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Ohne Zusammenfassung Dr. phil. Bernadette Grawe ist in eigener Praxis freiberuflich t?tig als Supervisorin (DGSv), Organisationsberaterin und Trainerin für Gruppendynamik (DAGG). Ingrid Stahmer ist Sozialarbeiterin (seit 1965) und Trainerin für Gruppendynamik im DAGG (seit 1974). Nach ihrem (freiwilligen) Ausstieg aus der Politik ist sie wieder freiberuflich als Trainerin und im Coaching für Führungskr?fte t?tig.  相似文献   

In order to motivate and retain technical employees, representatives of strategic career management face the challenge of establishing alternative career paths in addition to the common leadership/management career. Surveying a sample of 629 doctorate holders from the STEM fields, we differentiated between five career paths within and beyond structured career models. Structured career ladders were predominantly present in major enterprises. Female participants less frequently reported to be part of a structured career path. Entering a leadership/management career seems to occur at a later stage compared to other paths. Generally, advancement on a leadership/management path was related to stronger increases in incentives than climbing up the technical/expert or project management ladders. Contrary to our expectations, we did not find members of a technical/expert career to work closer to basic research and their initial qualification than their colleagues on other career paths. Members of leadership/management paths reported to have significantly more leadership responsibility than those working on alternative paths.  相似文献   

On the basis of administrative data from the Research Data Centre (FDZ-RV) of the German Federal Pension Insurance, we examine the effects education has on the timing of retirement for employees in East and West Germany in 2007. The large sample size of the Scientific Use File of the pension inflow statistics (n = 29933) allows a differentiated analysis considering multiple dimensions. Using key demographic indicators such as sex, region, length of career and pension payments, we demonstrate the effects of the level of education on the age of retirement, measured in years between 60 and 65 or older. Our analysis shows that high skilled retire later than low skilled employees. The difference is smaller than one year. But the beginning of the high skilled careers is round about two years later, with higher pension payments. Based on this findings, we discuss to which extent skills can lengthen the lifetime career with respect to pull and push factors.  相似文献   

The universities in the Federal Republic of Germany are expanding more or less continuously since the 1950s; the expansion of those in the German Democratic Republic, by contrast, stagnated since 1971. The two patterns of educational development are due to different normative concepts of the social order. Educational policy in socialist East Germany gave institutional expression to the belief in objective laws of social development and hence in an objective demand for highly qualified manpower. In this normative context higher education took on a particular meaning and functions, provoked serious social conflicts and was finally reduced by political decree. In the Federal Republic, by contrast, freedom of educational and occupational choice prevailed, and the former elitist academic education was popularized. At the same time the culture of professionalism expanded in the world of work. In this process higher education turned into a matter of universal social interest.  相似文献   

Participants of a virtual seminar have been examined and compared with participants of a real-life seminar using a questionnaire by Ardelt-Gattinger and Schlögl (1998) which measures emotions as well as norms within groups. In both settings, participants scored higher on positive than on negative emotions and group norms were perceived in a similar way. A closer look at means and standard deviations reveals a high inner-group-variance for items dealing with rivalry or anger, which shows that some students were less satisfied than others. ?Free riders“ and ?drop-outs“ seemed to be responsible for feelings of insecurity and anger of the others. Participants of the virtual seminar liked their group members more and showed lower variance on that dimension than real-life participants. Intensive social contacts may have not been expected before and so afterwards they were valued higher (than they would in a real-life-setting). Participants of the virtual setting rated group conformity of medium intensity, which could be responsible for a reduced feeling of commitment or security, leading to varying intensities of involvement in the group.  相似文献   

Turkish migrants differ in their fertility and marriage behavior from native Germans. These differences, especially those concerning the link between the two events birth of the first child and first marriage, will be examined in this article by using event history analysis with data of the Generations and Gender Survey from 2005 (main survey) and 2006 (additional survey of Turkish nationals). We address the question to what extent the link between first marriage and starting a family differs between these two groups and if the differences are accounted for by religious or educational differences. The key findings are: Germans often marry between getting pregnant and getting their first child. Turks, however, predominantly get pregnant within marriage. Turkish women who get pregnant before marriage have subsequently worse prospects on the marriage market. These differences are not accounted for by religious and educational differences. It can be assumed, however, that differences between Islam and Christianity are relevant.  相似文献   

Trust is considered to be fundamental for satisfactory social relationships. In organizational systems, trust is also necessary, but sometimes neglected and underestimated. Considering young adults (millennials), trust and its power as a social resource seem to be highly relevant for the future: In public perception young adults show low involvement and commitment, for example in social or organizational assignments. But, participation and commitment are closely linked with the experience of trust. Authentic and fair behaviour as well as presenting oneself as a role model are crucial to promote a culture of trust between leaders and employees. To outline this, a leadership-model for promoting commitment and participation by trust actions is presented.  相似文献   

The study investigates group status and group processes between students working in small groups in the classroom. 40 lessons of ten teachers were observed and videotaped. It can be shown that there is a different status and leadership behaviour between the members of the groups but very interesting, there is no ?free rider“ effect. Status differences are not a constant phenomenon on over different lessons and they are not important for good results at the end of group work but sensitive for the leadership practiced in group work. Between the group processes and the results there are specific relationships. Implications for managing group work are discussed.  相似文献   

In ihrem in Heft 2/2007 dieser Zeitschrift erschienenen Artikel argumentiert Frederike Wuermeling, dass die vergleichsweise niedrige Zustimmung der Türken zu den EU-Prinzipien kausal auf das niedrige Bruttosozialprodukt und den hohen Muslimanteil zurückzuführen ist. Tats?chlich weist Wuermelings Analyse jedoch eine Vielzahl von methodischen und theoretischen Defiziten auf. Die Kernaussagen ihres Beitrages sind deshalb durch die Daten nicht gedeckt.  相似文献   

With a classic quasi-experimental design (two measuring points, treatment and control group) the two questionnaires have been raised in the 2nd/3rd school week and after the first quarter with the constructs “class cohesion” and “exclusion” and “cooperation” and “self-assertion”. The treatment took place in the fourth week of beginning secundary classes (Switzerland). After the treatment the students showed significantly less exclusion ambitions and a better class cohesion than the control group. This finding should take into account the disturbing variables which must be meaningfully interpreted. And with respect to the sample the treatment group was – compared to the German standard – either socially more competent or biased.  相似文献   

How to make use of theories in practice is the business of the practitioners. The ??beauty?? of a theory??its usefulness??is in the eye of the beholder. In this sense, theoretical insights are recommended to practitioners: insights into power and micro-politics (by authors such as Max Weber, Crozier/Friedberg, Anthony Giddens, Jon Elster and Werner Patzelt), into performative speech acts (John Searle), into ??states that are essentially by-products?? and into pertinent limits of power, planning and decision making (Jon Elster, Karl Weick).  相似文献   

Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO) - Dieser Beitrag im Journal Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. stellt dar, wie willentliches...  相似文献   

This contribution reports on a pilot project which took place during the winter semester 2015/16 at the University of Göttingen based on the concept of Service Learning. As part of service learning, students assume practical tasks from the social environment and apply academic knowledge. With this new didactical approach, personality development of the students as well as civil and democratic values in society should be enhanced.  相似文献   

Feelings are not only a matter of individual group members. Within groups, individuals’ feelings converge resulting in a group affective tone. This paper provides an overview about processes that contribute to group affective tone as well as research findings about related group processes and outcomes. Group affective tone compromises two independent dimensions: positive group affective tone and negative group affective tone. Positive group affective tone is usually related to desired group processes and outcomes. It also promotes cooperation and performance. A negative group affective tone promotes group processes and outcomes only in groups that work together for a short time. In longer lasting groups negative group affective tone is linked to conflicts and reduced performance. Groups should be aware that affect spills over, cultivate a positive group affective tone and regulate an emergent negative group affective tone at an early stage.  相似文献   

In this paper, two interdigitated current training projects will be presented. The presentation is to show that social psychological theories can be applied profitably for school development. The content is about social learning in school. Social learning is aimed at the acquisition of social and emotional skills. These skills are positively correlated with the cognitive development of students. Social skills need to be explicitly taught and practiced, especially if they were developed insufficiently in childhood. In the project Social Learning we examine what contents may include social learning. In the project Classroom Management we explore how these contents are best taught and this teaching can be taught. Insights of Social Psychology are introduced for each resulting different extracts of reality and their uses are discussed.  相似文献   

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