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在校园生活中,中学生之间的言语欺凌行为并不罕见,在某种程度上,言语欺凌行为对中学生带来的伤害并不比肢体欺凌的小,甚至会留下永久的心理阴影,对其今后的成长会造成严重的影响。就中学生言语欺凌行为的现状来看,言语欺凌行为既受社会认知、个体情绪、人格特征等个体因素的制约,也受家庭、校园、社会以及情境等环境因素的影响,其中,个体因素是最主要的因素。个案工作方法中的行为治疗模式对预防中学生言语欺凌行为有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

亲社会行为是个体社会化的重要标志之一.亲社会行为不是与生俱来的,而是后天习得的.本文从影响小学生亲社会行为的生物因素、社会认知因素、环境因素出发,提出了培养小学生亲社会行为的策略.  相似文献   

龚文娟 《社会》2007,27(3):156-156
本文通过对湖北省武汉、荆州、洪湖三个地区973名失业者的调查,描述了失业者的再就业行为的基本状况,并运用高级统计方法分析了影响失业者再就业行为的主要因素。研究发现:失业者再就业态度积极,但多数人从事着社会地位低、无稳定性的非正式职业或自雇职业;个体的社会特征因素对失业者再就业行为的影响显著,而再就业意愿对再就业行为的影响不显著。所以,本文不支持失业者由于就业期望过高而制约其再就业的看法。  相似文献   

周天芸  张幸  陈世伟 《创新》2016,(2):84-95
农户的借贷选择不仅受信贷价格、收入、用途等自身因素的影响,同时也受周围其他个体行为决策的影响,文章利用中国农村19个村落616家农户的数据,基于社会网络的视角,检验同群效应中的内生影响、外生影响、相关及直接影响,实证检验农户信贷行为所受同群效应的影响程度。结果表明,在村落层面上,个体农户选择从正式金融或者非正式金融借贷的概率受同一村落的其他农户借贷行为和决策影响。  相似文献   

哈贝马斯的言语行为理论在其社会批判理论中占有重要地位。他认为,社会秩序得以可能的基础是交往行为,而交往行为得以可能的基础是言语行为,因此,以言语行为为中介的交往行为是社会秩序得以可能的基础。为构建完善的交往行为理论,哈贝马斯提出并深刻阐述了他的言语行为三重功能模式论。这个理论受到多方批判,其中爱尔兰皇家科学院院士梅芙.库克教授的批判最具有代表性。哈贝马斯将言语行为区分为以成功为取向的策略行为和以达成理解为取向的交往行为,这对交往行为理论和社会的合理化具有十分重要的作用,但是,这种先验语用学的区分是难以为继的。哈贝马斯将命令式言语行为也作为一个独立的言语行为类型予以阐述,这一点是存在问题的,因为哈贝马斯没有看到命令式言语行为所承载的权力要求实质上就是调节式言语行为所要求的规范正确性要求。  相似文献   

大学课堂是高校人才培养与学生发展的重要场域,而大学课堂群体性消极沉默行为在一定程度上消解了课堂教学应有的成效与功能。通过混合质性研究方法对该沉默行为进行研究发现,大学课堂中师生言语互动呈现单向度与简单化,大学生课堂群体性消极沉默行为具有多样性、差异性与欺骗性。研究发现,在行为的成因上,自我、关系和环境三个维度影响着大学生课堂群体性消极沉默行为。学校管理与课堂组织、教师教学内容与方法、师生及生生群体关系、社会文化与学生受教育经历、学生应激心理等因素与大学生课堂群体性消极沉默行为有着较为直接的联系。改变大学生课堂群体性消极沉默行为,有效提高大学生课堂教学成效,需要从教育理念、教育管理、教学方式变革、教师专业素养与学生发展诸方面综合考虑,辩证施策。  相似文献   

个体拥有社会网络的大小,对个体意见表达有直接作用。传播网络是在个人社会网络的基础上,形成的信息表达和流通网络,其功能受媒介情境和社会历史传统影响,在自媒体时代表现出复杂性特征。考虑到既有研究未能分析结构性网络组成,因而阻滞了微博正功能的发挥。本文对微博传播网络进行分析,以此考察集合行为的新转向。研究认为,微博作为传播环境,与社会事件协同促成了社会网络,信息因此在其虚拟社会网络中传递,推动了信息传播网形成,从而提高了集体行动能力,造成集合行为的巨大动能。  相似文献   

活动背景 近年来,青少年行为问题已经成为全球共同关注的问题。我国的青少年问题也日益凸显,状况令人忧虑。导致青少年行为问题的因素很多,主要有青少年自身因素、家庭教育的失误、学校教育的误区、社会环境的影响等几个方面的原因,但其中家庭的因素被列为首位,家庭系统对青少年个体的影响最大。  相似文献   

李颖  罗涤  袁利 《学术交流》2012,(4):189-192
合作型亲社会行为是亲社会行为的主要类型之一,也是大学生必备的基本素质。大学生合作型亲社会行为的发生包括内部动力(善良动机和心理满足)、外部动力(同伴群体和社会环境)以及效果助力(过程顺利和结果良好)三大因素,同时遵循善良动机推动→同伴群体支持→社会环境鼓励→行为过程顺利→行为结果良好→个体心理满足的良性循环过程。在三大因素中,外部动力的作用尤为突出。应从心理动机、思想环境、同伴群体、教育模式四个方面着力培养大学生合作型亲社会行为。  相似文献   

现代经济学越来越倾向于在信息不对称背景下研究人类不确定性的选择行为,研究的方法、路径及使用手段的不同,往往会导致分析结论的差异.基于个体选择行为在经济理论分析中的重要地位,以行为经济学和实验经济学为代表的非主流经济学,运用心理分析和实验手段对个体选择行为之研究的影响日益加深,从而使经济学对个体选择行为的研究增加了一些新的观察点.创新的经济理论通常与先前的经济理论存在着承接性的事实,要求我们在理论承接的基础上分析这些创新.个体的非理性选择是行为经济学和实验经济学的核心创新点,概括、进而条理化这一创新点与主流经济学之间的理论关联,无疑有助于我们对非主流经济学的深入了解.  相似文献   

Findings from a survey of 1,602 middle school and high school students suggests despite heavy use of social media, adolescents believe they are less likely than peers to be victims of cyberbullying and less likely to bully others. The results suggest a cycle of perceptions and behaviors: victims of cyberbullying bully others. Adolescents who believe they are likely to be bullied acknowledge they are likely to continue bullying others and are also likely to blame victims for “bringing it on themselves.”  相似文献   

This study examined the role of approval‐of‐aggression beliefs in the relationship between narcissistic exploitativeness and bullying behavior in an Asian sample (N = 809) comprising elementary children and middle school adolescents. Narcissistic exploitativeness was significantly and positively associated with both bullying behavior and approval‐of‐aggression beliefs, and approval‐of‐aggression beliefs was significantly and positively associated with bullying behavior. Additionally, findings indicated that approval‐of‐aggression beliefs was a statistically significant mediator and 53 percent of the total effect of narcissistic exploitativeness on bullying behavior was mediated by approval‐of‐aggression beliefs. Approval‐of‐aggression beliefs did not moderate the association between narcissistic exploitativeness and bullying behavior. There are important theoretical implications as well as implications for prevention and intervention efforts targeting aggressive, bullying behavior among children and adolescents.  相似文献   


This paper analyses students’ constructions of bullying from a social constructionist perspective. Interviews were conducted with 24 students at a small semi-rural secondary school in New Zealand. These were taped, transcribed and a discourse analysis, informed by the work of Foucault, was carried out. It was found that students made sense of bullying by drawing on constructions that included bullying as a consequence of differences and as a form of discipline. These constructions had the effect of legitimizing the school's institutional power imbalance. This was supported by students and teachers who both played an active role in simultaneously enforcing, and being subjected to, the disciplinary technologies of normalization characterized by bullying. The goal of this research is to provide a critical focus to the political nature, power relations and ideological effects of these prevailing discourses that function to both create and support bullying behaviour in our schools.  相似文献   

Using data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (2006-PIRLS) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (2007-TIMSS), we investigate the determinants and the effect of being a victim of school bullying on educational achievement for Italian students enrolled at the fourth and eighth grade levels. Firstly, we apply an OLS estimator controlling for a number of individual characteristics and school fixed effects. Secondly, in order to attenuate the impact of confounding factors, we use propensity score matching techniques. Our empirical findings based on average treatment effects suggest that being a victim of school bullying has a considerable negative effect on student performance at both the fourth and the eighth grade level. Importantly, the adverse effect of bullying on educational achievement is larger at age 13 than at age 9. Hence, school violence seems to constitute a relevant factor in explaining student performance. Our findings suggest some possible interventions that Italian policy makers should adopt to prevent or reduce bullying behaviors.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between affective and cognitive empathy, social preference and perceived popularity, and involvement in bullying situations by bullying others or defending the victimized children. The participants were 266 primary and 195 secondary school students. Affective and cognitive empathy, as well as the status variables, had some significant main effects on involvement in bullying. In addition, several interaction effects emerged. For instance, the positive association between affective empathy and defending behavior was stronger among boys who had a high status (i.e., were highly preferred) in the group. The results highlight the importance of studying child-by-environment models, which take into account both child characteristics and interpersonal variables in predicting social adjustment.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether perceived popularity mediates and/or moderates the association between agentic goals and bullying, and whether sociometric popularity mediates and/or moderates the association between communal goals and bullying. Age and gender differences were also examined. Participants were 276 fourth and fifth graders (middle childhood sample) and 196 seventh and eighth graders (early adolescence sample). Peer status and bullying were assessed with sociometric measures, interpersonal goals with self‐reports. The theoretical model included both mediation and moderation effects. An age‐related reversal was found in how status mediated the associations between goals and bullying. Sociometric popularity mediated the association of agentic goals with bullying in middle childhood but of communal goals with bullying in early adolescence. Perceived popularity mediated the association of communal goals with bullying in middle childhood but of agentic goals with bullying in early adolescence. In middle childhood, perceived popularity also moderated the effect of agentic goals on bullying. The results were discussed in terms of the role of bullying as a means to enhance status in early adolescence.  相似文献   

In this study, we drew on a person-centred approach to explore forms of involvement and roles in bullying. More specifically, we applied Factor Mixture Analysis (FMA) to an in-depth measure of bullying roles, with a view to identifying latent dimensions of participation in bullying and latent groups characterised by differential behavioural patterns. Participants were 899 high school students (51% females) attending the 9th (49%) and 11th grades (51%). The data analysis revealed six latent behavioural dispositions. Four of these overlapped with behavioural patterns typical of previously identified forms of participation in bullying, while two factors shed new light on bullying behaviours. We also identified four latent groups, whose profiles were only partially aligned with the roles previously theorised in the literature.  相似文献   

《Social Development》2018,27(3):636-651
Testing the potential protective effects of school‐level prosocial norms and having friends on peer victimization‐related distress, this study examined whether one protective factor is particularly important in the absence of the other. An ethnically diverse sample (N = 5,991) from 26 middle schools reported on peer prosocial behavior, social anxiety, loneliness, and perceived school safety; peer nominations assessed victimization and friends. Multilevel analyses revealed that sixth grade friendless victims felt significantly less anxious, lonely, and unsafe a year later in schools characterized by stronger peer prosocial norms (e.g., helping others). Additionally, victims in less prosocial schools experienced less social anxiety if they had at least one friend. The findings suggest that attending a school characterized by prosocial peer norms can compensate for high social risk (victimized and friendless) following the transition to middle school, and having friends is important for bullied youth in less prosocial school contexts. These results highlight the importance of simultaneously studying relational and school‐level protective factors; implications for anti‐bullying interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study examined parental advice given to fourth‐ and fifth‐grade preadolescents who imagined being bystanders to different forms of bullying (physical, verbal, property attack, social manipulation, exclusion). We assessed the frequency with which parents advised youth to follow specific intervention strategies (stop the bully, help/comfort the victim, tell adults), and we tested whether the frequency by which parents provided each kind of advice varied by the form of bullying described. One hundred and six fourth‐ and fifth‐grade preadolescents completed an interaction in which their parent gave them advice about how to respond if they were bystanders to five hypothetical bullying situations. Each situation described a different form of bullying. Across forms of bullying, parents most frequently told bystander children to intervene by telling an adult. However, advice differed based on the form of bullying presented. Parents most frequently advised children to “tell an adult” in response to physical bullying or property attacks, most frequently advised children to “help/comfort victims” in response to social exclusion and physical attacks, and most frequently advised children to “stop the bully” in response to verbal and social manipulation bullying.  相似文献   

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