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What are the three hiring trends that trouble both human resources people and top management? From the "exploding job offer," to new hires who renege on their acceptances, to "front loading," these trends are predicted to continue, so where does this leave you in the salary negotiation process? From communicating often to interviewing more carefully, some suggestions are explored to help physician executives address these disturbing trends. There's still a sub rosa theory that only undesirable candidates back out of an offer. But that's no longer true and that attitude may make you short-handed!  相似文献   

欧洲跨国公司在华投资企业的环境管理及其影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以问卷调查与调研结果为依据,对欧洲跨国公司在中国的环境管理实践进行了较为深入的研究。作者认为,跨国公司的跨国界环境管理体系具有非强制性与指导性,而且就某个跨国公司而言,各地子公司的环境管理目标还因各子公司所在行业与地区的特点而异。在环境管理战略方面,多数跨国公司倾向于选择分散化或当地化的管理模式来适应不同的环境管理制度与环境标准,而不是国际一体化的环境管理模式。作者还认为,中国的环境管理体制与总部的环境管理政策决定着子公司的环境管理行为与环境表现。  相似文献   

Government institutions have responsibilities to distribute risk management funds meaningfully and to be accountable for their choices. We took a macro‐level sociological approach to understanding the role of government in managing environmental risks, and insights from micro‐level psychology to examine individual‐level risk‐related perceptions and beliefs. Survey data from 2,068 U.K. citizens showed that lay people's funding preferences were associated positively with beliefs about responsibility and trust, yet associations with perception varied depending on risk type. Moreover, there were risk‐specific differences in the funding preferences of the lay sample and 29 policymakers. A laboratory‐based study of 109 participants examined funding allocation in more detail through iterative presentation of expert information. Quantitative and qualitative data revealed a meso‐level framework comprising three types of decisionmakers who varied in their willingness to change funding allocation preferences following expert information: adaptors, responders, and resistors. This research highlights the relevance of integrated theoretical approaches to understanding the policy process, and the benefits of reflexive dialogue to managing environmental risks.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates tacit knowledge’s relevance in environmental management and explores how organisations can manage this knowledge. Through case studies it reveals how taking the tacit knowledge of employees into account can be particularly useful in three key areas of environmental management: the identification of pollution sources, the management of emergency situations and the development of preventive solutions. In order to take tacit environmental knowledge into account, firms must challenge the predominance of formal knowledge in the management of environmental problems and promote a climate of learning that encourages the recognition and sharing of employees’ experiences. The paper also presents a framework for the analysis of the creation, transfer and retention of tacit knowledge that is not limited to environmental knowledge management.  相似文献   

国际企业管理在世纪之交的新发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
世纪之交 ,我国正面临加入世贸组织 ,与国际经济接轨的新形势 ;国际上全球化进程正在加速 ,高新科技日新月异 ,网络的发展与普及 ,正在改变着我国企业的内外经营环境 ,冲击着多年来传统的经营理念、管理理论与管理方法 ,本文就企业战略、知识经济与知识工作者的出现 ,网络的兴起对企业管理的影响、对企业经营者的新要求 ,以及变幻莫测的市场中的不变之道等几个方面 ,阐述了当前国际企业管理的发展新趋势  相似文献   

This paper documents five major trends in the global environment, and examines the impact of each on the corporate strategies of multinational firms striving for higher rates of growth in corporate earnings. The five trends documented are: 1. shifts in economic activity and growth between and within regions of the world; 2. increasing demand for goods and services among the very poor in emerging markets; 3. a faster pace and wider locus of technological innovation; 4. Increasingly global labor markets; and 5. increasingly ubiquitous and inexpensive access to information and knowledge.Each of these trends presents multinational firms with a potentially new avenue for growth, or an avenue down which they should consider moving further and/or faster. These potentially new avenues for growth are encouraging managers of multinational firms to challenge the current corporate strategies of their firms, and examine the need to reorient or renew them. The paper discusses the strategic challenges associated with these new avenues for growth, and the need for more research on the concept of country risk, on the concepts of the transnational strategy and organizational structure, and on the challenges of very limited sustainable capacity to consume among the very poor.  相似文献   

Scholarly research on the topic of leadership has witnessed a dramatic increase over the last decade, resulting in the development of diverse leadership theories. To take stock of established and developing theories since the beginning of the new millennium, we conducted an extensive qualitative review of leadership theory across 10 top-tier academic publishing outlets that included The Leadership Quarterly, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Psychologist, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organizational Science, and Personnel Psychology. We then combined two existing frameworks (Gardner, Lowe, Moss, Mahoney, & Cogliser, 2010; Lord & Dinh, 2012) to provide a process-oriented framework that emphasizes both forms of emergence and levels of analysis as a means to integrate diverse leadership theories. We then describe the implications of the findings for future leadership research and theory.  相似文献   

转型经济中的企业环境战略动机:中国实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,企业环境管理已成为全球战略学者和管理学者广泛研究的主题.本文以中国转型经济为背景,运用制度理论、激励理论、资源基础观和利益相关者理论等,分析了中国转型期不同类型的企业,特别是私有企业和国有企业在制定环境管理战略决策时的动机,并通过数据实证分析了相关假设,结果表明,遵守监管是目前中国企业的主要环境管理动机;私营企业相对国企较重视经济效益优化,国企则明显以遵从监管法规为主要出发点.因此,中国转型经济中,推进环境管理首先需要进一步完善环境政策和环境管理法规,同时,对不同所有制的企业采取分类管理的政策.最后,论文对进一步研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

An important requisite for improving risk communication practice related to contentious environmental issues is having a better theoretical understanding of how risk perceptions function in real‐world social systems. Our study applied Scherer and Cho's social network contagion theory of risk perception (SNCTRP) to cormorant management (a contentious environmental management issue) in the Great Lakes Basin to: (1) assess contagion effects on cormorant‐related risk perceptions and individual factors believed to influence those perceptions and (2) explore the extent of social contagion in a full network (consisting of interactions between and among experts and laypeople) and three “isolated” models separating different types of interactions from the full network (i.e., expert‐to‐expert, layperson‐to‐layperson, and expert‐to‐layperson). We conducted interviews and administered questionnaires with experts (e.g., natural resource professionals) and laypeople (e.g., recreational and commercial anglers, business owners, bird enthusiasts) engaged in cormorant management in northern Lake Huron (n = 115). Our findings generally support the SNCTRP; however, the scope and scale of social contagion varied considerably based on the variables (e.g., individual risk perception factors), actors (i.e., experts or laypeople), and interactions of interest. Contagion effects were identified more frequently, and were stronger, in the models containing interactions between experts and laypeople than in those models containing only interactions among experts or laypeople.  相似文献   

Environmental policymakers and regulators are often in the position of having to prioritize their actions across a diverse range of environmental pressures to secure environmental protection and improvements. Information on environmental issues to inform this type of strategic analysis can be disparate; it may be too voluminous or even absent. Data on a range of issues are rarely presented in a common format that allows easy analysis and comparison. Nevertheless, judgments are required on the significance of various environmental pressures and on the inherent uncertainties to inform strategic assessments such as “state of the environment” reports. How can decisionmakers go about this type of strategic and comparative risk analysis? In an attempt to provide practical tools for the analysis of environmental risks at a strategic level, the Environment Agency of England and Wales has conducted a program of developmental research on strategic risk assessment since 1996. The tools developed under this program use the concept of “environmental harm” as a common metric, viewed from technical, social, and economic perspectives, to analyze impacts from a range of environmental pressures. Critical to an informed debate on the relative importance of these perspectives is an understanding and analysis of the various characteristics of harm (spatial and temporal extent, reversibility, latency, etc.) and of the social response to actual or potential environmental harm from a range of hazards. Recent developments in our approach, described herein, allow a presentation of the analysis in a structured fashion so as to better inform risk‐management decisions.  相似文献   

Using data from interviews with a key set of individuals at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this study examines intraagency views about the incorporation of risk assessment and benefit-cost analysis in environment management.  相似文献   

Ever since the Rio summit, biodiversity has become a buzzword for conservation management. Through the UK's own Biodiversity Action Plans, specific habitats flora and fauna have been identified, which require protection or are in need of enhancement to maintain their existence. This article examines biodiversity in relation to tourism. Center Parcs UK, have developed their own unique Forest Management Plans, corporate Biodiversity Action Targets and annual Ecological Monitoring studies. The latter have identified outstanding examples of flora and fauna of national and local interest, which have colonised Center Parcs' sites after the construction phase. In this article, Center Parcs clearly demonstrate that biodiversity can be achieved at a local level, which is where a significant impact can be made, against the global context of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Driven by differing statutory mandates and programmatic separation of regulatory responsibilities between federal, state, and tribal agencies, distinct chemical and radiation risk management strategies have evolved. In the field this separation poses real challenges since many of the major environmental risk management decisions we face today require the evaluation of both types of risks. Over the last decade, federal, state, and tribal agencies have continued to discuss their different approaches and explore areas where their activities could be harmonized. The current framework for managing public exposures to chemical carcinogens has been referred to as a "bottom up approach." Risk between 10(-4) and 10(-6) is established as an upper bound goal. In contrast, a "top down" approach that sets an upper bound dose limit and couples with site specific As Low As Reasonably Achievable Principle (ALARA), is in place to manage individual exposure to radiation. While radiation risk are typically managed on a cumulative basis, exposure to chemicals is generally managed on a chemical-by-chemical, medium-by-medium basis. There are also differences in the nature and size of sites where chemical and radiation contamination is found. Such differences result in divergent management concerns. In spite of these differences, there are several common and practical concerns among radiation and chemical risk managers. They include 1) the issue of cost for site redevelopment and long-term stewardship, 2) public acceptance and involvement, and 3) the need for flexible risk management framework to address the first two issues. This article attempts to synthesize key differences, opportunities for harmonization, and challenges ahead.  相似文献   

In this study, we empirically examine the relations between trust, fairness, and cooperation within two environmental risk management contexts, one in which the focal issue is of high personal moral importance and the other in which the focal issue is of low moral importance. Using an experimental design embedded in two parallel survey questionnaires, one mailed to residents of Washington State, the other to German‐speaking residents of Switzerland, we either manipulated or constructed three factors, issue importance (high/low), procedural fairness (fair/unfair), and policy outcome (risk averse/risk accepting). This design enabled us to compare the predictions of the standard account of procedural fairness, that trust and cooperation are determined by judgments of fairness, with the predictions of an alternative account, that trust and cooperation will be determined by judgments of procedural fairness only when the issue involved is not morally important. Results for the American case showed that under conditions of high issue importance, policy outcome affected judged fairness, trust, and cooperation. Under conditions of low issue importance, policy outcome had no effect on judged fairness or trust but did have a moderate impact on cooperation. Analyses also showed that when issue importance was high, procedural fairness had no effects. When issue importance was low, procedural fairness had moderate effects on judged fairness and trust. Results for the Swiss case replicated the main findings for the American case. Together, these results support the alternative model of the relation between trust and fairness, suggesting that the efficacy of fair procedures is strictly limited.  相似文献   

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