floor, Chemistry Tower, University of Wales Bangor, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2UW, UK. Summary In this paper the two values of social justice and personalcaring are identified as key ideologies within social work education.Their presence is traced within a historical ebb and flow oftheory and practice and it is argued that this dialectic isembedded in social and individual systems. Based on fieldworkresearch with social work lecturers and practice teachers, itis argued that anti-oppressive social work needs a reflexivetheory/practice model to provide an understanding of how structuralpower affects all aspects of an individual. This demands a workingsynthesis of the two values of Personal Canng and Social Justicewithin an understanding of a multiple approach.  相似文献   

要解决目前社工实习中专业实习机构匮乏的困境,正确定位那些带有社会工作专业性质的机构是一个必然的选择。定位的标准可以参照机构的服务对象、价值伦理是否与社会工作的相关因素一致或者接近,N学院的社会工作专业实习正是基于这一标准选择机构。利用自行设计的问卷对2006级90名实习生的调查表明,这种做法对实习生专业素质的培养和提高起到了良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

Summary This article reports on a research project involving the useof single-case designs on an agency-wide basis within KirkleesMetropolitan Education Social Work Service. Following a programmeof training, 21 social workers (69 per cent of the service)applied the methodology in 83 cases. The extent of practitionerinvolvement in this project prompted Bruce Thyer (Professorat the University of Georgia, USA and editor of Research onSocial Work Practice and author of Thyer, 1993) to state ina letter to the authors, ‘Please allow me to offer mycongratulations on a most valuable project. To my knowledge,this is the largest agency-based study of this type which hasever been conducted. Your agency social workers are especiallyto be commended for their implementation of single-case designswith real life clients and families’ (6 May 1994). Theproject's strategy was to concentrate on the prerequisites ofsingle-case methodology which include specifying target problemsand selecting an appropriate measure to monitor progress. Thetype of single-case design used was determined by the courseof natural practice, hence indicating the flexible nature andviability of this methodology in the evaluation of social workpractice. The use of single-case designs encouraged a systematicapproach in the definition of target problems, identificationof goals, selection of intervention procedures and in monitoringoutcomes. The practitioners found that single-case designs enabledcontinuous assessment of outcome data by both the clients andthe practitioners, providing a model of accountability and collaborativeworking. A paper based on this article was presented by MansoorKazi at the ADSS Research Group Conference, Stafford, 17–18November 1994.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Meryl Aldridge, Department of Social Policy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD. Summary The belief that the profession gets unusually poor news mediatreatment is entrenched among social workers. As a result, thesocial work press regularly prints articles discussing the issueand suggesting solutions. This paper outlines the main sociologicalapproaches to theorizing about the media and locates the majorityof the profession's own accounts of its coverage within an idealist/pluralistmodel. Examples of positive presentation of social work arethen considered, but it is argued that many of these come fromlocal media. Approving items in the national press have beenlinked mainly with disasters and with the work of voluntaryagencies. Given the search for profit in a consumption-led society,it is unlikely that national news media, particularly the press,will fully endorse social work as it delivers state welfare.Attempts by social work agencies and professional institutionsto re-educate the media can have only limited success and shouldbe more carefully targeted.  相似文献   

This article addresses the process of developing an educational model for teaching social work with groups in an undergraduate social work degree program in Israel. The model was developed against a backdrop of decreasing status of social group work within the profession and the consequent loss of its unique identity and power in the social work field. The model's aims are to provide the students with the basic principles of social group work, to ensure its place in their professional identity, and to awaken curiosity regarding its use in their future practice as social workers.  相似文献   

社会工作是一个建立在价值理念基础上的应用型专业,其实习教育方面长期以来一直倍受专业教育工作者的关注。笔者对南京工程学院社会工作专业在实习教育中的面临的困难进行分析,结合该校初步的尝试过程,对社会工作实习教育的方法和途径进行探讨。  相似文献   

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