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Based on creating an employee-oriented leadership culture, this report on practices illustrates how the Design Thinking (DT) approach can be used in the context of organization development. Supported by an accompanying process support, four self-directed teams, consisting of employees of Daimler Group Services Berlin GmbH (DGSB), developed concepts to enhance employee satisfaction. In the case report, we describe the challenges faced by the DGSB and the objectives set by management in terms of process execution. Based on these specifications, a ten-week DT concept was developed that included three on-site workshops. The report presents the content, goals, and results of the process, followed by suggestions how our DT concept might be further improved. Finally, based on our observations, we discuss why critical team interactions in a DT process can prevent a team from coming up with good ideas. Based on these considerations, we derive research questions whose investigation can help to further increase the success of organization development.  相似文献   

This article examines how resilience of organizations can be enhanced by promoting their capability for adaptation. In a first step, the current understanding of the conceptualization of organizational resilience is compared to the resilience of individuals and teams. In a second step, the article also aims to illustrate the relationship between organizational resilience and organizational culture. Based on this, the applied research and development project “TeamSafe” in collaboration with a nuclear power plant is described as an example of a resilience-oriented training concept and a method for coping with unknown situations. In this project a multi-methodological approach (observational methods, video analysis and workshops) was chosen in order to identify relevant competencies and combine them with scientific findings. By involving simulator instructors and operating teams during the development process of the training concept, crucial action knowledge of operating teams in a nuclear power plant was gained by observations in the simulator and shared between different teams. This enabled the resilience-oriented development of the organization’s culture.  相似文献   

This article in the journal “Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)” provides a brief overview of a semantic integration mechanism how organizations can succeed in integrating and attach their employees. Every organization has basic assumptions about human behavior. These assumptions or images about people, whether implicitly present or explicitly reflected, essentially determine the behavior of the organization and its personnel management. In terms of research theory, the work is based on the system theoretical considerations of Niklas Luhmann. Organizations are fictitious units that are constructed in communication. The employees of organizations belong to the environment of the organization and are structurally linked to it through their employee role. Structurally coupled means the members of an organization are able to influence the structure of the organization. The central result of this article is the identification of a semantic integration mechanism that functions as a membrane that generates resonance both in the social system of organizations and in the psychological system of structurally coupled employees. In the current changing world of work, this mechanism can help organizations to attach their employees to the organization. The empirical data come from a research project on the identity and functional logic of training organizations.  相似文献   

Vanishing or decreasing attachment is an indicator for changes within a work-oriented society. This particularly affects employment and our organizational commitment as well as bonds that are established in the context of professional relationships. This text provides a comparative analysis of two attachment-theoretical approaches that have developed simultaneously but independently from one another: commitment research into organizational psychology on the one hand and attachment theory based on developmental psychology on the other. Both are to be examined for their potential, their theoretical and empirical response to current dynamics in the world of work.  相似文献   

The article addresses the relevance and need for complex mixed methods designs when developing standardized measurement instruments for research in strictly hierarchical institutions. Using the evaluation of courses for officer’s training in the army service of the German Bundeswehr, we demonstrate how a suitable questionnaire can be constructed by conducting an extensive qualitative preliminary study and using mixed methods for an iterative validation process. In addition, the specific nature of both the research field and evaluation studies are considered when addressing the problems of compliance with quality criteria of empirical social research in terms of field access and sample production.  相似文献   

Mixed methods sampling has played a minor role in methodological discussions so far. In particular, there is a lack of information about practical implementations and critical reflections of sampling decisions and sampling steps showing the benefits and challenges of different approaches. Therefore, this paper demonstrates by drawing on an empirical example, how quantitative secondary data analysis (German Socio-Economic Panel, Linked Employer-Employee Data, Employment History) can support the empirically informed formation of contrast groups for qualitative sampling plans as well as field access to these contrast groups. Furthermore, the article will show how an additional theoretical sampling can extend the empirically grounded composition of contrast groups and can build upon the quantitative secondary data. The discussion is based on a project with an explanatory sequential research design which combines quantitative secondary analysis with subsequent expert interviews with human resources managers in companies and narrative interviews with employees. The project focusses on the causes, practices, and consequences of employment relationships with an interrupted membership in the same employing organization (“recalls”).  相似文献   

Our paper examines the significance of prenatal classes for the formation of a gendered division of labour. We argue that prenatal classes, which have hitherto largely been disregarded in sociological research, stand in the tradition of a substantially older form of institutionalized mother schooling, whose primary goal was the gendered assignment of childcare. Using explorative observations and content analysis as research methods we find that in recent prenatal classes gender differences are highlighted through the class structure, interconnected with gendered attributions of domestic labour, and legitimized through a process of scientifically supported naturalization. Thus, our ethnographic analysis shows that prenatal classes introduce and support the notion of a gendered division of labour and thereby function as institutions of re-traditionalization.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how stories shaped treasurers’ expectations in municipal swap activities and contributes to the sociological debate on the mechanisms of expectation formation. Employing a deductive variant of process tracing, it synthesizes the literature on expectations in economic decision making with the literature on the diffusion of “ideas,” “myths,” and “fashions” in organization theory and management studies. The swap story has spread since the mid-1990s among German municipalities. At the heart of this story is the replacement of traditional borrowing with active portfolio optimization; financial instruments known as swaps play a leading role. This paper examines how stories shape expectations. Specifically, it delves into how the swap story, as a solution to the financial woes of local governments, shaped these governments’ expectations despite the uncertainty resulting from the instruments’ complexity. We argue that the effect of stories on expectations depends on timing. Expectations at an early stage are shaped by economic analyses to reduce uncertainty, while expectations at a later stage are primarily shaped by societal pressures and an established trend. These two distinct mechanisms produce expectations related to economic and social consequences, respectively. Selecting four typical cases, our analysis confirms that stories affected the formation of treasurers’ expectations regarding the use of swaps through these different mechanisms.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the current research on the topic virtual teamwork. Despite all the advantages (cost savings, increased flexibility etc.), this form of cooperation is confronted with a number of challenges. Since it is accompanied by a more difficult exchange of information, it represents a source for conflicts and loss of trust. This can severely impair performance and satisfaction within the team. Aside from pointing out potential challenges of virtual teamwork, research-based recommendations on preventing and handling these problems are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Resilience refers to personal resources and behavioral strategies that protect psychological well-being even under high demands. The present study examines whether mindfulness fosters resilience and reduces emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, we evaluate the effectiveness of a web-based mindfulness intervention that saves costs and time compared to existing face-to-face trainings. The assumptions were tested with a sample of N = 72 employees within a pre- and posttest design with a treatment and control group. The results provide empirical evidence that mindfulness reduces emotional exhaustion, which is mediated by resilient behavior. Furthermore, the intervention is effective with regard to mindfulness.  相似文献   

The paper reports about a research project at the University of Klagenfurt in April/May 2018. The project refers to the behavioral patterns of millennials and nexters and how such patterns appear in group dynamic processes. The research process was executed in three stages. Expert interviews with long term trainers were conducted beforehand, followed by observations of T?group processes throughout one week of group dynamic training. Daily, data of the emotional state oft the participants were collected with the PANASg questionnaire. About four weeks later, additional interviews with participants were conducted.The results indicate that younger generations show a rather restraint engagement in the group process activities and a different relationship approach towards authorities. Group affiliation starts rather late. Participants focus on strategies of self-optimization, self-control and guarded behavior. Being used to social network communication the younger generations were unsettled by a direct communication mode in the here and now of group dynamics. Individualism, optimizing the individual performance, computer mediated communication, lack of contact and interaction were indicators for modified modes of bonding and affiliation.  相似文献   

Use of the term “World Society” in its present connotations is becoming an accepted part of the vocabulary of globalization in academic thinking. Despite its relatively rapid rise as an analytical tool, the popularity of the term does not appear to be matched by any widespread consensus concerning its precise meaning. This paper therefore sets out to take a recapitulating look at the concept of “World Society” from both a theoretical and systematical standpoint. The aim is to offer a detailed account of the concept of World Society. Current sociological research on World Society focuses on three sets of central assumptions, which are of special relevance for its genesis: 1. Communication technologies; 2. Global diffusion of cultural/ normative patterns; 3. Functional Differentiation. This serves as the backdrop for an analysis of the epistemological limitations and modal epistemological problems of World Society Theory. Epistemic modality deals with the reality or truth-status of propositions. Due to reflections on philosophy of modality, this paper attempts to show that socio-cultural rules as such are merely “virtual”. Structures are not fixed or given. They exist only as they are instantiated in action. On this basis the paper argues that world society does not exist, because World society theory mostly overlooks implementation. It attends almost entirely to law on the books, not law in action. Synonymous with the Western metaphysical tradition world society theory presents a modern version of a Platonic theory of ideas. In a critical discussion of concepts of World Society Theory, the limits of this approach as well as noteworthy challenges for historical-sociological research on contemporary processes of globalization are identified.  相似文献   

In the coming years the integration of refugees in Germany will be a major challenge. The paper initially employs psychological theories, such as the self-determination theory, social identity theory and latent functions of employment, to reveal why the integration of refugees into the national labor market is an important factor for their integration into society as a whole. The labor market, confronting a shortage of skilled professionals caused by demographic change, shows a high potential for the integration of refugees. However, it appears that formal requirements in the current recognition process of occupational qualifications, for example in the craft industry, are still very high. The paper describes – on the basis of case studies – an optimized recognition process of occupational qualifications, in which, in addition to the mere checking of documents, the professional competences among the refugees are assessed on site at the business.  相似文献   

The contribution starts with weaknesses of a strict quantitative methodology in social research. Especially in health research variable connections are so complex that a broader understanding of research methods seems to be necessary. The dominance of quantitative-experimental ongoing in the sense of randomized controlled trials (RCT) at the top of the evidence hierarchy is criticized and a concept of evidence triangulation in the sense of mixed methods is proposed as alternative. An example study shows the logic of this research design. An institution of drug addicts counseling and therapy is analyzed in its effects through an evaluation study, using four different methodological approaches, an experimental pre-post design, qualitative interviews with the clients, and qualitative and document analysis using qualitative content analysis are combined. Each of them is developed in criticizing and supplementing the other approaches. The mixed methods procedure therefor follows a dialectical theory of science.  相似文献   

This article reflects upon the potential role of humour during an organisational change process. We focus on three facets that are of special importance during change: coping with the change, resisting the change, and leading the change. For each facet, we present relevant quantitative and qualitative studies; and in a final section, we derive implications for employees, leaders, and organisations.In regards to coping with change, we focus on the stress-buffering effects of humour. High-humour individuals maintain higher levels of positive affect in stressful situations and appraise a potentially stressful event as a positive challenge rather than a threat. In regards to resisting change, we show that aggressive humour can be an indicator of serious distress and a means to express resistance towards authority or aspects of the change process. In regards to leading change, we point out how effective leaders may utilise humour to manage followers’ emotions in order to increase positive affect and to reduce perceived threat associated with change.We conclude by suggesting how humour can be used as a diagnostic tool, to foster a humour-supportive climate, to improve communication strategies, and to support an error management culture.  相似文献   

In times where change is a natural part of our daily corporate reality, global markets push international competition and demographic changes make it difficult to find qualified employees, the “human” as a major factor for organizational success receives raised attention. Companies have a great interest to know and to leverage the causal impact of emotions, needs and behaviors on strategic business areas (e.?g. employee recruiting, employee commitment, customer satisfaction, competitive advantage). With a growing volume and variety of data made available by IT-supported processes and new data sources such as mobile data or corporate social media data, a new field of practice emerges: people analytics. This growing area of data analyses on all kinds of different questions relating to employee issues and leadership in organizations overlaps in many ways with the empirical psychological research of the last decades. People analytics yields a unique chance for organizational psychologists to delve into corporate waters and contribute their expertise to corporate research projects.  相似文献   

Feelings are not only a matter of individual group members. Within groups, individuals’ feelings converge resulting in a group affective tone. This paper provides an overview about processes that contribute to group affective tone as well as research findings about related group processes and outcomes. Group affective tone compromises two independent dimensions: positive group affective tone and negative group affective tone. Positive group affective tone is usually related to desired group processes and outcomes. It also promotes cooperation and performance. A negative group affective tone promotes group processes and outcomes only in groups that work together for a short time. In longer lasting groups negative group affective tone is linked to conflicts and reduced performance. Groups should be aware that affect spills over, cultivate a positive group affective tone and regulate an emergent negative group affective tone at an early stage.  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue—ten years after the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers and the beginning of a worldwide financial, economic, and debt crisis—reflects on the extent to which the economic crisis affected a turning point in society overall. The current state of research into the relationship between financialization, democracy, and social conditions strongly suggests that while the processes of financialization that favored the emergence of a crisis were influenced by the financial crisis, they were not completely reversed. In fact, the financial market regulation, which was changed in response to the crisis, did not exert any modifying pressure in terms of a restructuring of the financial system. An epochal shift in financial market regulation therefore cannot be identified from the steps taken in the reform process. Elseways there is clear evidence that the financial crisis has had a lasting impact on the European integration process, confidence in democracy, and political culture. The financial crisis is therefore likely to be perceived as a historical watershed, mainly due to its impact on societal areas beyond the financial system itself.  相似文献   

The article presents a sociological conceptualization of the dealing with the recent sovereign debt crisis in the European Monetary Union (EMU), which is reconstructed as a push of “sociation” (vergesellschaftung in Simmel’s sense) that maneuvered populations of indebted states into de facto contractual obligations vis-à-vis their states’ creditors. Seen from this perspective, the sovereign debt crisis has led to an, if highly ambivalent, deepening of European “integration”. The article suggests a combination of Habermas’s distinction between system and life-world, which enables an interpretation of contract-like relationships as systemic mode of integration potentially harking back on the life-world, with David Graeber’s emphasis on the asymmetrical and hierarchical processes of sociation inherent in contractualized and marketized creditor-debtor relationships. Far from postulating an evolutionary development of processes of debt-related sociation that might be associated with the modernization-theoretical proclivities in Habermas’s theory, the article analyzes the role of financial market publics in creating a structure of legitimation that supported the political interpretation of the financial crisis as a sovereign debt crisis in the EMU, thus bestowing justification on the treatment of populations as “debtors of last resort”.  相似文献   

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