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行动者网络理论主要分析人类行动者与非人类行动者之间相互博弈而动态构建的异质网络过程。在绿色气候基金组建过程中,各方通过博弈,或用本国语言来表达别国利益,或成功转译别国利益,或本国利益被他国转译,体现了行动者网络中各行动者为达成整体目标利益而进行的复杂协调,从而维护整个联盟的凝聚力和向心力,这恰恰是转译模型所要解决的核心问题。以转译模型为基础,各方达成共识,完成利益转译,实现联盟内部行动者之间的协商与妥协,同时积极寻求客观公正且富有社会和政治激情的联盟代言人或代言团体,正是绿色气候基金各成员国亟待解决的问题。中国要在未来的国际气候谈判中占据优势地位,就必须技巧性地转译别国利益,尽可能多地吸纳同盟者,并设法成为全球气候变化的网络代言人。  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of units of analysis and atomistic models in psychology taking creativity research as a case study. A classic typology in this area, initially proposed by Rhodes (1961), distinguishes between the four P's of creativity: person, process, product, and press (environment). Continuing an effort to rewrite this basic language of the discipline from a cultural psychological perspective in the form of five A's (actor, audience, action, artefact, affordances), the discussion here focuses on bringing relationships to the fore within this framework and problematising strict distinctions between each of the five elements. A closer look at the five A's of creativity, drawing on theoretical considerations and illustrated by interviews with creators working in different domains, reveals the permeable borders surrounding these units and challenges clear divisions between actors and audiences, action and artefacts, actors and artefacts. In the end, it is argued that creative phenomena cannot be properly understood and studied outside of their integrated and dynamic totality defined as a creativity complex. Implications of adopting this “molecular” perspective for theory and methodology are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the narratives of adolescents who have experienced domestic violence. It focuses on what we can learn about being an adolescent who experiences domestic violence, using a narrative approach. Attentive to both form and content, the paper sheds light on why the narrative is being told, who the actors in the narratives are, who are positioned in the forefront/background and what the point of the narrative is. The analysis shows that through the storytelling, the father's position as the reluctant/dangerous/weak aggressor is negotiated, the mother is positioned both in the background as a victim and in the forefront as an actor resisting his violent behaviour. The children position themselves as actors with power to alter the progress, to protect and stop the violence. The point of the narratives is to describe the father as the aggressor, and to describe the important role of the children. This picture of the father, mother and child questions the traditional understanding of the father as the aggressor, the mother as the victim and the child as a powerless bystander being exposed to the violence, and underlines the complexities of the dynamics in families living with domestic violence.  相似文献   

Who Is to Blame?     
We present the results of a content analysis of communications related to the act of terrorism at Domodedovo airport. They show that mass media plays a significant role as a source of factual, undigested information. The theoretical value of the results is that they show a significant number of cases where an actor is accused with no reference to his actions or nonactions. The range of types of complicity in terrorist activity was substantial.  相似文献   

梁波 《社会》2012,32(1):38-67
1988-2008年间,中国石油产业外部合作战略实现了从早期以引进外国资本与技术为主要内容的“引进来”战略,向1998年后以输出资本与技术为主要特征的“走出去”战略的重要转型。本文以组织社会学决策分析的推论方式研究发现,作为一种产业制度变迁现象,中国石油产油产业外部合作战略的转型除了受到国家及其产业政策和市场机制的重要影响外,更深刻地受到一种复杂权力关系互动或权力游戏机制的作用。即中国石油产业外部合作战略转型深层的动力来源主要是国家和国有石油公司之间特定的权力游戏,这种权力游戏是基于各自行动能力与资源控制,和各自对特定的互动组织环境以及对方可能的行动策略的权衡与判断而建构起来的。  相似文献   

Cuts in public spending and financial constraints faced by Swedish municipalities have led to an increased interest in issues concerning priorities. This interest reflects a practical need to meet current rationing with accurate allocative decisions, where the interests of different areas and categories of users are dealt with in a well-considered way. In social work, these needs today are obvious. The article raises issues concerning priorities with relevance for social work in the Swedish social services. The purpose is to develop a conceptual and theoretical framework regarding how priorities on different levels of decision-making are made, where the main focus is on different principles as grounds for and forms of prioritizing. Central are the following questions: What actors can be identified in the process of shaping priorities in social work? What are the principles behind allocative decisions made on different levels of the municipal organization? Which categories of potential and actual users gain advantages or suffer disadvantages from different allocative principles? A theoretical division into first- and second-order decisions and of allocations from notions of efficiency, justice and self-interest offer the main structure for the article. First-order decisions are political decision-making concerning the total amount of resources distributed to various sectors or programs. Second-order decisions deal with the issue of how to allocate given resources among claimants or possible users. Efficiency is discussed from the aspects of productivity, marginal utility and longterm effects. Material principles of justice dealt with are the principles of need, increment, contribution and merit. Self-interest is discussed in terms of self-serving bias, group-oriented interests and professional gain.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined three‐ to six‐year‐olds' use of frequency and intention information to make trait attributions and behavioral predictions. In experiment 1, participants were told a story about an actor who behaved positively once or four times on purpose or incidentally. Children were most likely to make trait‐consistent behavioral predictions after hearing about several positive, intentional behaviors. Trait attributions were largely positive. Experiment 2 examined children's use of the same cues concerning negative behavioral outcomes. Participants tended to predict that actors who engaged in negative behavior would do so again, irrespective of intention, although younger children required more exemplars than older children. Participants were most likely to make negative trait attributions after hearing about multiple intentional behaviors; however, there was reluctance with age to describe actors as mean. Implications for children's ‘theory of personality’ are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing on theoretical accounts of institutional change, this study explored the politics of welfare regime transformation in regard to Turkey's unemployment compensation system. By using the institutionalist approach, the study shows that the process of welfare regime change was one of “institutional layering” of unemployment insurance (UI) over severance pay. Also, the study demonstrates that the economic bureaucracy played a key role in pushing the establishment of UI (state‐centric approach) in contrast to the class‐based organizations that focused their struggles on the severance pay scheme (power‐resource perspective). However, the economic bureaucracy preferred a rudimentary UI design, which prevented UI from undermining the vested interests behind the severance pay scheme. Furthermore, subsequent attempts at the reformation of the severance pay scheme were not successful because the social welfare bureaucracy lacked the capacity to develop a policy alternative to resolve the stalemate between the societal actors. Lastly, the study used the successful severance pay reform experiences of South Korea and Austria to locate the Turkish case within a broader comparative framework.  相似文献   

Traditional jurisprudence has produced few studies at the level of institutional operation, resulting in a lack of knowledge about the structure, actors and symbols involved in the modernization of social governance. This is so much so that modernization of social governance is in practice misunderstood as the rule of law, informatization and adoption of technology. The core issue of social governance is the division of oversight and penalty costs between the state and individuals, but we need to call upon a statutory platform to facilitate cooperation between public and private rights. The modernization of social governance involves the use of legislation to provide techniques and statutory platforms for cooperation in an open society, ensuring the reasonable division of social governance information and penalty costs when public and private rights overlap. The social governance techniques that enable public and private rights to work together involve taking a group of observable symbols or organizations on which consensus has been reached as a statutory platform, with all sides bringing greater accountability to bear on this platform in order to maximize their interests and minimize their transaction costs, with no need to inquire further into its particular constitution.  相似文献   

As an issue in Chinese urban development, handling urban risk generalization invites reflection on the structural features and internal development of the immediate or potential risks entailed in rapid urbanization across the globe. As part of research on national governance modernization, China has reached a consensus on managing urban risks. A study of spatial theory indicates that urban risk generalization in China is essentially a structural issue arising from an immature system of generalized benefits in urban space rights and interests along with an unbalanced spatial structure, functional disarray and ecological disruption arising from inequitable and unbalanced urban spatial development, readjustment and renovation. As an innovative form of modern urban public management with its target shifting from the pursuit of material things to people-centered development, spatial management enlists actors including government, business, society and citizens to seek a “community of shared spatial interests” with a rational structure, effective functions and an optimized environment at the level of spatial production and interest distribution. We need innovation in the spatial structures, drivers and mechanisms of urban public management and cultural ecology to realize their institutionalization, synthesis and reordering, strategically forestalling and resolving urbanization risks and realizing a spatial governance vision of the scientific, fair and sustainable allocation, growth and renovation of urban space in the risk era.  相似文献   

张峰 《太平洋学报》2012,20(6):80-88
马克思恩格斯主要从社会再生产角度论述了海权思想,新航线的开辟、工业革命、航运、殖民地、世界市场是马克思主义海权思想的五环节。马汉从争夺世界霸权的角度论述了生产、海运和殖民地三环节之间的辩证关系,从海战史的角度论述了海权与大国兴衰的关系。本文认为,这两种海权思想既有共性又有本质差异,均从不同的角度揭示了海洋的重要作用。海权思想对于中国发展航运经济、建设强大海军、维护海洋权益具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

A model is proposed that describes interpersonal phenomena that maintain intergroup hierarchies and conflict. Situational control and interpersonal dominance are identified as conditions that promote motives to stereotype, leading to cognitive and judgment biases that cumulatively reinforce the status quo. Three general hypotheses are derived from the model. First, powerholders are predicted to use attention strategies that favor stereotype maintenance, stereotyping subordinates by default (ignoring counterstereotypic information) and by design (increasing attention to stereotypic information). Second, high-dominance perceivers are predicted to respond with the same cognitive biases as people with situational power. Finally, power and dominance are predicted independently to facilitate bias in explicit judgments. Results from our research program support the hypotheses. Implications for future change are discussed.  相似文献   

谢文郁 《求是学刊》2003,30(4):5-12
路德在西方思想史上的影响是深远的。本文通过对路德思想进行生存分析 ,揭示他的宗教体验和思想活动的内在张力 ,并展示这一张力在思想史中的力量。我们注意到 ,路德一方面是一个虔诚的基督徒 ,另一方面在思想上却激烈地批评当时占主导地位的基督教言说体系 (即罗马教会神学体系 )。考虑到路德是在没有外来思想的影响下发动对主流思想体系的攻击的 ,追溯其内在动力对我们理解西方思想史的发展线索就是关键的一步。本文讨论了路德对权威解释的破坏和对平等解释权的倡导 ,发现其中的理论基础乃是他的许诺恩典论和良心说。然而 ,当我们分析他的良心说时 ,却遇到了隐含在他思想体系中的双重权威问题。这便是我们指出的路德的宗教体验和思想活动的内在张力。  相似文献   

Bengt Westerberg missed the point in his critique of "Pollution rituals in Sweden: pursuit of a drug-free society". The effectiveness of Sweden's restrictive line was not the issue. Moreover, Westerberg's defence of Swedish policy was highly selective in its use of statistics. Other statistics cast some doubt on his case. His reply also failed to mention that the opposition to some aspects of the restrictive line had included his own party and other political parties. The main point of my original article was ignored – the argument that it is unjust and illiberal to sentence an individual to prison for self-harm. It is also illiberal to argue that the end of a drug-free society is justified by means that encroach on basic human rights.  相似文献   

In this article, the theoretical and methodological status of Amartya Sen's entitlement approach is discussed. The point of departure for the discussion is Caf Dowlah's criticism in this issue of the International Journal of Social Welfare of Sen's analysis of the 1974 famine in Bangladesh. In his article, Dowlah criticises Sen for not giving a full empirical account of the socio-political situation, primarily the widespread corrup-tion in Bangladesh at the time of the famine in question. In my view, even if this criticism is correct, it is not strictly essential to the factual and normative status of Sen's entitlement approach. I argue further that Dowlah's reading of Sen in this context implies an empiricist standpoint that is in general alien to Sen's entitlement approach. I contest the normative claim that by neglecting to give substantial treatment to the wide-spread corruption in Bangladesh Sen had trivialised the con-ditions of the population, and offer an alternative hypothesis; namely, that factual accounts of corruption, however relevant, seldom fulfil the requirements of methodological rigour char-acteristic of the discipline of economics with its deductive models. The article examines the formal, legalistic focus of the entitlement approach and discusses its consequences. The article takes up the problems of validation and falsification in relation to an empiricist interpretation, and a deductive ration-alist interpretation, respectively, of the entitlement approach. The conclusion is that both interpretations have distinct problems. The empiricist interpretation must contend with the problem of what constitutes the empirical basis of inductive generalisa-tion; the deductive interpretation must contend with the problem that the universal applicability of nomenclatures is more defini-tional than explanatory.  相似文献   

It is shown that Cattell's research strategy can be reduced to accepting the model of factor analysis: Cattell formalized the concept of trait, denning it as a factor and identified personality with a configuration of factors which can be obtained inductively from the empirical data. The main issue of the discussion lies therefore in cognitive consequences of factor analysis, whose merits and restrictions determine the value of Cattell's system. In particular, it is discussed why Cattell did not succeed with complete verification of his main hypothesis of the so-called indifference of media.Cattell's approach may be interpreted as an interesting attempt at the construction of a certain language in which expressions are formed according to rules determined by the choice of a particular program of factor analysis. Thus, one may say that Cattell constructed a semantics of personality theory. The discussion deals also with various aspects and consequences of this linguistic interpretation. In particular, the possibilities of application of the models of mathematical linguistics to psychology are analyzed.Received August, 1971  相似文献   

赵万里  赵超 《社会》2012,32(2):33-50
知识社会学思想是布迪厄社会学理论的有机组成部分,也是理解他的整个社会学研究工作的重要线索。布迪厄借用现象学概念,对知识与社会的关系等问题进行重新诠释,并为当代知识社会学的解释模式注入了新的活力。本文认为,布迪厄对知识社会学理论的贡献主要体现在以下两个方面:第一,借鉴现象学认识论,将人类的思维原则述作“生成图式”或“信念”,用二重性表述替代了认知范畴与社会范畴的二元对立;第二,通过对“实践知识”与“科学(含社会学)知识”遵循的相异逻辑进行说明,探讨了客观真知的生成所倚赖的具体社会条件。  相似文献   

朱雯琤 《社会》2018,38(2):188-212
从福柯对戏剧《俄狄浦斯王》的阐释中可看到他对“知识-权力”框架所做的理论补充。福柯试图去除传统解释中知识和求知欲望之间看似自然的因果链关系,而代之以引入知识与权力的复杂关系,以此阐述现代真理话语系统机制的产生。福柯认为弗洛伊德精神分析学解释的俄狄浦斯确实打破了传统认知,但过分抬高了性欲望的理论地位;俄狄浦斯剧更能反映的,是知识话语中真理的发生以及权力机制的运行。在福柯看来,《俄狄浦斯王》不仅体现了自我知识的揭示,还展现了不同类型知识的冲突、权力与知识之间的复杂交织,并且反映了真理审判程序的应用。福柯对《俄狄浦斯王》的分析视角,也喻示着他从具体权力机构考察到古典时期诸权力思想研究的转变。  相似文献   

Several influential frameworks in the field of policy analysis explicitly acknowledge that the role of ideas is as important as the role of actors in analyzing and understanding policy and policy change. An issue of principal interest in this body of literature concerns the interaction between ideas and actors. This article argues that, regardless of important contributions from previous research, the literature can be enriched by new analytical tools that further our understanding of the complex interplay between ideas and actors in policy-making. The article outlines a dynamic approach to policy analysis, which has proven fruitful in producing high quality empirical research in a Swedish case of policy on prostitution. Three new analytical dimensions are specified and operationalized: (1) the political institutionalization of frames, analyzing how the influence and content of ideas change over space and time in policy-making; (2) the mechanisms of institutionalization and assignment of jurisdiction through which ideas become part of the political context and work restricting and enabling for actors; and (3) risk-taking and limitation as unintended consequences of actors' involvement and strategic action in the construction of meaning.  相似文献   

In this article, I demonstrate fundamental weaknesses in the ability of critical understandings of race to produce reliable knowledge of how social actors use social comparisons as a way to align self with ingroup. I trace these weaknesses to two sources: The first is relying on social status as an explanation for race‐based assessments, ingroup motivations, and social constructions of otherness. This is opposed to leaning on assessments grounded in social psychological research that links properties of human cognition to the development and maintenance of social identities. The second weakness is an open support for activist research that is often situated in radical multiculturalism. Because critical race scholars openly side with racial minorities’ interests, they tend to establish incomplete assessments of social behaviors and social constructs linked to racial identities in order to maintain their stated political allegiances. To demonstrate these and other weaknesses, I draw upon the theoretical insights of social identity theory which is used to reassess Bell and Hartmann's (2007) critical race analysis of diversity dialogue in American society.  相似文献   

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