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该文基于传统的四阶段交通预测理论,提出利用仿真工具对禁左后评价的技术流程以及交通小区划分的方法,并用实例结合交通规划软件Visum对采用禁左交通组织后的路网层面效果进行评价。  相似文献   

上海五大新城的公共交通发展是新城社会经济发展的重要保障.通过对临港新片区交通客流、线路选择、车辆研发及运营管理等多层次分析,提出了中运量信号优先、运营组织和专用道设置等关键技术措施,实现了数字虚拟轨道的创新示范应用,为中运量公交发展提供了多制式选择,为上海市乃至长三角的新城公交建设提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

为了对城市轨道交通车站进行更准确的客流监测,该文设计一种基于多源监测技术数据的实时客流客流监测系统.客流监测考虑地铁车站客流的相关特征,在车站不同区域衔接节点采取红外感应、视频识别和WIFI嗅探等不同的客流监测技术,实现精准监测车站客流,实时显示客流密度和客流流速等客流指标.此外,系统设计信息发布功能,可有效预警客流拥...  相似文献   

论述了上海公交企业目前存在的客流减少、资产严重不足等困难和问题,提出了搞活公交企业的若干对策和措施。  相似文献   

与以往依赖于小汽车的出行定位相比,珀斯对公共交通基础设施的投入不断增强。然而,为低密度城市设计一个能与小汽车抗衡的交通系统却面临着严峻挑战。珀斯最新的一条客运铁路的规划和线路设计主要以土地利用规划为基础,并积极寻求公交导向型开发的契机。它带来了不同的融合模式,包括吸引过往客流和舒缓剑拔弩张的机动车环境的公交导向型开发,以及通过西澳大利亚州的交通管理机构协调交通换乘站中的各种运输模式,从而使公交出行的吸引力最大化。本文旨在考察各种模型所带来的机遇和局限。  相似文献   

认真规划公共交通 确保世博会交通服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年上海将举办世博会,这给上海城市公共交通带来新的挑战和机遇。认真规划公共交通,充分发挥公共交通在世博会客运交通体系中的主体作用,加强公共交通的运行管理,这对确保世博会的顺利召开是十分重要的。1世博交通总体需求按照预测,世博会期间客流总规模为7000~8000万人次,  相似文献   

成都是一座国际都市,可是在指示牌的英文翻译方面仍有欠缺,不少公交站台并没有完整正确的英文翻译。本论文旨在通过规范成都市公交站点和地铁英文翻译,加强交通工具的现实使用意义和指示功能,并且挖掘其背后的历史文化,达到更好地宣传成都文化的效果。  相似文献   

阴炳成 《城市》2004,(4):28-31
一、引言 公共汽车作为一种大容量的交通工具,在对有限的道路资源的利用率和安全性上,有私人交通不可比拟的优越性,因此优先发展公共汽车交通已经成为解决城市交通拥挤的主要出路.路中型公交专用道通过在一定路段设置必要的物理设施和管理措施,明确各类交通流(行人、自行车、机动车、公共汽车等)的通行空间,尽量减少相互的干扰,从而提高公共汽车在路段的行驶车速,在各种专用道形式中被认为是较优方案.然而,目前对路中型公交专用道停靠站的布设方法缺少相关的分析,本文首先通过建立以公交车车均延误为目标的分析模型和交通仿真分析手段论证了其停靠站的最佳位置;进而对停靠站进行了详细的交通设计,保证乘客进出公交站台的安全与便捷.基于上述两个方面的考虑,达到减少公交车在停靠站的延误和乘客进出站台的延误,最大限度发挥出公交专用道的实施效果.  相似文献   

介绍首尔公交以运营里程和服务质量指标为主导的运营管理模式,其中信息的采集和分析是政府监管的基础和关键,指出上海公交可借鉴首尔模式,并对如何应用信息化系统采集、处理运营车公里、油耗和客流信息3个重要数据提出设想。  相似文献   

分析了城市中心地区公共交通的规划原则,提出了应以地铁为主,并设置公交首末站的方式,迅速集散客流,缓解城市中心的压力。图解了设置公交首末站的3种方案。  相似文献   

区域一体化进程中,城际轨道交通客流成为城市区域功能联系的重要表征,本研究选取长吉城际动车出行为研究对象,通过对乘客群体问卷访谈式的实证调查,从微观个体的角度分析城际轨道交通所表征的空间一体化。研究发现:(1)在总体的客流属性方面,乘坐动车的人群以高学历白领群体为主,表征了一体化进程中城际轨道交通作为流动空间物质基础的社会极化效应;(2)在到发客流空间分布方面,长春与吉林的中心城区都属于城际出行强度集中区,郊区县市属于客流稀疏区,空间分布的极化效应非常明显,同时相对于前往吉林市的客流来说,更多比例的客流以长春市为目的地:(3)在功能性活动空间交互方面,若固定户籍地考察居住、工作和消费等功能性活动的偏移,更多的乘客属于户籍地在吉林、其余基本活动在长春的情形,说明一体化进程中城际轨道交通客流表征了区域发展的空间不均衡。  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会公共交通发展和保障体系规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从世博会总体交通需求入手,在归纳世博客流特征及交通后果的基础上,提出了把公共交通作为解决世博会园外交通的基本策略,并明确在政府主导模式下公共交通服务系统的引导与保障目标及体系构成。进而,对世博会公共交通体系中的世博交通换乘体系及公共交通网络布局作重点介绍。  相似文献   

介绍GPS是怎样工作的、GPS与公共交通、美国安阿伯的实例、安阿伯交运局的“先进操作系统”、该“系统”有利于车辆保修、说服职工的工作和公共汽车客运量的持续上升。  相似文献   

Abstract The research looks at the structure of the Internet backbone and air transport networks between 82 cities in 2002, using Internet backbone bandwidth and air passenger traffic data. Centrality measures on individual city's hierarchy in the Internet and in the air traffic networks were significantly correlated, with London in the most dominant position in both networks. A quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) showed a structural equivalence between two systems. The division and membership of the clusters in both networks also showed similarity; both networks had a strongly cohesive North American‐European cluster with the London‐New York dyad as the strongest linkage in the global flow of information and people. These findings suggest that current trends in Internet infrastructure concentration reproduce and maintain global inequality and hierarchy among world cities.  相似文献   

Many inquiries regarding the causal effects of policies or programs are based on research designs where the treatment assignment process is unknown, and thus valid inferences depend on tenuous assumptions about the assignment mechanism. This article draws attention to the importance of understanding the assignment mechanism in policy and program evaluation studies, and illustrates how information collected through interviews can develop a richer understanding of the assignment mechanism. Focusing on the issue of student assignment to algebra in 8th grade, I show how a preliminary data collection effort aimed at understanding the assignment mechanism is particularly beneficial in multisite observational studies in education. The findings, based on ten interviews and administrative data from a large school district, draw attention to the often ignored heterogeneity in the assignment mechanism across schools. These findings likely extend beyond the current research project in question to related educational policy issues such as ability grouping, tracking, differential course taking, and curricular intensity, as well as other social programs in which the assignment mechanism can differ across sites.  相似文献   

<正>长江桥隧开通后,申崇交通格局发生了重大变化,由以前单一的水上交通方式变成了"水上+陆上"的交通模式。由于地面公交客流量迅速增长,水上交通客流量急剧下降,水上运营企业陷入巨额亏损,经营举步为艰。如不对申崇水陆交通的发展进行总体平衡与合理  相似文献   

The article addresses the question of how to develop appropriate measures to tackle trafficking in women, based on the findings of a study of trafficking between the Philippines and Belgium. It argues that there is no easy or uni-dimensional solution to human trafficking, since it is influenced by a complex set of factors, often working in combination with one another. It concludes that control measures alone cannot stop the flow of trafficking in women and that a legal approach which relies solely on one type of legislation would be too narrow. An effective strategy must combine and balance punitive measures with protection of human rights, stricter border control and the removal of the root causes of irregular movements. Measures must be agreed and coordinated between origin, transit and receiving countries.  相似文献   

Potentials of organization development (OD) are discussed from the perspectives of organization/client, counselling and science. The focal questions of the discussion are: What can OD achieve compared to strategy consulting? How can both forms be sensibly combined? What are the potentials of a psychologically based form of organizational counselling? Which (potentially latent) functions do organizational consulting / OD fulfil for the client organization? The discussion closes with considerations regarding a potential professionalization and the future of OD.  相似文献   

Data from participant observation and unstructured interviews demonstrate that being a passenger on commercial airplanes leads to membership in an “encapsulated group.” Encapsulated groups are collectivities of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily share physical but not necessarily social closeness for the purpose of attaining some goal or reaching some destination. Encapsulated groups flow through “people pipelines,” a network of social and physical channels for processing human beings in contemporary urban society, especially in bureaucratic organizations. The role of airplane passenger is analyzed to demonstrate how individuals defend self-integrity in the encapsulated group. The passenger enactment process and the encapsulated group are shown to manifest several characteristics of total institutions (Goffman, 1961a). The author expresses appreciation to Ralph Turner, John Lofland, John Irwin, Erving Goffman, Garry Shirts, Charles Bonjean, James McKie, Irwin Lieb, Susan Zurcher, Marianne Hopper, Michael Wood, Mary Elizabeth Bender and Carolyn Lindsey for their helpful observations and comments. The preparation of this paper was facilitated by a small grant from The University of Texas Research Institute.  相似文献   

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