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Success factors for the integration of coaching and development programs This article describes possible ways to combine coaching and development programs for managers, that are based on the author’s practical experience. Such a combination can lead to a more intense and more sustainable competence growth than each individual approach. Both coaching and development program benefit from a combination. Adequately, a high level of integration is desirable. Such an integration will be successful if the structure of the program allows for embedding, special characteristics of the target group are considered, non-threatening labels are used, and the coaches/trainers are able to build a coherent bridge between the single elements.  相似文献   

Shame and shamelessness and its significance in coaching of managersIn contemporary times identity can be understood in terms of a ?patchwork identity“ or ?flexible self“. This paper (article) aims to establish the manner in which the ?flowing self“ deals with shame. It is necessary to revisit the topic of narcissism within the contemporary human being. The author examines possible shame-based conflicts in holders of leadership positions and the manner in which these maybe dealt with, for instance within the framework of dynamic coaching situations.  相似文献   

Coaching of owner-entrepreneurs — experiences and effectsThe author argues that the kind of coaching which owner-entrepreneurs require differs in fundamental ways from the kind of coaching for hired top managers. The difference is rooted in the higher level of complexity of the decision problems of owner-entrepreneurs, which needs to be reflected in a more complex approach chosen by the coach. In this context, the ability to make himself better understood by others turns out to be a very essential key capacity which some owner-entrepreneurs lack and which a qualified coach can help them to regain.  相似文献   

This article presents the actual Discussion of evaluating coaching. At first different possibilities of evaluation are described, then the author presents reviews of Swiss, German and US-American Authors. At the end all the work is criticized as to simple.  相似文献   

In this article the concept of “psychopolitics” will be applied on coaching. It describes a form of government and power in neoliberalism. The basic principle relies on influencing a person’s psyche to the point of motivating them to self-optimize in the interest of economic logic of utilization. The philosophical and sociological literature on the topic criticizes and questions coaching as it is seen as an instrument of psychopolitics. The article describes the concept of psychopolitics. It discusses to what extent coaching is either used as a means of self-optimizing, or self-liberation. Questions and courses of action will be clarified with the help of a case example.  相似文献   

Coaching of patients after apoplexy — an integrative model of counselling and trainingIn contrast to common assessments of medical professionals, improvements in rehabilitation of patients after an apoplexy are possible even after a greater time interval. The progresses are small, but they improve gradually the quality of life of the patients. The author presents an integrative model of counselling and training for this clientele, in order to accompany the way of the patients to a successful professional rehabilitation and to a new conduct of life.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Die Methode der kollegialen Beratung eignet sich gut für Menschen in Organisationen, die vor der Herausforderung stehen, ihr Prozesswissen in neuen, unbekannten Kontexten anzuwenden. Schnelligkeit und konkreter Praxisbezug sind dabei wesentliche Faktoren für eine akzeptierte Lernform. In diesem Artikel wird eine Anpassung der Grundmethode der kollegialen Beratung, die kollegiale Praxisberatung, vorgestellt, die diese Anforderung der Praktiker erfüllt. Die dabei auftretenden Prozesswirkungen und Lernerfahrungen werden anhand zweier Praxisbeispiele aus der Industrie illustriert und Chancen sowie Grenzen der Methode diskutiert.
Olaf HinzEmail:

Supervision and coaching in the field of clinical neuropsychologyThe author discusses the special importance of supervision and coaching in the clinical neuropsychology. At first, she shows the origins of both consultation forms, then she discusses supervision and coaching as methods of quality management in hospitals as well as their importance for the patients as vocational rehabilitation, before they return into their jobs.  相似文献   

This article first identifies what a select group of globally operating companies has been implementing in the way of coaching over the last years. In particular, different coaching approaches in Europe, USA, and China are reviewed in the context of these organizational examples. The particular practices are evaluated in light of possible theoretical underpinnings due to the continuing scarcity of sound empirical research on coaching. Addressing the need for first-hand examples of deployed coaching programs, the following offers practitioners the opportunity to extract information on the types of coaching interventions which have been successfully implemented and what criteria are important to consider when rolling out a coaching intervention in a global business environment. Recommendations and lessons learned on selecting coaches are also provided.  相似文献   

The author discusses the question why the counseling format coaching was able to achieve such a dominant position in the market compared with other formats like supervision or organizational counseling. A point of view specific to power-and gender-related issues and the sociological concept of hegemonial masculinity (Connell) form the starting point to explore this question. Due to its origin from the field of competitive sport and based on its objective target as an instrument for human resources development (Schreyögg) the counseling format coaching serves values and role models typically attributed to men (successful, winner, potent) in an ideal way. Therefore it nourishes established models of hegemonial masculinity in organizations thus contributing to consolidate and safeguard the position of power of men, when it is used in an unreflective modality. With this in mind coaching acts in particular through segregation and as a place to reinsure masculine role models.  相似文献   

Coaching for leaders and representatives in churchesThis article shows possibilities of coaching for leaders and representatives in churches, especially during this time with many transformations in ecclesiastical structures. It seems to be very important for acceptance of coaching, that the coach has a high standard of knowledge about this branch.  相似文献   

The accounting for pension obligations is based upon numerous parameters, whose future developments must be forecasted for valuation purposes. If the actual realizations of theses parameters deviate from their original estimations there are generated so-called actuarial gains and losses. IAS 19 provides three alternative accounting treatments with respect to these actuarial gains and losses. In particular the equity and the corridor approach, both frequently used in practice, implicitly assume that the actuarial gains and losses offset each other in the long run. However different studies have demonstrated by using the Monte-Carlo-Simulation-technique that this long-term offset is not assured. But those studies do not propose a rationale for the observed generation of systematic actuarial gains and losses. The present paper provides an analytic rationale for the systematic appearance of actuarial gains and losses and comes to the following conclusion: The long-term offset of actuarial gains and losses is assured only if the parameters that must be estimated for valuation purposes are independent. However if there is an interdependence between those parameters, which seems to be a sound assumption in reality, the offset of actuarial gains and losses is not given. In case of a positive correlation actuarial losses are generated on a systematic basis, whereas a negative correlation results in actuarial gains.  相似文献   

In this article the characteristics and determinants of the information content of management earnings forecasts of the German DAX and MDAX companies between 2002 and 2005 are analyzed. As proxy for the information content I use the precision of the wording of a forecast. I can show that the forecasts of MDAX companies are more precisely formulated than those of DAX companies. Furthermore forecasts are formulated more precisely, when companies have, (1) a lower percentage of intangible assets, (2) lower market capitalization, (3) lower volatility of earnings and (4) a higher need for external financing.  相似文献   

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