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As in many other European countries a contradictory development can be observed in Austria, too: On the one hand, life expectancy increases continuously while incidence and prevalence rates of many groups of diagnoses decrease. On the other hand, differences in morbidity and mortality between the social classes are widening at the same time. This article’s aim is to develop a comprehensive theoretical model of explanation of this social class gradient including the current state of discussion on “health inequalities”. Aspects of material inequality as well as the socially unequal distribution of working and living conditions will be taken into account. In addition, the importance of cultural capital and class-specific lifestyles will be described in detail. Last but not least psychosocial and biological preconditions and potential selection processes will also be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate income poverty risks of older people in Austria considering spatial aspects. By comparing rural and urban regions it should be tested whether spatial variables exert a significant effect on the income poverty risk of older people and how such an effect can be explained. Thus, specific aspects of rural poverty among older people are discussed. The empirical analysis is based on EU-SILC 2004. A binary-logistic regression model is applied in order to test the effect of local population density and local population size on the poverty risk of older people. Results show that the poverty risk of both older people and retirees increases significantly if population density decreases. The effect of local community size, however, was insignificant. For the younger population (< 60), on the contrary, poverty risk increases significantly with both decreasing population density and local community size.  相似文献   

Starting point of the article are the upheavals in post-Fordist societies. The author argues that the sometimes paradoxical social dynamics of these radical changes produce situations of social uncertainty. This is a great challenge for the analytic abilities of sociology and gender studies which are both strongly influenced by the thought patterns of ?organized modernity“. On the (empirical) example of a praxeological sociology of gender, the author tries to show what gender studies and sociology can contribute mutually to an opening of their own terms and categories.  相似文献   

Whereas the current public interest in the relation of transformation of paid work and gender is focused a lot on men and masculinities, sociological analysis is mostly focused on women and feminity. Few studies on work and masculinity suggest that with the erosion of industrial working conditions traditional constructions of masculinity are challenged to the core. It is our thesis that three mechanisms are working in stabilizing the relationship between paid work and masculinity: reconfigured standard employment relationship, entrepreneurial self, and hegemonic masculinity. Supposably, the new adjusted social order opens a range between two poles: the adherence to traditional patterns of masculinity on the one hand, which tends do enforce insecurity, and a pattern of hegemonic masculinity on the other side, which is characterized by a proactive and positive attitudes of dealing with present tendencies of uncertainty, seeing change as chance of creating.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the current efforts of the Austrian government to remodel the university sector. The Rectors’ Conference meddled in the discussion process and asked some experts to evaluate the outline which has been drawn up by the ministerial bureaucracy. Result is the voluminous report “Universitäten im Wettbewerb”. The report stands up for a radical change in the sense of neo-liberalism and centres the question how to make universities more efficient. Its suggestions refer to all aspects of universities: their funding and organisation, employment contracts of scientific staff, regulation of studies and access to university. The ideas presented in the report radicalize the outline the government developed. The analysis shows that a break with the targets of educational and research policy in the past is intended. Efficiency of universities and the interests of the economic sector are moved in the focus of policy at the expense of free access to universities, participation of lecturers and students, academic freedom and independent scientific work, diversity of research, generous furthering of junior staff.  相似文献   

Drawing on Günter Dux’ thesis concerning the co-evolution of social development and cognitive competence, the article argues that the 21st century offers the opportunity to universalize, for the first time, a human potential deemed a general, species-typical capacity, namely the capacity to reason logically and reflexively at the levels of formal operations (Piaget) and post-conventional understandings of social order (Kohlberg). A key prerequisite for realizing this potential are enabling policies aimed at equalizing the freedom of self-determination. Once this is accepted as a central tenet of social policies, a shift in the relative priorities guiding the allocation of public welfare funds is required that broadly follows Scandinavian models. Both considerations of justice and sustainability support such a shift.  相似文献   

Mobility studies have stressed that ethnographic research fields are often multi-sited and mobile, and have therefore encouraged more flexible strategies. This paper, however, focuses on the practice of ethnographic work, constituting an in itself ethnographic workplace study. It shows that not only the field but also scientific ‘desk work’ is characterized by diverse movements. Yet, these can only be unraveled if multiple material participants (and not only persons) and their mobilities are scrutinized. The article argues that in a skillfully balanced interplay of mobilities and immobilities, ephemeral data is stabilized as scientific studies and researchers turned into academic actors. At the same time, ethnographic mobility is highly influenced by bigger social mobility regimes.  相似文献   

With this article, an attempt is made to combine both confirmatory and exploratory analysis. It is argued that confirmatory and exploratory approaches have to complement one another. As an example for confirmation latent-class-models are estimated for 3 variables which are supposed to measure a latent dimension “attitudes towards integration — segregation of the mentally ill”. Employing a 3-, and a 4-class solution it can be shown that exclusively looking on the model fit is not sufficient. Since both models fit equally well, both the membership-probabilities and the category-probabilities for each class are inspected. By means of homogeneity-analysis within the latent classes, the interpretation of deviations from the model assumptions is facilitated considerably. It is shown that very special and rare responsepattern may question a straightforward interpretation of a simple parsimonious model.  相似文献   

The paper reflects on the contribution of women’s and gender studies to modernizing the university. By giving an overview of the socio-political and institutional conditions of the contemporary reform processes in higher education and the university system in Europe, the author shows that universities nowadays are influenced by tensions between economization and democratization: In this tension they are forced to change their organization and their scientific “products”, namely research and teaching. Based on these explications, the author analyses the potentials of women’s and gender studies to modernize science and the humanities, teaching, learning and the organization of the university.  相似文献   

The core claim of the Mobilities Paradigm which understands the social as constituted through movement also implies, that mobility emerges from socially and spatially structured situations and therefore, mobility cannot be derived from individual properties alone. With the aim of translating the stratifying dimension adequately into methods, the contribution presents an international comparative correspondence analysis searching for specific patterns of residential migration and commuting distances of couple households.  相似文献   

The goal of my article is to develop a critical point of view about the reforms and developments of the Austrian school system over the last 30 years by analysing their inherent elements of neo-liberal governance from Michel Foucault’s governmental perspective. The following issues will be elaborated:
  1. The neo-liberal (re)formed schools not only have to be organized according to this rationality and to succeed within a framework of increasing school autonomy, but, in addition, they have to promote the enforcement of this rationality into the thinking of all parties hereto, especially of the pupils and teachers. That is why the school itself becomes a motor of neo-liberal transformation processes of society.
  2. The school’s forming in the context of neo-liberal governmentality is a synonym for withdrawing, modifying and transforming established disciplinary practices, ways of acting and structures of thinking in school. It implies liberating and subordinating elements. Within these arrangements newly formed, subjective liberties converge with their own restrictions.

This article analyzes forms and enabling practices of expatriate mobility, i. e. the mobility of managers and skilled professionals assigned to a foreign subsidiary of their company. We will show that (1) expatriate mobility has to be conceived of as complex entangled mobilities that add up to a hyper-mobility, and (2) that this hyper-mobility inevitably depends on the active mobility work of the expatriates’ ‘trailing spouses’. Thus, it becomes clear that the mobility management on which expatriate mobility depends is highly gendered. By focusing on the specifics of expatriate mobility, the article also opens up new theoretical perspectives for mobility research in general.  相似文献   

During the last 2 decades the public administration and the public services have undergone far-reaching transformations that resulted in substantial changes in work and employment. This contribution discusses the question as to how workers perceive these upheavals and what consequences these have for their occupational identity. Based on empirical research on an Austrian town the authors show how local government employees, doctors and nurses at the community hospital and the post office’s deliverers and counter clerks interpret the transformations in particular from the perspective of their occupational self-conception. The article makes clear that using the concept of a threefold relationship to work makes it easier to understand workers’ perceptions, interpretations and reactions. Such a threefold relationship to work includes a labour power perspective, a subject perspective and the public sector ethos.  相似文献   

In the context of the global competition to attract knowledge-workers, tourists, and investors, cities work carefully on their iconic representation. Star architects and marketing experts try to strengthen the peculiarities of cities and stage their distinctiveness. Following Anselm Strauss, city images play a significant role in structuring the imagination of the city “as a whole”. They help to organize everyday life in urban settings and structure local discourses (Strauss 1961). The object of analysis is the image campaign “Istanbul 2010: European Capital of Culture”. The advertising motif is considered as a “self-portrait” of the city, a communicative strategy how the city wants to be seen and understood. The argument is, that the city images select from a great pool of possible narratives and symbols (heterogeneity) certain aspects and construct a coherent and particular “image of the city” (densification). In this respect the question has to be raised what the image depicts and what it conceals. The article refers to the current debate within the field of urban sociology about the “intrinsic logic of cities” (Berking et al. 2008; Löw 2008). Thereby the “city” is conceptualized as the object of investigation rather than merely serving as the analytic context. To evaluate the advertising image a segment-analytical approach is employed (Breckner 2010).  相似文献   

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