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社区照顾在残疾人社会保障中的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社区照顾最早产生于英国,自诞生以来,便以其新型的理念与模式日益受到各国学者和政府的重视。社区照顾作为一种专业化的照顾模式,在残疾人社会保障方面具有广阔的发展空间。本文试图将社区照顾的制度安排应用于我国残疾人社会保障事业,并探析我国残疾人社区照顾的模式,以推动我国残疾人社会保障事业向人性化、社会化、专业化方向发展。  相似文献   

管亮 《社会工作》2009,(8):60-62
近年来,我国残疾人社会保障事业取得了很大的成绩,残疾人社会保障和社会福利水平不断提高,但是我国残疾人社会保障还滞后于整个社会保障事业,残疾人的基本生活状况与健全人的生活水平还存在着较大差距,残疾人社会保障事业还滞后于经济社会的发展。本文认为残疾人社会保障不同于一般意义上的社会保障,只有在充分认识到残疾人特殊性及其需求的基础上,才能探索和建构出适宜残疾人的社会保障模式。  相似文献   

近年来,我国残疾人社会保障事业取得了很大的成绩,残疾人社会保障和社会福利水平不断提高,但是我国残疾人社会保障还滞后于整个社会保障事业,残疾人的基本生活状况与健全人的生活水平还存在着较大差距,残疾人社会保障事业还滞后于经济社会的发展。本文认为残疾人社会保障不同于一般意义上的社会保障,只有在充分认识到残疾人特殊性及其需求的基础上,才能探索和建构出适宜残疾人的社会保障模式。  相似文献   

农村残疾人是社会保障重点群体之一。对案例中的行政村进行调查显示,我国农村残疾人享有的基本生活保障、农村社会保险资助、就业、教育、临时救济等方面社会保障措施对保障农村残疾人的生活有重要的作用,但也存在一些问题,主要是保障水平低,社会保障某些项目的缺失,管理和服务不完善。建议加大对农村残疾人的经费的投入;重视农村残疾人社会保障各项目的平衡发展;完善基层残疾人组织建设;发挥社区(村级)组织的灵活性,鼓励社会多方参与残疾人社会保障事业。  相似文献   

农村残疾人是社会保障重点群体之一。对案例中的行政村进行调查显示,我国农村残疾人享有的基本生活保障、农村社会保险资助、就业、教育、临时救济等方面社会保障措施对保障农村残疾人的生活有重要的作用,但也存在一些问题,主要是保障水平低,社会保障某些项目的缺失,管理和服务不完善。建议加大对农村残疾人的经费的投入;重视农村残疾人社会保障各项目的平衡发展;完善基层残疾人组织建设;发挥社区(村级)组织的灵活性,鼓励社会多方参与残疾人社会保障事业。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间,民政部按照残疾人事业“十一五”发展纲要的要求,加快发展社会福利、社会救助、社区建设等事业,有力地推动了残疾人事业的发展。  相似文献   

李娜 《社会工作》2012,(10):45-48
推进残疾人社会保障体系和服务体系建设,是帮助残疾人改善基本生活条件、促进残疾人全面发展、实现残疾人共享改革发展成果的根本举措。残疾人服务工作专业化是残疾人服务体系建设中一个重要方面。社会工作与残疾人服务体系在价值理念、主要内容和指导原则方面的一致性和契合度,使社会工作介入残疾人服务体系建设成为可能。武汉市应在已有成绩的基础上,立足自身实际,运用社会工作专业人才优势,为残疾人服务体系建设开拓一种新途径。  相似文献   

当前一支数量充足的残疾人专职委员队伍已基本形成,提高队伍素质成为新时期残疾人专职委员队伍建设的重心。调查发现新上岗残疾人专职委员结构更加合理,全身心投入工作岗位意识较强,但是残疾人事业相关理论素养和服务技能不足,开展工作力不从心,本文提出理论层面上需要加强残疾人专职委员专业化建设模式的研究,实践层面上需要积极推进残疾人专职委员专业化人才培养和培训工作,并重点在培训内容、形式和对象上提出了相关意见和建议。  相似文献   

中国残疾人社会保障问题研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文先从社会主义思想史的角度对马克思、恩格斯以及中国共产党人关于残疾人社会保障的基本思想作了简要的概括,然后历史地回顾了前苏联东欧、中国等国社会主义国家疾人社会保障实践的发展历程,着重对中国残疾人社会保障制度的局限性进行了系统的反思。文章就中国残疾人社会保障的模式选择提出了初步的改革性设想,同时也指出了建构中国残疾人社会保障体系所面临的矛盾与难点,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

深圳市福田区梅岭社区综合服务平台致力于开展针对社区老年人和残疾人的服务项目,开拓性很强.服务对象主要是H公司退休的职工,共有三千多人,常驻人口为两千多人,残疾人七十多人.社区内的高龄老人、行动不便的老人、不便出门的残疾人日间一般很少户外活动,大部分时间只是与家里的照顾者沟通,缺乏与社区内其他人群的交流,他们不  相似文献   

Deinstitutionalisation is represented as a major step toward social inclusion through the resettlement of disabled people residing in segregated large‐scale institutions into community‐based homes. By promoting the right to live in ordinary community residential settings, deinstitutionalisation fundamentally changes both the support services and housing arrangements of former institutional residents. In Australia, as in many western countries, debates on community care have tended to focus on the location and nature of non‐housing supports for people leaving dependent care. This focus, however, overlooks the fact that deinstitutionalisation involves a radical rehousing of people in care. This paper explores the character and implications of deinstitutionalisation in Australia as a rehousing process. It is based on a recent national research project that has examined the housing futures of people with intellectual disabilities who have been, or will be, deinstitutionalised. The paper considers the increasingly divergent socio‐political perspectives that have emerged in recent discussions about social inclusion, institutional reform and independent living and their implications for housing and community care policies.  相似文献   

“空巢”是中国科技与社会发展、独生子女政策落实的必然。日益增长的“空巢老人”为国家福利、代际和谐和社区照顾带来了严峻挑战。本文从社会保障的视角,采用健康自测量表(SRHMS),从生理、心理和社会健康的维度,对昆明市10所养老机构和18个社区的289位空巢老人和212名非空巢老人进行了比较分析,发现空巢老人社会健康与心理支持令人担忧。文章就构建“空巢老人”长期照顾网络作了讨论和建议。  相似文献   

憨老家庭是指老迈家属照顾智障者的家庭。本研究对憨老家庭物质条件、精神状态、家庭内部支持和家庭外部支持四个方面的生存状况做初步的了解。研究方法:选择三个憨老家庭进行半结构的个案访谈。结果:(1)憨老家庭有居住和经济收入等基本物质保障;(2)老年监护人和残障子女之间有很好的支持;(3)憨老家庭的社会保障和福利主要来源于国家对老年人的政策;(4)社会支持系统对憨老家庭的支持还有欠缺。  相似文献   

廖文君 《社会工作》2011,(12):58-60
残疾人是社会中的弱势群体。对残疾人的关爱程度体现着一个社会的文明和发展程度。在党和国家领导人的高度重视下,我国残疾人事业取得了较大的发展。但仍滞后于社会经济发展水平,主要体现在福利水平仍局限在保障残疾人最低限度生活的经济救济上,而对促进残疾人发展的教育和就业扶持不够。笔者从发展型社会政策视角出发对残疾人问题进行较为深入的探讨,提出要建立关爱残疾人的长效机制,鼓励投资于残疾人教育和职业培训的社会支持模式,以试图为残疾人社会问题的解决提供一个崭新的思路和途径。  相似文献   

Many people with disabilities do not identify themselves as disabled or choose not to be part of a politically active community of disabled persons. This paper discusses both the barriers to the formation of a social movement of disabled people and the ways in which these barriers have been overcome. The role of public policy in the evolution of this movement is discussed, as are the current status and prospects of the disability rights movement.  相似文献   

China is experiencing rapid population ageing and already has 44 million older people with disabilities aged over 59 years. Yet social support of these older people with disabilities is undeveloped and not well researched. This article contributes by using a disability rights framework (right to life and protection, economic security and social support) to analyze local cases in rural China. It finds that, although the family is still the main provider of economic and care support to rural older people with disabilities, the absence of a state role in welfare provision has negative impacts on the well‐being of older and younger generations in rural families.  相似文献   

This paper draws up a theoretical framework of citizenship, based on Marshall's thesis, that encompasses the idea of access to welfare services (using the example of community care services for disabled and older people) as a civil and social rights issue. The authors critically examine current policy developments in the NHS and local authorities under New Labour that emphasize partnership, particularly the proposals and provisions made in 'The New NHS' and 'Partnership in Action'. Their theoretical framework is used to explore issues concerning access to and the commissioning of health and social care services under New Labour. They conclude that the role of welfare professionals, particularly GPs and social services workers, and their relationships with service users, patients, carers and their families under New Labour presents a continuing challenge to the citizenship status of disabled and older people.  相似文献   

In attempting to establish a social security system that would function to smooth the transition from a planned to market economy, the government of China has, for most of the time in the past decades, focused its efforts on setting up social insurance programs in the urban areas. Along with the emergence of urban poverty since the mid 1990s, the emphasis of the government has shifted to means-tested social assistance programs as the major means to combat poverty and maintain social stability. However, with the absence of more equitable social and economic policies that can protect people against the many risks associated with a market economy, the role of social assistance is very limited.  相似文献   

This paper explores a citizen-based approach to social workwhich may counter modern negative managerialist pressures onpractice. It links the discourse concerning the growth of userinvolvement in public policy with the discourse about participationin political activity and suggests a role for social workersin supporting service users in initiatives such as self-help,campaigning and community action which offer a new interpretationof community-based social work. By engaging in this activity,health and social care professionals can support people to participatein emerging forms of active and inclusive citizenship. Whileparticipation in traditional political activity such as votingand political party membership is declining in the UK, peoplein marginalized groups are finding ways to have their voicesheard about issues which directly concern them. Increasingly,groups such as disabled people, older people and mental healthservice users/survivors are taking part in activity which marksa shift of focus to include both self-help and campaigning.In contrast to their disillusion with traditional politicalactivity, people across a range of groups have gained strengthand encouragement from campaigning achievements. The paper drawson a national research study which offers fresh insights onthese issues as a basis for exploring participative approachesto social work practice.  相似文献   

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