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家庭暴力作为一种较普遍的社会现象已引起社会的广泛关注。在家庭暴力中绝大多数受害者是女性。女性难以走出暴力困境的主要原因是缺少社会支持,而小组的核心目标是为她们提供情感支持。妇女在小组中能否感受到支持,可采用一定的方法进行评估。本文对评估的原则、目的、内容和方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

刘一 《社科纵横》2006,21(3):72-73
随着家庭暴力案件的增多,传统观念中的“私领域”行为已影响到整个社会。当家庭暴力的受害者,尤其是女性转变为刑事犯罪的主体后,家庭暴力就不再是一个家庭问题了。法律改革和法律保障、司法机关代表国家进行公力救济是应对家庭暴力最好的保护和惩戒方式。笔者试图通过借鉴国外经验和结合本国实际,从法律角度对反家庭暴力作出有可操作性的探讨。  相似文献   

李景华 《唐都学刊》2002,18(4):98-100
受虐妇女情感支持小组作为解决家庭暴力问题的一种重要方式的建立 ,自有其紧迫性、重要性 ,影响小组活动效果的重要因素分别是协作员的作用与小组活动安排等。  相似文献   

魏永娟 《社会工作》2011,(12):40-42
能力为本的《小组工作》课程教学,是用小组的方式来讲授《小组工作》。具体做法是把学生分成若干个任务小组,组员在任课教师的示范、支持和督导下,通过调查,自选一个主题,完成一个成长小组的策划、筹备、实施和评估,并在课堂上进行小组模拟。这种体验式的教学方法体现了社会工作“助人自助”的理念,学生在学习中具有多元收获。较之传统的课堂讲授法,能力为本的教学方式更适合《小组工作》课程的要求。  相似文献   

本文以扬帆远航自我同一性成长小组为例,探讨小组工作如何提高大学生的自我同一性发展水平。促进自我同一性发展的关键是获得关于自我的知识和整合感,能对未来发展做出正确的选择。在小组中,获取自我知识的方法主要有他人回馈、社会比较、社会角色的扮演及自我探索。自我的整合则是通过形象整合和生涯规划来实现。工作者对小组进行了科学的设计,采用六个同一性地位作为评估成员自我同一性发展水平的标准,小组目标和内容的确定充分考虑成员需求,科学设计小组会期。对小组的评估显示,绝大多数成员的自我同一性水平有了较大提高。  相似文献   

本文以"扬帆远航"自我同一性成长小组为例,探讨小组工作如何提高大学生的自我同一性发展水平。促进自我同一性发展的关键是获得关于自我的知识和整合感,能对未来发展做出正确的选择。在小组中,获取自我知识的方法主要有他人回馈、社会比较、社会角色的扮演及自我探索。自我的整合则是通过形象整合和生涯规划来实现。工作者对小组进行了科学的设计,采用六个同一性地位作为评估成员自我同一性发展水平的标准,小组目标和内容的确定充分考虑成员需求,科学设计小组会期。对小组的评估显示,绝大多数成员的自我同一性水平有了较大提高。  相似文献   

颜农秋 《社科纵横》2008,23(2):90-92
当前关于女性遭受家庭暴力后的个人应对方面的研究尚未受到重视.本文针对女性遭受家庭暴力后的心理问题进行了分析,并以多维的视角探讨了受虐妇女的应对策略.  相似文献   

新视域下的家庭暴力及其成因探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迈入新世纪,家庭暴力的内涵和特征也发生了相应的变化。从广义上讲,家庭暴力不仅指在有婚姻关系、身份关系的生活共同体中出现的暴力行为,而且还包括同居关系及婚姻关系终止后出现的暴力行为,如“事实家庭”、“同性恋家庭”、“离异家庭”、“准家庭”成员之间的暴力行为;从狭义上讲,特指发生在上述广义家庭中对女性所实施的一切暴力和虐待行为。对此,尝试用一种新的视域(宗教、社会和两性冲突等)来探讨家庭暴力的成因,对于增进妇女权益,维护家庭稳定和社会和谐具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

王晴锋 《社科纵横》2011,26(1):71-72,75
家庭暴力是一个普遍存在的社会问题,也一直是家庭问题研究的重要关注点。布尔迪厄的"场域-惯习"理论为分析家庭暴力提供了另一种可能性。"场域-惯习"是一种实践的结构理论,它把行为与文化、结构、权力等宏观要素相联系,将产生家庭暴力的个体行动者、家庭和社会因素进行结合,也即在"行动-结构"的框架下进行解读,从而整合了不同分析层次(个体、家庭和社会)和不同研究取向(如生理的、文化的和心理的等)的各种家庭暴力理论,为阐释家庭暴力提供了一种新的理论路径。  相似文献   

家庭暴力已成为一个严重的社会问题,全社会都在寻求解决家庭暴力的途径和方法。作为专业化解决社会问题的一门应用社会科学,社会工作提供了解决家庭暴力的新视角。本文论证了社会工作介入家庭暴力的必要性和可行性,并探讨了社会工作介入家庭暴力的途径。  相似文献   

Domestic violence is a prevalent social issue in Korea affecting a significant number of people every day. It is thus important to examine how the experience of domestic violence affects their mental health to better address their needs. Using stress‐coping theory as a theoretical framework, this study examines the domestic violence and depression relationship among Korean men and women. Two aspects of self‐esteem and informal and formal social support are examined as potential mediators of this relationship. The data was the first wave of Korean Welfare Panel Study data including 2477 individuals with experiences of abuse. Structural equation modeling procedures were used for analyses. Domestic violence was significantly associated with self‐worth, self‐deprecation, and depression. The experiences of violence eroded self‐worth while reinforcing self‐deprecation and those with more exposure to violence showed a higher level of depression. Self‐deprecation played a significant role in mediating the effect of domestic violence on depression. However, different findings were yielded for social support. While informal social support was significantly associated with domestic violence, formal social support was not associated with domestic violence. Findings suggest for mental health interventions targeting self‐esteem, particularly the diminution of self‐deprecation in working with the victims. Suggestions for future research and implications for social work are also discussed.  相似文献   

Domestic violence continues to be a serious social problem and represents a challenge for those who are exposed to it and those in public services. In Norway, a variety of services are provided to help victims of domestic violence and improve knowledge among professionals who meet with adults and children exposed to domestic violence. Studies in Norway show that families with immigrant backgrounds are overrepresented among social service users as a result of domestic violence. However, contextualized knowledge to provide background information about this overrepresentation is limited. This paper explores women's need for support and their experience with service providers when faced with difficult and unpredictable situations, namely, escaping from violence and leaving home with no financial resources or limited supportive network and turning to service providers for support. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 18 women who were staying in or were in touch with shelters with their children or alone. Five central themes emerged in the analysis of these interviews: (a) help becoming a burden; (b) timely economic measures; (c) economic support and domestic violence; (d) displaced focus; and (e) flexibility and the victim's background.  相似文献   

In 2011–2012, a qualitative exploratory pilot study was conducted to examine the experiences of immigrant Mexican women using a culturally specific domestic violence intervention model curriculum in a Midwestern state. Using a psychoeducational group format, 20 immigrant Mexican women participated in two 11-week groups over a 9-month period at a community-based health clinic. Findings indicated immigrant Mexican women examined current relationships, dating, and domestic violence dynamics in group settings and reported changes in self-esteem within their own culture. Implications for social workers include learning how they can use culturally competent curriculums and programs in group formats.  相似文献   

Action on the relationship between domestic violence and child abuse has been slow to emerge in mainstream child protection agencies. This paper reports a qualitative study of child protection files. Particular attention was given to the issues for Asian families. Initially the numerous strategies which social workers and other professionals at child protection conferences used to avoid the issue of domestic violence are explored. However, there was also a small, but emerging, pattern of child abuse in the context of domestic violence being taken seriously. In each of these cases strong expectations were placed on women to separate from or remain separated from men who were violent. These expectations were backed by 'threats' or the actual accommodation of children often with little interagency support for women undertaking this difficult and dangerous task, or before women were ready to undertake this separation. Suggestions are made about aspects of the organizational context which need to change if good child protection is also to include appropriate protection and support for the child's mother.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from doctoral research which looked at the social support of women leaving domestic violence. In this paper the focus is on one aspect of that study: the living standards of women who have left a violent relationship. An exploratory, area-based study using in-depth interviews and participant observation with twenty white working-class women examinedthis issue. This exploratory study makes visible the links between violence and living standards. Debts incurred during the violent relationship when women had little if any control over finances, rent arrears incurred as a result of leaving, when women were temporarily housed in a refuge or hostel, and increased housing, travel and communication costs all contributed to the women'sexperience of poverty. If findings of previous research are correct, that between 20 and 40 per cent of lone parents (overwhelmingly mothers) experienced domestic violence in their previous relation-ship, then more extensive research in this area is indicated.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of education and occupation in connection with domestic violence in Saudi Arabia based on a survey administered to 917 women who had varying years of education and various types of occupations. Results show that education and occupation play a positive role in the life of Saudi women by reducing the level of domestic violence to which they are exposed. Education was found to lower the rate of domestic violence by around 7%. A significant difference in the level of domestic violence was found as well between employed and unemployed women. In Saudi Arabia, having an education and/or earning an income seems to give women more power and higher social status, which in turn appears to lower the level of domestic violence they experience compared with women who do not work, have few years of education or are not currently enrolled in education.  相似文献   

Factors affecting domestic violence against women in four Turkish cities (Adıyaman, Sivas, Denizli and Kırklareli) having different socioeconomic structures, are analyzed in this study. These factors consist of social, cultural, economic and psychological factors. In contrast to what we expected based on earlier literature, family income level has a positive relationship with violence. Logistic regression analysis also revealed that being a university graduate and having a personal income decreases the prevalence of violence as expected. However, working women and women with children are more prone to domestic violence. Again, there is a strong association between the neighborhood where the family lives and the incidence of violence. The extent of male dominance, as measured by the question “How are decisions taken in the family” is also associated with domestic violence: woman is less likely to be abused in households where decisions are taken collectively. Likewise, families where women have to get permission from the husband to carry out certain activities, have an increased incidence of suffering from husband's violence. Psychological factors, like being abused or having witnessed violence as a child, are also significantly correlated with domestic violence.  相似文献   

This paper draws from interviews with 45 mothers and 52 children who participated in an action research project to develop activities to support women and children in the aftermath of domestic violence. A thematic analysis was used to analyse the data and explore the question: In what ways does the perpetrator of abuse remain present in the lives of women and children following separation? The paper invites workers to recognize the distortions created by domestic violence that may need to be identified and addressed in the aftermath of violence. The ways in which past trauma, erosion of self‐esteem and the undermining of the mother–child relationship continues to create a shadow across the present relationship are identified. The continued presence of the perpetrator of abuse through child contact arrangements and ongoing harassment is also highlighted. The ‘absent presence’ of the abusive partner is posited as a concept to assist workers with a framework through which to understand problems in the mother–child relationship which emerge when living with and separating from a violent partner. The paper has implications for social workers orientating practice to focus on perpetrator accountability and support strengthening the mother–child relationship.  相似文献   

In this article we review the growing body of research literature on domestic violence and welfare. We summarize and critique the existing research on domestic violence and welfare in several areas: prevalence of domestic violence among women receiving welfare; the relationship of domestic violence to theiremployment; and physical health and mental health, child support, andevaluations of policies and programs. We also raise some methodological concerns that can inform interpretation of existing data. We examine the relevance of the research for practice and policy, particularly for the implementation of the Family Violence Option. This review includes published research as well as unpublished studies presented at recent conferences.  相似文献   

Domestic violence has been recognized as a major contributory factor to homelessness in the UK and elsewhere, with women more likely to be affected. In the UK and other countries undergoing welfare reform, moves toward 'active citizenship' increase the complexity of the relationship between states and citizens and open up new strategies for both. However, analysts have noted some strategies can create new forms of inequality, including gender-based ones. This article considers the impact of prevention-centred homelessness policy responses to domestic violence, with specific reference to the 'Sanctuary' model. Sanctuary schemes support women facing homelessness due to domestic violence to remain in their current residence, protected against attack from outside the home. Drawing on analysis of the literature and empirical work, we compare the experiences of women who have used traditional forms of support and Sanctuary services. We argue that while the model has the potential to provide greater autonomy to some women in these circumstances, it is not appropriate for all. Increased emphasis on Sanctuary schemes could make it more difficult for women who might prefer to move. We conclude that more attention needs to be paid to addressing the origin of women's homelessness due to domestic violence.  相似文献   

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