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Teamsupervision in sterbenden Organisationen   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Team supervision in dying organizations Organizations in profit and in not-for-profit areas are subjected to increasingly rapid change processes. The financial resources run low, and several Organizations are dying. Hence, the competence of supervisors is often requested to deal with such dying processes. Supervisors of teams usually are oriented on the development and progression of an organization. The farewell, the end of projects and of institutions, the failure are still put under a taboo. The author discusses the question, how supervisors can support such processes. A successful detachment may have a model function on a systemic level.  相似文献   

Change within an organisation may evoke in teams emotions of fear, hopelessness and a loss of sense as well. As a result, professional acting may degrease. Psychodrama offers the possibility of intensive reflections of roles und emotions an helps facing change.  相似文献   

Team supervision in varying settings The author describes a team supervision regarding the question, whether it is meaningful to work with a team in supervision always as a total or in varying settings, if required by spicific situations. Sometimes, team members of different levels may more easily discuss their problems in an open way, if there is at first the opportunity of an interchange on an equal level of hierarchy, in order to finally develop outcomes in a supervision with the complete team, that are accepted by all team members.  相似文献   

In this article the understanding of the scientific functions of business taxation represented by Jochen Hundsdoerfer, Dirk Kiesewetter and Caren Sureth is critically analyzed. It is argued that hypotheses on the influence of taxes on decisions, as far as they are based on neoclassical models, are not applicable to explain the actions of tax payers. These arguments at the same time object the realization of a neutral tax system. They further contradict the realization of a tax system, which is supposed to have an impact or which avoids taxes to have an effect on decisions, provided that the criticized hypotheses are used as a basis. Fiscal law standards should rather fulfil the principle of equability of taxation. It is supposed that such fiscal law standards have an effect on decisions of tax payers, which are contradictory to the aim of an equable taxation. Therefore hypotheses from scientific experience of the actual effect of taxes on decisions must be taken into account. Hence the object of this analysis is to investigate the real influence of taxes on decisions detached from neo-classical models.  相似文献   

Power in organization counseling. A qualitative study in a hospital in East Germany Power is a main topic of this analysis of a consulting process in an East German hospital: How power is appearing within organizational consulting? What is the power the client has, and the consultants have? And what is the interrelation between power and the resistance to change? In recourse to the theory of micropolitics, power is understood as the combination of rules and distribution of resources within an organization. The consulting process itself is interpreted as the consultant’s introduction to the ongoing game the organization is playing. The qualitative case study of the consulting process in an East German hospital clearly shows, how ineffective interventions remain, if the consultants fail to recognize and take into consideration the valid combination of rules and distribution of resources. In the presented case this combination is based on the peculiar history of East Germany. It was only after the project had failed that the consultants realized that they had been practiced upon.  相似文献   

Coaching in the software development industry. The author describes the basic principles and starting points of a coaching concept within the context of the software development industry. The structures and processes in this context create a special need for support that can be addressed by different forms of coaching. A company-specific coaching concept has to define the goals and rationality of coaching, to determine the different ways coaching is requested and provided and to outline the overall strategy to introduce and to integrate coaching within the organization. The special need for coaching is related to the communication-intensive collaboration within software development teams and the complexity of the overall process. In particular forms of internal coaching are discussed to address these needs and a way of implementing an internal coaching pool is sketched.  相似文献   

In Germany capital gains have to be taxed independently of the holding period, according to the withholding tax regulations. Nevertheless, investors can initially avoid taxation by not realizing capital gains. Then, taxes are postponed into the future. Thereby investors can make use of an interest-free tax loan (tax deferral). Equally beneficial would be the immediate realization of negative capital gains, if this leads to reduced taxes by balancing these losses against other gains. The potential use of interest-free tax loans leads to the necessity of making assumptions on the investors?? strategy with respect to liquidation when it comes to business valuation based on discounting future after-tax payments towards investors (DCF-methods). It will be shown how much firm value depends on these assumptions by taking alternative, inflexible and flexible strategies of investors into account. Our considerations generate a lower and an upper bound for the firm value, and easier to calculate medium values. The calculations are illustrated by a numerical example which is also the subject of a comparative static analysis.  相似文献   

Coaching in administrative authorities. A study on the acceptance of a new counseling method This study proves that also leadership in administrative authorities are in need of counseling for developing their social, professional and organizational competence. Coaching turns out to be a helpful method for it. Occasions for coaching, efficacy and conditions of coaching are explored. In spite of the promising start support of the organization is necessary to establish coaching in the long run. For this aspects and suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

Humour in supervision Humour in different appearance may have many functions, it may serve as social skill, as coping, or it may stimulate insight and problem solving. Since 20 years, humour and laughter are increasingly considered in psychology and psychotherapy. Likewise in supervision humour may be used in order to create a favourable atmosphere, to obtain insights or to facilitate social interaction. Further more, a humorous attitude may facilitate a detached view of one’s problems and an increased range of options.  相似文献   

Illiquide Assets in der Portfoliooptimierung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When optimizing a portfolio, which comprises liquid as well as illiquid assets, under the constraint of a liquidity requirement, one has to take into account the particular characteristics of illiquid assets. Illiquid assets in this context have the constituting property that they can only be sold as a whole and – if sold on a short term basis – selling leads to losses. Performing the analysis of a single period model in a mean downside risk framework with one liquid and one illiquid asset, significant differences are proven in comparison to the results of an optimization concerning solely liquid assets. For example, although the return on assets is safe in the first scenario, the portfolio value is already risky due to the uncertain liquidity requirement and situations arise where the allocation to both the liquid and the illiquid asset is optimal. Furthermore, when asset returns are uncertain, the expected portfolio value depends on the assets’ variances and can even be increased by positive correlations.  相似文献   

Synchroneous stagings in organizational consulting Consulting is mostly based on linear processes occurring in organizations, or operates with a linearly functioning choice of methods. It is however known from chaos research that complex systems are acting spontaneously and irregularly, while they are nevertheless mostly in a position to keep in balance both order and disorder. With this in mind, the paper is dealing with some aspects of reality assessment, presenting methods and method components of synchroneous stagings which are fitted into historical connections. Described in detail is the method of the deambulating plenum as a practical example of acting in consulting processes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Aufsatz beschreibt die Arbeit mit Ehrenamtlichen, die als Sterbebegleiter/innen ihr Angebot auf Bewohner/innen in Altenpfle geheimen zugeschnitten haben. Die hauptamtliche Koordinatorin der Gruppe ist gleichzeitig die Supervisorin der Ehrenamtlichen. Anhand einer Supervisionssitzung wird eine typische Fragestellung beschrieben. Julia Sipreck, Krankenschwester und Diplom-Psychologin, Supervisorin (BDP), 1997 bis 2003 Leiterin des Arbeitsbereiches Lebensbegleitung bis zum Tode im Institut für Sozialarbeit in Frankfurt, seit 2003 Leitung der Freiwilligenagentur des Instituts für Sozialarbeit.  相似文献   

Acting in organizations is characterized by strategies of “Bemächtigung” (repression) just as “Ermächtigung” (empowerment): Everyone tries to push through its individual interests, legitimate or not. Thereby in every organization specific rules of game and stiles of play are developed. Altogether these rules constitute the specific organizational culture. In unfair games, strategies of repression are dominant. In fair games, all players try to realize over and over again a just balance of legitimate interests of all stakeholders. Supervision aims to strengthen “Spielmächtigkeit” (ability of play and game) so that its addressees are able to change unfair games into fair games. The know-how for this is here called “technology of empowerment”.  相似文献   

The present article provides a quantitative overview of the state of coaching research. It first provides an insight into the status quo of the academic publishing landscape. Afterwards, results of the four meta-analyes that have been published on coaching research up to now are summarized. First, results on the efficacy of coaching or coaching outcomes are presented. Findings for different outcome measures as well as different study designs are reported. Next, results on predictors of coaching success are presented. They include specific features of the coaching process and setting, the coach-coachee-relationship as well as characteristics of coaches and coachees. The article closes with a summary and an assessment of the state of coaching research.  相似文献   

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